@@ -1163,6 +1163,7 @@ add_matches_to_flow_table(const struct sbrec_logical_flow *lflow,
.group_table = l_ctx_out->group_table,
.meter_table = l_ctx_out->meter_table,
.lflow_uuid = lflow->header_.uuid,
+ .tunnel_key = ldp->datapath->tunnel_key,
.pipeline = ingress ? OVNACT_P_INGRESS : OVNACT_P_EGRESS,
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ struct ovn_extend_table;
OVNACT(COMMIT_ECMP_NH, ovnact_commit_ecmp_nh) \
OVNACT(CHK_ECMP_NH_MAC, ovnact_result) \
OVNACT(CHK_ECMP_NH, ovnact_result) \
+ OVNACT(SAMPLE, ovnact_sample) \
/* enum ovnact_type, with a member OVNACT_<ENUM> for each action. */
enum OVS_PACKED_ENUM ovnact_type {
@@ -456,6 +457,18 @@ struct ovnact_lookup_fdb {
struct expr_field dst; /* 1-bit destination field. */
+struct ovnact_sample {
+ struct ovnact ovnact;
+ uint16_t probability; /* probability over UINT16_MAX. */
+ uint8_t obs_domain_id; /* most significant byte of the
+ observation domain id. The other 24 bits
+ will come from the datapath's tunnel key. */
+ uint32_t collector_set_id; /* colector_set_id. */
+ uint32_t obs_point_id; /* observation point id. */
+ bool use_cookie; /* use cookie as obs_point_id */
struct ovnact_commit_ecmp_nh {
struct ovnact ovnact;
@@ -785,6 +798,9 @@ struct ovnact_encode_params {
/* The logical flow uuid that drove this action. */
struct uuid lflow_uuid;
+ /* The tunnel key of the datapath. */
+ uint32_t tunnel_key;
/* OVN maps each logical flow table (ltable), one-to-one, onto a physical
* OpenFlow flow table (ptable). A number of parameters describe this
* mapping and data related to flow tables:
@@ -4279,6 +4279,124 @@ encode_CHECK_OUT_PORT_SEC(const struct ovnact_result *dl,
+static void
+format_SAMPLE(const struct ovnact_sample *sample, struct ds *s)
+ ds_put_format(s, "sample(probability=%"PRId16, sample->probability);
+ ds_put_format(s, ",collector_set=%"PRId32, sample->collector_set_id);
+ ds_put_format(s, ",obs_domain=%"PRId8, sample->obs_domain_id);
+ if (sample->use_cookie) {
+ ds_put_cstr(s, ",obs_point=$cookie");
+ } else {
+ ds_put_format(s, ",obs_point=%"PRId32, sample->obs_point_id);
+ }
+ ds_put_format(s, ");");
+static void
+encode_SAMPLE(const struct ovnact_sample *sample,
+ const struct ovnact_encode_params *ep,
+ struct ofpbuf *ofpacts)
+ struct ofpact_sample *os = ofpact_put_SAMPLE(ofpacts);
+ os->probability = sample->probability;
+ os->collector_set_id = sample->collector_set_id;
+ os->obs_domain_id =
+ (sample->obs_domain_id << 24) | (ep->tunnel_key & 0xFFFFFF);
+ if (sample->use_cookie) {
+ os->obs_point_id = ep->lflow_uuid.parts[0];
+ } else {
+ os->obs_point_id = sample->obs_point_id;
+ }
+ os->sampling_port = OFPP_NONE;
+static void
+parse_sample_arg(struct action_context *ctx, struct ovnact_sample *sample)
+ if (lexer_match_id(ctx->lexer, "probability")) {
+ if (!lexer_force_match(ctx->lexer, LEX_T_EQUALS)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx->lexer->token.type == LEX_T_INTEGER
+ && ctx->lexer->token.format == LEX_F_DECIMAL) {
+ if (!action_parse_uint16(ctx, &sample->probability,
+ "probability")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (lexer_match_id(ctx->lexer, "obs_point")) {
+ if (!lexer_force_match(ctx->lexer, LEX_T_EQUALS)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx->lexer->token.type == LEX_T_MACRO &&
+ !strcmp(ctx->lexer->token.s, "cookie")) {
+ sample->use_cookie = true;
+ lexer_get(ctx->lexer);
+ } else if (ctx->lexer->token.type == LEX_T_INTEGER
+ && ctx->lexer->token.format == LEX_F_DECIMAL) {
+ sample->obs_point_id = ntohll(ctx->lexer->token.value.integer);
+ lexer_get(ctx->lexer);
+ } else {
+ lexer_syntax_error(ctx->lexer,
+ "malformed sample observation_point_id");
+ }
+ } else if (lexer_match_id(ctx->lexer, "obs_domain")) {
+ if (!lexer_force_match(ctx->lexer, LEX_T_EQUALS)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx->lexer->token.type == LEX_T_INTEGER
+ && ctx->lexer->token.format == LEX_F_DECIMAL) {
+ uint32_t obs_domain = ntohll(ctx->lexer->token.value.integer);
+ if (obs_domain > UINT8_MAX) {
+ lexer_syntax_error(ctx->lexer,
+ "obs_domain must be 8-bit long");
+ return;
+ }
+ sample->obs_domain_id = obs_domain;
+ }
+ lexer_get(ctx->lexer);
+ } else if (lexer_match_id(ctx->lexer, "collector_set")) {
+ if (!lexer_force_match(ctx->lexer, LEX_T_EQUALS)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctx->lexer->token.type == LEX_T_INTEGER
+ && ctx->lexer->token.format == LEX_F_DECIMAL) {
+ sample->collector_set_id = ntohll(ctx->lexer->token.value.integer);
+ }
+ lexer_get(ctx->lexer);
+ } else {
+ lexer_syntax_error(ctx->lexer, "unknown argument");
+ }
+static void
+parse_sample(struct action_context *ctx)
+ struct ovnact_sample * sample = ovnact_put_SAMPLE(ctx->ovnacts);
+ if (lexer_match(ctx->lexer, LEX_T_LPAREN)) {
+ while (!lexer_match(ctx->lexer, LEX_T_RPAREN)) {
+ parse_sample_arg(ctx, sample);
+ if (ctx->lexer->error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ lexer_match(ctx->lexer, LEX_T_COMMA);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!sample->probability) {
+ lexer_error(ctx->lexer, "probability must be greater than zero");
+ return;
+ }
+static void
+ovnact_sample_free(struct ovnact_sample *sample OVS_UNUSED)
static void
parse_commit_ecmp_nh(struct action_context *ctx,
struct ovnact_commit_ecmp_nh *ecmp_nh)
@@ -4790,6 +4908,8 @@ parse_action(struct action_context *ctx)
parse_put_fdb(ctx, ovnact_put_PUT_FDB(ctx->ovnacts));
} else if (lexer_match_id(ctx->lexer, "commit_ecmp_nh")) {
parse_commit_ecmp_nh(ctx, ovnact_put_COMMIT_ECMP_NH(ctx->ovnacts));
+ } else if (lexer_match_id(ctx->lexer, "sample")) {
+ parse_sample(ctx);
} else {
lexer_syntax_error(ctx->lexer, "expecting action");
@@ -2105,6 +2105,31 @@ pop(eth.type);
Syntax error at `abc' expecting field name.
+# sample
+ encodes as sample(probability=100,collector_set_id=200,obs_domain_id=11259375,obs_point_id=1000)
+# sample with obs_domain = 10. Final obs_domain is 0xA << 24 | 0xABCDEF.
+ encodes as sample(probability=100,collector_set_id=200,obs_domain_id=179031535,obs_point_id=2863311530)
+ formats as sample(probability=10,collector_set=0,obs_domain=0,obs_point=0);
+ encodes as sample(probability=10,collector_set_id=0,obs_domain_id=11259375,obs_point_id=0)
+ probability must be greater than zero
+ Syntax error at `foo' malformed sample observation_point_id.
+ Syntax error at `300' obs_domain must be 8-bit long.
+ Syntax error at `foo' unknown argument.
# Miscellaneous negative tests.
Syntax error at `;'.
@@ -1355,6 +1355,9 @@ test_parse_actions(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx OVS_UNUSED)
.common_nat_ct_zone = MFF_LOG_DNAT_ZONE,
.in_port_sec_ptable = OFTABLE_CHK_IN_PORT_SEC,
.out_port_sec_ptable = OFTABLE_CHK_OUT_PORT_SEC,
+ .lflow_uuid.parts =
+ { 0xaaaaaaaa, 0xbbbbbbbb, 0xcccccccc, 0xdddddddd},
+ .tunnel_key = 0xabcdef,
struct ofpbuf ofpacts;
ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 0);
@@ -3298,6 +3298,8 @@ trace_actions(const struct ovnact *ovnacts, size_t ovnacts_len,
+ break;
sample ovn action encodes into the OFPACT_SAMPLE ovs action. OVN action allows the following parameters: - obs_domain_id: 8-bit integer that identifies the sampling application. This value will be combined with the datapath's tunnel_id to form the final observation_domain_id that will be used in the OVS action. - obs_point_id: a 32-bit integer or the $cookie macro that will be expanded into the first 32 bits of the lflow's UUID. - probability: a 16-bit integer that specifies the sampling probability. Specifying 0 has no effect and 65535 means sampling all packets. Signed-off-by: Adrian Moreno <amorenoz@redhat.com> --- controller/lflow.c | 1 + include/ovn/actions.h | 16 ++++++ lib/actions.c | 120 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tests/ovn.at | 25 +++++++++ tests/test-ovn.c | 3 ++ utilities/ovn-trace.c | 2 + 6 files changed, 167 insertions(+)