diff mbox

[Ada] Change error message in Ada 2012 mode for misplaced "if" and "case"

Message ID 20110804122749.GA5027@adacore.com
State New
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Arnaud Charlet Aug. 4, 2011, 12:27 p.m. UTC
GNAT was issuing a wrong message about a missing operand in some cases of
ill-parenthesized code in Ada 2012 mode. Now it issues a correct message about
the missing parentheses.

On the following code we get:

$ gcc -c -gnat2012 -gnaty3 pred.ads

pred.ads:5:30: conditional expression must be parenthesized
pred.ads:8:08: case expression must be parenthesized

package Pred is
   type A is array (Integer range <>) of Integer
     with Predicate => (for all J in A'Range =>
			  (for all K in A'Range =>
			     if J /= K then A (J) /= A (K)));
   function F (X : Integer) return Integer
     with Post =>
       case X is when 0 => F'Result > 0,
         when others => F'Result = 0;
end Pred;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2011-08-04  Yannick Moy  <moy@adacore.com>

	* par-ch4.adb (P_Primary): preferentially issue an error message about
	a missing parenthesis arount a conditional or case expression in Ada
	2012 mode, if we detect that the alignment is not correct for a
diff mbox


Index: par-ch4.adb
--- par-ch4.adb	(revision 177275)
+++ par-ch4.adb	(working copy)
@@ -2445,9 +2445,16 @@ 
                --  If this looks like a real if, defined as an IF appearing at
                --  the start of a new line, then we consider we have a missing
-               --  operand.
+               --  operand. If in Ada 2012 and the IF is not properly indented
+               --  for a statement, we prefer to issue a message about an ill-
+               --  parenthesized conditional expression.
-               if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line then
+               if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
+                 and then not
+                   (Ada_Version >= Ada_2012
+                     and then Style_Check_Indentation /= 0
+                     and then Start_Column rem Style_Check_Indentation /= 0)
+               then
                   Error_Msg_AP ("missing operand");
                   return Error;
@@ -2471,9 +2478,16 @@ 
                --  If this looks like a real case, defined as a CASE appearing
                --  the start of a new line, then we consider we have a missing
-               --  operand.
+               --  operand. If in Ada 2012 and the CASE is not properly
+               --  indented for a statement, we prefer to issue a message about
+               --  an ill-parenthesized case expression.
-               if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line then
+               if Token_Is_At_Start_Of_Line
+                 and then not
+                   (Ada_Version >= Ada_2012
+                     and then Style_Check_Indentation /= 0
+                     and then Start_Column rem Style_Check_Indentation /= 0)
+               then
                   Error_Msg_AP ("missing operand");
                   return Error;