diff mbox

[1/2] config: split Config.in two stages

Message ID 1343577590-14362-1-git-send-email-roylee17@gmail.com
State Rejected
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Commit Message

Tzu-Jung Lee July 29, 2012, 3:59 p.m. UTC
This is a preparation for the next patch for supporting overlay.

The overlay support allows user to specify another Config.in, instead of
the default one.  Of course, in most circumstances, we'd like to include
the original one as the base.  However, the kconf parser mandates that
the "mainmenu" statement (if there is one) should be the very first
statement, and this prevent any Config.in to "source" the default one,
since the "mainmenu" statement will never be the first statement.

After the split, the Overlay Config.in can include the root.in directly.

Change-Id: Ibad146af9f1797f0f417924bb855d7138476a2e0
Signed-off-by: Tzu-Jung Lee <roylee17@gmail.com>
 Config.in |  399 +------------------------------------------------------------
 root.in   |  397 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 398 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 root.in
diff mbox


diff --git a/Config.in b/Config.in
index 95c2e8c..e31df2f 100644
--- a/Config.in
+++ b/Config.in
@@ -1,401 +1,4 @@ 
 mainmenu "Buildroot $BR2_VERSION Configuration"
-	bool
-	default y
-config BR2_VERSION
-	string
-	option env="BR2_VERSION_FULL"
-source "target/Config.in.arch"
-menu "Build options"
-menu "Commands"
-config BR2_WGET
-	string "Wget command"
-	default "wget --passive-ftp -nd -t 3"
-config BR2_SVN
-	string "Subversion (svn) command"
-	default "svn"
-config BR2_BZR
-	string "Bazaar (bzr) command"
-	default "bzr"
-config BR2_GIT
-	string "Git command"
-	default "git"
-	string "Local files retrieval command"
-	default "cp"
-config BR2_SCP
-	string "Secure copy (scp) command"
-	default "scp"
-config BR2_SSH
-	string "Secure shell (ssh) command"
-	default "ssh"
-config BR2_HG
-	string "Mercurial (hg) command"
-	default "hg"
-config BR2_ZCAT
-	string "zcat command"
-	default "gzip -d -c"
-	help
-	  Command to be used to extract a gzip'ed file to stdout.
-	  zcat is identical to gunzip -c except that the former may
-	  not be available on your system.
-	  Default is "gzip -d -c"
-	  Other possible values include "gunzip -c" or "zcat".
-config BR2_BZCAT
-	string "bzcat command"
-	default "bzcat"
-	help
-	  Command to be used to extract a bzip2'ed file to stdout.
-	  bzcat is identical to bunzip2 -c except that the former may
-	  not be available on your system.
-	  Default is "bzcat"
-	  Other possible values include "bunzip2 -c" or "bzip2 -d -c".
-config BR2_XZCAT
-	string "xzcat command"
-	default "xzcat"
-	help
-	  Command to be used to extract a xz'ed file to stdout.
-	  Default is "xzcat"
-	string "Tar options"
-	default ""
-	help
-	  Options to pass to tar when extracting the sources.
-	  E.g. " -v --exclude='*.svn*'" to exclude all .svn internal files
-	  and to be verbose.
-config BR2_DL_DIR
-	string "Download dir"
-	default "$(TOPDIR)/dl"
-	help
-	  Directory to store all the source files that we need to fetch.
-	  If the Linux shell environment has defined the BUILDROOT_DL_DIR
-	  environment variable, then this overrides this configuration item.
-	  The default is $(TOPDIR)/dl
-config BR2_HOST_DIR
-	string "Host dir"
-	default "$(BASE_DIR)/host"
-	help
-	  Directory to store all the binary files that are built for the host.
-	  This includes the cross compilation toolchain when building the
-	  internal buildroot toolchain.
-	  The default is $(BASE_DIR)/host
-menu "Mirrors and Download locations"
-	string "Primary download site"
-	default ""
-	help
-	  Primary site to download from. If this option is set then buildroot
-	  will try to download package source first from this site and try the
-	  default if the file is not found.
-	  Valid URIs are URIs recognized by $(WGET) and scp URIs of the form
-	  scp://[user@]host:path.
-	  NOTE: This works for all packages using the central package
-	  infrastructure (generic, autotools, cmake, ...)
-	string "Backup download site"
-	default "http://sources.buildroot.net/"
-	help
-	  Backup site to download from. If this option is set then buildroot
-	  will fall back to download package sources from here if the
-	  normal location fails.
-	string "Sourceforge mirror site"
-	default "kent"
-	help
-	  Sourceforge has a system of mirror sites.  Some sites may be
-	  closer to your location, and sometimes mirror sites go down
-	  and are no longer available.  This option allows you to select
-	  your preferred Sourceforge mirror site.
-	  The list of mirrors is available here:
-	  http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Mirrors
-	string "Kernel.org mirror"
-	default "http://www.kernel.org/pub/"
-	help
-	  kernel.org is mirrored on a number of servers around the world.
-	  The following allows you to select your preferred mirror.
-	  Have a look on the kernel.org site for a list of mirrors, then enter
-	  the URL to the base directory.  Examples:
-	     http://www.XX.kernel.org/pub (XX = country code)
-	     http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ftp.kernel.org
-config BR2_GNU_MIRROR
-	string "GNU Software mirror"
-	default "http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu"
-	help
-	  GNU has multiple software mirrors scattered around the world.
-	  The following allows you to select your preferred mirror.
-	  Have a look on the gnu.org site for a list of mirrors, then enter
-	  the URL to the base directory.  Examples:
-	     http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu
-	     http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/gnu
-	string "Debian Software mirror"
-	default "http://ftp.debian.org"
-	help
-	  Debian has multiple software mirrors scattered around the world.
-	  The following allows you to select your preferred mirror.
-	  Usually, just add your country code like XX here:
-	  http://ftp.XX.debian.org
-config BR2_JLEVEL
-	int "Number of jobs to run simultaneously"
-	default "2"
-	help
-	  Number of jobs to run simultaneously
-config BR2_CCACHE
-	bool "Enable compiler cache"
-	help
-	  This option will enable the use of ccache, a compiler
-	  cache. It will cache the result of previous builds to speed
-	  up future builds. The cache is stored in
-	  $HOME/.buildroot-ccache.
-	  Note that Buildroot does not try to invalidate the cache
-	  contents when the compiler changes in an incompatible
-	  way. Therefore, if you make a change to the compiler version
-	  and/or configuration, you are responsible for purging the
-	  ccache cache by removing the $HOME/.buildroot-ccache
-	  directory.
-config BR2_CCACHE_DIR
-	string "Compiler cache location"
-	depends on BR2_CCACHE
-	default "$(HOME)/.buildroot-ccache"
-	help
-	  Where ccache should store cached files.
-	bool "Show packages that are deprecated or obsolete"
-	help
-	  This option hides outdated/obsolete versions of packages.
-	bool "build packages with debugging symbols"
-	help
-	  Build packages with debugging symbols enabled. All libraries
-	  and binaries in the 'staging' directory will have debugging
-	  symbols, which allows remote debugging even if libraries and
-	  binaries are stripped on the target. Whether libraries and
-	  binaries are stripped on the target is controlled by the
-	  BR2_STRIP_* options below.
-	prompt "gcc debug level"
-	default BR2_DEBUG_2
-	help
-	  Set the debug level for gcc
-config BR2_DEBUG_1
-	bool "debug level 1"
-	help
-	  Debug level 1 produces minimal information, enough
-	  for making backtraces in parts of the program that
-	  you don't plan to debug. This includes descriptions
-	  of functions and external variables, but no information
-	  about local variables and no line numbers.
-config BR2_DEBUG_2
-	bool "debug level 2"
-	help
-	  The default gcc debug level is 2
-config BR2_DEBUG_3
-	bool "debug level 3"
-	help
-	  Level 3 includes extra information, such as all the
-	  macro definitions present in the program. Some debuggers
-	  support macro expansion when you use -g3.
-	prompt "strip command for binaries on target"
-	default BR2_STRIP_strip
-config BR2_STRIP_strip
-	bool "strip"
-	depends on !BR2_ELF2FLT
-	help
-	  Binaries and libraries in the target filesystem will be
-	  stripped using the normal 'strip' command. This allows to
-	  save space, mainly by removing debugging symbols. Debugging
-	  symbols on the target are needed for native debugging, but
-	  not when remote debugging is used.
-config BR2_STRIP_sstrip
-	bool "sstrip"
-	depends on !BR2_ELF2FLT
-	help
-	  Binaries and libraries in the target filesystem will be
-	  stripped using the 'sstrip' command, which strips a little
-	  bit more than the traditional 'strip' command. This allows to
-	  save space, mainly by removing debugging symbols. Debugging
-	  symbols on the target are needed for native debugging, but
-	  not when remote debugging is used.
-config BR2_STRIP_none
-	bool "none"
-	help
-	  Do not strip binaries and libraries in the target
-	  filesystem.
-	prompt "gcc optimization level"
-	default BR2_OPTIMIZE_S
-	help
-	  Set the optimization level for gcc
-config BR2_OPTIMIZE_0
-	bool "optimization level 0"
-	help
-	  Do not optimize. This is the default.
-config BR2_OPTIMIZE_1
-	bool "optimization level 1"
-	help
-	  Optimize. Optimizing compilation takes somewhat more time,
-	  and a lot more memory for a large function. With -O, the
-	  compiler tries to reduce code size and execution time,
-	  without performing any optimizations that take a great deal
-	  of compilation time. -O turns on the following optimization
-	  flags: -fdefer-pop -fdelayed-branch -fguess-branch-probability
-	  -fcprop-registers -floop-optimize -fif-conversion
-	  -fif-conversion2 -ftree-ccp -ftree-dce -ftree-dominator-opts
-	  -ftree-dse -ftree-ter -ftree-lrs -ftree-sra -ftree-copyrename
-	  -ftree-fre -ftree-ch -funit-at-a-time -fmerge-constants
-	  -O also turns on -fomit-frame-pointer on machines where doing
-	  so does not interfere with debugging.
-config BR2_OPTIMIZE_2
-	bool "optimization level 2"
-	help
-	  Optimize even more. GCC performs nearly all supported optimizations
-	  that do not involve a space-speed tradeoff. The compiler does not
-	  perform loop unrolling or function inlining when you specify -O2.
-	  As compared to -O, this option increases both compilation time and
-	  the performance of the generated code. -O2 turns on all optimization
-	  flags specified by -O. It also turns on the following optimization
-	  flags: -fthread-jumps -fcrossjumping -foptimize-sibling-calls
-	  -fcse-follow-jumps -fcse-skip-blocks -fgcse  -fgcse-lm
-	  -fexpensive-optimizations -fstrength-reduce -frerun-cse-after-loop
-	  -frerun-loop-opt -fcaller-saves -fpeephole2 -fschedule-insns
-	  -fschedule-insns2 -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fregmove
-	  -fstrict-aliasing -fdelete-null-pointer-checks -freorder-blocks
-	  -freorder-functions -falign-functions -falign-jumps -falign-loops
-	  -falign-labels -ftree-vrp -ftree-pre
-	  Please note the warning under -fgcse about invoking -O2 on programs
-	  that use computed gotos.
-config BR2_OPTIMIZE_3
-	bool "optimization level 3"
-	help
-	  Optimize yet more. -O3 turns on all optimizations specified by -O2
-	  and also turns on the -finline-functions, -funswitch-loops and
-	  -fgcse-after-reload options.
-config BR2_OPTIMIZE_S
-	bool "optimize for size"
-	help
-	  Optimize for size. -Os enables all -O2 optimizations that do not
-	  typically increase code size. It also performs further optimizations
-	  designed to reduce code size. -Os disables the following optimization
-	  flags: -falign-functions -falign-jumps -falign-loops -falign-labels
-	  -freorder-blocks -freorder-blocks-and-partition -fprefetch-loop-arrays
-	  -ftree-vect-loop-version
-	bool "prefer static libraries"
-	help
-	  Where possible, build and use static libraries for the target.
-	  This potentially increases your code size and should only be
-	  used if you know what you do.
-	  The default is to build dynamic libraries and use those on
-	  the target filesystem.
-	  WARNING: This is highly experimental at the moment.
-	bool "documentation on the target"
-	help
-	  Install the documentation, including manual pages and info
-	  pages, on the target.
-	  If you say n here, your target will not contain any
-	  documentation.
-	bool "development files in target filesystem"
-	help
-	  Install headers and static libraries in the
-	  target filesystem
-	string "location of a package override file"
-	default "$(TOPDIR)/local.mk"
-	help
-	  A package override file is a short makefile that contains
-	  variable definitions of the form <pkg>_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR,
-	  which allows to tell Buildroot to use an existing directory
-	  as the source directory for a particular package. See the
-	  Buildroot documentation for more details on this feature.
-source "toolchain/Config.in"
-source "target/generic/Config.in"
-source "package/Config.in"
-source "package/Config.in.host"
-source "fs/Config.in"
-source "boot/Config.in"
-source "linux/Config.in"
+source "root.in"
diff --git a/root.in b/root.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30f98ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/root.in
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ 
+	bool
+	default y
+config BR2_VERSION
+	string
+	option env="BR2_VERSION_FULL"
+source "target/Config.in.arch"
+menu "Build options"
+menu "Commands"
+config BR2_WGET
+	string "Wget command"
+	default "wget --passive-ftp -nd -t 3"
+config BR2_SVN
+	string "Subversion (svn) command"
+	default "svn"
+config BR2_BZR
+	string "Bazaar (bzr) command"
+	default "bzr"
+config BR2_GIT
+	string "Git command"
+	default "git"
+	string "Local files retrieval command"
+	default "cp"
+config BR2_SCP
+	string "Secure copy (scp) command"
+	default "scp"
+config BR2_SSH
+	string "Secure shell (ssh) command"
+	default "ssh"
+config BR2_HG
+	string "Mercurial (hg) command"
+	default "hg"
+config BR2_ZCAT
+	string "zcat command"
+	default "gzip -d -c"
+	help
+	  Command to be used to extract a gzip'ed file to stdout.
+	  zcat is identical to gunzip -c except that the former may
+	  not be available on your system.
+	  Default is "gzip -d -c"
+	  Other possible values include "gunzip -c" or "zcat".
+config BR2_BZCAT
+	string "bzcat command"
+	default "bzcat"
+	help
+	  Command to be used to extract a bzip2'ed file to stdout.
+	  bzcat is identical to bunzip2 -c except that the former may
+	  not be available on your system.
+	  Default is "bzcat"
+	  Other possible values include "bunzip2 -c" or "bzip2 -d -c".
+config BR2_XZCAT
+	string "xzcat command"
+	default "xzcat"
+	help
+	  Command to be used to extract a xz'ed file to stdout.
+	  Default is "xzcat"
+	string "Tar options"
+	default ""
+	help
+	  Options to pass to tar when extracting the sources.
+	  E.g. " -v --exclude='*.svn*'" to exclude all .svn internal files
+	  and to be verbose.
+config BR2_DL_DIR
+	string "Download dir"
+	default "$(TOPDIR)/dl"
+	help
+	  Directory to store all the source files that we need to fetch.
+	  If the Linux shell environment has defined the BUILDROOT_DL_DIR
+	  environment variable, then this overrides this configuration item.
+	  The default is $(TOPDIR)/dl
+config BR2_HOST_DIR
+	string "Host dir"
+	default "$(BASE_DIR)/host"
+	help
+	  Directory to store all the binary files that are built for the host.
+	  This includes the cross compilation toolchain when building the
+	  internal buildroot toolchain.
+	  The default is $(BASE_DIR)/host
+menu "Mirrors and Download locations"
+	string "Primary download site"
+	default ""
+	help
+	  Primary site to download from. If this option is set then buildroot
+	  will try to download package source first from this site and try the
+	  default if the file is not found.
+	  Valid URIs are URIs recognized by $(WGET) and scp URIs of the form
+	  scp://[user@]host:path.
+	  NOTE: This works for all packages using the central package
+	  infrastructure (generic, autotools, cmake, ...)
+	string "Backup download site"
+	default "http://sources.buildroot.net/"
+	help
+	  Backup site to download from. If this option is set then buildroot
+	  will fall back to download package sources from here if the
+	  normal location fails.
+	string "Sourceforge mirror site"
+	default "kent"
+	help
+	  Sourceforge has a system of mirror sites.  Some sites may be
+	  closer to your location, and sometimes mirror sites go down
+	  and are no longer available.  This option allows you to select
+	  your preferred Sourceforge mirror site.
+	  The list of mirrors is available here:
+	  http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Mirrors
+	string "Kernel.org mirror"
+	default "http://www.kernel.org/pub/"
+	help
+	  kernel.org is mirrored on a number of servers around the world.
+	  The following allows you to select your preferred mirror.
+	  Have a look on the kernel.org site for a list of mirrors, then enter
+	  the URL to the base directory.  Examples:
+	     http://www.XX.kernel.org/pub (XX = country code)
+	     http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ftp.kernel.org
+config BR2_GNU_MIRROR
+	string "GNU Software mirror"
+	default "http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu"
+	help
+	  GNU has multiple software mirrors scattered around the world.
+	  The following allows you to select your preferred mirror.
+	  Have a look on the gnu.org site for a list of mirrors, then enter
+	  the URL to the base directory.  Examples:
+	     http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu
+	     http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/gnu
+	string "Debian Software mirror"
+	default "http://ftp.debian.org"
+	help
+	  Debian has multiple software mirrors scattered around the world.
+	  The following allows you to select your preferred mirror.
+	  Usually, just add your country code like XX here:
+	  http://ftp.XX.debian.org
+config BR2_JLEVEL
+	int "Number of jobs to run simultaneously"
+	default "2"
+	help
+	  Number of jobs to run simultaneously
+config BR2_CCACHE
+	bool "Enable compiler cache"
+	help
+	  This option will enable the use of ccache, a compiler
+	  cache. It will cache the result of previous builds to speed
+	  up future builds. The cache is stored in
+	  $HOME/.buildroot-ccache.
+	  Note that Buildroot does not try to invalidate the cache
+	  contents when the compiler changes in an incompatible
+	  way. Therefore, if you make a change to the compiler version
+	  and/or configuration, you are responsible for purging the
+	  ccache cache by removing the $HOME/.buildroot-ccache
+	  directory.
+config BR2_CCACHE_DIR
+	string "Compiler cache location"
+	depends on BR2_CCACHE
+	default "$(HOME)/.buildroot-ccache"
+	help
+	  Where ccache should store cached files.
+	bool "Show packages that are deprecated or obsolete"
+	help
+	  This option hides outdated/obsolete versions of packages.
+	bool "build packages with debugging symbols"
+	help
+	  Build packages with debugging symbols enabled. All libraries
+	  and binaries in the 'staging' directory will have debugging
+	  symbols, which allows remote debugging even if libraries and
+	  binaries are stripped on the target. Whether libraries and
+	  binaries are stripped on the target is controlled by the
+	  BR2_STRIP_* options below.
+	prompt "gcc debug level"
+	default BR2_DEBUG_2
+	help
+	  Set the debug level for gcc
+config BR2_DEBUG_1
+	bool "debug level 1"
+	help
+	  Debug level 1 produces minimal information, enough
+	  for making backtraces in parts of the program that
+	  you don't plan to debug. This includes descriptions
+	  of functions and external variables, but no information
+	  about local variables and no line numbers.
+config BR2_DEBUG_2
+	bool "debug level 2"
+	help
+	  The default gcc debug level is 2
+config BR2_DEBUG_3
+	bool "debug level 3"
+	help
+	  Level 3 includes extra information, such as all the
+	  macro definitions present in the program. Some debuggers
+	  support macro expansion when you use -g3.
+	prompt "strip command for binaries on target"
+	default BR2_STRIP_strip
+config BR2_STRIP_strip
+	bool "strip"
+	depends on !BR2_ELF2FLT
+	help
+	  Binaries and libraries in the target filesystem will be
+	  stripped using the normal 'strip' command. This allows to
+	  save space, mainly by removing debugging symbols. Debugging
+	  symbols on the target are needed for native debugging, but
+	  not when remote debugging is used.
+config BR2_STRIP_sstrip
+	bool "sstrip"
+	depends on !BR2_ELF2FLT
+	help
+	  Binaries and libraries in the target filesystem will be
+	  stripped using the 'sstrip' command, which strips a little
+	  bit more than the traditional 'strip' command. This allows to
+	  save space, mainly by removing debugging symbols. Debugging
+	  symbols on the target are needed for native debugging, but
+	  not when remote debugging is used.
+config BR2_STRIP_none
+	bool "none"
+	help
+	  Do not strip binaries and libraries in the target
+	  filesystem.
+	prompt "gcc optimization level"
+	default BR2_OPTIMIZE_S
+	help
+	  Set the optimization level for gcc
+config BR2_OPTIMIZE_0
+	bool "optimization level 0"
+	help
+	  Do not optimize. This is the default.
+config BR2_OPTIMIZE_1
+	bool "optimization level 1"
+	help
+	  Optimize. Optimizing compilation takes somewhat more time,
+	  and a lot more memory for a large function. With -O, the
+	  compiler tries to reduce code size and execution time,
+	  without performing any optimizations that take a great deal
+	  of compilation time. -O turns on the following optimization
+	  flags: -fdefer-pop -fdelayed-branch -fguess-branch-probability
+	  -fcprop-registers -floop-optimize -fif-conversion
+	  -fif-conversion2 -ftree-ccp -ftree-dce -ftree-dominator-opts
+	  -ftree-dse -ftree-ter -ftree-lrs -ftree-sra -ftree-copyrename
+	  -ftree-fre -ftree-ch -funit-at-a-time -fmerge-constants
+	  -O also turns on -fomit-frame-pointer on machines where doing
+	  so does not interfere with debugging.
+config BR2_OPTIMIZE_2
+	bool "optimization level 2"
+	help
+	  Optimize even more. GCC performs nearly all supported optimizations
+	  that do not involve a space-speed tradeoff. The compiler does not
+	  perform loop unrolling or function inlining when you specify -O2.
+	  As compared to -O, this option increases both compilation time and
+	  the performance of the generated code. -O2 turns on all optimization
+	  flags specified by -O. It also turns on the following optimization
+	  flags: -fthread-jumps -fcrossjumping -foptimize-sibling-calls
+	  -fcse-follow-jumps -fcse-skip-blocks -fgcse  -fgcse-lm
+	  -fexpensive-optimizations -fstrength-reduce -frerun-cse-after-loop
+	  -frerun-loop-opt -fcaller-saves -fpeephole2 -fschedule-insns
+	  -fschedule-insns2 -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fregmove
+	  -fstrict-aliasing -fdelete-null-pointer-checks -freorder-blocks
+	  -freorder-functions -falign-functions -falign-jumps -falign-loops
+	  -falign-labels -ftree-vrp -ftree-pre
+	  Please note the warning under -fgcse about invoking -O2 on programs
+	  that use computed gotos.
+config BR2_OPTIMIZE_3
+	bool "optimization level 3"
+	help
+	  Optimize yet more. -O3 turns on all optimizations specified by -O2
+	  and also turns on the -finline-functions, -funswitch-loops and
+	  -fgcse-after-reload options.
+config BR2_OPTIMIZE_S
+	bool "optimize for size"
+	help
+	  Optimize for size. -Os enables all -O2 optimizations that do not
+	  typically increase code size. It also performs further optimizations
+	  designed to reduce code size. -Os disables the following optimization
+	  flags: -falign-functions -falign-jumps -falign-loops -falign-labels
+	  -freorder-blocks -freorder-blocks-and-partition -fprefetch-loop-arrays
+	  -ftree-vect-loop-version
+	bool "prefer static libraries"
+	help
+	  Where possible, build and use static libraries for the target.
+	  This potentially increases your code size and should only be
+	  used if you know what you do.
+	  The default is to build dynamic libraries and use those on
+	  the target filesystem.
+	  WARNING: This is highly experimental at the moment.
+	bool "documentation on the target"
+	help
+	  Install the documentation, including manual pages and info
+	  pages, on the target.
+	  If you say n here, your target will not contain any
+	  documentation.
+	bool "development files in target filesystem"
+	help
+	  Install headers and static libraries in the
+	  target filesystem
+	string "location of a package override file"
+	default "$(TOPDIR)/local.mk"
+	help
+	  A package override file is a short makefile that contains
+	  variable definitions of the form <pkg>_OVERRIDE_SRCDIR,
+	  which allows to tell Buildroot to use an existing directory
+	  as the source directory for a particular package. See the
+	  Buildroot documentation for more details on this feature.
+source "toolchain/Config.in"
+source "target/generic/Config.in"
+source "package/Config.in"
+source "package/Config.in.host"
+source "fs/Config.in"
+source "boot/Config.in"
+source "linux/Config.in"