diff mbox

osmo-gsm-manuals DRAFT

Message ID 20170514180511.GB24995@my.box
State New
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Commit Message

Neels Hofmeyr May 14, 2017, 6:05 p.m. UTC
On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 03:53:02PM +0200, Harald Welte wrote:
> I do like the "DRAFT" marking as it is not a set of released manuals for
> a given version of the software.
> Having said that, if there's a real benefit from disabling draft
> marking, please simply go for it.

Playing around for some minutes, I found these snippets:
(I did this of course before reading that I shouldn't bother with it)

Show "DRAFT" in the document header and drop the watermark:


That's enough dblatex for me now, asciidoc is so much easier to understand.



Neels Hofmeyr June 3, 2017, 1:59 p.m. UTC | #1
I was recently annoyed by the DRAFT watermark again when re-configuring a
sysmoBTS for the osmo-gsm-tester and trying to paste from the manual.

On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 08:05:11PM +0200, Neels Hofmeyr wrote:
> Playing around for some minutes, I found these snippets:
> Show "DRAFT" in the document header and drop the watermark:
> I also found a bit of code to put a "DRAFT" on only the first page, but I find
> it impossibly hard to figure out how to switch this snippet on and off

No ideas anyone to switch on/off a bit of dblatex.sty?

We can show "DRAFT" on the first page always, needing manual .sty editing to
disable the DRAFT. No-one ever seems to render without the DRAFT watermark

I submitted both as separate patches,

diff mbox


diff --git a/build/Makefile.asciidoc.inc b/build/Makefile.asciidoc.inc
index fad91fa..82721ff 100644
--- a/build/Makefile.asciidoc.inc
+++ b/build/Makefile.asciidoc.inc
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@  ASCIIDOCSTYLE ?= $(BUILDDIR)/custom-dblatex.sty
 cleanfiles += $(ASCIIDOCPDFS)
 ASCIIDOC_OPTS := -f $(BUILDDIR)/mscgen-filter.conf -f $(BUILDDIR)/diag-filter.conf -f $(BUILDDIR)/docinfo-releaseinfo.conf
-DBLATEX_OPTS := -s $(ASCIIDOCSTYLE) -P draft.mode=yes
+DBLATEX_OPTS := -s $(ASCIIDOCSTYLE) -P draft.mode=yes -P draft.watermark=0
 ifeq (,$(BUILD_RELEASE))
-       DBLATEX_OPTS += -P draft.watermark=1
-       DBLATEX_OPTS += -P draft.watermark=0
-A2X_OPTS := -L --asciidoc-opts="$(ASCIIDOC_OPTS)" --dblatex-opts="$(DBLATEX_OPTS)" -a docinfo -a revnumber="$(GIT_VERSION)" -a revdate="$(GIT_DATE)"
+A2X_OPTS := -L --asciidoc-opts="$(ASCIIDOC_OPTS)" --dblatex-opts="$(DBLATEX_OPTS)" -a docinfo -a revnumber="$(REVNUMBER)" -a revdate="$(GIT_DATE)"

I also found a bit of code to put a "DRAFT" on only the first page, but I find
it impossibly hard to figure out how to switch this snippet on and off
depending on the 'make BUILD_RELEASE=?' option. So if we don't need it to be
toggle-able, we can use it as-is. Otherwise, if someone has some dblatex magic
or a nifty trick to make these two lines conditional, that would give us the
conditional 'DRAFT' watermark on only the first page:

diff --git a/build/custom-dblatex.sty b/build/custom-dblatex.sty
index 66cf9a1..6d1b49d 100644
--- a/build/custom-dblatex.sty
+++ b/build/custom-dblatex.sty
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ 
+% "DRAFT" on first page
+\AddToShipoutPicture*{ \AtTextCenter{ \makebox(0,0)[c]{\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{ \rotatebox{45}{\textsf{\textbf{\color{LtGrey}DRAFT}}}}} } }
 \def\Company{sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH}