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[05/22,v3] support/download/git: handle git attributes

Message ID 3b55368245c1e5623a9a1d341ffdf746d654e487.1714858818.git.yann.morin.1998@free.fr
State Accepted
Headers show
Series support/download: extend download features and reproducibility (branch yem/git-attributes-2) | expand

Commit Message

Yann E. MORIN May 4, 2024, 9:40 p.m. UTC
Files in a git repository can be given attributes, like the usual eol
that can convert to-from crlf, cr, lf; those are applied when comitting
or checking-out a file.

There are also two attributes that are meant to be used when generating
an archive (with git archive): export-subst, and export-ignore, that
respectively substitutes format placeholders in a file, and excludes a
file from the archive.

Some package (e.g. pcm-tools, luajit) use the export-subst attribute
to generate versioning information. luajit, specifically, uses the UNIX
timestamp of the commit as the patch-level for its semantic versioning.

We don't use git-archive, because we need to get submodules and LFS
blob, which git-archive does not handle. So, our git backend tries to
impersonate git-archive as much as possible, but the support for git
attributes was lost when we converted it from using git-archive to
manually creating the tarball in 3abd5ba42434 (support/download/git: do
not use git archive, handle it manually) in preparation for f109e7eeb53e
(support/download/git: add support for submodules) (arguably, a long
time ago...)

Extend the git backend to handle the export-subst attribute. There is
no git tool (that we could find) that does that automatically, except
git-archive, which we can't use; "git check-attr" however can report
whether a file has a specific attribute (and git check-attr can work
with \0-delimited fields and records).

So, we iterate over all the files in the repository, and filter those
that have the export-subst attribute set. Then for each file, we use a
bit of awk to do the replacement:

  - for each line (managed natively by awk), we iterate over each
    format placeholder,
  - for each placeholer, we query "git log" with the requested format,
  - we emit the replacement.

When doing the replacement, we decided to force abbreviating short
hashes to 40 chars, which is the length of a full sha1, rather than
actually abbreviating them:

  - letting git decide of the length is not reproducible over time:
    - as new commits are added, the short length will increase to avoid
    - newer git versions may decide on a different heuristic to shorten
    - users may have local settings with an arbitrary length (in their
      ~/.gitconfig for example);

  - deciding on our side of an "small" arbitrary value would not be
    viable long term either, as it might be too large to be minimum, or
    too short to avoid collisions.

The only reproducible solution is to use unabbreviated hashes.

Handling git-attributes also implies that the format of the generated
archives has changed, since we now expand placeholders, so we bump our
git format version.

Hash files for all git-downloaded packages will be updated in followup

Of all our git-downloaded packages, 5 are affected, and their hashes
will be updated in a followup commit too:

  - pcm-tools, which was known, and the one that triggered this commit;
    since we now expand placeholders, we can drop the post-extract hook;
    switching to a full hash in replacements also changes the hash of
    the generated archive;

  - qt5knx, qt5location, qt5mqtt, and qt5opcua: the file .tag at the
    repository root, contains only the full hash placeholder; that file
    is not used at all during the build (AFAICS);

Finally, a sixth package, luajit, uses export-subst; it currently relies
on the github-generated archive (because it happens to currently use a
format that is reproducible); it will also be converted in a follow-up

Signed-off-by: Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
Cc: Woody Douglass <wdouglass@carnegierobotics.com>
Cc: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@bootlin.com>
Cc: Francois Perrad <fperrad@gmail.com>
Cc: Arnout Vandecappelle (Essensium/Mind) <arnout@mind.be>
Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout@mind.be>
 package/pkg-download.mk |  2 +-
 support/download/git    | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/package/pkg-download.mk b/package/pkg-download.mk
index 30eeb6b1fc..9047e99f86 100644
--- a/package/pkg-download.mk
+++ b/package/pkg-download.mk
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@  export LOCALFILES := $(call qstrip,$(BR2_LOCALFILES))
 # Version of the format of the archives we generate in the corresponding
 # download backend:
-BR_FMT_VERSION_git = -br1
+BR_FMT_VERSION_git = -br2
 BR_FMT_VERSION_svn = -br3
 DL_WRAPPER = support/download/dl-wrapper
diff --git a/support/download/git b/support/download/git
index 6654d98a00..8134c07214 100755
--- a/support/download/git
+++ b/support/download/git
@@ -226,6 +226,66 @@  if [ ${large_file} -eq 1 ]; then
+# Find files that are affected by the export-subst git-attribute.
+# There might be a .gitattribute at the root of the repository, as well
+# as in any arbitrary sub-directory, whether from the master repository
+# or a submodule.
+# "git check-attr -z" outputs results using \0 as separator for everything,
+# so there is no difference between field or records (but there is a
+# trailing \0):
+#   path_1\0attr_name\0attr_state\0path_2\0attr_name\0attr_state\0....
+mapfile -d "" files < <(
+    set -o pipefail  # Constrained to this sub-shell
+    find . -print0 \
+    |_plain_git check-attr --stdin -z export-subst \
+    |(i=0
+      while read -r -d "" val; do
+        case "$((i++%3))" in
+          (0)   path="${val}";;
+          (1)   ;; # Attribute name, always "export-subst", as requested
+          (2)
+            if [ "${val}" = "set" ]; then
+                printf "%s\0" "${path}"
+            fi;;
+        esac
+      done
+     )
+# Replace format hints in those files. Always use the master repository
+# as the source of the git metadata, even for files found in submodules
+# as this is the most practical: there is no way to chdir() in (g)awk,
+# and recomputing GIT_DIR for each submodule would really be tedious...
+# There might be any arbitrary number of hints on each line, so iterate
+# over those one by one.
+for f in "${files[@]}"; do
+    TZ=UTC \
+    LC_ALL=C \
+    GIT_DIR="${git_cache}/.git" \
+    awk -v GIT="${GIT}" '
+    {
+        l = $(0);
+        while( (i = match(l, /\$Format:[^\$]+\$/)) > 0 ) {
+            len = RLENGTH;
+            printf("%s", substr(l, 1, i-1) );
+            fmt = substr(l, i, RLENGTH);
+            pretty = substr(fmt, 9, length(fmt)-9);
+            cmd = GIT " -c core.abbrev=40 log -s -n1 --pretty=format:'\''" pretty "'\''";
+            while ( (cmd | getline replace) > 0) {
+                printf("%s", replace);
+            }
+            ret = close(cmd);
+            if (ret != 0) {
+                printf("%s:%d: error while executing command \"%s\"\n", FILENAME, NR, cmd) > "/dev/stderr";
+                exit 1;
+            }
+            l = substr(l, i+len);
+        }
+        printf("%s\n", l);
+    }
+    ' "${f}" >"${f}.br-temp"
+    mv -f "${f}.br-temp" "${f}"
 popd >/dev/null
 # Generate the archive.