@@ -6191,6 +6191,54 @@ build_dhcpv4_options_flows(struct ovn_port *op,
+static void
+build_dhcpv6_options_flows(struct ovn_port *op,
+ struct lport_addresses *lsp_addrs,
+ const char *json_key, bool is_external,
+ struct hmap *lflows)
+ struct ds match = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < lsp_addrs->n_ipv6_addrs; j++) {
+ struct ds options_action = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
+ struct ds response_action = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
+ if (build_dhcpv6_action(
+ op, &lsp_addrs->ipv6_addrs[j].addr,
+ &options_action, &response_action)) {
+ ds_clear(&match);
+ ds_put_format(
+ &match, "inport == %s && eth.src == %s"
+ " && ip6.dst == ff02::1:2 && udp.src == 546 &&"
+ " udp.dst == 547",
+ json_key, lsp_addrs->ea_s);
+ if (is_external) {
+ ds_put_format(&match, " && is_chassis_resident(%s)",
+ op->json_key);
+ }
+ ovn_lflow_add_with_hint(lflows, op->od,
+ ds_cstr(&match),
+ ds_cstr(&options_action),
+ &op->nbsp->dhcpv6_options->header_);
+ /* If REGBIT_DHCP_OPTS_RESULT is set to 1, it means the
+ * put_dhcpv6_opts action is successful */
+ ds_put_cstr(&match, " && "REGBIT_DHCP_OPTS_RESULT);
+ ovn_lflow_add_with_hint(lflows, op->od,
+ ds_cstr(&match),
+ ds_cstr(&response_action),
+ &op->nbsp->dhcpv6_options->header_);
+ ds_destroy(&options_action);
+ ds_destroy(&response_action);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ds_destroy(&match);
static void
build_lswitch_flows(struct hmap *datapaths, struct hmap *ports,
struct hmap *port_groups, struct hmap *lflows,
@@ -6521,52 +6569,8 @@ build_lswitch_flows(struct hmap *datapaths, struct hmap *ports,
build_dhcpv4_options_flows(op, &op->lsp_addrs[i], json_key,
is_external, lflows);
- struct ovsdb_idl_row *stage_hint;
- if (op->nbsp->dhcpv6_options) {
- stage_hint = &op->nbsp->dhcpv6_options->header_;
- } else {
- stage_hint = NULL;
- }
- for (size_t j = 0; j < op->lsp_addrs[i].n_ipv6_addrs; j++) {
- struct ds options_action = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
- struct ds response_action = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
- if (build_dhcpv6_action(
- op, &op->lsp_addrs[i].ipv6_addrs[j].addr,
- &options_action, &response_action)) {
- ds_clear(&match);
- ds_put_format(
- &match, "inport == %s && eth.src == %s"
- " && ip6.dst == ff02::1:2 && udp.src == 546 &&"
- " udp.dst == 547",
- is_external ? op->od->localnet_port->json_key :
- op->json_key,
- op->lsp_addrs[i].ea_s);
- if (is_external) {
- ds_put_format(&match, " && is_chassis_resident(%s)",
- op->json_key);
- }
- ovn_lflow_add_with_hint(lflows, op->od,
- ds_cstr(&match),
- ds_cstr(&options_action),
- stage_hint);
- /* If REGBIT_DHCP_OPTS_RESULT is set to 1, it means the
- * put_dhcpv6_opts action is successful */
- ds_put_cstr(&match, " && "REGBIT_DHCP_OPTS_RESULT);
- ovn_lflow_add_with_hint(lflows, op->od,
- ds_cstr(&match),
- ds_cstr(&response_action),
- stage_hint);
- ds_destroy(&options_action);
- ds_destroy(&response_action);
- break;
- }
- }
+ build_dhcpv6_options_flows(op, &op->lsp_addrs[i], json_key,
+ is_external, lflows);
Also remove stage_hint conditional calculation for the moved code section because build_dhcpv6_action already returns false when dhcpv6_options are not set. Signed-off-by: Ihar Hrachyshka <ihrachys@redhat.com> --- northd/ovn-northd.c | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)