Show patches with: State = Action Required       |    Archived = No       |   25 patches
Patch Series A/F/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[3/3] swupdate_async_start: fix early termination blocking in client [1/3] progress: acknowledge client registration - - - - --- 2024-10-11 Frederic Hoerni New
[2/3] progress: add non-blocking progress_ipc_receive_nb [1/3] progress: acknowledge client registration - - - - --- 2024-10-11 Frederic Hoerni New
[1/3] progress: acknowledge client registration [1/3] progress: acknowledge client registration - - - - --- 2024-10-11 Frederic Hoerni New
emmc handler: allow to explicitly set the boot dev emmc handler: allow to explicitly set the boot dev - - - - --- 2024-10-10 Stefano Babic New
[meta-swupdate] notifier: workaround for sscanf format mismatch [meta-swupdate] notifier: workaround for sscanf format mismatch - - - - --- 2024-09-10 Christian Eggers sbabic New
notifier: workaround for sscanf format mismatch notifier: workaround for sscanf format mismatch - - - - --- 2024-09-10 Christian Eggers sbabic New
[SWUpdateGUI] Switch to drm [SWUpdateGUI] Switch to drm - - - - --- 2024-08-09 Stefano Babic sbabic New
swupdateclient: python client add support for ssl swupdateclient: python client add support for ssl - - - - --- 2024-08-02 Ayoub Zaki sbabic New
doc: adding -p option to openssl enc to return 3 lines (salt, key, iv) doc: adding -p option to openssl enc to return 3 lines (salt, key, iv) - - - - --- 2024-08-01 Jan Vermaete sbabic New
[meta-swupdate,master,scarthgap] swupdate: set extra_cflags [meta-swupdate,master,scarthgap] swupdate: set extra_cflags - - - - --- 2024-06-26 Andrej Kozemcak sbabic New
[1/1] Use PKCS#7 for asymmetric decryption Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-06-21 Bastian Germann sbabic New
Re: [meta-swupdate] Building mete-tegra-demo distro. Re: [meta-swupdate] Building mete-tegra-demo distro. - - - - --- 2024-06-06 Anders Gnistrup sbabic New
[meta-swupdate] Building mete-tegra-demo distro. [meta-swupdate] Building mete-tegra-demo distro. - - - - --- 2024-06-05 Anders Gnistrup sbabic New
swupdateclient: replace by pyproject.toml swupdateclient: replace by pyproject.toml - - - - --- 2024-04-19 Sam Van Den Berge sbabic New
[3/3,V2] VSCode : Add Docker Integration Untitled series #401857 - - - - --- 2024-04-05 Ayoub Zaki sbabic New
[3/3] VSCode : Add Docker Integration Untitled series #401855 - - - - --- 2024-04-05 Ayoub Zaki sbabic New
[2/2] Add Dockerfile to ease setup of the SWUpdate project, build, debug and send patches [1/2] CI: use parallel build for a faster setup - - - - --- 2024-04-05 Ayoub Zaki sbabic New
[V4,8/8] doc: Add documentation for asymmetric decryption Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New
[V4,7/8] Add support for asymmetrical encrypted images Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New
[V4,6/8] util: Replace bool with enum for 'encrypted' Parameter Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New
[V4,5/8] swupdate: Initialize the key pair for asymmetric decryption Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New
[V4,4/8] Add functions for asymmetric file decryption with CMS Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New
[V4,3/8] parser: Read temporary AES key from sw-description Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New
[V4,2/8] util: Add functions for set/get temporary AES key Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New
[V4,1/8] parser: BUG: Image IVT with invalid size is accepted Add support for asymmetric decryption - - - - --- 2024-01-15 Michael Glembotzki sbabic New