diff mbox

[v2,2/4] webkit: bump to version 2.4.3

Message ID 1405697979-23957-3-git-send-email-hadrien.boutteville@gmail.com
State Superseded
Headers show

Commit Message

Hadrien Boutteville July 18, 2014, 3:39 p.m. UTC
WebKit needs at least GCC in version 4.8 to build:
The package can't depends on a specific GCC version with external
toolchains so add a comment in the help menu.

Remove all patches because they are applied upstream in this version.

Signed-off-by: Hadrien Boutteville <hadrien.boutteville@gmail.com>
Cc: Thomas Petazzoni <thomas.petazzoni@free-electrons.com>
Cc: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
There is still a weird problem with WebKit: parallel make with Make
3.81 results in a make hang on:
  CXXLD libWebCoreSVG.la
This is reproducible.
 package/webkit/Config.in                           |   16 +-
 ...ebkit-0001-build-fix-for-32-bit-autotools.patch |   34 -
 .../webkit-0002-build-fix-for-gtklauncher.patch    |   51 -
 .../webkit/webkit-0003-detect-harfbuzz-icu.patch   |   28 -
 package/webkit/webkit-0004-disable-docrebase.patch |   27 -
 package/webkit/webkit-0005-disable-tests.patch     |   80 --
 package/webkit/webkit-0006-execinfo_h.patch        |   20 -
 package/webkit/webkit-0007-mips-dfg.patch          | 1490 --------------------
 package/webkit/webkit-0008-support-bison-3.0.patch |   22 -
 package/webkit/webkit.mk                           |   67 +-
 10 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 1797 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0001-build-fix-for-32-bit-autotools.patch
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0002-build-fix-for-gtklauncher.patch
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0003-detect-harfbuzz-icu.patch
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0004-disable-docrebase.patch
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0005-disable-tests.patch
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0006-execinfo_h.patch
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0007-mips-dfg.patch
 delete mode 100644 package/webkit/webkit-0008-support-bison-3.0.patch
diff mbox


diff --git a/package/webkit/Config.in b/package/webkit/Config.in
index c86eb94..3df760e 100644
--- a/package/webkit/Config.in
+++ b/package/webkit/Config.in
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@  config BR2_PACKAGE_WEBKIT
 	depends on BR2_USE_WCHAR # enchant -> libglib2
 	depends on BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS # enchant -> libglib2; icu
-	depends on BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTK2
 	depends on !BR2_BINFMT_FLAT # icu
@@ -31,8 +31,10 @@  config BR2_PACKAGE_WEBKIT
 	  WebKit is an open source, standards compliant web browser engine.
@@ -41,7 +43,9 @@  config BR2_PACKAGE_WEBKIT
-comment "webkit needs libgtk2 and a toolchain w/ C++, wchar, threads"
+	  WebKit needs at least GCC 4.8 to build.
+comment "webkit needs libgtk2 or libgtk3 and a toolchain w/ C++, wchar, threads"
+	depends on !(BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTK2 || BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTK3) || \
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0001-build-fix-for-32-bit-autotools.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0001-build-fix-for-32-bit-autotools.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d7765ea..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0001-build-fix-for-32-bit-autotools.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ 
-Add missing symbol for WebCore::TextIterator::getLocationAndLengthFromRange
-Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <markos.chandras@imgtec.com>
-From f5bb58f9096061f00c948e668335811d364ba360 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "kov@webkit.org" <kov@webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
-Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 13:48:46 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Unreviewed build fix after r141196 for 32 bits autotools.
-* Source/autotools/symbols.filter: restore 32 bits version of the
-WebCore::Range const*, unsigned int&, unsigned int&) symbol.
-git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@142105 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- ChangeLog                       | 8 ++++++++
- Source/autotools/symbols.filter | 1 +
- 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/Source/autotools/symbols.filter b/Source/autotools/symbols.filter
-index 9d730b3..2edefaf 100644
---- a/Source/autotools/symbols.filter
-+++ b/Source/autotools/symbols.filter
-@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ _ZN7WebCore11HistoryItem16setDocumentStateERKN3WTF6VectorINS1_6StringELj0EEE;
- _ZN7WebCore11HistoryItem16setDocumentStateERKN3WTF6VectorINS1_6StringELm0EEE;
- _ZN7WebCore11MemoryCache14resourceForURLERKNS_4KURLE;
- _ZN7WebCore12TextIterator26rangeFromLocationAndLengthEPNS_13ContainerNodeEiib;
- _ZN7WebCore12TextIterator29getLocationAndLengthFromRangeEPNS_4NodeEPKNS_5RangeERmS6_;
- _ZN7WebCore12PrintContext20pageNumberForElementEPNS_7ElementERKNS_9FloatSizeE;
- _ZN7WebCore13createWrapperEPN3JSC9ExecStateEPNS_17JSDOMGlobalObjectEPNS_4NodeE;
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0002-build-fix-for-gtklauncher.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0002-build-fix-for-gtklauncher.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a840b6..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0002-build-fix-for-gtklauncher.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ 
-Make gstreamer support conditional
-Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <markos.chandras@imgtec.com>
-From f1055f61bce46eccf8dc0aa017113a08d3d71944 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "commit-queue@webkit.org"
- <commit-queue@webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
-Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 07:13:51 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Build fix for Tools/GtkLauncher/Programs_GtkLauncher-main.o
- if gstreamer is not installed https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=112394
-Patch by Tobias Mueller <tobiasmue@gnome.org> on 2013-03-15
-Reviewed by Philippe Normand.
-* GtkLauncher/main.c:
-(main): Guard using the gstreamer function with #ifdef WTF_USE_GSTREAMER
-git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@145881 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- Tools/ChangeLog          | 10 ++++++++++
- Tools/GtkLauncher/main.c |  5 ++++-
- 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Tools/GtkLauncher/main.c b/Tools/GtkLauncher/main.c
-index 32baf4a..84c8833 100644
---- a/Tools/GtkLauncher/main.c
-+++ b/Tools/GtkLauncher/main.c
-@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
- #include "autotoolsconfig.h"
- #include "LauncherInspectorWindow.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <gst/gst.h>
- #include <gtk/gtk.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
-@@ -489,8 +491,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-     GOptionContext *context = g_option_context_new(0);
-     g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, commandLineOptions, 0);
-     g_option_context_add_group(context, gtk_get_option_group(TRUE));
-     g_option_context_add_group(context, gst_init_get_option_group());
-     webkitSettings = webkit_web_settings_new();
-     g_object_set(webkitSettings, "enable-developer-extras", TRUE, NULL);
-     if (!addWebSettingsGroupToContext(context, webkitSettings)) {
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0003-detect-harfbuzz-icu.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0003-detect-harfbuzz-icu.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dc93c67..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0003-detect-harfbuzz-icu.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ 
-harfbuzz-icu detections based on the following upstream commits
-- 5f3ae29ffb29c499c1825578ba7f3ffcbf1aa8b9
-- ad2a23ec44b692bde43a13b658990770caa8dfc5
-- 22b4786377142424bfb6562ff029997acd0846d1
-Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <markos.chandras@imgtec.com>
-Index: webkit-1.11.5/configure.ac
---- webkit-1.11.5.orig/configure.ac
-+++ webkit-1.11.5/configure.ac
-@@ -938,6 +938,15 @@ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([FREETYPE],
-                   freetype2 >= $FREETYPE2_REQUIRED_VERSION
-                   harfbuzz])
- fi
-+# HarfBuzz 0.9.18 splits harbuzz-icu into a separate library.
-+# Since we support earlier HarfBuzz versions we keep this conditional for now.
-+m4_define([harfbuzz_required_version], [0.9.7])
-+if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-version 0.9.18 harfbuzz; then
-+	PKG_CHECK_MODULES([HARFBUZZ_ICU], [harfbuzz-icu >= $harfbuzz_required_version])
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0004-disable-docrebase.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0004-disable-docrebase.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2692d61..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0004-disable-docrebase.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ 
-This patch prevents documentation from being rebased or installed. This
-prevents an error when gtk-doc --rebase is called.
-Signed-off-by: Spenser Gilliland <spenser@gillilanding.com>
-Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <markos.chandras@imgtec.com>
-Index: webkit-1.11.5/Tools/GNUmakefile.am
---- webkit-1.11.5.orig/Tools/GNUmakefile.am
-+++ webkit-1.11.5/Tools/GNUmakefile.am
-@@ -308,6 +308,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
- 	Tools/Scripts/webkit-build-directory \
- 	Tools/Scripts/webkitdirs.pm
- docs: docs-build.stamp
- .PHONY : docs
- DISTCLEANFILES += docs-build.stamp
-@@ -412,7 +414,6 @@ if ENABLE_WEBKIT2
- 	rm -rf $${installdir}
- endif
- all: docs-build.stamp
- endif
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0005-disable-tests.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0005-disable-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa6daa..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0005-disable-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ 
-This prevents the Webkit test suites from being built.
-Signed-off-by: Spenser Gilliland <spenser@gillilanding.com>
-Index: webkit-1.9.6/GNUmakefile.am
---- webkit-1.9.6.orig/GNUmakefile.am	2012-08-06 03:17:24.000000000 -0500
-+++ webkit-1.9.6/GNUmakefile.am	2013-05-28 10:08:53.645129501 -0500
-@@ -282,11 +282,14 @@
- include Tools/DumpRenderTree/gtk/GNUmakefile.ImageDiff.am
- include Source/WebKit2/GNUmakefile.am
--include Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/gtk/tests/GNUmakefile.am
- include Tools/MiniBrowser/gtk/GNUmakefile.am
-+include Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/gtk/tests/GNUmakefile.am
- include Tools/WebKitTestRunner/GNUmakefile.am
- include Source/ThirdParty/gtest/GNUmakefile.am
- include Tools/TestWebKitAPI/GNUmakefile.am
-+endif # ENABLE_TESTS
- # [GTK] Refactor the translations now that we have webkit2
- # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55153
-Index: webkit-1.9.6/Source/WebKit/gtk/GNUmakefile.am
---- webkit-1.9.6.orig/Source/WebKit/gtk/GNUmakefile.am	2012-07-19 05:02:29.000000000 -0500
-+++ webkit-1.9.6/Source/WebKit/gtk/GNUmakefile.am	2013-05-28 10:09:49.277130516 -0500
-@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@
- dist_resources_DATA = \
- 	$(shell ls $(srcdir)/Source/WebKit/gtk/resources/*.html)
- # Build unit tests
- webkit_tests_cflags = \
- 	-fno-strict-aliasing \
-@@ -613,6 +614,8 @@
- Programs_unittests_testcopyandpaste_LDADD = $(webkit_tests_ldadd)
- Programs_unittests_testcopyandpaste_LDFLAGS = $(webkit_tests_ldflags)
-+endif # ENABLE_TESTS
- # Project-wide clean rules
- # Files that will be cleaned
-Index: webkit-1.9.6/configure.ac
---- webkit-1.9.6.orig/configure.ac	2012-08-06 08:45:10.000000000 -0500
-+++ webkit-1.9.6/configure.ac	2013-05-28 10:07:55.817128445 -0500
-@@ -516,6 +516,14 @@
-+# check wheter to build tests
-+AC_MSG_CHECKING([wheter to build tests])
-+              AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-tests],
-+                             [turn on tests [default=no]]),
-+              [],[enable_debug="no"])
- # check whether to build with debugging enabled
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to do a debug build])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug,
-@@ -1423,6 +1431,7 @@
- AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_FARSTREAM], [test "$have_farstream" = "yes"])
- # WebKit feature conditionals
-+AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_TESTS],[test "$enable_tests" = "yes"])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_DEBUG],[test "$enable_debug_features" = "yes"])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_UNSTABLE_FEATURES],[test "$enable_unstable_features" = "yes"])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_WEBGL],[test "$enable_webgl" = "yes"])
-@@ -1534,6 +1543,7 @@
- WebKit was configured with the following options:
- Build configuration:
-+ Enable tests (slow)                                      : $enable_tests
-  Enable debugging (slow)                                  : $enable_debug
-  Compile with debug symbols (slow)                        : $enable_debug_symbols
-  Enable debug features (slow)                             : $enable_debug_features
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0006-execinfo_h.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0006-execinfo_h.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f5508a1..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0006-execinfo_h.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ 
-Fixes uclibc build as uclibc does not include backtrace functionality
-Signed-of-by: Spenser Gilliland <spenser@gillilanding.com>
-Signed-of-by: Markos Chandras <markos.chandras@imgtec.com>
-Index: webkit-1.11.5/Source/WTF/wtf/Assertions.cpp
---- webkit-1.11.5.orig/Source/WTF/wtf/Assertions.cpp
-+++ webkit-1.11.5/Source/WTF/wtf/Assertions.cpp
-@@ -61,8 +61,10 @@
- #if (OS(DARWIN) || (OS(LINUX) && !defined(__UCLIBC__))) && !OS(ANDROID)
- #include <cxxabi.h>
- #include <dlfcn.h>
-+#if !defined(__UCLIBC__)
- #include <execinfo.h>
- #endif
- #include "android/log.h"
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0007-mips-dfg.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0007-mips-dfg.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3925951..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0007-mips-dfg.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1490 +0,0 @@ 
-Upstream patch for DFG implementation for MIPS
-Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <markos.chandras@imgtec.com>
-From c921d19863ccf66bdd0ffa5d38eaf05efab6b136 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "commit-queue@webkit.org"
- <commit-queue@webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
-Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 19:25:23 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] MIPS DFG implementation.
- https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101328
-Patch by Balazs Kilvady <kilvadyb@homejinni.com> on 2013-02-18
-Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
-DFG implementation for MIPS.
-* assembler/MIPSAssembler.h:
-* assembler/MacroAssembler.h:
-* assembler/MacroAssemblerMIPS.h:
-* dfg/DFGAssemblyHelpers.h:
-* dfg/DFGCCallHelpers.h:
-* dfg/DFGFPRInfo.h:
-* dfg/DFGGPRInfo.h:
-* dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h:
-* jit/JSInterfaceJIT.h:
-* runtime/JSGlobalData.h:
-* wtf/Platform.h:
-git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@143247 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog                    |  90 ++++
- Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MIPSAssembler.h    | 109 ++++-
- Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssembler.h   |   7 +
- .../JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssemblerMIPS.h  | 480 +++++++++++++++++++--
- Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGAssemblyHelpers.h     |  19 +-
- Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGCCallHelpers.h        |  92 ++--
- Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGFPRInfo.h             |  68 +++
- Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGGPRInfo.h             |  67 +++
- Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h      |   4 +-
- Source/JavaScriptCore/jit/JSInterfaceJIT.h         |   4 +
- Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSGlobalData.h       |   6 +-
- Source/WTF/ChangeLog                               |  11 +
- Source/WTF/wtf/Platform.h                          |   4 +
- 13 files changed, 888 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MIPSAssembler.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MIPSAssembler.h
-index 026f87e..7f553bb 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MIPSAssembler.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MIPSAssembler.h
-@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ public:
-     typedef SegmentedVector<AssemblerLabel, 64> Jumps;
-     MIPSAssembler()
-+        : m_indexOfLastWatchpoint(INT_MIN)
-+        , m_indexOfTailOfLastWatchpoint(INT_MIN)
-     {
-     }
-@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ public:
-         emitInst(0x00000000 | (rd << OP_SH_RD) | (rt << OP_SH_RT) | ((shamt & 0x1f) << OP_SH_SHAMT));
-     }
--    void sllv(RegisterID rd, RegisterID rt, int rs)
-+    void sllv(RegisterID rd, RegisterID rt, RegisterID rs)
-     {
-         emitInst(0x00000004 | (rd << OP_SH_RD) | (rt << OP_SH_RT) | (rs << OP_SH_RS));
-     }
-@@ -527,6 +529,16 @@ public:
-         emitInst(0x46200004 | (fd << OP_SH_FD) | (fs << OP_SH_FS));
-     }
-+    void movd(FPRegisterID fd, FPRegisterID fs)
-+    {
-+        emitInst(0x46200006 | (fd << OP_SH_FD) | (fs << OP_SH_FS));
-+    }
-+    void negd(FPRegisterID fd, FPRegisterID fs)
-+    {
-+        emitInst(0x46200007 | (fd << OP_SH_FD) | (fs << OP_SH_FS));
-+    }
-     void truncwd(FPRegisterID fd, FPRegisterID fs)
-     {
-         emitInst(0x4620000d | (fd << OP_SH_FD) | (fs << OP_SH_FS));
-@@ -619,9 +631,24 @@ public:
-         return m_buffer.label();
-     }
-+    AssemblerLabel labelForWatchpoint()
-+    {
-+        AssemblerLabel result = m_buffer.label();
-+        if (static_cast<int>(result.m_offset) != m_indexOfLastWatchpoint)
-+            result = label();
-+        m_indexOfLastWatchpoint = result.m_offset;
-+        m_indexOfTailOfLastWatchpoint = result.m_offset + maxJumpReplacementSize();
-+        return result;
-+    }
-     AssemblerLabel label()
-     {
--        return m_buffer.label();
-+        AssemblerLabel result = m_buffer.label();
-+        while (UNLIKELY(static_cast<int>(result.m_offset) < m_indexOfTailOfLastWatchpoint)) {
-+            nop();
-+            result = m_buffer.label();
-+        }
-+        return result;
-     }
-     AssemblerLabel align(int alignment)
-@@ -664,14 +691,24 @@ public:
-     // Assembly helpers for moving data between fp and registers.
-     void vmov(RegisterID rd1, RegisterID rd2, FPRegisterID rn)
-     {
-+        mfc1(rd1, rn);
-+        mfhc1(rd2, rn);
-         mfc1(rd1, rn);
-         mfc1(rd2, FPRegisterID(rn + 1));
-     }
-     void vmov(FPRegisterID rd, RegisterID rn1, RegisterID rn2)
-     {
-+        mtc1(rn1, rd);
-+        mthc1(rn2, rd);
-         mtc1(rn1, rd);
-         mtc1(rn2, FPRegisterID(rd + 1));
-     }
-     static unsigned getCallReturnOffset(AssemblerLabel call)
-@@ -688,6 +725,35 @@ public:
-     // writable region of memory; to modify the code in an execute-only execuable
-     // pool the 'repatch' and 'relink' methods should be used.
-+    static size_t linkDirectJump(void* code, void* to)
-+    {
-+        MIPSWord* insn = reinterpret_cast<MIPSWord*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(code));
-+        size_t ops = 0;
-+        int32_t slotAddr = reinterpret_cast<int>(insn) + 4;
-+        int32_t toAddr = reinterpret_cast<int>(to);
-+        if ((slotAddr & 0xf0000000) != (toAddr & 0xf0000000)) {
-+            // lui
-+            *insn = 0x3c000000 | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RT) | ((toAddr >> 16) & 0xffff);
-+            ++insn;
-+            // ori
-+            *insn = 0x34000000 | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RT) | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RS) | (toAddr & 0xffff);
-+            ++insn;
-+            // jr
-+            *insn = 0x00000008 | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RS);
-+            ++insn;
-+            ops = 4 * sizeof(MIPSWord);
-+        } else {
-+            // j
-+            *insn = 0x08000000 | ((toAddr & 0x0fffffff) >> 2);
-+            ++insn;
-+            ops = 2 * sizeof(MIPSWord);
-+        }
-+        // nop
-+        *insn = 0x00000000;
-+        return ops;
-+    }
-     void linkJump(AssemblerLabel from, AssemblerLabel to)
-     {
-         ASSERT(to.isSet());
-@@ -825,29 +891,36 @@ public:
- #endif
-     }
--    static void revertJumpToMove(void* instructionStart, RegisterID rt, int imm)
-+    static ptrdiff_t maxJumpReplacementSize()
-     {
--        MIPSWord* insn = static_cast<MIPSWord*>(instructionStart) + 1;
--        ASSERT((*insn & 0xfc000000) == 0x34000000);
--        *insn = (*insn & 0xfc1f0000) | (imm & 0xffff);
--        cacheFlush(insn, sizeof(MIPSWord));
-+        return sizeof(MIPSWord) * 4;
-     }
--    static void replaceWithJump(void* instructionStart, void* to)
-+    static void revertJumpToMove(void* instructionStart, RegisterID rt, int imm)
-     {
--        MIPSWord* instruction = reinterpret_cast<MIPSWord*>(instructionStart);
--        intptr_t jumpTo = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(to);
-+        MIPSWord* insn = static_cast<MIPSWord*>(instructionStart);
-+        size_t codeSize = 2 * sizeof(MIPSWord);
-         // lui
--        instruction[0] = 0x3c000000 | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RT) | ((jumpTo >> 16) & 0xffff);
-+        *insn = 0x3c000000 | (rt << OP_SH_RT) | ((imm >> 16) & 0xffff);
-+        ++insn;
-         // ori
--        instruction[1] = 0x34000000 | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RT) | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RS) | (jumpTo & 0xffff);
--        // jr
--        instruction[2] = 0x00000008 | (MIPSRegisters::t9 << OP_SH_RS);
--        // nop
--        instruction[3] = 0x0;
-+        *insn = 0x34000000 | (rt << OP_SH_RS) | (rt << OP_SH_RT) | (imm & 0xffff);
-+        ++insn;
-+        // if jr $t9
-+        if (*insn == 0x03200008) {
-+            *insn = 0x00000000;
-+            codeSize += sizeof(MIPSWord);
-+        }
-+        cacheFlush(insn, codeSize);
-+    }
--        cacheFlush(instruction, sizeof(MIPSWord) * 4);
-+    static void replaceWithJump(void* instructionStart, void* to)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT(!(bitwise_cast<uintptr_t>(instructionStart) & 3));
-+        ASSERT(!(bitwise_cast<uintptr_t>(to) & 3));
-+        size_t ops = linkDirectJump(instructionStart, to);
-+        cacheFlush(instructionStart, ops);
-     }
-     static void replaceWithLoad(void* instructionStart)
-@@ -1023,6 +1096,8 @@ private:
-     AssemblerBuffer m_buffer;
-     Jumps m_jumps;
-+    int m_indexOfLastWatchpoint;
-+    int m_indexOfTailOfLastWatchpoint;
- };
- } // namespace JSC
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssembler.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssembler.h
-index 60a93db..1f0c3de 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssembler.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssembler.h
-@@ -200,6 +200,13 @@ public:
-     }
- #endif
-+#if CPU(MIPS)
-+    void poke(FPRegisterID src, int index = 0)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT(!(index & 1));
-+        storeDouble(src, addressForPoke(index));
-+    }
-     // Backwards banches, these are currently all implemented using existing forwards branch mechanisms.
-     void branchPtr(RelationalCondition cond, RegisterID op1, TrustedImmPtr imm, Label target)
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssemblerMIPS.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssemblerMIPS.h
-index 43ad434..4f14960 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssemblerMIPS.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssemblerMIPS.h
-@@ -114,6 +114,11 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.addu(dest, dest, src);
-     }
-+    void add32(RegisterID op1, RegisterID op2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.addu(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-     void add32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         add32(imm, dest, dest);
-@@ -267,6 +272,11 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.andInsn(dest, dest, src);
-     }
-+    void and32(RegisterID op1, RegisterID op2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.andInsn(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-     void and32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         if (!imm.m_value && !m_fixedWidth)
-@@ -283,9 +293,16 @@ public:
-         }
-     }
--    void lshift32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-+    void and32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-     {
--        m_assembler.sll(dest, dest, imm.m_value);
-+        if (!imm.m_value && !m_fixedWidth)
-+            move(MIPSRegisters::zero, dest);
-+        else if (imm.m_value > 0 && imm.m_value < 65535 && !m_fixedWidth)
-+            m_assembler.andi(dest, src, imm.m_value);
-+        else {
-+            move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+            m_assembler.andInsn(dest, src, immTempRegister);
-+        }
-     }
-     void lshift32(RegisterID shiftAmount, RegisterID dest)
-@@ -293,11 +310,33 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.sllv(dest, dest, shiftAmount);
-     }
-+    void lshift32(RegisterID src, RegisterID shiftAmount, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.sllv(dest, src, shiftAmount);
-+    }
-+    void lshift32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+        m_assembler.sllv(dest, dest, immTempRegister);
-+    }
-+    void lshift32(RegisterID src, TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+        m_assembler.sllv(dest, src, immTempRegister);
-+    }
-     void mul32(RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.mul(dest, dest, src);
-     }
-+    void mul32(RegisterID op1, RegisterID op2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.mul(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-     void mul32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         if (!imm.m_value && !m_fixedWidth)
-@@ -348,6 +387,24 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.orInsn(dest, dest, dataTempRegister);
-     }
-+    void or32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        if (!imm.m_value && !m_fixedWidth)
-+            return;
-+        if (imm.m_value > 0 && imm.m_value < 65535 && !m_fixedWidth) {
-+            m_assembler.ori(dest, src, imm.m_value);
-+            return;
-+        }
-+        /*
-+            li      dataTemp, imm
-+            or      dest, src, dataTemp
-+        */
-+        move(imm, dataTempRegister);
-+        m_assembler.orInsn(dest, src, dataTempRegister);
-+    }
-     void or32(RegisterID src, AbsoluteAddress dest)
-     {
-         load32(dest.m_ptr, dataTempRegister);
-@@ -360,6 +417,11 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.srav(dest, dest, shiftAmount);
-     }
-+    void rshift32(RegisterID src, RegisterID shiftAmount, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.srav(dest, src, shiftAmount);
-+    }
-     void rshift32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.sra(dest, dest, imm.m_value);
-@@ -375,16 +437,31 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.srlv(dest, dest, shiftAmount);
-     }
-+    void urshift32(RegisterID src, RegisterID shiftAmount, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.srlv(dest, src, shiftAmount);
-+    }
-     void urshift32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.srl(dest, dest, imm.m_value);
-     }
-+    void urshift32(RegisterID src, TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.srl(dest, src, imm.m_value);
-+    }
-     void sub32(RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.subu(dest, dest, src);
-     }
-+    void sub32(RegisterID op1, RegisterID op2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.subu(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-     void sub32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         if (imm.m_value >= -32767 && imm.m_value <= 32768
-@@ -495,6 +572,11 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.xorInsn(dest, dest, src);
-     }
-+    void xor32(RegisterID op1, RegisterID op2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.xorInsn(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-     void xor32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         if (imm.m_value == -1) {
-@@ -510,6 +592,21 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.xorInsn(dest, dest, immTempRegister);
-     }
-+    void xor32(TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        if (imm.m_value == -1) {
-+            m_assembler.nor(dest, src, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+            return;
-+        }
-+        /*
-+            li  immTemp, imm
-+            xor dest, dest, immTemp
-+        */
-+        move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+        m_assembler.xorInsn(dest, src, immTempRegister);
-+    }
-     void sqrtDouble(FPRegisterID src, FPRegisterID dst)
-     {
-         m_assembler.sqrtd(dst, src);
-@@ -989,6 +1086,44 @@ public:
-         }
-     }
-+    void store32(TrustedImm32 imm, BaseIndex address)
-+    {
-+        if (address.offset >= -32768 && address.offset <= 32767 && !m_fixedWidth) {
-+            /*
-+                sll     addrTemp, address.index, address.scale
-+                addu    addrTemp, addrTemp, address.base
-+                sw      src, address.offset(addrTemp)
-+            */
-+            m_assembler.sll(addrTempRegister, address.index, address.scale);
-+            m_assembler.addu(addrTempRegister, addrTempRegister, address.base);
-+            if (!imm.m_value)
-+                m_assembler.sw(MIPSRegisters::zero, addrTempRegister, address.offset);
-+            else {
-+                move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+                m_assembler.sw(immTempRegister, addrTempRegister, address.offset);
-+            }
-+        } else {
-+            /*
-+                sll     addrTemp, address.index, address.scale
-+                addu    addrTemp, addrTemp, address.base
-+                lui     immTemp, (address.offset + 0x8000) >> 16
-+                addu    addrTemp, addrTemp, immTemp
-+                sw      src, (address.offset & 0xffff)(at)
-+            */
-+            m_assembler.sll(addrTempRegister, address.index, address.scale);
-+            m_assembler.addu(addrTempRegister, addrTempRegister, address.base);
-+            m_assembler.lui(immTempRegister, (address.offset + 0x8000) >> 16);
-+            m_assembler.addu(addrTempRegister, addrTempRegister, immTempRegister);
-+            if (!imm.m_value && !m_fixedWidth)
-+                m_assembler.sw(MIPSRegisters::zero, addrTempRegister, address.offset);
-+            else {
-+                move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+                m_assembler.sw(immTempRegister, addrTempRegister, address.offset);
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-     void store32(RegisterID src, const void* address)
-     {
-         /*
-@@ -1336,6 +1471,15 @@ public:
-         m_fixedWidth = false;
-     }
-+    void jump(AbsoluteAddress address)
-+    {
-+        m_fixedWidth = true;
-+        load32(address.m_ptr, MIPSRegisters::t9);
-+        m_assembler.jr(MIPSRegisters::t9);
-+        m_assembler.nop();
-+        m_fixedWidth = false;
-+    }
-     void moveDoubleToInts(FPRegisterID src, RegisterID dest1, RegisterID dest2)
-     {
-         m_assembler.vmov(dest1, dest2, src);
-@@ -1404,6 +1548,53 @@ public:
-         return Jump();
-     }
-+    Jump branchAdd32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID op1, RegisterID op2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT((cond == Overflow) || (cond == Signed) || (cond == Zero) || (cond == NonZero));
-+        if (cond == Overflow) {
-+            /*
-+                move    dataTemp, op1
-+                xor     cmpTemp, dataTemp, op2
-+                bltz    cmpTemp, No_overflow    # diff sign bit -> no overflow
-+                addu    dest, dataTemp, op2
-+                xor     cmpTemp, dest, dataTemp
-+                bgez    cmpTemp, No_overflow    # same sign big -> no overflow
-+                nop
-+                b       Overflow
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+            No_overflow:
-+            */
-+            move(op1, dataTempRegister);
-+            m_assembler.xorInsn(cmpTempRegister, dataTempRegister, op2);
-+            m_assembler.bltz(cmpTempRegister, 10);
-+            m_assembler.addu(dest, dataTempRegister, op2);
-+            m_assembler.xorInsn(cmpTempRegister, dest, dataTempRegister);
-+            m_assembler.bgez(cmpTempRegister, 7);
-+            m_assembler.nop();
-+            return jump();
-+        }
-+        if (cond == Signed) {
-+            add32(op1, op2, dest);
-+            // Check if dest is negative.
-+            m_assembler.slt(cmpTempRegister, dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+            return branchNotEqual(cmpTempRegister, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        if (cond == Zero) {
-+            add32(op1, op2, dest);
-+            return branchEqual(dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        if (cond == NonZero) {
-+            add32(op1, op2, dest);
-+            return branchNotEqual(dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        ASSERT(0);
-+        return Jump();
-+    }
-     Jump branchAdd32(ResultCondition cond, TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         move(imm, immTempRegister);
-@@ -1417,6 +1608,111 @@ public:
-         return branchAdd32(cond, immTempRegister, dest);
-     }
-+    Jump branchAdd32(ResultCondition cond, TrustedImm32 imm, AbsoluteAddress dest)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT((cond == Overflow) || (cond == Signed) || (cond == Zero) || (cond == NonZero));
-+        if (cond == Overflow) {
-+            /*
-+                move    dataTemp, dest
-+                xori    cmpTemp, dataTemp, imm
-+                bltz    cmpTemp, No_overflow    # diff sign bit -> no overflow
-+                addiu   dataTemp, dataTemp, imm
-+                move    dest, dataTemp
-+                xori    cmpTemp, dataTemp, imm
-+                bgez    cmpTemp, No_overflow    # same sign big -> no overflow
-+                nop
-+                b       Overflow
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+            No_overflow:
-+            */
-+            if (imm.m_value >= -32768 && imm.m_value  <= 32767 && !m_fixedWidth) {
-+                load32(dest.m_ptr, dataTempRegister);
-+                m_assembler.xori(cmpTempRegister, dataTempRegister, imm.m_value);
-+                m_assembler.bltz(cmpTempRegister, 10);
-+                m_assembler.addiu(dataTempRegister, dataTempRegister, imm.m_value);
-+                store32(dataTempRegister, dest.m_ptr);
-+                m_assembler.xori(cmpTempRegister, dataTempRegister, imm.m_value);
-+                m_assembler.bgez(cmpTempRegister, 7);
-+                m_assembler.nop();
-+            } else {
-+                load32(dest.m_ptr, dataTempRegister);
-+                move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+                m_assembler.xorInsn(cmpTempRegister, dataTempRegister, immTempRegister);
-+                m_assembler.bltz(cmpTempRegister, 10);
-+                m_assembler.addiu(dataTempRegister, dataTempRegister, immTempRegister);
-+                store32(dataTempRegister, dest.m_ptr);
-+                m_assembler.xori(cmpTempRegister, dataTempRegister, immTempRegister);
-+                m_assembler.bgez(cmpTempRegister, 7);
-+                m_assembler.nop();
-+            }
-+            return jump();
-+        }
-+        move(imm, immTempRegister);
-+        load32(dest.m_ptr, dataTempRegister);
-+        add32(immTempRegister, dataTempRegister);
-+        store32(dataTempRegister, dest.m_ptr);
-+        if (cond == Signed) {
-+            // Check if dest is negative.
-+            m_assembler.slt(cmpTempRegister, dataTempRegister, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+            return branchNotEqual(cmpTempRegister, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        if (cond == Zero)
-+            return branchEqual(dataTempRegister, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        if (cond == NonZero)
-+            return branchNotEqual(dataTempRegister, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        ASSERT(0);
-+        return Jump();
-+    }
-+    Jump branchMul32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID src1, RegisterID src2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT((cond == Overflow) || (cond == Signed) || (cond == Zero) || (cond == NonZero));
-+        if (cond == Overflow) {
-+            /*
-+                mult    src, dest
-+                mfhi    dataTemp
-+                mflo    dest
-+                sra     addrTemp, dest, 31
-+                beq     dataTemp, addrTemp, No_overflow # all sign bits (bit 63 to bit 31) are the same -> no overflow
-+                nop
-+                b       Overflow
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+            No_overflow:
-+            */
-+            m_assembler.mult(src1, src2);
-+            m_assembler.mfhi(dataTempRegister);
-+            m_assembler.mflo(dest);
-+            m_assembler.sra(addrTempRegister, dest, 31);
-+            m_assembler.beq(dataTempRegister, addrTempRegister, 7);
-+            m_assembler.nop();
-+            return jump();
-+        }
-+        if (cond == Signed) {
-+            mul32(src1, src2, dest);
-+            // Check if dest is negative.
-+            m_assembler.slt(cmpTempRegister, dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+            return branchNotEqual(cmpTempRegister, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        if (cond == Zero) {
-+            mul32(src1, src2, dest);
-+            return branchEqual(dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        if (cond == NonZero) {
-+            mul32(src1, src2, dest);
-+            return branchNotEqual(dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        ASSERT(0);
-+        return Jump();
-+    }
-     Jump branchMul32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         ASSERT((cond == Overflow) || (cond == Signed) || (cond == Zero) || (cond == NonZero));
-@@ -1465,8 +1761,7 @@ public:
-     Jump branchMul32(ResultCondition cond, TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         move(imm, immTempRegister);
--        move(src, dest);
--        return branchMul32(cond, immTempRegister, dest);
-+        return branchMul32(cond, immTempRegister, src, dest);
-     }
-     Jump branchSub32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-@@ -1525,8 +1820,60 @@ public:
-     Jump branchSub32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID src, TrustedImm32 imm, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         move(imm, immTempRegister);
--        move(src, dest);
--        return branchSub32(cond, immTempRegister, dest);
-+        return branchSub32(cond, src, immTempRegister, dest);
-+    }
-+    Jump branchSub32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID op1, RegisterID op2, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT((cond == Overflow) || (cond == Signed) || (cond == Zero) || (cond == NonZero));
-+        if (cond == Overflow) {
-+            /*
-+                move    dataTemp, op1
-+                xor     cmpTemp, dataTemp, op2
-+                bgez    cmpTemp, No_overflow    # same sign bit -> no overflow
-+                subu    dest, dataTemp, op2
-+                xor     cmpTemp, dest, dataTemp
-+                bgez    cmpTemp, No_overflow    # same sign bit -> no overflow
-+                nop
-+                b       Overflow
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+                nop
-+            No_overflow:
-+            */
-+            move(op1, dataTempRegister);
-+            m_assembler.xorInsn(cmpTempRegister, dataTempRegister, op2);
-+            m_assembler.bgez(cmpTempRegister, 10);
-+            m_assembler.subu(dest, dataTempRegister, op2);
-+            m_assembler.xorInsn(cmpTempRegister, dest, dataTempRegister);
-+            m_assembler.bgez(cmpTempRegister, 7);
-+            m_assembler.nop();
-+            return jump();
-+        }
-+        if (cond == Signed) {
-+            sub32(op1, op2, dest);
-+            // Check if dest is negative.
-+            m_assembler.slt(cmpTempRegister, dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+            return branchNotEqual(cmpTempRegister, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        if (cond == Zero) {
-+            sub32(op1, op2, dest);
-+            return branchEqual(dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        if (cond == NonZero) {
-+            sub32(op1, op2, dest);
-+            return branchNotEqual(dest, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-+        }
-+        ASSERT(0);
-+        return Jump();
-+    }
-+    Jump branchNeg32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID srcDest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.li(dataTempRegister, -1);
-+        return branchMul32(cond, dataTempRegister, srcDest);
-     }
-     Jump branchOr32(ResultCondition cond, RegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-@@ -1578,7 +1925,8 @@ public:
-     Call call(RegisterID target)
-     {
--        m_assembler.jalr(target);
-+        move(target, MIPSRegisters::t9);
-+        m_assembler.jalr(MIPSRegisters::t9);
-         m_assembler.nop();
-         return Call(m_assembler.label(), Call::None);
-     }
-@@ -1822,7 +2170,7 @@ public:
-                 lui     immTemp, (address.offset + 0x8000) >> 16
-                 addu    addrTemp, addrTemp, immTemp
-                 lwc1    dest, (address.offset & 0xffff)(at)
--                lwc1    dest+4, (address.offset & 0xffff + 4)(at)
-+                lwc1    dest+1, (address.offset & 0xffff + 4)(at)
-             */
-             m_assembler.sll(addrTempRegister, address.index, address.scale);
-             m_assembler.addu(addrTempRegister, addrTempRegister, address.base);
-@@ -2009,6 +2357,19 @@ public:
- #endif
-     }
-+    void moveDouble(FPRegisterID src, FPRegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        if (src != dest || m_fixedWidth)
-+            m_assembler.movd(dest, src);
-+    }
-+    void swapDouble(FPRegisterID fr1, FPRegisterID fr2)
-+    {
-+        moveDouble(fr1, fpTempRegister);
-+        moveDouble(fr2, fr1);
-+        moveDouble(fpTempRegister, fr2);
-+    }
-     void addDouble(FPRegisterID src, FPRegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.addd(dest, dest, src);
-@@ -2036,6 +2397,11 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.subd(dest, dest, src);
-     }
-+    void subDouble(FPRegisterID op1, FPRegisterID op2, FPRegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.subd(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-     void subDouble(Address src, FPRegisterID dest)
-     {
-         loadDouble(src, fpTempRegister);
-@@ -2053,11 +2419,32 @@ public:
-         m_assembler.muld(dest, dest, fpTempRegister);
-     }
-+    void mulDouble(FPRegisterID op1, FPRegisterID op2, FPRegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.muld(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-     void divDouble(FPRegisterID src, FPRegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.divd(dest, dest, src);
-     }
-+    void divDouble(FPRegisterID op1, FPRegisterID op2, FPRegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.divd(dest, op1, op2);
-+    }
-+    void divDouble(Address src, FPRegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        loadDouble(src, fpTempRegister);
-+        m_assembler.divd(dest, dest, fpTempRegister);
-+    }
-+    void negateDouble(FPRegisterID src, FPRegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.negd(dest, src);
-+    }
-     void convertInt32ToDouble(RegisterID src, FPRegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.mtc1(src, fpTempRegister);
-@@ -2117,6 +2504,8 @@ public:
-     Jump branchEqual(RegisterID rs, RegisterID rt)
-     {
-+        m_assembler.nop();
-+        m_assembler.nop();
-         m_assembler.appendJump();
-         m_assembler.beq(rs, rt, 0);
-         m_assembler.nop();
-@@ -2126,6 +2515,8 @@ public:
-     Jump branchNotEqual(RegisterID rs, RegisterID rt)
-     {
-+        m_assembler.nop();
-+        m_assembler.nop();
-         m_assembler.appendJump();
-         m_assembler.bne(rs, rt, 0);
-         m_assembler.nop();
-@@ -2192,11 +2583,33 @@ public:
-     // If the result is not representable as a 32 bit value, branch.
-     // May also branch for some values that are representable in 32 bits
-     // (specifically, in this case, INT_MAX 0x7fffffff).
--    Jump branchTruncateDoubleToInt32(FPRegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-+    enum BranchTruncateType { BranchIfTruncateFailed, BranchIfTruncateSuccessful };
-+    Jump branchTruncateDoubleToInt32(FPRegisterID src, RegisterID dest, BranchTruncateType branchType = BranchIfTruncateFailed)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.truncwd(fpTempRegister, src);
-+        m_assembler.mfc1(dest, fpTempRegister);
-+        return branch32(branchType == BranchIfTruncateFailed ? Equal : NotEqual, dest, TrustedImm32(0x7fffffff));
-+    }
-+    Jump branchTruncateDoubleToUint32(FPRegisterID src, RegisterID dest, BranchTruncateType branchType = BranchIfTruncateFailed)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.truncwd(fpTempRegister, src);
-+        m_assembler.mfc1(dest, fpTempRegister);
-+        return branch32(branchType == BranchIfTruncateFailed ? Equal : NotEqual, dest, TrustedImm32(0));
-+    }
-+    // Result is undefined if the value is outside of the integer range.
-+    void truncateDoubleToInt32(FPRegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-+    {
-+        m_assembler.truncwd(fpTempRegister, src);
-+        m_assembler.mfc1(dest, fpTempRegister);
-+    }
-+    // Result is undefined if src > 2^31
-+    void truncateDoubleToUint32(FPRegisterID src, RegisterID dest)
-     {
-         m_assembler.truncwd(fpTempRegister, src);
-         m_assembler.mfc1(dest, fpTempRegister);
--        return branch32(Equal, dest, TrustedImm32(0x7fffffff));
-     }
-     // Convert 'src' to an integer, and places the resulting 'dest'.
-@@ -2218,28 +2631,43 @@ public:
-     Jump branchDoubleNonZero(FPRegisterID reg, FPRegisterID scratch)
-     {
--        m_assembler.mtc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, scratch);
--        m_assembler.mthc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, scratch);
--        m_assembler.mtc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, scratch);
--        m_assembler.mtc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, FPRegisterID(scratch + 1));
-+        m_assembler.vmov(scratch, MIPSRegisters::zero, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-         return branchDouble(DoubleNotEqual, reg, scratch);
-     }
-     Jump branchDoubleZeroOrNaN(FPRegisterID reg, FPRegisterID scratch)
-     {
--        m_assembler.mtc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, scratch);
--        m_assembler.mthc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, scratch);
--        m_assembler.mtc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, scratch);
--        m_assembler.mtc1(MIPSRegisters::zero, FPRegisterID(scratch + 1));
-+        m_assembler.vmov(scratch, MIPSRegisters::zero, MIPSRegisters::zero);
-         return branchDouble(DoubleEqualOrUnordered, reg, scratch);
-     }
-+    // Invert a relational condition, e.g. == becomes !=, < becomes >=, etc.
-+    static RelationalCondition invert(RelationalCondition cond)
-+    {
-+        RelationalCondition r;
-+        if (cond == Equal)
-+            r = NotEqual;
-+        else if (cond == NotEqual)
-+            r = Equal;
-+        else if (cond == Above)
-+            r = BelowOrEqual;
-+        else if (cond == AboveOrEqual)
-+            r = Below;
-+        else if (cond == Below)
-+            r = AboveOrEqual;
-+        else if (cond == BelowOrEqual)
-+            r = Above;
-+        else if (cond == GreaterThan)
-+            r = LessThanOrEqual;
-+        else if (cond == GreaterThanOrEqual)
-+            r = LessThan;
-+        else if (cond == LessThan)
-+            r = GreaterThanOrEqual;
-+        else if (cond == LessThanOrEqual)
-+            r = GreaterThan;
-+        return r;
-+    }
-     void nop()
-     {
-         m_assembler.nop();
-@@ -2252,12 +2680,12 @@ public:
-     static void replaceWithJump(CodeLocationLabel instructionStart, CodeLocationLabel destination)
-     {
-+        MIPSAssembler::replaceWithJump(instructionStart.dataLocation(), destination.dataLocation());
-     }
-     static ptrdiff_t maxJumpReplacementSize()
-     {
-+        MIPSAssembler::maxJumpReplacementSize();
-         return 0;
-     }
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGAssemblyHelpers.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGAssemblyHelpers.h
-index fa0f5e0..573d8dc 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGAssemblyHelpers.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGAssemblyHelpers.h
-@@ -93,6 +93,23 @@ public:
-     }
- #endif
-+#if CPU(MIPS)
-+    ALWAYS_INLINE void preserveReturnAddressAfterCall(RegisterID reg)
-+    {
-+        move(returnAddressRegister, reg);
-+    }
-+    ALWAYS_INLINE void restoreReturnAddressBeforeReturn(RegisterID reg)
-+    {
-+        move(reg, returnAddressRegister);
-+    }
-+    ALWAYS_INLINE void restoreReturnAddressBeforeReturn(Address address)
-+    {
-+        loadPtr(address, returnAddressRegister);
-+    }
-     void emitGetFromCallFrameHeaderPtr(JSStack::CallFrameHeaderEntry entry, GPRReg to)
-     {
-         loadPtr(Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, entry * sizeof(Register)), to);
-@@ -193,7 +210,7 @@ public:
-         move(TrustedImmPtr(scratchBuffer->activeLengthPtr()), GPRInfo::regT0);
-         storePtr(TrustedImmPtr(scratchSize), GPRInfo::regT0);
--#if CPU(X86_64) || CPU(ARM)
-+#if CPU(X86_64) || CPU(ARM) || CPU(MIPS)
-         move(TrustedImmPtr(buffer), GPRInfo::argumentGPR2);
-         move(TrustedImmPtr(argument), GPRInfo::argumentGPR1);
-         move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR0);
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGCCallHelpers.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGCCallHelpers.h
-index 8adde05..3d99f6f 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGCCallHelpers.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGCCallHelpers.h
-@@ -576,6 +576,39 @@ public:
-         poke(GPRInfo::nonArgGPR0);
-     }
- #endif // CPU(ARM_HARDFP)
-+#elif CPU(MIPS)
-+    ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArguments(FPRReg arg1)
-+    {
-+        moveDouble(arg1, FPRInfo::argumentFPR0);
-+    }
-+    ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArguments(FPRReg arg1, FPRReg arg2)
-+    {
-+        if (arg2 != FPRInfo::argumentFPR0) {
-+            moveDouble(arg1, FPRInfo::argumentFPR0);
-+            moveDouble(arg2, FPRInfo::argumentFPR1);
-+        } else if (arg1 != FPRInfo::argumentFPR1) {
-+            moveDouble(arg2, FPRInfo::argumentFPR1);
-+            moveDouble(arg1, FPRInfo::argumentFPR0);
-+        } else {
-+            // Swap arg1, arg2.
-+            swapDouble(FPRInfo::argumentFPR0, FPRInfo::argumentFPR1);
-+        }
-+    }
-+    ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(FPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2)
-+    {
-+        assembler().vmov(GPRInfo::argumentGPR2, GPRInfo::argumentGPR3, arg1);
-+        move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR0);
-+        poke(arg2, 4);
-+    }
-+    ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, FPRReg arg3)
-+    {
-+        setupStubArguments(arg1, arg2);
-+        move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR0);
-+        poke(arg3, 4);
-+    }
- #else
- #error "DFG JIT not supported on this platform."
- #endif
-@@ -803,119 +836,126 @@ public:
-     // These methods are suitable for any calling convention that provides for
-     // exactly 4 argument registers, e.g. ARMv7.
-+#if CPU(MIPS)
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, GPRReg arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, TrustedImm32 arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, TrustedImmPtr arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, GPRReg arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, TrustedImmPtr arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, GPRReg arg4, GPRReg arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, TrustedImm32 arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, TrustedImm32 arg2, GPRReg arg3, GPRReg arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, TrustedImmPtr arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, GPRReg arg4, GPRReg arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, GPRReg arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, TrustedImmPtr arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, GPRReg arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, TrustedImmPtr arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, GPRReg arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, GPRReg arg4)
-     {
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, GPRReg arg4, GPRReg arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(GPRReg arg1, GPRReg arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, GPRReg arg4, TrustedImm32 arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, GPRReg arg4, TrustedImmPtr arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, TrustedImm32 arg4, TrustedImm32 arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, TrustedImm32 arg2, TrustedImm32 arg3, GPRReg arg4, GPRReg arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-     ALWAYS_INLINE void setupArgumentsWithExecState(TrustedImm32 arg1, GPRReg arg2, GPRReg arg3, GPRReg arg4, GPRReg arg5)
-     {
--        poke(arg5, 1);
--        poke(arg4);
-+        poke(arg5, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET + 1);
-+        poke(arg4, POKE_ARGUMENT_OFFSET);
-         setupArgumentsWithExecState(arg1, arg2, arg3);
-     }
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGFPRInfo.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGFPRInfo.h
-index 17aaa7d..e18ec06 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGFPRInfo.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGFPRInfo.h
-@@ -164,6 +164,74 @@ public:
- #endif
-+#if CPU(MIPS)
-+class FPRInfo {
-+    typedef FPRReg RegisterType;
-+    static const unsigned numberOfRegisters = 6;
-+    // Temporary registers.
-+    static const FPRReg fpRegT0 = MIPSRegisters::f0;
-+    static const FPRReg fpRegT1 = MIPSRegisters::f4;
-+    static const FPRReg fpRegT2 = MIPSRegisters::f6;
-+    static const FPRReg fpRegT3 = MIPSRegisters::f8;
-+    static const FPRReg fpRegT4 = MIPSRegisters::f10;
-+    static const FPRReg fpRegT5 = MIPSRegisters::f18;
-+    static const FPRReg returnValueFPR = MIPSRegisters::f0;
-+    static const FPRReg argumentFPR0 = MIPSRegisters::f12;
-+    static const FPRReg argumentFPR1 = MIPSRegisters::f14;
-+    static FPRReg toRegister(unsigned index)
-+    {
-+        static const FPRReg registerForIndex[numberOfRegisters] = {
-+            fpRegT0, fpRegT1, fpRegT2, fpRegT3, fpRegT4, fpRegT5 };
-+        ASSERT(index < numberOfRegisters);
-+        return registerForIndex[index];
-+    }
-+    static unsigned toIndex(FPRReg reg)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT(reg != InvalidFPRReg);
-+        ASSERT(reg < 20);
-+        static const unsigned indexForRegister[20] = {
-+            0, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex,
-+            1, InvalidIndex, 2, InvalidIndex,
-+            3, InvalidIndex, 4, InvalidIndex,
-+            InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex,
-+            InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, 5, InvalidIndex,
-+        };
-+        unsigned result = indexForRegister[reg];
-+        ASSERT(result != InvalidIndex);
-+        return result;
-+    }
-+    static const char* debugName(FPRReg reg)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT(reg != InvalidFPRReg);
-+        ASSERT(reg < 32);
-+        static const char* nameForRegister[32] = {
-+            "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3",
-+            "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7",
-+            "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11",
-+            "f12", "f13", "f14", "f15"
-+            "f16", "f17", "f18", "f19"
-+            "f20", "f21", "f22", "f23"
-+            "f24", "f25", "f26", "f27"
-+            "f28", "f29", "f30", "f31"
-+        };
-+        return nameForRegister[reg];
-+    }
-+    static const unsigned InvalidIndex = 0xffffffff;
- typedef RegisterBank<FPRInfo>::iterator fpr_iterator;
- } } // namespace JSC::DFG
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGGPRInfo.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGGPRInfo.h
-index 3d07556..aa634cd 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGGPRInfo.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGGPRInfo.h
-@@ -461,6 +461,73 @@ private:
- #endif
-+#if CPU(MIPS)
-+class GPRInfo {
-+    typedef GPRReg RegisterType;
-+    static const unsigned numberOfRegisters = 6;
-+    // Temporary registers.
-+    static const GPRReg regT0 = MIPSRegisters::v0;
-+    static const GPRReg regT1 = MIPSRegisters::v1;
-+    static const GPRReg regT2 = MIPSRegisters::t4;
-+    static const GPRReg regT3 = MIPSRegisters::t5;
-+    static const GPRReg regT4 = MIPSRegisters::t6;
-+    static const GPRReg regT5 = MIPSRegisters::t7;
-+    // These registers match the baseline JIT.
-+    static const GPRReg cachedResultRegister = regT0;
-+    static const GPRReg cachedResultRegister2 = regT1;
-+    static const GPRReg callFrameRegister = MIPSRegisters::s0;
-+    // These constants provide the names for the general purpose argument & return value registers.
-+    static const GPRReg argumentGPR0 = MIPSRegisters::a0;
-+    static const GPRReg argumentGPR1 = MIPSRegisters::a1;
-+    static const GPRReg argumentGPR2 = MIPSRegisters::a2;
-+    static const GPRReg argumentGPR3 = MIPSRegisters::a3;
-+    static const GPRReg nonArgGPR0 = regT2;
-+    static const GPRReg nonArgGPR1 = regT3;
-+    static const GPRReg nonArgGPR2 = regT4;
-+    static const GPRReg returnValueGPR = regT0;
-+    static const GPRReg returnValueGPR2 = regT1;
-+    static const GPRReg nonPreservedNonReturnGPR = regT5;
-+    static GPRReg toRegister(unsigned index)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT(index < numberOfRegisters);
-+        static const GPRReg registerForIndex[numberOfRegisters] = { regT0, regT1, regT2, regT3, regT4, regT5 };
-+        return registerForIndex[index];
-+    }
-+    static unsigned toIndex(GPRReg reg)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT(reg != InvalidGPRReg);
-+        ASSERT(reg < 16);
-+        static const unsigned indexForRegister[16] = { InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, 0, 1, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, InvalidIndex, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
-+        unsigned result = indexForRegister[reg];
-+        ASSERT(result != InvalidIndex);
-+        return result;
-+    }
-+    static const char* debugName(GPRReg reg)
-+    {
-+        ASSERT(reg != InvalidGPRReg);
-+        ASSERT(reg < 16);
-+        static const char* nameForRegister[16] = {
-+            "zero", "at", "v0", "v1",
-+            "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3",
-+            "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3",
-+            "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7"
-+        };
-+        return nameForRegister[reg];
-+    }
-+    static const unsigned InvalidIndex = 0xffffffff;
- typedef RegisterBank<GPRInfo>::iterator gpr_iterator;
- } } // namespace JSC::DFG
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h
-index ea33f38..247274b 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h
-@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ public:
- // EncodedJSValue in JSVALUE32_64 is a 64-bit integer. When being compiled in ARM EABI, it must be aligned even-numbered register (r0, r2 or [sp]).
- // To avoid assemblies from using wrong registers, let's occupy r1 or r3 with a dummy argument when necessary.
- #define EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG      TrustedImm32(0),
- #else
- #define EABI_32BIT_DUMMY_ARG
-@@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ public:
-     }
- #endif
--#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !CPU(ARM)
-+#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !CPU(ARM) && !CPU(MIPS)
-     void prepareForExternalCall()
-     {
-         // We're about to call out to a "native" helper function. The helper
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/jit/JSInterfaceJIT.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/jit/JSInterfaceJIT.h
-index 7fdeaf0..48ad6b2 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/jit/JSInterfaceJIT.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/jit/JSInterfaceJIT.h
-@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ namespace JSC {
-         static const RegisterID cachedResultRegister = MIPSRegisters::v0;
-         static const RegisterID firstArgumentRegister = MIPSRegisters::a0;
-+        static const RegisterID bucketCounterRegister = MIPSRegisters::s3;
-         // regT0 must be v0 for returning a 32-bit value.
-         static const RegisterID regT0 = MIPSRegisters::v0;
-diff --git a/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSGlobalData.h b/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSGlobalData.h
-index 5d47ab9..c02f336 100644
---- a/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSGlobalData.h
-+++ b/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSGlobalData.h
-@@ -141,14 +141,18 @@ namespace JSC {
-             return result;
-         }
--        static size_t allocationSize(size_t bufferSize) { return sizeof(size_t) + bufferSize; }
-+        static size_t allocationSize(size_t bufferSize) { return sizeof(ScratchBuffer) + bufferSize; }
-         void setActiveLength(size_t activeLength) { m_activeLength = activeLength; }
-         size_t activeLength() const { return m_activeLength; };
-         size_t* activeLengthPtr() { return &m_activeLength; };
-         void* dataBuffer() { return m_buffer; }
-         size_t m_activeLength;
-+#if CPU(MIPS) && (defined WTF_MIPS_ARCH_REV && WTF_MIPS_ARCH_REV == 2)
-+        void* m_buffer[0] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
-         void* m_buffer[0];
-     };
- #pragma warning(pop)
-diff --git a/Source/WTF/wtf/Platform.h b/Source/WTF/wtf/Platform.h
-index 1698247..2d90359 100644
---- a/Source/WTF/wtf/Platform.h
-+++ b/Source/WTF/wtf/Platform.h
-@@ -818,6 +818,10 @@
- #define ENABLE_DFG_JIT 1
- #endif
-+/* Enable the DFG JIT on MIPS. */
-+#if CPU(MIPS)
-+#define ENABLE_DFG_JIT 1
- #endif
- /* If the jit is not available, enable the LLInt C Loop: */
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit-0008-support-bison-3.0.patch b/package/webkit/webkit-0008-support-bison-3.0.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c081b20..0000000
--- a/package/webkit/webkit-0008-support-bison-3.0.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ 
-ANGLE doesn't build with bison 3.0
-Author: allan.jensen@digia.com
-Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
-Make glslang.y compatible with bison 3.0, by using %lex-param
-to set YYLEX_PARAM and getting rid of useless YYID macro.
-From upstream: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/154109
-[Arnout: adapted to our older webkit version]
-Signed-off-by: Arnout Vandecaeppelle (Essensium/Mind) <arnout@mind.be>
-Index: trunk/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE/src/compiler/glslang.y
---- trunk/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE/src/compiler/glslang.y	(revision 154108)
-+++ trunk/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE/src/compiler/glslang.y	(revision 154109)
-@@ -48,4 +48,5 @@
- %pure-parser
- %parse-param {TParseContext* context}
-+%lex-param {YYLEX_PARAM}
- %union {
diff --git a/package/webkit/webkit.mk b/package/webkit/webkit.mk
index 6b04ccd..c4b794c 100644
--- a/package/webkit/webkit.mk
+++ b/package/webkit/webkit.mk
@@ -4,69 +4,58 @@ 
 WEBKIT_SITE = http://www.webkitgtk.org/releases
 WEBKIT_SOURCE = webkitgtk-$(WEBKIT_VERSION).tar.xz
-WEBKIT_DEPENDENCIES = host-ruby host-flex host-bison host-gperf enchant harfbuzz \
-	icu jpeg libcurl libgail libsecret libsoup libxml2 libxslt libgtk2 sqlite webp
+WEBKIT_DEPENDENCIES = host-ruby host-flex host-bison host-gperf enchant \
+	harfbuzz icu jpeg libcurl libgail libsecret libsoup libxml2 libxslt \
+	sqlite webp
 	$(if $(BR_PACKAGE_XLIB_LIBXCOMPOSITE),xlib_libXcomposite) \
 	$(if $(BR_PACKAGE_XLIB_LIBXDAMAGE),xlib_libXdamage)
-# webkit-disable-tests.patch changes configure.ac therefore autoreconf required
-WEBKIT_AUTORECONF_OPT = -I $(@D)/Source/autotools
-# parallel make install deadlocks with make 3.81
-# Does not build and it's disabled by default
-# in newer releases
-			$(@D)/Source/WebCore/GNUmakefile.features.am
-# Give explicit path to icu-config, and silence gazillions of warnings
-# with recent gcc versions.
+# Give explicit path to icu-config and prevent ar to make thin archives, fixing
+# error: `x' cannot be used on thin archives
 WEBKIT_CONF_ENV = ac_cv_path_icu_config=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin/icu-config \
-	CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -Wno-cast-align -Wno-sign-compare" \
-	CXXFLAGS="$(TARGET_CXXFLAGS) -Wno-cast-align -Wno-sign-compare" \
-	--with-gtk=2.0 \
 	--disable-geolocation \
-	--disable-webkit2 \
 	--disable-glibtest \
 	--disable-video \
-	--disable-gtk-doc-html \
-	--disable-tests
+	--disable-web-audio \
+	--disable-gtk-doc-html
-# Xorg Dependencies
-WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --with-target=x11
+# X.org dependencies only
+WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --enable-x11-target
-WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --enable-gles2
-WEBKIT_DEPENDENCIES += libegl libgles
+ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTK3),y)
+	--with-gtk=3.0 \
+	--enable-webkit2
-WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --disable-gles2
+	--with-gtk=2.0 \
+	--disable-webkit2
-# gles/egl support is prefered over opengl by webkit configure
 ifeq ($(BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LIBGL),y)
-WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --with-acceleration-backend=opengl
+WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --enable-glx
+WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --enable-gles2
+WEBKIT_DEPENDENCIES += libegl libgles
-# OpenGL/glx is auto-detected due to the presence of gl.h/glx.h, which is not
-# enough, so disable glx and the use of the OpenGL acceleration backend here
-WEBKIT_CONF_OPT += --disable-glx --with-acceleration-backend=none
+	--disable-glx \
+	--disable-gles2 \
+	--disable-webgl \
+	--disable-accelerated-compositing
 $(eval $(autotools-package))