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[Ada] Time_IO.Value enhanced to parse ISO-8861 UTC date and time

Message ID 20170906115641.GA140767@adacore.com
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Series [Ada] Time_IO.Value enhanced to parse ISO-8861 UTC date and time | expand

Commit Message

Arnaud Charlet Sept. 6, 2017, 11:56 a.m. UTC
The function Value of package GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO has been enhanced
to parse strings containing UTC date and time.

After this patch the following test works fine.

with Ada.Calendar;          use Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Text_IO;           use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO; use GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO;

procedure Do_Test is
   Picture : Picture_String := "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S,%i";
   T1      : Time;
   T2      : Time;
   T3      : Time;
   T4      : Time;
   T5      : Time;
   T1 := Value ("2017-04-14T14:47:06");
   pragma Assert (Image (T1, Picture) = "2017-04-14T14:47:06,000");

   T2 := Value ("2017-04-14T14:47:06Z");
   pragma Assert (Image (T2, Picture) = "2017-04-14T14:47:06,000");

   T3 := Value ("2017-04-14T14:47:06,999");
   pragma Assert (Image (T3, Picture) = "2017-04-14T14:47:06,999");

   T4 := Value ("2017-04-14T19:47:06+05");
   pragma Assert (Image (T4, Picture) = "2017-04-14T14:47:06,000");

   T5 := Value ("2017-04-14T09:00:06-05:47");
   pragma Assert (Image (T5, Picture) = "2017-04-14T14:47:06,000");

Command: gnatmake -gnata do_test.adb; ./do_test

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2017-09-06  Javier Miranda  <miranda@adacore.com>

	* g-catiio.ads, g-catiio.adb (Value): Extended to parse an UTC time
	following ISO-8861.
diff mbox series


Index: g-catiio.adb
--- g-catiio.adb	(revision 251753)
+++ g-catiio.adb	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---                     Copyright (C) 1999-2016, AdaCore                     --
+--                     Copyright (C) 1999-2017, AdaCore                     --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -93,6 +93,26 @@ 
       Length  : Natural := 0) return String;
    --  As above with N provided in Integer format
+   procedure Parse_ISO_8861_UTC
+      (Date    : String;
+       Time    : out Ada.Calendar.Time;
+       Success : out Boolean);
+   --  Subsidiary of function Value. It parses the string Date, interpreted as
+   --  an ISO 8861 time representation, and returns corresponding Time value.
+   --  Success is set to False when the string is not a supported ISO 8861
+   --  date. The following regular expression defines the supported format:
+   --
+   --    (yyyymmdd | yyyy'-'mm'-'dd)'T'(hhmmss | hh':'mm':'ss)
+   --      [ ('Z' | ('.' | ',') s{s} | ('+'|'-')hh':'mm) ]
+   --
+   --  Trailing characters (in particular spaces) are not allowed.
+   --
+   --  Examples:
+   --
+   --    2017-04-14T14:47:06    20170414T14:47:06    20170414T144706
+   --    2017-04-14T14:47:06,12 20170414T14:47:06.12
+   --    2017-04-14T19:47:06+05 20170414T09:00:06-05:47
    -- Am_Pm --
@@ -531,7 +551,7 @@ 
           "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC");
       --  Short version of the month names, used when parsing date strings
-      S                                                     : String := Str;
+      S : String := Str;
       GNAT.Case_Util.To_Upper (S);
@@ -545,6 +565,390 @@ 
       return Abbrev_Upper_Month_Names'First;
    end Month_Name_To_Number;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Parse_ISO_8861_UTC --
+   ------------------------
+   procedure Parse_ISO_8861_UTC
+      (Date    : String;
+       Time    : out Ada.Calendar.Time;
+       Success : out Boolean)
+   is
+      Index                 : Positive := Date'First;
+      --  The current character scan index. After a call to Advance, Index
+      --  points to the next character.
+      End_Of_Source_Reached : exception;
+      --  An exception used to signal that the scan pointer has reached the
+      --  end of the source string.
+      Wrong_Syntax          : exception;
+      --  An exception used to signal that the scan pointer has reached an
+      --  unexpected character in the source string.
+      procedure Advance;
+      pragma Inline (Advance);
+      --  Past the current character of Date
+      procedure Advance_Digits (Num_Digits : Positive);
+      pragma Inline (Advance_Digits);
+      --  Past the given number of digit characters
+      function Scan_Day return Day_Number;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Day);
+      --  Scan the two digits of a day number and return its value
+      function Scan_Hour return Hour_Number;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Hour);
+      --  Scan the two digits of an hour number and return its value
+      function Scan_Minute return Minute_Number;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Minute);
+      --  Scan the two digits of a minute number and return its value
+      function Scan_Month return Month_Number;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Month);
+      --  Scan the two digits of a month number and return its value
+      function Scan_Second return Second_Number;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Second);
+      --  Scan the two digits of a second number and return its value
+      function Scan_Separator (Expected_Symbol : Character) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Separator);
+      --  If the current symbol matches the Expected_Symbol then advance the
+      --  scanner index and return True; otherwise do nothing and return False
+      procedure Scan_Separator (Required : Boolean; Separator : Character);
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Separator);
+      --  If Required then check that the current character matches Separator
+      --  and advance the scanner index; if not Required then do nothing.
+      function Scan_Subsecond return Second_Duration;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Subsecond);
+      --  Scan all the digits of a subsecond number and return its value
+      function Scan_Year return Year_Number;
+      pragma Inline (Scan_Year);
+      --  Scan the four digits of a year number and return its value
+      function Symbol return Character;
+      pragma Inline (Symbol);
+      --  Return the current character being scanned
+      -------------
+      -- Advance --
+      -------------
+      procedure Advance is
+      begin
+         --  Signal the end of the source string. This stops a complex scan by
+         --  bottoming up any recursive calls till control reaches routine Scan
+         --  which handles the exception. Certain scanning scenarios may handle
+         --  this exception on their own.
+         if Index > Date'Last then
+            raise End_Of_Source_Reached;
+         --  Advance the scan pointer as long as there are characters to scan,
+         --  in other words, the scan pointer has not passed the end of the
+         --  source string.
+         else
+            Index := Index + 1;
+         end if;
+      end Advance;
+      --------------------
+      -- Advance_Digits --
+      --------------------
+      procedure Advance_Digits (Num_Digits : Positive) is
+      begin
+         for J in 1 .. Num_Digits loop
+            if Symbol not in '0' .. '9' then
+               raise Wrong_Syntax;
+            end if;
+            Advance; --  past digit
+         end loop;
+      end Advance_Digits;
+      --------------
+      -- Scan_Day --
+      --------------
+      function Scan_Day return Day_Number is
+         From : constant Positive := Index;
+      begin
+         Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
+         return Day_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
+      end Scan_Day;
+      ---------------
+      -- Scan_Hour --
+      ---------------
+      function Scan_Hour return Hour_Number is
+         From : constant Positive := Index;
+      begin
+         Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
+         return Hour_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
+      end Scan_Hour;
+      -----------------
+      -- Scan_Minute --
+      -----------------
+      function Scan_Minute return Minute_Number is
+         From : constant Positive := Index;
+      begin
+         Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
+         return Minute_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
+      end Scan_Minute;
+      ----------------
+      -- Scan_Month --
+      ----------------
+      function Scan_Month return Month_Number is
+         From : constant Positive := Index;
+      begin
+         Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
+         return Month_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
+      end Scan_Month;
+      -----------------
+      -- Scan_Second --
+      -----------------
+      function Scan_Second return Second_Number is
+         From : constant Positive := Index;
+      begin
+         Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
+         return Second_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
+      end Scan_Second;
+      --------------------
+      -- Scan_Separator --
+      --------------------
+      function Scan_Separator (Expected_Symbol : Character) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         if Symbol = Expected_Symbol then
+            Advance;
+            return True;
+         else
+            return False;
+         end if;
+      end Scan_Separator;
+      --------------------
+      -- Scan_Separator --
+      --------------------
+      procedure Scan_Separator (Required : Boolean; Separator : Character) is
+      begin
+         if Required then
+            if Symbol /= Separator then
+               raise Wrong_Syntax;
+            end if;
+            Advance; --  Past the separator
+         end if;
+      end Scan_Separator;
+      --------------------
+      -- Scan_Subsecond --
+      --------------------
+      function Scan_Subsecond return Second_Duration is
+         From : constant Positive := Index;
+      begin
+         Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 1);
+         while Symbol in '0' .. '9'
+           and then Index < Date'Length
+         loop
+            Advance;
+         end loop;
+         if Symbol not in '0' .. '9' then
+            raise Wrong_Syntax;
+         end if;
+         Advance;
+         return Second_Duration'Value ("0." & Date (From .. Index - 1));
+      end Scan_Subsecond;
+      ---------------
+      -- Scan_Year --
+      ---------------
+      function Scan_Year return Year_Number is
+         From : constant Positive := Index;
+      begin
+         Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 4);
+         return Year_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
+      end Scan_Year;
+      ------------
+      -- Symbol --
+      ------------
+      function Symbol return Character is
+      begin
+         --  Signal the end of the source string. This stops a complex scan by
+         --  bottoming up any recursive calls till control reaches routine Scan
+         --  which handles the exception. Certain scanning scenarios may handle
+         --  this exception on their own.
+         if Index > Date'Last then
+            raise End_Of_Source_Reached;
+         else
+            return Date (Index);
+         end if;
+      end Symbol;
+      --  Local variables
+      Date_Separator : constant Character := '-';
+      Hour_Separator : constant Character := ':';
+      Day            : Day_Number;
+      Month          : Month_Number;
+      Year           : Year_Number;
+      Hour           : Hour_Number     := 0;
+      Minute         : Minute_Number   := 0;
+      Second         : Second_Number   := 0;
+      Subsec         : Second_Duration := 0.0;
+      Local_Hour     : Hour_Number     := 0;
+      Local_Minute   : Minute_Number   := 0;
+      Local_Sign     : Character       := ' ';
+      Local_Disp     : Duration;
+      Sep_Required   : Boolean := False;
+      --  True if a separator is seen (and therefore required after it!)
+   begin
+      --  Parse date
+      Year := Scan_Year;
+      Sep_Required := Scan_Separator (Date_Separator);
+      Month := Scan_Month;
+      Scan_Separator (Sep_Required, Date_Separator);
+      Day := Scan_Day;
+      if Index < Date'Last and then Symbol = 'T' then
+         Advance;
+         --  Parse time
+         Hour := Scan_Hour;
+         Sep_Required := Scan_Separator (Hour_Separator);
+         Minute := Scan_Minute;
+         Scan_Separator (Sep_Required, Hour_Separator);
+         Second := Scan_Second;
+         --  [('Z' | ('.' | ',') s{s} | ('+'|'-')hh:mm)]
+         if Index <= Date'Last then
+            --  Suffix 'Z' just confirms that this is an UTC time. No further
+            --  action needed.
+            if Symbol = 'Z' then
+               Advance;
+            --  A decimal fraction shall have at least one digit, and has as
+            --  many digits as supported by the underlying implementation.
+            --  The valid decimal separators are those specified in ISO 31-0,
+            --  i.e. the comma [,] or full stop [.]. Of these, the comma is
+            --  the preferred separator of ISO-8861.
+            elsif Symbol = ',' or else Symbol = '.' then
+               Advance; --  past decimal separator
+               Subsec := Scan_Subsecond;
+            --  Difference between local time and UTC: It shall be expressed
+            --  as positive (i.e. with the leading plus sign [+]) if the local
+            --  time is ahead of or equal to UTC of day and as negative (i.e.
+            --  with the leading minus sign [-]) if it is behind UTC of day.
+            --  The minutes time element of the difference may only be omitted
+            --  if the difference between the time scales is exactly an
+            --  integral number of hours.
+            elsif Symbol = '+' or else Symbol = '-' then
+               Local_Sign := Symbol;
+               Advance;
+               Local_Hour := Scan_Hour;
+               --  Past ':'
+               if Index < Date'Last and then Symbol = Hour_Separator then
+                  Advance;
+                  Local_Minute := Scan_Minute;
+               end if;
+               --  Compute local displacement
+               Local_Disp := Local_Hour * 3600.0 + Local_Minute * 60.0;
+            else
+               raise Wrong_Syntax;
+            end if;
+         end if;
+      end if;
+      --  Sanity checks. The check on Index ensures that there are no trailing
+      --  characters.
+      if Index /= Date'Length + 1
+        or else not Year'Valid
+        or else not Month'Valid
+        or else not Day'Valid
+        or else not Hour'Valid
+        or else not Minute'Valid
+        or else not Second'Valid
+        or else not Subsec'Valid
+        or else not Local_Hour'Valid
+        or else not Local_Minute'Valid
+      then
+         raise Wrong_Syntax;
+      end if;
+      --  Compute time without local displacement
+      if Local_Sign = ' ' then
+         Time := Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Subsec);
+      --  Compute time with positive local displacement
+      elsif Local_Sign = '+' then
+         Time := Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Subsec)
+                   - Local_Disp;
+      --  Compute time with negative local displacement
+      elsif Local_Sign = '-' then
+         Time := Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Subsec)
+                   + Local_Disp;
+      end if;
+      --  Notify that the input string was successfully parsed
+      Success := True;
+   exception
+      when End_Of_Source_Reached |
+           Wrong_Syntax          =>
+         Success := False;
+   end Parse_ISO_8861_UTC;
    -- Value --
@@ -757,11 +1161,22 @@ 
       --  Local Declarations
+      Success    : Boolean;
       Time_Start : Natural := 1;
+      Time       : Ada.Calendar.Time;
    --  Start of processing for Value
+      --  Let's try parsing Date as a supported ISO-8861 format. If we do not
+      --  succeed, then retry using all the other GNAT supported formats.
+      Parse_ISO_8861_UTC (Date, Time, Success);
+      if Success then
+         return Time;
+      end if;
       --  Length checks
       if D_Length /= 8
Index: g-catiio.ads
--- g-catiio.ads	(revision 251753)
+++ g-catiio.ads	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---                     Copyright (C) 1999-2013, AdaCore                     --
+--                     Copyright (C) 1999-2017, AdaCore                     --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -141,6 +141,18 @@ 
    --     mmm dd, yyyy         - month spelled out
    --     dd mmm yyyy          - month spelled out
+   --  The following ISO-8861 format expressed as a regular expression is also
+   --  supported:
+   --
+   --    (yyyymmdd | yyyy'-'mm'-'dd)'T'(hhmmss | hh':'mm':'ss)
+   --      [ ('Z' | ('.' | ',') s{s} | ('+'|'-')hh':'mm) ]
+   --
+   --  Examples:
+   --
+   --    2017-04-14T14:47:06      20170414T14:47:06       20170414T144706
+   --    2017-04-14T14:47:06,1234 20170414T14:47:06.1234
+   --    2017-04-14T19:47:06+05   20170414T09:00:06-05:47
    --  Constraint_Error is raised if the input string is malformed (does not
    --  conform to one of the above dates, or has an invalid time string), or
    --  the resulting time is not valid.