@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ controller_ovn_controller_SOURCES = \
controller/ovsport.h \
controller/ovsport.c \
controller/vif-plug.h \
- controller/vif-plug.c
+ controller/vif-plug.c \
+ controller/mirror.h \
+ controller/mirror.c
controller_ovn_controller_LDADD = lib/libovn.la $(OVS_LIBDIR)/libopenvswitch.la
man_MANS += controller/ovn-controller.8
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2022 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+/* library headers */
+#include "lib/sset.h"
+#include "lib/util.h"
+/* OVS includes. */
+#include "lib/vswitch-idl.h"
+#include "openvswitch/vlog.h"
+/* OVN includes. */
+#include "binding.h"
+#include "lib/ovn-sb-idl.h"
+#include "mirror.h"
+/* Static function declarations */
+static const struct ovsrec_port *
+get_port_for_iface(const struct ovsrec_interface *iface,
+ const struct ovsrec_bridge *br_int)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < br_int->n_ports; i++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_port *p = br_int->ports[i];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < p->n_interfaces; j++) {
+ if (!strcmp(iface->name, p->interfaces[j]->name)) {
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static bool
+mirror_create(const struct sbrec_port_binding *pb,
+ struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx)
+ const struct ovsrec_mirror *mirror = NULL;
+ if (pb->n_up && !pb->up[0]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (pb->chassis != pm_ctx->chassis_rec) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!pm_ctx->ovs_idl_txn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ VLOG_INFO("Mirror rule(s) present for %s ", pb->logical_port);
+ /* Loop through the mirror rules */
+ for (size_t i =0; i < pb->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ /* check if the mirror already exists in OVS DB */
+ bool create_mirror = true;
+ OVSREC_MIRROR_TABLE_FOR_EACH (mirror, pm_ctx->mirror_table) {
+ if (!strcmp(pb->mirror_rules[i]->name, mirror->name)) {
+ /* Mirror with same name already exists
+ * No need to create mirror
+ */
+ create_mirror = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (create_mirror) {
+ struct smap options = SMAP_INITIALIZER(&options);
+ char *port_name, *key;
+ key = xasprintf("%ld",(long int)pb->mirror_rules[i]->index);
+ smap_add(&options, "remote_ip", pb->mirror_rules[i]->sink);
+ if (!strcmp(pb->mirror_rules[i]->type, "gre")) {
+ /* Set the GRE key */
+ smap_add(&options, "key", key);
+ } else if (!strcmp(pb->mirror_rules[i]->type, "erspan")) {
+ /* Set the ERSPAN index */
+ smap_add(&options, "key", key);
+ smap_add(&options, "erspan_idx", key);
+ smap_add(&options, "erspan_ver","1");
+ }
+ struct ovsrec_interface *iface =
+ ovsrec_interface_insert(pm_ctx->ovs_idl_txn);
+ port_name = xasprintf("ovn-%s",
+ pb->mirror_rules[i]->name);
+ ovsrec_interface_set_name(iface, port_name);
+ ovsrec_interface_set_type(iface, pb->mirror_rules[i]->type);
+ ovsrec_interface_set_options(iface, &options);
+ struct ovsrec_port *port =
+ ovsrec_port_insert(pm_ctx->ovs_idl_txn);
+ ovsrec_port_set_name(port, port_name);
+ ovsrec_port_set_interfaces(port, &iface, 1);
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_ports_addvalue(pm_ctx->br_int, port);
+ smap_destroy(&options);
+ free(port_name);
+ free(key);
+ VLOG_INFO("Creating Mirror in OVS DB");
+ mirror = ovsrec_mirror_insert(pm_ctx->ovs_idl_txn);
+ ovsrec_mirror_set_name(mirror,pb->mirror_rules[i]->name);
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_output_port_addvalue(mirror, port);
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_mirrors_addvalue(pm_ctx->br_int,
+ mirror);
+ }
+ struct local_binding *lbinding = local_binding_find(
+ pm_ctx->local_bindings, pb->logical_port);
+ const struct ovsrec_port *p =
+ get_port_for_iface(lbinding->iface, pm_ctx->br_int);
+ if (p) {
+ if (!strcmp(pb->mirror_rules[i]->filter,"from-lport")) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_src_port_addvalue(mirror, p);
+ } else if (!strcmp(pb->mirror_rules[i]->filter,"to-lport")) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_dst_port_addvalue(mirror, p);
+ } else {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_src_port_addvalue(mirror, p);
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_dst_port_addvalue(mirror, p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+static void
+check_and_update_mirror_table(const struct sbrec_mirror *sb_mirror,
+ struct ovsrec_mirror *ovs_mirror)
+ char *filter;
+ if ((ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port)
+ && (ovs_mirror->n_select_src_port)) {
+ filter = xasprintf("both");
+ } else if (ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port) {
+ filter = xasprintf("to-lport");
+ } else {
+ filter = xasprintf("from-lport");
+ }
+ if (strcmp(sb_mirror->filter, filter)) {
+ if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->filter,"from-lport")
+ && !strcmp(filter,"both")) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port; i++) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_dst_port_delvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_dst_port[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->filter,"to-lport")
+ && !strcmp(filter,"both")) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ovs_mirror->n_select_src_port; i++) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_src_port_delvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_src_port[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->filter,"both")
+ && !strcmp(filter,"from-lport")) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ovs_mirror->n_select_src_port; i++) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_dst_port_addvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_src_port[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->filter,"both")
+ && !strcmp(filter,"to-lport")) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port; i++) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_src_port_addvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_dst_port[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->filter,"to-lport")
+ && !strcmp(filter,"from-lport")) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ovs_mirror->n_select_src_port; i++) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_dst_port_addvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_src_port[i]);
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_src_port_delvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_src_port[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->filter,"from-lport")
+ && !strcmp(filter,"to-lport")) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port; i++) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_src_port_addvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_dst_port[i]);
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_dst_port_delvalue(ovs_mirror,
+ ovs_mirror->select_dst_port[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+check_and_update_interface_table(const struct sbrec_mirror *sb_mirror,
+ struct ovsrec_mirror *ovs_mirror)
+ struct smap options = SMAP_INITIALIZER(&options);
+ char *key, *type;
+ struct smap *opts = &ovs_mirror->output_port->interfaces[0]->options;
+ struct ovsrec_interface *iface =
+ ovs_mirror->output_port->interfaces[0];
+ const char *erspan_ver = smap_get(opts, "erspan_ver");
+ if (erspan_ver) {
+ type = xasprintf("erspan");
+ } else {
+ type = xasprintf("gre");
+ }
+ if (strcmp(type, sb_mirror->type)) {
+ ovsrec_interface_set_type(iface, sb_mirror->type);
+ }
+ key = xasprintf("%ld",(long int)sb_mirror->index);
+ smap_add(&options, "remote_ip", sb_mirror->sink);
+ if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->type, "gre")) {
+ /* Set the GRE key */
+ smap_add(&options, "key", key);
+ } else if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->type, "erspan")) {
+ /* Set the ERSPAN index */
+ smap_add(&options, "key", key);
+ smap_add(&options, "erspan_idx", key);
+ smap_add(&options, "erspan_ver","1");
+ }
+ ovsrec_interface_set_options(iface, &options);
+ smap_destroy(&options);
+ free(key);
+static void
+mirror_update(const struct sbrec_mirror *sb_mirror,
+ struct ovsrec_mirror *ovs_mirror)
+ check_and_update_interface_table(sb_mirror, ovs_mirror);
+ check_and_update_mirror_table(sb_mirror, ovs_mirror);
+static bool
+mirror_delete(const struct sbrec_port_binding *pb,
+ struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx,
+ struct shash *pb_mirror_map,
+ bool delete_all)
+ struct sset pb_mirrors = SSET_INITIALIZER(&pb_mirrors);
+ if (!pm_ctx->ovs_idl_txn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!delete_all) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pb->n_mirror_rules ; i++) {
+ sset_add(&pb_mirrors, pb->mirror_rules[i]->name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (delete_all && (shash_is_empty(pb_mirror_map)) && pb->n_mirror_rules) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pb->n_mirror_rules ; i++) {
+ struct ovsrec_mirror *ovs_mirror = NULL;
+ ovs_mirror = shash_find_data(pm_ctx->ovs_mirrors,
+ pb->mirror_rules[i]->name);
+ if (ovs_mirror) {
+ if (ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port == 0 &&
+ ovs_mirror->n_select_src_port == 0) {
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_ports_delvalue(pm_ctx->br_int,
+ ovs_mirror->output_port);
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_mirrors_delvalue(pm_ctx->br_int,
+ ovs_mirror);
+ ovsrec_port_delete(ovs_mirror->output_port);
+ ovsrec_mirror_delete(ovs_mirror);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ struct shash_node *mirror_node;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH (mirror_node, pb_mirror_map) {
+ struct ovsrec_mirror *ovs_mirror = mirror_node->data;
+ if (!sset_find(&pb_mirrors, ovs_mirror->name)) {
+ /* Find if the mirror has other sources i*/
+ if ((ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port > 1) ||
+ (ovs_mirror->n_select_src_port > 1)) {
+ /* More than 1 source then just
+ * update the mirror table
+ */
+ bool done = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; ((i < ovs_mirror->n_select_dst_port)
+ && (done == false)); i++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_port *port_rec =
+ ovs_mirror->select_dst_port[i];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < port_rec->n_interfaces; j++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_interface *iface_rec;
+ iface_rec = port_rec->interfaces[j];
+ const char *iface_id =
+ smap_get(&iface_rec->external_ids,
+ "iface-id");
+ if (!strcmp(iface_id,pb->logical_port)) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_dst_port_delvalue(
+ ovs_mirror, port_rec);
+ done = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ done = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; ((i < ovs_mirror->n_select_src_port)
+ && (done == false)); i++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_port *port_rec =
+ ovs_mirror->select_src_port[i];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < port_rec->n_interfaces; j++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_interface *iface_rec;
+ iface_rec = port_rec->interfaces[j];
+ const char *iface_id =
+ smap_get(&iface_rec->external_ids,
+ "iface-id");
+ if (!strcmp(iface_id,pb->logical_port)) {
+ ovsrec_mirror_update_select_src_port_delvalue(
+ ovs_mirror, port_rec);
+ done = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * If only 1 source delete the output port
+ * and then delete the mirror completely
+ */
+ VLOG_INFO("Only 1 source for the mirror. Hence delete it");
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_ports_delvalue(pm_ctx->br_int,
+ ovs_mirror->output_port);
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_mirrors_delvalue(pm_ctx->br_int,
+ ovs_mirror);
+ ovsrec_port_delete(ovs_mirror->output_port);
+ ovsrec_mirror_delete(ovs_mirror);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const char *used_node, *used_next;
+ SSET_FOR_EACH_SAFE (used_node, used_next, &pb_mirrors) {
+ sset_delete(&pb_mirrors, SSET_NODE_FROM_NAME(used_node));
+ }
+ sset_destroy(&pb_mirrors);
+ return true;
+static void
+find_port_specific_mirrors (const struct sbrec_port_binding *pb,
+ struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx,
+ struct shash *pb_mirror_map)
+ const struct ovsrec_mirror *mirror = NULL;
+ OVSREC_MIRROR_TABLE_FOR_EACH (mirror, pm_ctx->mirror_table) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mirror->n_select_dst_port; i++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_port *port_rec = mirror->select_dst_port[i];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < port_rec->n_interfaces; j++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_interface *iface_rec;
+ iface_rec = port_rec->interfaces[j];
+ const char *logical_port =
+ smap_get(&iface_rec->external_ids, "iface-id");
+ if (!strcmp(logical_port, pb->logical_port)) {
+ shash_add_once(pb_mirror_map, mirror->name, mirror);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mirror->n_select_src_port; i++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_port *port_rec = mirror->select_src_port[i];
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < port_rec->n_interfaces; j++) {
+ const struct ovsrec_interface *iface_rec;
+ iface_rec = port_rec->interfaces[j];
+ const char *logical_port =
+ smap_get(&iface_rec->external_ids, "iface-id");
+ if (!strcmp(logical_port, pb->logical_port)) {
+ shash_add_once(pb_mirror_map, mirror->name, mirror);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+mirror_register_ovs_idl(struct ovsdb_idl *ovs_idl)
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ovs_idl, &ovsrec_bridge_col_mirrors);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_table(ovs_idl, &ovsrec_table_mirror);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ovs_idl, &ovsrec_mirror_col_name);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ovs_idl, &ovsrec_mirror_col_output_port);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ovs_idl, &ovsrec_mirror_col_select_dst_port);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ovs_idl, &ovsrec_mirror_col_select_src_port);
+ovn_port_mirror_init(struct shash *ovs_mirrors)
+ shash_init(ovs_mirrors);
+ovn_port_mirror_run(struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx)
+ const struct sbrec_port_binding *pb;
+ pm_ctx->port_binding_table) {
+ ovn_port_mirror_handle_lport(pb, false, pm_ctx);
+ }
+ovn_port_mirror_handle_lport(const struct sbrec_port_binding *pb, bool removed,
+ struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx)
+ bool ret = true;
+ struct shash port_ovs_mirrors = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&port_ovs_mirrors);
+ /* Need to find if mirror needs update */
+ find_port_specific_mirrors(pb, pm_ctx, &port_ovs_mirrors);
+ if (removed == false) {
+ if ((pb->n_mirror_rules == 0)
+ && (shash_is_empty(&port_ovs_mirrors))) {
+ /* No mirror update */
+ } else if (pb->n_mirror_rules == shash_count(&port_ovs_mirrors)) {
+ /* Though number of mirror rules are same,
+ * need to verify the contents
+ */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pb->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ if (!shash_find(&port_ovs_mirrors,
+ pb->mirror_rules[i]->name)) {
+ /* Mis match in OVN SB DB and OVS DB
+ * Delete and Create mirror(s) with proper sources
+ */
+ ret = mirror_delete(pb, pm_ctx,
+ &port_ovs_mirrors, false);
+ if (ret) {
+ ret = mirror_create(pb, pm_ctx);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Update Mirror */
+ if (pb->n_mirror_rules > shash_count(&port_ovs_mirrors)) {
+ /* create mirror,
+ * if mirror already exists only update selection
+ */
+ ret = mirror_create(pb, pm_ctx);
+ } else {
+ /* delete mirror,
+ * if mirror has other sources only update selection
+ */
+ ret = mirror_delete(pb, pm_ctx, &port_ovs_mirrors, false);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = mirror_delete(pb, pm_ctx, &port_ovs_mirrors, true);
+ }
+ struct shash_node *ovs_mirror_node, *ovs_mirror_next;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (ovs_mirror_node, ovs_mirror_next,
+ &port_ovs_mirrors) {
+ shash_delete(&port_ovs_mirrors, ovs_mirror_node);
+ }
+ shash_destroy(&port_ovs_mirrors);
+ return ret;
+ovn_port_mirror_handle_update(struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx)
+ const struct sbrec_mirror *mirror = NULL;
+ struct ovsrec_mirror *ovs_mirror = NULL;
+ SBREC_MIRROR_TABLE_FOR_EACH_TRACKED (mirror, pm_ctx->sb_mirror_table) {
+ /* For each tracked mirror entry check if OVS entry is there*/
+ ovs_mirror = shash_find_data(pm_ctx->ovs_mirrors, mirror->name);
+ if (ovs_mirror) {
+ if (sbrec_mirror_is_deleted(mirror)) {
+ /* Need to delete the mirror in OVS */
+ VLOG_INFO("Delete mirror and remove port");
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_ports_delvalue(pm_ctx->br_int,
+ ovs_mirror->output_port);
+ ovsrec_bridge_update_mirrors_delvalue(pm_ctx->br_int,
+ ovs_mirror);
+ ovsrec_port_delete(ovs_mirror->output_port);
+ ovsrec_mirror_delete(ovs_mirror);
+ } else {
+ mirror_update(mirror, ovs_mirror);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ovn_port_mirror_destroy(struct shash *ovs_mirrors)
+ struct shash_node *ovs_mirror_node, *ovs_mirror_next;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (ovs_mirror_node, ovs_mirror_next,
+ ovs_mirrors) {
+ shash_delete(ovs_mirrors, ovs_mirror_node);
+ }
+ shash_destroy(ovs_mirrors);
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2022 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef OVN_MIRROR_H
+#define OVN_MIRROR_H 1
+struct ovsdb_idl_txn;
+struct ovsrec_port_table;
+struct ovsrec_bridge;
+struct ovsrec_bridge_table;
+struct ovsrec_open_vswitch_table;
+struct sbrec_chassis;
+struct ovsrec_interface_table;
+struct ovsrec_mirror_table;
+struct sbrec_mirror_table;
+struct sbrec_port_binding_table;
+struct port_mirror_ctx {
+ struct shash *ovs_mirrors;
+ struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovs_idl_txn;
+ const struct ovsrec_port_table *port_table;
+ const struct ovsrec_bridge *br_int;
+ const struct sbrec_chassis *chassis_rec;
+ const struct ovsrec_bridge_table *bridge_table;
+ const struct ovsrec_open_vswitch_table *ovs_table;
+ const struct ovsrec_interface_table *iface_table;
+ const struct ovsrec_mirror_table *mirror_table;
+ const struct sbrec_mirror_table *sb_mirror_table;
+ const struct sbrec_port_binding_table *port_binding_table;
+ struct shash *local_bindings;
+void mirror_register_ovs_idl(struct ovsdb_idl *);
+void ovn_port_mirror_init(struct shash *);
+void ovn_port_mirror_destroy(struct shash *);
+void ovn_port_mirror_run(struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx);
+bool ovn_port_mirror_handle_lport(const struct sbrec_port_binding *pb,
+ bool removed,
+ struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx);
+bool ovn_port_mirror_handle_update(struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx);
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
#include "stopwatch.h"
#include "lib/inc-proc-eng.h"
#include "hmapx.h"
+#include "mirror.h"
@@ -963,6 +964,7 @@ ctrl_register_ovs_idl(struct ovsdb_idl *ovs_idl)
+ mirror_register_ovs_idl(ovs_idl);
#define SB_NODES \
@@ -983,6 +985,7 @@ ctrl_register_ovs_idl(struct ovsdb_idl *ovs_idl)
SB_NODE(load_balancer, "load_balancer") \
SB_NODE(fdb, "fdb") \
SB_NODE(meter, "meter") \
+ SB_NODE(mirror, "mirror") \
SB_NODE(static_mac_binding, "static_mac_binding")
enum sb_engine_node {
@@ -1000,7 +1003,8 @@ enum sb_engine_node {
OVS_NODE(bridge, "bridge") \
OVS_NODE(port, "port") \
OVS_NODE(interface, "interface") \
- OVS_NODE(qos, "qos")
+ OVS_NODE(qos, "qos") \
+ OVS_NODE(mirror, "mirror")
enum ovs_engine_node {
@@ -2393,6 +2397,203 @@ load_balancers_by_dp_cleanup(struct hmap *lbs)
+/* Mirror Engine */
+struct ed_type_port_mirror {
+ struct shash ovs_mirrors;
+static void *
+en_port_mirror_init(struct engine_node *node OVS_UNUSED,
+ struct engine_arg *arg OVS_UNUSED)
+ struct ed_type_port_mirror *port_mirror = xzalloc(sizeof *port_mirror);
+ ovn_port_mirror_init(&port_mirror->ovs_mirrors);
+ return port_mirror;
+static void
+en_port_mirror_cleanup(void *data)
+ struct ed_type_port_mirror *port_mirror = data;
+ ovn_port_mirror_destroy(&port_mirror->ovs_mirrors);
+static void
+init_port_mirror_ctx(struct engine_node *node,
+ struct ed_type_runtime_data *rt_data,
+ struct ed_type_port_mirror *port_mirror_data,
+ struct port_mirror_ctx *pm_ctx)
+ struct ovsrec_open_vswitch_table *ovs_table =
+ (struct ovsrec_open_vswitch_table *)EN_OVSDB_GET(
+ engine_get_input("OVS_open_vswitch", node));
+ struct ovsrec_bridge_table *bridge_table =
+ (struct ovsrec_bridge_table *)EN_OVSDB_GET(
+ engine_get_input("OVS_bridge", node));
+ const char *chassis_id = get_ovs_chassis_id(ovs_table);
+ const struct ovsrec_bridge *br_int = get_br_int(bridge_table, ovs_table);
+ ovs_assert(br_int && chassis_id);
+ const struct sbrec_chassis *chassis = NULL;
+ struct ovsdb_idl_index *sbrec_chassis_by_name =
+ engine_ovsdb_node_get_index(
+ engine_get_input("SB_chassis", node),
+ "name");
+ if (chassis_id) {
+ chassis = chassis_lookup_by_name(sbrec_chassis_by_name, chassis_id);
+ }
+ ovs_assert(chassis);
+ struct ovsrec_port_table *port_table =
+ (struct ovsrec_port_table *)EN_OVSDB_GET(
+ engine_get_input("OVS_port", node));
+ struct ed_type_ovs_interface_shadow *iface_shadow =
+ engine_get_input_data("ovs_interface_shadow", node);
+ struct ovsrec_mirror_table *mirror_table =
+ (struct ovsrec_mirror_table *)EN_OVSDB_GET(
+ engine_get_input("OVS_mirror", node));
+ struct sbrec_port_binding_table *pb_table =
+ (struct sbrec_port_binding_table *)EN_OVSDB_GET(
+ engine_get_input("SB_port_binding", node));
+ struct sbrec_mirror_table *sb_mirror_table =
+ (struct sbrec_mirror_table *)EN_OVSDB_GET(
+ engine_get_input("SB_mirror", node));
+ struct shash_node *ovs_mirror_node, *ovs_mirror_next;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (ovs_mirror_node, ovs_mirror_next,
+ &port_mirror_data->ovs_mirrors) {
+ shash_delete(&port_mirror_data->ovs_mirrors, ovs_mirror_node);
+ }
+ const struct ovsrec_mirror *ovsmirror = NULL;
+ OVSREC_MIRROR_TABLE_FOR_EACH (ovsmirror, mirror_table) {
+ shash_add(&port_mirror_data->ovs_mirrors, ovsmirror->name, ovsmirror);
+ }
+ pm_ctx->ovs_idl_txn = engine_get_context()->ovs_idl_txn;
+ pm_ctx->port_table = port_table;
+ pm_ctx->iface_table = iface_shadow->iface_table;
+ pm_ctx->mirror_table = mirror_table;
+ pm_ctx->port_binding_table = pb_table;
+ pm_ctx->sb_mirror_table = sb_mirror_table;
+ pm_ctx->br_int = br_int;
+ pm_ctx->chassis_rec = chassis;
+ pm_ctx->bridge_table = bridge_table;
+ pm_ctx->ovs_table = ovs_table;
+ pm_ctx->ovs_mirrors = &port_mirror_data->ovs_mirrors;
+ pm_ctx->local_bindings = &rt_data->lbinding_data.bindings;
+static void
+en_port_mirror_run(struct engine_node *node, void *data)
+ struct port_mirror_ctx pm_ctx;
+ struct ed_type_port_mirror *port_mirror_data = data;
+ struct ed_type_runtime_data *rt_data =
+ engine_get_input_data("runtime_data", node);
+ init_port_mirror_ctx(node, rt_data, port_mirror_data, &pm_ctx);
+ ovn_port_mirror_run(&pm_ctx);
+ engine_set_node_state(node, EN_UPDATED);
+static bool
+port_mirror_runtime_data_handler(struct engine_node *node, void *data)
+ struct ed_type_runtime_data *rt_data =
+ engine_get_input_data("runtime_data", node);
+ /* There is no tracked data. Fall back to full recompute of port_mirror */
+ if (!rt_data->tracked) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct hmap *tracked_dp_bindings = &rt_data->tracked_dp_bindings;
+ if (hmap_is_empty(tracked_dp_bindings)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct port_mirror_ctx pm_ctx;
+ struct ed_type_port_mirror *port_mirror_data = data;
+ init_port_mirror_ctx(node, rt_data, port_mirror_data, &pm_ctx);
+ struct tracked_datapath *tdp;
+ HMAP_FOR_EACH (tdp, node, tracked_dp_bindings) {
+ if (tdp->tracked_type != TRACKED_RESOURCE_UPDATED) {
+ /* Fall back to full recompute when a local datapath
+ * is added or deleted. */
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct shash_node *shash_node;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH (shash_node, &tdp->lports) {
+ struct tracked_lport *lport = shash_node->data;
+ bool removed =
+ lport->tracked_type == TRACKED_RESOURCE_REMOVED ? true: false;
+ if (!ovn_port_mirror_handle_lport(lport->pb, removed, &pm_ctx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ engine_set_node_state(node, EN_UPDATED);
+ return true;
+static bool
+port_mirror_port_binding_handler(struct engine_node *node, void *data)
+ struct port_mirror_ctx pm_ctx;
+ struct ed_type_port_mirror *port_mirror_data = data;
+ struct ed_type_runtime_data *rt_data =
+ engine_get_input_data("runtime_data", node);
+ init_port_mirror_ctx(node, rt_data, port_mirror_data, &pm_ctx);
+ /* handle port binding updates (i.,e when the mirror column
+ * of port_binding is updated)
+ */
+ const struct sbrec_port_binding *pb;
+ pm_ctx.port_binding_table) {
+ bool removed = sbrec_port_binding_is_deleted(pb);
+ if (!ovn_port_mirror_handle_lport(pb, removed, &pm_ctx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ engine_set_node_state(node, EN_UPDATED);
+ return true;
+static bool
+port_mirror_sb_mirror_handler(struct engine_node *node, void *data)
+ struct port_mirror_ctx pm_ctx;
+ struct ed_type_port_mirror *port_mirror_data = data;
+ struct ed_type_runtime_data *rt_data =
+ engine_get_input_data("runtime_data", node);
+ init_port_mirror_ctx(node, rt_data, port_mirror_data, &pm_ctx);
+ /* handle sb mirror updates
+ */
+ if (!ovn_port_mirror_handle_update(&pm_ctx)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ engine_set_node_state(node, EN_UPDATED);
+ return true;
/* Engine node which is used to handle the Non VIF data like
* - OVS patch ports
* - Tunnel ports and the related chassis information.
@@ -3677,6 +3878,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
ENGINE_NODE_WITH_CLEAR_TRACK_DATA(addr_sets, "addr_sets");
ENGINE_NODE_WITH_CLEAR_TRACK_DATA(port_groups, "port_groups");
ENGINE_NODE(northd_options, "northd_options");
+ ENGINE_NODE(port_mirror, "port_mirror");
@@ -3832,6 +4034,22 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
engine_add_input(&en_flow_output, &en_pflow_output,
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_ovs_open_vswitch, NULL);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_ovs_bridge, NULL);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_ovs_mirror, NULL);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_sb_chassis, NULL);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_ovs_port, engine_noop_handler);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_ovs_interface_shadow,
+ engine_noop_handler);
+ engine_add_input(&en_flow_output, &en_port_mirror,
+ engine_noop_handler);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_runtime_data,
+ port_mirror_runtime_data_handler);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_sb_mirror,
+ port_mirror_sb_mirror_handler);
+ engine_add_input(&en_port_mirror, &en_sb_port_binding,
+ port_mirror_port_binding_handler);
struct engine_arg engine_arg = {
.sb_idl = ovnsb_idl_loop.idl,
.ovs_idl = ovs_idl_loop.idl,
@@ -4151,6 +4369,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
stopwatch_stop(BFD_RUN_STOPWATCH_NAME, time_msec());
+ } else {
+ engine_run(false);
runtime_data = engine_get_data(&en_runtime_data);
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ void en_northd_run(struct engine_node *node, void *data)
EN_OVSDB_GET(engine_get_input("NB_acl", node));
input_data.nbrec_static_mac_binding_table =
EN_OVSDB_GET(engine_get_input("NB_static_mac_binding", node));
+ input_data.nbrec_mirror_table =
+ EN_OVSDB_GET(engine_get_input("NB_mirror", node));
input_data.sbrec_sb_global_table =
EN_OVSDB_GET(engine_get_input("SB_sb_global", node));
@@ -111,6 +113,8 @@ void en_northd_run(struct engine_node *node, void *data)
EN_OVSDB_GET(engine_get_input("SB_chassis_private", node));
input_data.sbrec_static_mac_binding_table =
EN_OVSDB_GET(engine_get_input("SB_static_mac_binding", node));
+ input_data.sbrec_mirror_table =
+ EN_OVSDB_GET(engine_get_input("SB_mirror", node));
northd_run(&input_data, data,
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(inc_proc_northd);
NB_NODE(acl, "acl") \
NB_NODE(logical_router, "logical_router") \
NB_NODE(qos, "qos") \
+ NB_NODE(mirror, "mirror") \
NB_NODE(meter, "meter") \
NB_NODE(meter_band, "meter_band") \
NB_NODE(logical_router_port, "logical_router_port") \
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(inc_proc_northd);
SB_NODE(logical_flow, "logical_flow") \
SB_NODE(logical_dp_group, "logical_DP_group") \
SB_NODE(multicast_group, "multicast_group") \
+ SB_NODE(mirror, "mirror") \
SB_NODE(meter, "meter") \
SB_NODE(meter_band, "meter_band") \
SB_NODE(datapath_binding, "datapath_binding") \
@@ -172,6 +174,7 @@ void inc_proc_northd_init(struct ovsdb_idl_loop *nb,
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_nb_acl, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_nb_logical_router, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_nb_qos, NULL);
+ engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_nb_mirror, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_nb_meter, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_nb_meter_band, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_nb_logical_router_port, NULL);
@@ -194,6 +197,7 @@ void inc_proc_northd_init(struct ovsdb_idl_loop *nb,
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_sb_address_set, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_sb_port_group, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_sb_logical_dp_group, NULL);
+ engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_sb_mirror, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_sb_meter, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_sb_meter_band, NULL);
engine_add_input(&en_northd, &en_sb_datapath_binding, NULL);
@@ -3214,6 +3214,89 @@ ovn_port_update_sbrec_chassis(
+static void
+do_sb_mirror_addition(struct northd_input *input_data,
+ const struct ovn_port *op)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < op->nbsp->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ const struct sbrec_mirror *sb_mirror;
+ input_data->sbrec_mirror_table) {
+ if (!strcmp(sb_mirror->name,
+ op->nbsp->mirror_rules[i]->name)) {
+ /* Add the value to SB */
+ sbrec_port_binding_update_mirror_rules_addvalue(op->sb,
+ sb_mirror);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+sbrec_port_binding_update_mirror_rules(struct northd_input *input_data,
+ const struct ovn_port *op)
+ size_t i = 0;
+ if (op->sb->n_mirror_rules > op->nbsp->n_mirror_rules) {
+ /* Needs deletion in SB */
+ struct shash nb_mirror_rules = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&nb_mirror_rules);
+ for (i = 0; i < op->nbsp->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ shash_add(&nb_mirror_rules,
+ op->nbsp->mirror_rules[i]->name,
+ op->nbsp->mirror_rules[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < op->sb->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ if (!shash_find(&nb_mirror_rules,
+ op->sb->mirror_rules[i]->name)) {
+ sbrec_port_binding_update_mirror_rules_delvalue(op->sb,
+ op->sb->mirror_rules[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ struct shash_node *node, *next;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (node, next, &nb_mirror_rules) {
+ shash_delete(&nb_mirror_rules, node);
+ }
+ shash_destroy(&nb_mirror_rules);
+ } else if (op->sb->n_mirror_rules < op->nbsp->n_mirror_rules) {
+ /* Needs addition in SB */
+ do_sb_mirror_addition(input_data, op);
+ } else if (op->sb->n_mirror_rules == op->nbsp->n_mirror_rules) {
+ /*
+ * Check if its the same mirrors on both SB and NB DBs
+ * If not update accordingly.
+ */
+ bool needs_sb_addition = false;
+ struct shash nb_mirror_rules = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&nb_mirror_rules);
+ for (i = 0; i < op->nbsp->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ shash_add(&nb_mirror_rules,
+ op->nbsp->mirror_rules[i]->name,
+ op->nbsp->mirror_rules[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < op->sb->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ if (!shash_find(&nb_mirror_rules,
+ op->sb->mirror_rules[i]->name)) {
+ sbrec_port_binding_update_mirror_rules_delvalue(op->sb,
+ op->sb->mirror_rules[i]);
+ needs_sb_addition = true;
+ }
+ }
+ struct shash_node *node, *next;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (node, next, &nb_mirror_rules) {
+ shash_delete(&nb_mirror_rules, node);
+ }
+ shash_destroy(&nb_mirror_rules);
+ if (needs_sb_addition) {
+ do_sb_mirror_addition(input_data, op);
+ }
+ }
static void
ovn_port_update_sbrec(struct northd_input *input_data,
struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovnsb_txn,
@@ -3573,6 +3656,15 @@ ovn_port_update_sbrec(struct northd_input *input_data,
sbrec_port_binding_set_external_ids(op->sb, &ids);
+ if (!op->nbsp->n_mirror_rules) {
+ /* Nothing is set. Clear mirror_rules from pb. */
+ sbrec_port_binding_set_mirror_rules(op->sb, NULL, 0);
+ } else {
+ /* Check if SB DB update needed */
+ sbrec_port_binding_update_mirror_rules(input_data, op);
+ }
if (op->tunnel_key != op->sb->tunnel_key) {
sbrec_port_binding_set_tunnel_key(op->sb, op->tunnel_key);
@@ -14910,6 +15002,85 @@ sync_meters(struct northd_input *input_data,
+static bool
+mirror_needs_update(const struct nbrec_mirror *nb_mirror,
+ const struct sbrec_mirror *sb_mirror)
+ if (nb_mirror->index != sb_mirror->index) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (strcmp(nb_mirror->sink, sb_mirror->sink)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (strcmp(nb_mirror->type, sb_mirror->type)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (strcmp(nb_mirror->filter, sb_mirror->filter)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static void
+sync_mirrors_iterate_nb_mirror(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovnsb_txn,
+ const char *mirror_name,
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *nb_mirror,
+ struct shash *sb_mirrors,
+ struct sset *used_sb_mirrors)
+ const struct sbrec_mirror *sb_mirror;
+ bool new_sb_mirror = false;
+ sb_mirror = shash_find_data(sb_mirrors, mirror_name);
+ if (!sb_mirror) {
+ sb_mirror = sbrec_mirror_insert(ovnsb_txn);
+ sbrec_mirror_set_name(sb_mirror, mirror_name);
+ shash_add(sb_mirrors, sb_mirror->name, sb_mirror);
+ new_sb_mirror = true;
+ }
+ sset_add(used_sb_mirrors, mirror_name);
+ if ((new_sb_mirror) || mirror_needs_update(nb_mirror, sb_mirror)) {
+ sbrec_mirror_set_filter(sb_mirror,nb_mirror->filter);
+ sbrec_mirror_set_index(sb_mirror, nb_mirror->index);
+ sbrec_mirror_set_sink(sb_mirror, nb_mirror->sink);
+ sbrec_mirror_set_type(sb_mirror, nb_mirror->type);
+ }
+static void
+sync_mirrors(struct northd_input *input_data,
+ struct ovsdb_idl_txn *ovnsb_txn)
+ struct shash sb_mirrors = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&sb_mirrors);
+ struct sset used_sb_mirrors = SSET_INITIALIZER(&used_sb_mirrors);
+ const struct sbrec_mirror *sb_mirror;
+ SBREC_MIRROR_TABLE_FOR_EACH (sb_mirror, input_data->sbrec_mirror_table) {
+ shash_add(&sb_mirrors, sb_mirror->name, sb_mirror);
+ }
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *nb_mirror;
+ NBREC_MIRROR_TABLE_FOR_EACH (nb_mirror, input_data->nbrec_mirror_table) {
+ sync_mirrors_iterate_nb_mirror(ovnsb_txn, nb_mirror->name, nb_mirror,
+ &sb_mirrors, &used_sb_mirrors);
+ }
+ const char *used_mirror;
+ const char *used_mirror_next;
+ SSET_FOR_EACH_SAFE (used_mirror, used_mirror_next, &used_sb_mirrors) {
+ shash_find_and_delete(&sb_mirrors, used_mirror);
+ sset_delete(&used_sb_mirrors, SSET_NODE_FROM_NAME(used_mirror));
+ }
+ sset_destroy(&used_sb_mirrors);
+ struct shash_node *node, *next;
+ SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (node, next, &sb_mirrors) {
+ sbrec_mirror_delete(node->data);
+ shash_delete(&sb_mirrors, node);
+ }
+ shash_destroy(&sb_mirrors);
* struct 'dns_info' is used to sync the DNS records between OVN Northbound db
* and Southbound db.
@@ -15530,6 +15701,7 @@ ovnnb_db_run(struct northd_input *input_data,
sync_address_sets(input_data, ovnsb_txn, &data->datapaths);
sync_port_groups(input_data, ovnsb_txn, &data->port_groups);
sync_meters(input_data, ovnsb_txn, &data->meter_groups);
+ sync_mirrors(input_data, ovnsb_txn);
sync_dns_entries(input_data, ovnsb_txn, &data->datapaths);
cleanup_stale_fdb_entries(input_data, &data->datapaths);
stopwatch_stop(CLEAR_LFLOWS_CTX_STOPWATCH_NAME, time_msec());
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ struct northd_input {
const struct nbrec_acl_table *nbrec_acl_table;
const struct nbrec_static_mac_binding_table
+ const struct nbrec_mirror_table *nbrec_mirror_table;
/* Southbound table references */
const struct sbrec_sb_global_table *sbrec_sb_global_table;
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ struct northd_input {
const struct sbrec_chassis_private_table *sbrec_chassis_private_table;
const struct sbrec_static_mac_binding_table
+ const struct sbrec_mirror_table *sbrec_mirror_table;
/* Indexes */
struct ovsdb_idl_index *sbrec_chassis_by_name;
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "OVN_Northbound",
- "version": "6.3.0",
- "cksum": "4042813038 31869",
+ "version": "6.4.0",
+ "cksum": "589874483 33352",
"tables": {
"NB_Global": {
"columns": {
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@
"refType": "weak"},
"min": 0,
"max": 1}},
+ "mirror_rules": {"type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+ "refTable": "Mirror",
+ "refType": "weak"},
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": "unlimited"}},
"ha_chassis_group": {
"type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
"refTable": "HA_Chassis_Group",
@@ -301,6 +306,28 @@
"type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
"min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
"isRoot": false},
+ "Mirror": {
+ "columns": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"},
+ "filter": {"type": {"key": {"type": "string",
+ "enum": ["set", ["from-lport",
+ "to-lport",
+ "both"]]}}},
+ "sink":{"type": "string"},
+ "type": {"type": {"key": {"type": "string",
+ "enum": ["set", ["gre",
+ "erspan"]]}}},
+ "index": {"type": "integer"},
+ "src": {"type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+ "refTable": "Logical_Switch_Port",
+ "refType": "weak"},
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": "unlimited"}},
+ "external_ids": {
+ "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
+ "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
+ "indexes": [["name"]],
+ "isRoot": true},
"Meter": {
"columns": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
@@ -1554,6 +1554,11 @@
+ <column name="mirror_rules">
+ Mirror rules that apply to logical switch port which is the source.
+ Please see the <ref table="Mirror"/> table.
+ </column>
<column name="ha_chassis_group">
References a row in the OVN Northbound database's
<ref table="HA_Chassis_Group" db="OVN_Northbound"/> table.
@@ -2491,6 +2496,64 @@
+ <table name="Mirror" title="Mirror Entry">
+ <p>
+ Each row in this table represents one Mirror that can be used for
+ port mirroring. These Mirrors are referenced by the
+ <ref column="mirror_rules" table="Logical_Switch_Port"/> column in
+ the <ref table="Logical_Switch_Port"/> table.
+ </p>
+ <column name="name">
+ <p>
+ Represents the name of the mirror.
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="filter">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents selection criteria of the mirror.
+ Supported values for filter to-lport / from-lport / both
+ to-lport - to mirror packets coming into logical port
+ from-lport - to mirror packets going out of logical port
+ both - to mirror packets coming into and going out of logical port.
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="sink">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents the destination/sink of the mirror.
+ The value it takes is an IP address of the sink port.
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="type">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents the type of the tunnel used for
+ sending the mirrored packets. Supported Tunnel types GRE and ERSPAN
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="index">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents the tunnel ID. Depending on the
+ tunnel type configured, GRE key value if type GRE and erspan_idx value
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="src">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents a list of source ports for the
+ mirror. Please see the <ref table="Logical_Switch_Port"/> table.
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="external_ids">
+ See <em>External IDs</em> at the beginning of this document.
+ </column>
+ </table>
<table name="Meter" title="Meter entry">
Each row in this table represents a meter that can be used for QoS or
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "OVN_Southbound",
- "version": "20.25.0",
- "cksum": "53184112 28845",
+ "version": "20.26.0",
+ "cksum": "2344151793 30004",
"tables": {
"SB_Global": {
"columns": {
@@ -142,6 +142,23 @@
"indexes": [["datapath", "tunnel_key"],
["datapath", "name"]],
"isRoot": true},
+ "Mirror": {
+ "columns": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"},
+ "filter": {"type": {"key": {"type": "string",
+ "enum": ["set",
+ ["from-lport",
+ "to-lport","both"]]}}},
+ "sink":{"type": "string"},
+ "type": {"type": {"key": {"type": "string",
+ "enum": ["set",
+ ["gre", "erspan"]]}}},
+ "index": {"type": "integer"},
+ "external_ids": {
+ "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
+ "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
+ "indexes": [["name"]],
+ "isRoot": true},
"Meter": {
"columns": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
@@ -230,6 +247,11 @@
"refTable": "Encap",
"refType": "weak"},
"min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
+ "mirror_rules": {"type": {"key": {"type": "uuid",
+ "refTable": "Mirror",
+ "refType": "weak"},
+ "min": 0,
+ "max": "unlimited"}},
"mac": {"type": {"key": "string",
"min": 0,
"max": "unlimited"}},
@@ -2742,6 +2742,51 @@ tcp.flags = RST;
+ <table name="Mirror" title="Mirror Entry">
+ <p>
+ Each row in this table represents one Mirror that can be used for
+ port mirroring. These Mirrors are referenced by the
+ <ref column="mirror_rules" table="Port_Binding"/> column in
+ the <ref table="Port_Binding"/> table.
+ </p>
+ <column name="name">
+ <p>
+ Represents the name of the mirror.
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="filter">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents selection criteria of the mirror.
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="sink">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents the destination/sink of the mirror.
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="type">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents the type of the tunnel used for
+ sending the mirrored packets
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="index">
+ <p>
+ The value of this field represents the key/idx depending on the
+ tunnel type configured
+ </p>
+ </column>
+ <column name="external_ids">
+ See <em>External IDs</em> at the beginning of this document.
+ </column>
+ </table>
<table name="Meter" title="Meter entry">
Each row in this table represents a meter that can be used for QoS or
@@ -3244,6 +3289,11 @@ tcp.flags = RST;
+ <column name="mirror_rules">
+ Mirror rules that apply to the port binding.
+ Please see the <ref table="Mirror"/> table.
+ </column>
<group title="Patch Options">
These options apply to logical ports with <ref column="type"/> of
@@ -435,6 +435,122 @@ AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl meter-list], [0], [dnl
dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+OVN_NBCTL_TEST([ovn_nbctl_mirrors], [mirrors], [
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-add mirror1 gre 0 from-lport])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-add mirror2 erspan 1 both])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-add mirror3 gre 2 to-lport])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl ls-add sw0])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lsp-add sw0 sw0-port1])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lsp-add sw0 sw0-port2])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lsp-add sw0 sw0-port3])
+dnl Add duplicate mirror name
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-add mirror1 gre 0 from-lport], [1], [], [stderr])
+AT_CHECK([grep 'already exists' stderr], [0], [ignore])
+dnl Attach invalid source port to mirror
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lsp-attach-mirror sw0-port4 mirror3], [1], [], [stderr])
+AT_CHECK([grep 'port name not found' stderr], [0], [ignore])
+dnl Attach source port to mirror
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lsp-attach-mirror sw0-port1 mirror3])
+dnl Attach one more source port to mirror
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lsp-attach-mirror sw0-port3 mirror3])
+dnl Verify if multiple ports are attached to the same mirror properly
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-list], [0], [dnl
+ Type : gre
+ Sink :
+ Filter : from-lport
+ Index/Key: 0
+ Sources : None attached
+ Type : erspan
+ Sink :
+ Filter : both
+ Index/Key: 1
+ Sources : None attached
+ Type : gre
+ Sink :
+ Filter : to-lport
+ Index/Key: 2
+ Sources : sw0-port1 sw0-port3
+dnl Detach one source port from mirror
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lsp-detach-mirror sw0-port3 mirror3])
+dnl Verify if detach source port from mirror happens properly
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-list], [0], [dnl
+ Type : gre
+ Sink :
+ Filter : from-lport
+ Index/Key: 0
+ Sources : None attached
+ Type : erspan
+ Sink :
+ Filter : both
+ Index/Key: 1
+ Sources : None attached
+ Type : gre
+ Sink :
+ Filter : to-lport
+ Index/Key: 2
+ Sources : sw0-port1
+dnl Delete a single mirror which has source attached.
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-del mirror3])
+dnl Check if the detach happened from source properly
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl get Logical_Switch_Port sw0-port1 mirror_rules | cut -b 3], [0], [dnl
+dnl Check if the mirror deleted properly
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-list], [0], [dnl
+ Type : gre
+ Sink :
+ Filter : from-lport
+ Index/Key: 0
+ Sources : None attached
+ Type : erspan
+ Sink :
+ Filter : both
+ Index/Key: 1
+ Sources : None attached
+dnl Delete another mirror
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-del mirror2])
+dnl Update the Sink address
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl set mirror . sink=])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-list], [0], [dnl
+ Type : gre
+ Sink :
+ Filter : from-lport
+ Index/Key: 0
+ Sources : None attached
+dnl Delete all mirrors
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-del])
+AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl mirror-list], [0], [dnl
+dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------
OVN_NBCTL_TEST([ovn_nbctl_nats], [NATs], [
AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lr-add lr0])
AT_CHECK([ovn-nbctl lr-nat-add lr0 snatt], [1], [],
@@ -2291,6 +2291,108 @@ check_meter_by_name NOT meter_me__${acl1} meter_me__${acl2}
+AT_SETUP([Check NB-SB mirrors sync])
+check ovn-nbctl --wait=sb mirror-add mirror1 erspan 0 both
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . Sink], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . type], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . index], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . filter], [0], [dnl
+check ovn-nbctl --wait=sb \
+ -- set mirror . sink=
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . Sink], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . type], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . index], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . filter], [0], [dnl
+check ovn-nbctl --wait=sb \
+ -- set mirror . type=gre
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . type], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . Sink], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . index], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . filter], [0], [dnl
+check ovn-nbctl --wait=sb \
+ -- set mirror . index=12
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . index], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . type], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . Sink], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . filter], [0], [dnl
+check ovn-nbctl --wait=sb \
+ -- set mirror . filter=to-lport
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . filter], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . index], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . type], [0], [dnl
+AT_CHECK([ovn-sbctl get Mirror . Sink], [0], [dnl
AT_SETUP([ACL skip hints for stateless config])
@@ -16096,6 +16096,221 @@ OVN_CLEANUP([hv1], [hv2])
+# Logical network:
+# One LR - R1 has switch ls1 ( connected to it,
+# and has switch ls2 ( connected to it.
+ovn-nbctl lr-add R1
+ovn-nbctl ls-add ls1
+ovn-nbctl ls-add ls2
+# Connect ls1 to R1
+ovn-nbctl lrp-add R1 ls1 00:00:00:01:02:f1
+ovn-nbctl lsp-add ls1 rp-ls1 -- set Logical_Switch_Port rp-ls1 \
+ type=router options:router-port=ls1 addresses=\"00:00:00:01:02:f1\"
+# Connect ls2 to R1
+ovn-nbctl lrp-add R1 ls2 00:00:00:01:02:f2
+ovn-nbctl lsp-add ls2 rp-ls2 -- set Logical_Switch_Port rp-ls2 \
+ type=router options:router-port=ls2 addresses=\"00:00:00:01:02:f2\"
+# Create logical port ls1-lp1 in ls1
+ovn-nbctl lsp-add ls1 ls1-lp1 \
+-- lsp-set-addresses ls1-lp1 "00:00:00:01:02:03"
+# Create logical port ls2-lp1 in ls2
+ovn-nbctl lsp-add ls2 ls2-lp1 \
+-- lsp-set-addresses ls2-lp1 "00:00:00:01:02:04"
+ovn-nbctl lsp-add ls1 ln-public
+ovn-nbctl lsp-set-type ln-public localnet
+ovn-nbctl lsp-set-addresses ln-public unknown
+ovn-nbctl lsp-set-options ln-public network_name=public
+# Create one hypervisor and create OVS ports corresponding to logical ports.
+net_add n1
+sim_add hv1
+as hv1
+ovs-vsctl add-br br-phys -- set bridge br-phys other-config:hwaddr=\"00:00:00:01:02:00\"
+ovn_attach n1 br-phys
+ovs-vsctl -- add-port br-int vif1 -- \
+ set interface vif1 external-ids:iface-id=ls1-lp1 \
+ options:tx_pcap=hv1/vif1-tx.pcap \
+ options:rxq_pcap=hv1/vif1-rx.pcap \
+ ofport-request=1
+ovs-vsctl -- add-port br-int vif2 -- \
+ set interface vif2 external-ids:iface-id=ls2-lp1 \
+ options:tx_pcap=hv1/vif2-tx.pcap \
+ options:rxq_pcap=hv1/vif2-rx.pcap \
+ ofport-request=1
+ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-bridge-mappings=public:br-phys
+# Allow some time for ovn-northd and ovn-controller to catch up.
+check ovn-nbctl --wait=hv sync
+ovn-nbctl dump-flows > sbflows
+for i in 1 2; do
+ : > vif$i.expected
+net_add n2
+sim_add hv2
+as hv2
+ovs-vsctl add-br br-phys -- set bridge br-phys other-config:hwaddr=\"00:00:00:02:02:00\"
+ovn_attach n2 br-phys
+as hv1
+# Causes a packet to be received on INPORT. The packet is an ICMPv4
+# request with ETH_SRC, ETH_DST, IPV4_SRC, IPV4_DST, IP_CHSUM and
+# provided, then it should be the ip and icmp checksums of the packet
+# responded; otherwise, no reply is expected.
+# In the absence of an ip checksum calculation helpers, this relies
+# on the caller to provide the checksums for the ip and icmp headers.
+# XXX This should be more systematic.
+# INPORT is an lport number, e.g. 11 for vif11.
+# ETH_SRC and ETH_DST are each 12 hex digits.
+# IPV4_SRC and IPV4_DST are each 8 hex digits.
+# IP_CHSUM and ICMP_CHKSUM are each 4 hex digits.
+# EXP_IP_CHSUM and EXP_ICMP_CHKSUM are each 4 hex digits.
+# ENCAP_TYPE - gre or erspan
+# FILTER - Mirror Filter - to-lport / from-lport
+test_ipv4_icmp_request() {
+ local inport=$1 eth_src=$2 eth_dst=$3 ipv4_src=$4 ipv4_dst=$5 ip_chksum=$6 icmp_chksum=$7
+ local exp_ip_chksum=$8 exp_icmp_chksum=$9 mirror_encap_type=${10} mirror_filter=${11}
+ shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift; shift
+ shift; shift; shift; shift;
+ # Use ttl to exercise section of RFC1812
+ local ip_ttl=02
+ local icmp_id=5fbf
+ local icmp_seq=0001
+ local icmp_data=$(seq 1 56 | xargs printf "%02x")
+ local icmp_type_code_request=0800
+ local icmp_payload=${icmp_type_code_request}${icmp_chksum}${icmp_id}${icmp_seq}${icmp_data}
+ local packet=${eth_dst}${eth_src}08004500005400004000${ip_ttl}01${ip_chksum}${ipv4_src}${ipv4_dst}${icmp_payload}
+ as hv1 ovs-appctl netdev-dummy/receive vif$inport $packet
+ # Expect to receive the reply, if any. In same port where packet was sent.
+ # Note: src and dst fields are expected to be reversed.
+ local icmp_type_code_response=0000
+ local reply_icmp_ttl=fe
+ local reply_icmp_payload=${icmp_type_code_response}${exp_icmp_chksum}${icmp_id}${icmp_seq}${icmp_data}
+ local reply=${eth_src}${eth_dst}08004500005400004000${reply_icmp_ttl}01${exp_ip_chksum}${ipv4_dst}${ipv4_src}${reply_icmp_payload}
+ echo $reply >> vif$inport.expected
+ local remote_mac=000000020200
+ local local_mac=000000010200
+ if test ${mirror_encap_type} = "gre" ; then
+ local ipv4_gre=4500007e00004000402fb6e9c0a8010bc0a8010c2000655800000000
+ if test ${mirror_filter} = "to-lport" ; then
+ local mirror=${remote_mac}${local_mac}0800${ipv4_gre}${reply}
+ elif test ${mirror_filter} = "from-lport" ; then
+ local mirror=${remote_mac}${local_mac}0800${ipv4_gre}${packet}
+ fi
+ elif test ${mirror_encap_type} = "erspan" ; then
+ local ipv4_erspan=4500008600004000402fb6e1c0a8010bc0a8010c
+ local erspan_seq0=100088be000000001000000000000000
+ local erspan_seq1=100088be000000011000000000000000
+ if test ${mirror_filter} = "to-lport" ; then
+ local mirror=${remote_mac}${local_mac}0800${ipv4_erspan}${erspan_seq0}${reply}
+ elif test ${mirror_filter} = "from-lport" ; then
+ local mirror=${remote_mac}${local_mac}0800${ipv4_erspan}${erspan_seq1}${packet}
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo $mirror >> br-phys_n1.expected
+# Set IPs
+rtr_l2_ip=$(ip_to_hex 172 16 1 1)
+l1_ip=$(ip_to_hex 192 168 1 2)
+check ovn-nbctl mirror-add mirror0 gre 0 to-lport
+check ovn-nbctl lsp-attach-mirror ls1-lp1 mirror0
+# Send ping packet and check for mirrored packet of the reply
+test_ipv4_icmp_request 1 000000010203 0000000102f1 $l1_ip $rtr_l2_ip 0000 8510 03ff 8d10 "gre" "to-lport"
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS_CONTAIN([hv1/br-phys_n1-tx.pcap], [br-phys_n1.expected])
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS([hv1/vif1-tx.pcap], [vif1.expected])
+as hv1 reset_pcap_file vif1 hv1/vif1
+as hv1 reset_pcap_file br-phys_n1 hv1/br-phys_n1
+rm -f br-phys_n1.expected
+rm -f vif1.expected
+check ovn-nbctl set mirror . type=erspan
+# Send ping packet and check for mirrored packet of the reply
+test_ipv4_icmp_request 1 000000010203 0000000102f1 $l1_ip $rtr_l2_ip 0000 8510 03ff 8d10 "erspan" "to-lport"
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS_CONTAIN([hv1/br-phys_n1-tx.pcap], [br-phys_n1.expected])
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS([hv1/vif1-tx.pcap], [vif1.expected])
+as hv1 reset_pcap_file vif1 hv1/vif1
+as hv1 reset_pcap_file br-phys_n1 hv1/br-phys_n1
+rm -f br-phys_n1.expected
+rm -f vif1.expected
+check ovn-nbctl set mirror . filter=from-lport
+# Send ping packet and check for mirrored packet of the request
+test_ipv4_icmp_request 1 000000010203 0000000102f1 $l1_ip $rtr_l2_ip 0000 8510 03ff 8d10 "erspan" "from-lport"
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS_CONTAIN([hv1/br-phys_n1-tx.pcap], [br-phys_n1.expected])
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS([hv1/vif1-tx.pcap], [vif1.expected])
+as hv1 reset_pcap_file vif1 hv1/vif1
+as hv1 reset_pcap_file br-phys_n1 hv1/br-phys_n1
+rm -f br-phys_n1.expected
+rm -f vif1.expected
+check ovn-nbctl set mirror . type=gre
+# Send ping packet and check for mirrored packet of the request
+test_ipv4_icmp_request 1 000000010203 0000000102f1 $l1_ip $rtr_l2_ip 0000 8510 03ff 8d10 "gre" "from-lport"
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS_CONTAIN([hv1/br-phys_n1-tx.pcap], [br-phys_n1.expected])
+OVN_CHECK_PACKETS([hv1/vif1-tx.pcap], [vif1.expected])
+echo "---------OVN NB Mirror-----"
+ovn-nbctl mirror-list
+echo "---------OVS Mirror----"
+ovs-vsctl list Mirror
+echo "-----------------------"
+echo "Delete vif1 so that OVN releases port binding"
+ovs-vsctl del-port br-int vif1
+echo "Verifying Mirror deletion in OVS"
+AT_CHECK([as hv1 ovs-vsctl list Mirror], [0], [dnl
+OVN_CLEANUP([hv1], [hv2])
AT_SETUP([Port Groups])
@@ -271,6 +271,19 @@ QoS commands:\n\
remove QoS rules from SWITCH\n\
qos-list SWITCH print QoS rules for SWITCH\n\
+Mirror commands:\n\
+ add a mirror with given name\n\
+ specify TYPE 'gre' or 'erspan'\n\
+ specify the tunnel INDEX value\n\
+ (indicates key if GRE\n\
+ erpsan_idx if ERSPAN)\n\
+ specify FILTER for mirroring selection\n\
+ 'to-lport' / 'from-lport' / 'both'\n\
+ specify Sink / Destination i.e. Remote IP\n\
+ mirror-del [NAME] remove mirrors\n\
+ mirror-list print mirrors\n\
Meter commands:\n\
@@ -311,6 +324,8 @@ Logical switch port commands:\n\
set dhcpv6 options for PORT\n\
lsp-get-dhcpv6-options PORT get the dhcpv6 options for PORT\n\
lsp-get-ls PORT get the logical switch which the port belongs to\n\
+ lsp-attach-mirror PORT MIRROR attach source PORT to MIRROR\n\
+ lsp-detach-mirror PORT MIRROR detach source PORT from MIRROR\n\
Forwarding group commands:\n\
@@ -1685,6 +1700,130 @@ nbctl_pre_lsp_type(struct ctl_context *ctx)
ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_logical_switch_port_col_type);
+static void
+nbctl_pre_lsp_mirror(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_logical_switch_port_col_name);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl,
+ &nbrec_logical_switch_port_col_mirror_rules);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_name);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_src);
+static int
+mirror_cmp(const void *mirror1_, const void *mirror2_)
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *const *mirror_1 = mirror1_;
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *const *mirror_2 = mirror2_;
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror1 = *mirror_1;
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror2 = *mirror_2;
+ return strcmp(mirror1->name,mirror2->name);
+mirror_by_name_or_uuid(struct ctl_context *ctx, const char *id,
+ bool must_exist,
+ const struct nbrec_mirror **mirror_p)
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror = NULL;
+ *mirror_p = NULL;
+ struct uuid mirror_uuid;
+ bool is_uuid = uuid_from_string(&mirror_uuid, id);
+ if (is_uuid) {
+ mirror = nbrec_mirror_get_for_uuid(ctx->idl, &mirror_uuid);
+ }
+ if (!mirror) {
+ NBREC_MIRROR_FOR_EACH (mirror, ctx->idl) {
+ if (!strcmp(mirror->name, id)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mirror && must_exist) {
+ return xasprintf("%s: mirror %s not found",
+ id, is_uuid ? "UUID" : "name");
+ }
+ *mirror_p = mirror;
+ return NULL;
+static void
+nbctl_lsp_attach_mirror(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ const char *port = ctx->argv[1];
+ const char *mirror_name = ctx->argv[2];
+ const struct nbrec_logical_switch_port *lsp = NULL;
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror;
+ char *error;
+ error = lsp_by_name_or_uuid(ctx, port, true, &lsp);
+ if (error) {
+ ctx->error = error;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*check if a mirror rule actually exists on that name or not*/
+ error = mirror_by_name_or_uuid(ctx, mirror_name, true, &mirror);
+ if (error) {
+ ctx->error = error;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check if same mirror rule already exists for the lsp */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lsp->n_mirror_rules; i++) {
+ if (!mirror_cmp(&lsp->mirror_rules[i], &mirror)) {
+ bool may_exist = shash_find(&ctx->options, "--may-exist") != NULL;
+ if (!may_exist) {
+ ctl_error(ctx, "Same mirror already existed on the lsp %s.",
+ ctx->argv[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ nbrec_logical_switch_port_update_mirror_rules_addvalue(lsp, mirror);
+ nbrec_mirror_update_src_addvalue(mirror,lsp);
+static void
+nbctl_lsp_detach_mirror(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ const char *port = ctx->argv[1];
+ const char *mirror_name = ctx->argv[2];
+ const struct nbrec_logical_switch_port *lsp = NULL;
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror;
+ char *error;
+ error = lsp_by_name_or_uuid(ctx, port, true, &lsp);
+ if (error) {
+ ctx->error = error;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*check if a mirror rule actually exists on that name or not*/
+ error = mirror_by_name_or_uuid(ctx, mirror_name, true, &mirror);
+ if (error) {
+ ctx->error = error;
+ return;
+ }
+ nbrec_logical_switch_port_update_mirror_rules_delvalue(lsp, mirror);
+ nbrec_mirror_update_src_delvalue(mirror,lsp);
static void
nbctl_lsp_set_type(struct ctl_context *ctx)
@@ -7239,6 +7378,211 @@ cmd_ha_ch_grp_set_chassis_prio(struct ctl_context *ctx)
nbrec_ha_chassis_set_priority(ha_chassis, priority);
+parse_filter(const char *arg, const char **selection_p)
+ /* Validate selection. Only require the first letter. */
+ if (arg[0] == 't') {
+ *selection_p = "to-lport";
+ } else if (arg[0] == 'f') {
+ *selection_p = "from-lport";
+ } else if (arg[0] == 'b') {
+ *selection_p = "both";
+ } else {
+ *selection_p = NULL;
+ return xasprintf("%s: selection must be \"to-lport\" or "
+ "\"from-lport\" or \"both\" ", arg);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+parse_type(const char *arg, const char **type_p)
+ /* Validate type. Only require the first letter. */
+ if (arg[0] == 'g') {
+ *type_p = "gre";
+ } else if (arg[0] == 'e') {
+ *type_p = "erspan";
+ } else {
+ *type_p = NULL;
+ return xasprintf("%s: type must be \"gre\" or "
+ "\"erspan\"", arg);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void
+nbctl_pre_mirror_add(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_name);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_filter);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_index);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_sink);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_type);
+static void
+nbctl_mirror_add(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ const char *filter = NULL;
+ const char *sink_ip = NULL;
+ const char *type = NULL;
+ const char *name = NULL;
+ char *new_sink_ip = NULL;
+ int64_t index;
+ char *error = NULL;
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror_check = NULL;
+ /* Mirror Name */
+ name = ctx->argv[1];
+ NBREC_MIRROR_FOR_EACH (mirror_check, ctx->idl) {
+ if (!strcmp(mirror_check->name, name)) {
+ ctl_error(ctx, "Mirror with %s name already exists.",
+ name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Tunnel Type - GRE/ERSPAN */
+ error = parse_type(ctx->argv[2], &type);
+ if (error) {
+ ctx->error = error;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* tunnel index / GRE key / ERSPAN idx */
+ index = atoi(ctx->argv[3]);
+ /* Filter for mirroring */
+ error = parse_filter(ctx->argv[4], &filter);
+ if (error) {
+ ctx->error = error;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Destination / Sink details */
+ sink_ip = ctx->argv[5];
+ /* check if it is a valid ip */
+ new_sink_ip = normalize_ipv4_addr_str(sink_ip);
+ if (!new_sink_ip) {
+ new_sink_ip = normalize_ipv6_addr_str(sink_ip);
+ }
+ if (new_sink_ip) {
+ free(new_sink_ip);
+ } else {
+ ctl_error(ctx, "Invalid sink ip: %s", sink_ip);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Create the mirror. */
+ struct nbrec_mirror *mirror = nbrec_mirror_insert(ctx->txn);
+ nbrec_mirror_set_name(mirror, name);
+ nbrec_mirror_set_index(mirror, index);
+ nbrec_mirror_set_filter(mirror, filter);
+ nbrec_mirror_set_type(mirror, type);
+ nbrec_mirror_set_sink(mirror, sink_ip);
+static void
+nbctl_pre_mirror_del(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_name);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_src);
+static void
+nbctl_mirror_del(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror, *next;
+ /* If a name is not specified, delete all mirrors. */
+ if (ctx->argc == 1) {
+ NBREC_MIRROR_FOR_EACH_SAFE (mirror, next, ctx->idl) {
+ nbrec_mirror_delete(mirror);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Remove the matching mirror. */
+ NBREC_MIRROR_FOR_EACH (mirror, ctx->idl) {
+ if (strcmp(ctx->argv[1], mirror->name)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ nbrec_mirror_delete(mirror);
+ return;
+ }
+static void
+nbctl_pre_mirror_list(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_logical_switch_port_col_name);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_name);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_filter);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_index);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_sink);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_type);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &nbrec_mirror_col_src);
+static void
+nbctl_mirror_list(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+ const struct nbrec_mirror **mirrors = NULL;
+ const struct nbrec_mirror *mirror;
+ size_t n_capacity = 0;
+ size_t n_mirrors = 0;
+ NBREC_MIRROR_FOR_EACH (mirror, ctx->idl) {
+ if (n_mirrors == n_capacity) {
+ mirrors = x2nrealloc(mirrors, &n_capacity, sizeof *mirrors);
+ }
+ mirrors[n_mirrors] = mirror;
+ n_mirrors++;
+ }
+ if (n_mirrors) {
+ qsort(mirrors, n_mirrors, sizeof *mirrors, mirror_cmp);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n_mirrors; i++) {
+ mirror = mirrors[i];
+ ds_put_format(&ctx->output, "%s:\n", mirror->name);
+ /* print all the values */
+ ds_put_format(&ctx->output, " Type : %s\n", mirror->type);
+ ds_put_format(&ctx->output, " Sink : %s\n", mirror->sink);
+ ds_put_format(&ctx->output, " Filter : %s\n", mirror->filter);
+ ds_put_format(&ctx->output, " Index/Key: %ld\n",
+ (long int)mirror->index);
+ ds_put_cstr(&ctx->output, " Sources :");
+ if (mirror->n_src > 0) {
+ struct svec srcs;
+ const char *src;
+ size_t j;
+ svec_init(&srcs);
+ for (j = 0; j < mirror->n_src; j++) {
+ svec_add(&srcs, mirror->src[j]->name);
+ }
+ svec_sort(&srcs);
+ SVEC_FOR_EACH (j, src, &srcs) {
+ ds_put_format(&ctx->output, " %s", src);
+ }
+ svec_destroy(&srcs);
+ } else {
+ ds_put_cstr(&ctx->output, " None attached");
+ }
+ ds_put_cstr(&ctx->output, "\n");
+ }
+ free(mirrors);
static const struct ctl_table_class tables[NBREC_N_TABLES] = {
= {{&nbrec_logical_switch_port_col_name, NULL,
@@ -7332,6 +7676,15 @@ static const struct ctl_command_syntax nbctl_commands[] = {
{ "qos-list", 1, 1, "SWITCH", nbctl_pre_qos_list, nbctl_qos_list,
NULL, "", RO },
+ /* mirror commands. */
+ { "mirror-add", 5, 5,
+ nbctl_pre_mirror_add, nbctl_mirror_add, NULL, "--may-exist", RW },
+ { "mirror-del", 0, 1, "[NAME]",
+ nbctl_pre_mirror_del, nbctl_mirror_del, NULL, "", RW },
+ { "mirror-list", 0, 0, "", nbctl_pre_mirror_list, nbctl_mirror_list,
+ NULL, "", RO },
/* meter commands. */
{ "meter-add", 4, 5, "NAME ACTION RATE UNIT [BURST]", nbctl_pre_meter_add,
nbctl_meter_add, NULL, "--fair,--may-exist", RW },
@@ -7386,6 +7739,10 @@ static const struct ctl_command_syntax nbctl_commands[] = {
nbctl_lsp_get_dhcpv6_options, NULL, "", RO },
{ "lsp-get-ls", 1, 1, "PORT", nbctl_pre_lsp_get_ls, nbctl_lsp_get_ls,
NULL, "", RO },
+ { "lsp-attach-mirror", 2, 2, "PORT MIRROR", nbctl_pre_lsp_mirror,
+ nbctl_lsp_attach_mirror, NULL, "", RW },
+ { "lsp-detach-mirror", 2, 2, "PORT MIRROR", nbctl_pre_lsp_mirror,
+ nbctl_lsp_detach_mirror, NULL, "", RW },
/* forwarding group commands. */
{ "fwd-group-add", 4, INT_MAX, "SWITCH GROUP VIP VMAC PORT...",
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ pre_get_info(struct ctl_context *ctx)
ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &sbrec_port_binding_col_chassis);
ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &sbrec_port_binding_col_datapath);
ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &sbrec_port_binding_col_up);
+ ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &sbrec_port_binding_col_mirror_rules);
ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &sbrec_logical_flow_col_logical_datapath);
ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &sbrec_logical_flow_col_logical_dp_group);
@@ -1434,6 +1435,9 @@ static const struct ctl_table_class tables[SBREC_N_TABLES] = {
= {&sbrec_ha_chassis_col_chassis, NULL, NULL},
+ [SBREC_TABLE_MIRROR].row_ids[0]
+ = {&sbrec_mirror_col_name, NULL, NULL},
= {&sbrec_meter_col_name, NULL, NULL},