diff mbox series

[3/5] suricatta/wfx: Add support for wfx server

Message ID 20230602132022.70931-3-christian.storm@siemens.com
State Accepted
Headers show
Series [1/5] Lua/specs: Ignore missing returns diagnostics | expand

Commit Message

Storm, Christian June 2, 2023, 1:20 p.m. UTC
Add Support for wfx server

Signed-off-by: Christian Storm <christian.storm@siemens.com>
 parser/Config.in         |    2 +-
 suricatta/Config.in      |   26 +-
 suricatta/server_wfx.lua | 2195 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 2215 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 suricatta/server_wfx.lua
diff mbox series


diff --git a/parser/Config.in b/parser/Config.in
index d5444b8c..454e9cdb 100644
--- a/parser/Config.in
+++ b/parser/Config.in
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@  config JSON
 	depends on HAVE_JSON_C
 	  Use json-c to parse the configuration file.
-	  Also required for suricatta's hawkBit Server support.
+	  Also required for suricatta server support.
 comment "JSON config parser support needs json-c"
 	depends on !HAVE_JSON_C
diff --git a/suricatta/Config.in b/suricatta/Config.in
index 0fde4401..08362482 100644
--- a/suricatta/Config.in
+++ b/suricatta/Config.in
@@ -49,10 +49,11 @@  comment "hawkBit support needs json-c"
 	bool "Suricatta Lua module"
-	depends on HAVE_LUA
 	depends on HAVE_JSON_C
-	select LUA
+	depends on HAVE_LUA
 	select JSON
+	select LUA
 	  Support for Suricatta modules in Lua.
@@ -61,13 +62,17 @@  config SURICATTA_LUA
 	  enables channel result parsing to JSON per default.
 	  To enable, select 'libjson' in 'Parser Features'.
-comment "Suricatta Lua module support needs Lua and json-c"
-	depends on !HAVE_LUA || !HAVE_JSON_C
+	bool "wfx support"
+	depends on SURICATTA_LUA
+	help
+	  Support for wfx server.
+	  https://www.github.com/siemens/wfx
 	bool "Embed Suricatta Lua module in SWUpdate binary"
 	depends on SURICATTA_LUA
-	default n
 	  Embed the Suricatta Lua module source code file into
 	  the SWUpdate binary.
@@ -83,7 +88,8 @@  config EMBEDDED_SURICATTA_LUA
 	string "Suricatta Lua module file"
-	default "swupdate_suricatta.lua"
+	default "swupdate_suricatta.lua" if !SURICATTA_WFX
+	default "suricatta/server_wfx.lua" if SURICATTA_WFX
 	  Path to the Suricatta Lua module source code file to
 	  be embedded into the SWUpdate binary.
@@ -102,7 +108,13 @@  comment "General HTTP support needs json-c"
+comment "hawkBit & Suricatta Lua module support needs json-c"
+	depends on !HAVE_JSON_C
+comment "Suricatta Lua module support needs Lua"
+	depends on !HAVE_LUA
 comment "Suricatta daemon support needs libcurl"
 	depends on !HAVE_LIBCURL
diff --git a/suricatta/server_wfx.lua b/suricatta/server_wfx.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e34c3f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/suricatta/server_wfx.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,2195 @@ 
+    wfx SWUpdate Suricatta Lua Module.
+    Author: Christian Storm <christian.storm@siemens.com>
+    Copyright ©️ 2023, Siemens AG
+    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+-- luacheck: no max line length
+-- luacheck: no global
+suricatta = require("suricatta")
+-- Cater for table.unpack() on Lua 5.1 / LuaJIT
+if not table.pack then
+    ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-set-field
+    table.pack = function(...)
+        return { n = select("#", ...), ... }
+    end
+    ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated
+    table.unpack = unpack
+--- Exported wfx SWUpdate Suricatta Lua Module.
+local M = {
+    --- Utility / Library Functions.
+    utils = {
+        --- Table Utility Functions.
+        table = {},
+        --- String Utility Functions.
+        string = {},
+    },
+    --- DeviceArtifactUpdate Definitions and Functions.
+    dau = {},
+    --- Suricatta Interface Function Implementations.
+    suricatta_funcs = {},
+-- ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
+-- ▏
+-- ▏  Utility / Library Functions
+-- ▏
+-- ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
+--- @enum GETOPT_ARG
+--- getopt() argument specifier enum.
+M.utils.GETOPT_ARG = {
+    NO = 0,
+    REQUIRED = 1,
+    [0] = "",
+    [1] = ":",
+--- Simplistic getopt(3)-alike.
+-- The following getopt(3) features are not supported:
+-- * multiple identical short option arguments (e.g. `-v -v`),
+-- * optional arguments, e.g., `-v [level]`,
+-- * non-option arguments.
+-- Unknown options given are (silently) ignored.
+-- The `opts` option table has the following format:
+-- {
+--   {"<longopt>", GETOPT_ARG.{NO,REQUIRED}, "<shortopt>" },
+--   ...
+-- }
+-- `<longopt>` may be `nil` in which case only `<shortopt>` is recognized.
+--- @param  argv  table  Integer-keyed arguments Table, modified in-place.
+--- @param  opts  table  Option Table
+--- @return function     # Iterator, returning the next (option, optarg) pair
+function M.utils.getopt(argv, opts)
+    local optmap = {}
+    local optstring = ""
+    for _, optdef in ipairs(opts) do
+        assert(optdef[3], "Mandatory short option char absent!")
+        assert(optdef[2], "Mandatory has_arg definition absent!")
+        optstring = ("%s%s%s"):format(optstring, optdef[3], M.utils.GETOPT_ARG[optdef[2]])
+        optmap[optdef[1] or "_"] = optdef[3]
+    end
+    for index, value in ipairs(argv) do
+        if value:sub(1, 2) == "--" and optmap[value:sub(3)] then
+            local optvalue = "-" .. optmap[value:sub(3)]
+            argv[index] = optvalue
+            argv[optvalue] = index
+        elseif value:sub(1, 1) == "-" then
+            argv[value] = index
+        end
+    end
+    local f = optstring:gmatch("%a:?")
+    return function()
+        while true do
+            local option = f()
+            if not option then
+                return
+            end
+            local optchar = option:sub(1, 1)
+            local param = "-" .. optchar
+            if argv[param] then
+                if option:sub(2, 2) ~= ":" then
+                    return optchar, nil
+                end
+                local value = argv[argv[param] + 1]
+                if not value then
+                    return ":", optchar
+                end
+                if value:sub(1, 1) == "-" then
+                    return ":", optchar
+                end
+                return optchar, value
+            end
+        end
+    end
+--- Reverse ipairs() iterator.
+-- Like Lua's internal `ipairs()`, just reverse.
+--- @param  tab  table  Table to iterate over in reverse ipairs()-order
+--- @return function    # The iterator function
+--- @return table       # The table `tab`
+--- @return number      # Array index
+function M.utils.ripairs(tab)
+    local function rev_iter_ipairs(t, i)
+        i = i - 1
+        if i ~= 0 then
+            return i, t[i]
+        end
+    end
+    return rev_iter_ipairs, tab, #tab + 1
+--- ipairs() + filter iterator.
+--- @param  tab  table             Table to iterate over
+--- @param  fun  fun(any):boolean  Filter function; evaluates to `true` to filter out item
+--- @return function               # The iterator function
+--- @return table                  # The table tab
+--- @return number                 # Array index
+function M.utils.ipairsf(tab, fun)
+    local function iter_ipairs(t, i)
+        while true do
+            i = i + 1
+            local v = t[i]
+            if v == nil then
+                return
+            end
+            if not fun(v) then
+                return i, v
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return iter_ipairs, tab, 0
+--- Merge two Key=Value Tables, leftwards.
+--- @param  tab  table  Destination Table, modified
+--- @param  ovr  table  Table to merge into `tab`, overruling `tab`'s data if existing in `ovr`
+--- @return table       # Merged Table, i.e., `tab`
+function M.utils.table.merge(tab, ovr)
+    local function istable(t)
+        return type(t) == "table"
+    end
+    for k, v in pairs(ovr) do
+        if istable(v) and istable(tab[k]) then
+            M.utils.table.merge(tab[k], v)
+        else
+            tab[k] = v
+        end
+    end
+    return tab
+--- Check if a Table contains `value`.
+--- @param  tab    table  Table to check for `value`
+--- @param  value  any    Value to check for presence in `tab`
+--- @return boolean       # `true` if `tab` contains `value`, `false` otherwise
+function M.utils.table.contains(tab, value)
+    if tab[value] then
+        return true
+    end
+    for _, v in ipairs(tab) do
+        if v == value then
+            return true
+        end
+    end
+    return false
+--- Filter Array Table.
+--- @param  tbl   table             Table to filter
+--- @param  func  fun(any):boolean  Filter function; evaluates to `true` to filter out item
+--- @return table                   # New table, filtered
+function M.utils.table.ifilter(tbl, func)
+    local newtbl = {}
+    for _, v in ipairs(tbl or {}) do
+        if not func(v) then
+            newtbl[#newtbl + 1] = v
+        end
+    end
+    return newtbl
+--- Test if Table is empty.
+--- @param  tbl  table  Table to test for emptiness
+--- @return boolean     # `true` if empty, `false` if not
+function M.utils.table.is_empty(tbl)
+    local index, _ = next(tbl)
+    return not index and true or false
+--- Enquote a String array's elements.
+--- @param  t  string[]  String array to quote elements of
+--- @return string[]     # Element-quoted string array
+function M.utils.string.enquote(t)
+    local quoted = {}
+    for _, v in ipairs(t) do
+        quoted[#quoted + 1] = ('"%s"'):format(v)
+    end
+    return quoted
+--- Escape and trim a String.
+-- The default substitutions table is suitable for escaping
+-- to proper JSON.
+--- @param  str      string  The JSON string to be escaped
+--- @param  substs?  table   Substitutions to apply (optional)
+--- @return string           # The escaped JSON string
+function M.utils.string.escape(str, substs)
+    local escapes = '[%z\1-\31"\\]'
+    if not substs then
+        substs = {
+            ['"'] = '"',
+            ["\\"] = "\\\\",
+            ["\b"] = "",
+            ["\f"] = "",
+            ["\n"] = "",
+            ["\r"] = "",
+            ["\t"] = "",
+        }
+    end
+    substs.__index = function(_, c)
+        return ("\\u00%02X"):format(c:byte())
+    end
+    setmetatable(substs, substs)
+    return str:gsub(escapes, substs):match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"):gsub("%s+", " ")
+--- Execute a callback with retries and pause in between.
+-- The `callback` function must return `true` or, in case of error,
+-- `false` to attempt the next try (if any left).
+--- @param  times     number                 Maximal number of tries
+--- @param  pause     number                 Pause in seconds between tries (defaults to 1)
+--- @param  callback  fun(...):boolean, ...  The callback function to try
+--- @param  ...       any                    The callback function's parameters
+--- @return boolean                          # `true`, or, in case of error, `false`
+--- @return ...                              # Return values of `callback(...)`
+function M.utils.do_retry(times, pause, callback, ...)
+    local ret
+    times, pause = times or 1, pause or 1
+    for try = 1, times do
+        ret = table.pack(callback(...))
+        if ret[1] == true then
+            return table.unpack(ret)
+        end
+        suricatta.notify.warn("Retry attempt %d/%d failed, sleeping %s seconds.", try, times, pause)
+        suricatta.sleep(pause)
+    end
+    suricatta.notify.error("All %d retry attempts failed.", times)
+    return table.unpack(ret)
+--- Validate a JSON document against its schema.
+-- A schema for a JSON document is defined in terms of Lua code,
+-- given in the `schema` parameter, and validated against this.
+-- The schema definition for a particular JSON key `jkey` is a Lua
+-- Table specifying the `type` of `jkey`'s value, possibly extended
+-- with `min` and `max` properties the value has to satisfy.
+-- The latter properties are `type`-dependent: A property `max = 23`
+-- for a number-typed `jkey` enforces its value to be less than or
+-- equal to 23. For a string-typed `jkey`, a `max = 23` property
+-- enforces the maximal string length to be less or equal to 23.
+-- The `type` is simply given by an accordingly typed Lua value.
+-- Per default, all keys (and their values) present in the schema
+-- have to be present in the to be validated JSON document while
+-- not necessarily vice versa. Optional schema JSON keys can be
+-- flagged as such by the `optional = true` property.
+-- *Note*: Any other extra fields (properties) in the JSON schema
+-- are silently ignored.
+-- For example,
+--  `jkey = { type = "string", min = 1 }`
+-- specifies `jkey` to be a string with length > 1.
+-- As another example,
+--  `jkey = { type = 100, max = 100, min = 0 }`
+-- specifies `jkey` to be a number in [0,100].
+-- This naturally extends to JSON arrays with its content schema
+-- specified in the sole property `value` as follows
+-- ```
+--  jkey = {
+--      type = {},
+--      value = {
+--          [1] = {
+--              jkey = { type = "string", min = 1 }
+--          },
+--      },
+--  }
+-- ```
+-- specifying a non-empty JSON array `jkey` with its array contents
+-- being strings of minimal length 1.
+--- @param  data    table   Data to validate against a schema
+--- @param  schema  table   Schema table
+--- @param  path?   string  Initial path
+--- @return boolean         # `true` if `data` satisfies schema, `false` otherwise
+function M.utils.validate_json_schema(data, schema, path)
+    local function check_types(def, k, v, p)
+        if not def[k] then
+            if v.optional == true then
+                if type(v.type) == "string" then
+                    def[k] = "<unknown>"
+                end
+                if type(v.type) == "number" then
+                    def[k] = 0
+                end
+                return true
+            end
+            suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: JSON key '%s/%s' (%s) is missing.", p, k, type(v.type))
+            return false
+        end
+        if type(def[k]) ~= type(v.type) then
+            suricatta.notify.error(
+                "Validation Error: JSON key '%s/%s' has wrong type (is %s != %s).",
+                p,
+                k,
+                type(def[k]),
+                type(v.type)
+            )
+            return false
+        end
+        if type(def[k]) == "string" then
+            local slen = #def[k]
+            if v.min and slen < v.min then
+                suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: JSON key '%s/%s' < %s", p, k, tostring(v.min))
+                return false
+            end
+            if not v.min and slen == 0 then
+                suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: JSON key '%s/%s' is empty.", p, k)
+                return false
+            end
+            if v.max and slen > v.max then
+                suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: JSON key '%s/%s' > %s", p, k, tostring(v.max))
+                return false
+            end
+        end
+        if type(def[k]) == "number" then
+            if v.min and def[k] < v.min then
+                suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: JSON key '%s/%s' < %s", p, k, tostring(v.min))
+                return false
+            end
+            if v.max and def[k] > v.max then
+                suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: JSON key '%s/%s' > %s", p, k, tostring(v.max))
+                return false
+            end
+        end
+        if type(v.type) == "table" then
+            if not M.utils.validate_json_schema(def[k], v.value, ("%s/%s"):format(p, k)) then
+                return false
+            end
+        end
+        return true
+    end
+    path = path or ""
+    if type(schema) ~= "table" then
+        suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: Schema at '%s' is not Table.", path)
+        return false
+    end
+    for k, v in pairs(schema) do
+        if not check_types(data, k, v, path) then
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    if schema[1] then
+        for i, _ in ipairs(data) do
+            if not check_types(data, i, schema[1], path) then
+                return false
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    return true
+-- ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
+-- ▏
+-- ▏  wfx Job Definitions & Types
+-- ▏
+-- ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
+--- @class state
+-- Enum definitions for states.
+M.state = {
+    --- @enum state.types
+    --- Type of a state, used to classify state semantics.
+    types = {
+        --- A regular (i.e. none of the other) state of the workflow
+        REGULAR = "REGULAR",
+        --- A successful terminal state of the workflow
+        CLOSED = "CLOSED",
+        --- A failed terminal state of the workflow
+        FAILED = "FAILED",
+    },
+--- @class transition
+-- Enum definitions for transitions.
+M.transition = {
+    --- @enum transition.eligibles
+    --- wfx's `EligibleEnum` enum values.
+    eligibles = {
+        --- CLIENT-eligible transition
+        CLIENT = "CLIENT",
+        --- WFX-eligible transition
+        WFX = "WFX",
+    },
+    --- @enum transition.result
+    --- Transition execution function result enum values.
+    result = {
+        --- Transition execution function completed successfully, yield to wfx
+        --- Transition execution function failed, try next
+        FAIL_NEXT = "FAIL_NEXT",
+        --- Transition execution function failed, yield to wfx
+    },
+--- Functionality-augmented wfx `Job` instance.
+--- @class job
+--- @field id           string           Unique job ID
+--- @field clientId     string           Device ID
+--- @field definition   job.definition   DeviceArtifactUpdate definition
+--- @field history      any              Job history (unused)
+--- @field mtime        string           Date and time (ISO8601) when the job was last modified
+--- @field stime        string           Date and time (ISO8601) when the job was created
+--- @field status       job.status       Job Status Information
+--- @field tags         string[]         Job tags
+--- @field workflow     job.workflow     Job's Workflow
+M.job = setmetatable({}, {
+    --- @param  self     job  This job instance
+    --- @param  wfx_job  job  wfx job
+    --- @return job?          # This job instance with job data from wfx or `nil` on error
+    __call = function(self, wfx_job)
+        local function mt(tab, indextab)
+            local t = getmetatable(tab) or {}
+            t.__index = indextab
+            t.__newindex = function(_, key, value)
+                if not indextab[key] then
+                    error(
+                        ("Internal Error: Contaminating job Table with %s=%s"):format(
+                            tostring(key or "<key>"),
+                            tostring(value or "<value>")
+                        )
+                    )
+                end
+                rawset(indextab, key, value)
+            end
+            return setmetatable(tab, t)
+        end
+        self.definition.meta = self
+        self.status.meta = self
+        self.workflow.meta = self
+        M.job.status.normalize(wfx_job.status)
+        self = mt(self, wfx_job)
+        self.definition = mt(self.definition, wfx_job.definition)
+        self.status = mt(self.status, wfx_job.status)
+        self.workflow = mt(self.workflow, wfx_job.workflow)
+        if not self:validate() or not self:prepare() then
+            return
+        end
+        return self
+    end,
+--- Validate the job.
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if the job is valid, `false` otherwise
+function M.job:validate()
+    local function validate_id()
+        if self.clientId ~= M.device.id then
+            suricatta.notify.error(
+                "Validation Error: Job's client ID (%s) doesn't match ours (%s).",
+                self.clientId,
+                M.device.id
+            )
+            return false
+        end
+        return true
+    end
+    return validate_id() and self.definition:validate() and self.workflow:validate()
+--- Prepare the job.
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if preparation succeeded, `false` otherwise
+function M.job:prepare()
+    return self.definition:prepare() and self.workflow:prepare()
+--- Mark the job as invalid.
+function M.job:invalidate()
+    if self.id then
+        self.id = "0xDEAD1D"
+    end
+--- Test whether the job is invalid.
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if the job is invalid, `false` otherwise
+function M.job:invalid()
+    return not self.id or self.id == "0xDEAD1D"
+-- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+-- │  Job Status
+-- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+--- Job status information.
+--- @class job.status
+--- @field state           string    Name of the Workflow state
+--- @field clientId        string    Client which sent the status update
+--- @field progress        number    Current job progress percentage [0,100]
+--- @field message         string    State update reason message
+--- @field context         string[]  Additional context information.
+--- @field definitionHash  string    `job.definition` hash
+--- @field meta            job       This job status' `job`
+M.job.status = {
+    --- Job status message JSON Schema.
+    --
+    --- @class job.status.json_schema
+    --
+    -- JSON schema to comply to when sending status updates to wfx.
+    --
+    json_schema = {
+        clientId = { type = "string", min = 1 },
+        state = { type = "string", min = 1 },
+        progress = { type = 100, max = 100, min = 0 },
+        message = { type = "string", max = 1024, min = 0 },
+        context = { type = "string", max = 2000, delimiter = ", " },
+    },
+setmetatable(M.job.status, {
+    __tostring = function(self)
+        local context = ([[{ "lines": [%s] }]]):format(
+            table.concat(M.utils.string.enquote(self.context or {}), self.json_schema.context.delimiter)
+        )
+        if
+            not M.utils.validate_json_schema({
+                state = self.state,
+                clientId = M.device.id,
+                progress = self.progress,
+                message = self.message,
+                context = context,
+            }, self.json_schema)
+        then
+            error("Internal Error: Status message is schema-invalid.")
+        end
+        local status = {
+            ([["state": "%s"]]):format(self.state),
+            ([["clientId": "%s"]]):format(M.device.id),
+            ([["progress": %.0f]]):format(self.progress),
+            ([["message": "%s"]]):format(self.message),
+            ([["context": %s]]):format(context),
+        }
+        return M.utils.string.escape(([[{%s}]]):format(table.concat(status, ", ")))
+    end,
+--- Update job status JSON schema from its OpenAPI (Swagger) definition.
+--- @param  swagger  table  Swagger definition
+--- @return boolean         # `true` if swagger was parsed, `false` otherwise
+function M.job.status:update_json_schema(swagger)
+    if type(swagger) ~= "table" then
+        return false
+    end
+    local spec = (((swagger or {}).definitions or {}).JobStatus or {}).properties or {}
+    if M.utils.table.is_empty(spec) then
+        return false
+    end
+    for k, v in pairs(spec) do
+        if self.json_schema[k] then
+            local max = v.maxLength or v.maximum
+            self.json_schema[k].max = max and tonumber(max) or nil
+        end
+    end
+    return true
+--- Normalize job status information.
+--- @param  status  job.status  Job status instance to normalize
+--- @return job.status          # Normalized `job.status` instance
+function M.job.status.normalize(status)
+    status.state = status.state or "0xDEAD57A7E"
+    status.clientId = M.device.id
+    status.progress = status.progress or 0
+    status.message = status.message or ""
+    status.context = status.context or {}
+    return status
+--- Set job status information.
+--- @param  status  job.status  Data to set
+--- @return job.status          # `self` for chaining
+function M.job.status:set(status)
+    if not status.state then
+        error("Internal Error: job.status:set() must be called with the .state field set.")
+    end
+    if self.definitionHash and status.definitionHash and self.definitionHash ~= status.definitionHash then
+        suricatta.notify.info("Job definition changed, getting new version from server...")
+        self.meta.definition:update()
+    end
+    return M.utils.table.merge(self.normalize(self), status)
+--- @class retry_settings
+--- @field retries      number  Number of (re-)tries
+--- @field retry_sleep  number  Number of seconds between retries
+--- Send job status information and update job with response.
+-- *Note*: Sends status information to wfx and SWUpdate's progress interface.
+--- @param  chan?   suricatta.open_channel  The channel to send the status update over
+--- @param  retry?  retry_settings          Retry configuration
+--- @return boolean                         # `true` if job status information sent, `false` on error
+function M.job.status:send(chan, retry)
+    chan = chan or M.channel.main
+    local retries = (retry or {}).retries or chan.options.retries
+    local retry_sleep = (retry or {}).retry_sleep or chan.options.retry_sleep
+    local msg = tostring(self)
+    return M.utils.do_retry(retries, retry_sleep, function()
+        local res, _, data = chan.put {
+            url = ("%s/jobs/%s/status"):format(chan.options.url, self.meta.id),
+            content_type = "application/json",
+            method = suricatta.channel.method.PUT,
+            format = suricatta.channel.content.JSON,
+            headers_to_send = {
+                -- Filter out unneeded reply's context to save some bandwidth.
+                ["X-Response-Filter"] = "del(.context)",
+            },
+            request_body = msg,
+        }
+        if not res then
+            suricatta.notify.error(
+                "Cannot transition to state '%s': HTTP Error %d.",
+                self.state,
+                data.http_response_code
+            )
+            return false
+        end
+        suricatta.notify.debug(("[%3s%%%%] %s"):format(self.progress, self.message))
+        suricatta.notify.progress(("[%3s%%] %s"):format(self.progress, self.message))
+        if not M.utils.table.is_empty((data or {}).json_reply or {}) then
+            self:set(data.json_reply)
+        end
+        return true
+    end)
+-- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+-- │  Job Workflow
+-- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+--- Function prototype transition execution functions adhere to.
+--- @alias dispatch_fn fun(job.workflow.transition, ...):transition.result, ...
+--- Job Workflow.
+-- The `states` Table is indexable by a state's name.
+-- The `transitions` Table, indexed by a state name, holds all CLIENT-eligible transitions from that state.
+--- @class job.workflow
+--- @field name         string                                                             Unique Workflow name
+--- @field states       job.workflow.state[]      | {[string]: job.workflow.state}         States of the Workflow
+--- @field transitions  job.workflow.transition[] | {[string]: job.workflow.transition[]}  Transitions of the Workflow
+--- @field groups       job.workflow.group[]      | {[string]: job.workflow.group}         State Groups of the Workflow
+--- @field meta         job                                                                This job.workflows' job
+M.job.workflow = {
+    --- Workflow `Group` type definition.
+    --
+    --- @class job.workflow.group
+    --- @field name         string    Group name
+    --- @field states       string[]  Name of States in this Group
+    --- Workflow `state` type definition.
+    --
+    --- @class job.workflow.state
+    --- @field name         string        State name
+    --- @field description  string        Description of the state
+    --- @field group        string | nil  Group the state belongs to
+    --- @field type         state.types   State's type ∈ { REGULAR, CLOSED, FAILED }
+    --- Workflow `Transition` type definition.
+    --
+    --- @class job.workflow.transition
+    --- @field from         job.workflow.state     Source state
+    --- @field to           job.workflow.state     Target state
+    --- @field description  string                 Description of the transition
+    --- @field eligible     transition.eligibles   Actor that may execute the transition
+    --- @field execute      dispatch_fn            Transition execution function
+    --- Transition execution function Dispatch.
+    --
+    -- Table holding transition execution functions and their access functions.
+    --
+    --- @class job.workflow.dispatch
+    dispatch = {},
+--- Get a transition execution function.
+--- @param  from  string  Source state name
+--- @param  to    string  Target state name
+--- @return dispatch_fn?  # Transition execution function
+function M.job.workflow.dispatch:get(from, to)
+    return (self.__funcs or {})[from .. "→" .. to]
+--- Set a transition execution function.
+--- @param from  string       Source state name
+--- @param to    string       Target state name
+--- @param fun   dispatch_fn  Transition execution function
+function M.job.workflow.dispatch:set(from, to, fun)
+    self.__funcs = self.__funcs or {}
+    self.__funcs[from .. "→" .. to] = fun
+--- Validate job Workflow.
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if the job's workflow is valid, `false` otherwise
+function M.job.workflow:validate()
+    for _, trans in ipairs(self.transitions) do
+        -- Note: :validate() is called prior to :prepare(), so not augmented yet.
+        --- @cast trans { [string]: string }
+        if trans.eligible == M.transition.eligibles.CLIENT and not self.dispatch:get(trans.from, trans.to) then
+            suricatta.notify.error(
+                "Validation Error: Transition execution function %s → %s not defined.",
+                trans.from,
+                trans.to
+            )
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    return true
+--- Augment the Workflow with meta functionality.
+-- *Note*: wfx makes sure a workflow is sound, i.e., if a state
+-- is referenced in a transition, it's actually a valid state.
+--- @param  self  job.workflow  This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if preparation succeeded, `false` otherwise
+function M.job.workflow:prepare()
+    local group_type = {}
+    for _, n in ipairs(M.dau.wfx_group.failed) do
+        group_type[n] = M.state.types.FAILED
+    end
+    for _, n in ipairs(M.dau.wfx_group.closed) do
+        group_type[n] = M.state.types.CLOSED
+    end
+    local state_group = {}
+    for _, g in ipairs(self.groups or {}) do
+        for _, s in ipairs(g.states) do
+            state_group[s] = g.name
+        end
+        self.groups[g.name] = g
+    end
+    for _, s in ipairs(self.states or {}) do
+        s.group = state_group[s.name]
+        s.type = group_type[s.group] or M.state.types.REGULAR
+        self.states[s.name] = s
+    end
+    for i, t in ipairs(self.transitions or {}) do
+        local trans = {
+            from = self.states[t.from],
+            to = self.states[t.to],
+            eligible = t.eligible,
+            execute = self.dispatch:get(self.states[t.from].name, self.states[t.to].name),
+        }
+        self.transitions[i] = trans
+        if trans.eligible == M.transition.eligibles.CLIENT then
+            self.transitions[trans.from.name] = self.transitions[trans.from.name] or {}
+            self.transitions[trans.from.name][#self.transitions[trans.from.name] + 1] = trans
+        end
+    end
+    return true
+--- Execute a transition.
+--- @param  self  job.workflow  This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @param  from  string        Source state name
+--- @param  to    string        Target state name
+--- @param  ...      any        Additional data passed to the transition execution function, if any
+--- @return transition.result   # Result of transition execution function or `nil` if none found
+--- @return ...?                # Additional return values of the transition execution function
+function M.job.workflow:call(from, to, ...)
+    --- @type job.workflow.transition
+    local trans = M.utils.table.ifilter(self.transitions[from] or {}, function(t)
+        --- @cast t job.workflow.transition
+        return t.to.name ~= to
+    end)[1]
+    if not trans then
+        error(("Runtime Error: More than one transition %s → %s or not existent!"):format(from, to))
+    end
+    suricatta.notify.info(
+        "Invoking transition %s:%s → %s:%s",
+        trans.from.type,
+        trans.from.name,
+        trans.to.type,
+        trans.to.name
+    )
+    return trans:execute(...)
+--- Helper function actually executing transition execution function(s).
+--- @param  self     job.workflow                          This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @param  silent   boolean                               Whether to be verbose or not
+--- @param  func     fun(job.workflow.transition):boolean  Filter function; evaluates to `true` to filter out item
+--- @param  ...      any                                   Additional data passed to the transition execution function, if any
+--- @return transition.result                              # Result of transition execution function
+--- @return ...?                                           # Additional return values of the transition execution function
+local function do_advance(self, silent, func, ...)
+    local message = {
+        [M.transition.result.COMPLETED] = nil,
+        [M.transition.result.FAIL_NEXT] = "Transition %s → %s execution failed, trying next.",
+        [M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD] = "Transition %s → %s execution failed, yielding to wfx.",
+    }
+    for trans in M.dau.sequencer(M.utils.table.ifilter(self.transitions[self.meta.status.state] or {}, func)) do
+        if not silent then
+            local msg = (select(1, ...))
+            --- @cast trans job.workflow.transition
+            suricatta.notify.info(
+                "Executing transition %s:%s → %s:%s%s",
+                trans.from.type,
+                trans.from.name,
+                trans.to.type,
+                trans.to.name,
+                type(msg) == "string" and (" (%s)"):format(msg) or ""
+            )
+        end
+        local result = table.pack(trans:execute(...))
+        if message[result] then
+            suricatta.notify.debug(string.format(message[result[1]], trans.from.name, trans.to.name))
+        end
+        if M.utils.table.contains({ M.transition.result.COMPLETED, M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD }, result[1]) then
+            return table.unpack(result)
+        end
+    end
+    suricatta.notify.debug("No (further) transition to execute found.")
+    return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+--- Advance Workflow executing client transitions.
+--- @param  self  job.workflow  This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @param  ...   any           Additional data passed to the transition execution function, if any
+--- @return transition.result   # Result of transition execution function
+--- @return ...?                # Additional return values of the transition execution function
+function M.job.workflow:advance(...)
+    return do_advance(self, false, function(t)
+        --- @cast t job.workflow.transition
+        return not M.utils.table.contains({ M.state.types.CLOSED, M.state.types.REGULAR }, t.to.type)
+    end, ...)
+--- Test if Workflow can be advanced by the client from its current state.
+--- @param  self  job.workflow  This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if Workflow can be advanced from its current state, `false` otherwise
+function M.job.workflow:can_advance()
+    return not M.utils.table.is_empty(
+            M.utils.table.ifilter(self.transitions[self.meta.status.state] or {}, function(t)
+                --- @cast t job.workflow.transition
+                return not M.utils.table.contains({ M.state.types.CLOSED, M.state.types.REGULAR }, t.to.type)
+            end)
+        )
+--- Terminate Workflow processing with Failure.
+--- @param  self  job.workflow  This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @param  ...   any           Additional data passed to the transition execution function, if any
+--- @return transition.result   # Result of transition execution function
+--- @return ...?                # Additional return values of the transition execution function
+function M.job.workflow:fail(...)
+    return do_advance(self, false, function(t)
+        --- @cast t job.workflow.transition
+        return t.to.type ~= M.state.types.FAILED
+    end, ...)
+--- Report in-state progress to wfx.
+--- @param  self  job.workflow  This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @param  ...   any           Additional data passed to the transition execution function, if any
+--- @return transition.result   # Result of transition execution function
+--- @return ...?                # Additional return values of the transition execution function
+function M.job.workflow:report_progress(...)
+    return do_advance(self, true, function(t)
+        --- @cast t job.workflow.transition
+        return t.to.type ~= M.state.types.REGULAR or t.from.name ~= t.to.name
+    end, ...)
+--- Test if the current state is a terminal state.
+--- @param  self    job.workflow  This `job.workflow` instance
+--- @param  status  job.status    Job status to test for terminal state
+--- @return boolean?              # `true` if current state is terminal, `false` otherwise
+function M.job.workflow:terminated(status)
+    M.job.status.normalize(status)
+    return M.utils.table.contains(
+        { M.state.types.FAILED, M.state.types.CLOSED },
+        (self.states[status.state] or {}).type
+    )
+-- ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
+-- ▏
+-- ▏  DeviceArtifactUpdate
+-- ▏
+-- ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
+--- DeviceArtifactUpdate ― Semantic Workflow Group Mapping.
+--- @class dau.wfx_group
+--- @field query     string[]  Group name(s) used when querying wfx for (new) jobs
+--- @field failed    string[]  Group name(s) of a failed update's terminal states
+--- @field closed    string[]  Group name(s) of a successful update's terminal states
+M.dau.wfx_group = {
+    query = { "OPEN" },
+    failed = { "FAILED" },
+    closed = { "CLOSED" },
+--- @enum state.dau
+--- State names in the DeviceArtifactUpdate Workflow Family
+M.state.dau = {
+--- Transition Sequencer Iterator.
+-- The transition sequencer iterator returns the transition to be executed next
+-- out of a set of eligible transitions, in a Workflow (Family)-specific order.
+-- This simple algorithm sorts the given transitions into 3 buckets: REGULAR,
+-- CLOSED, and FAILED. The REGULAR transition bucket is sorted so that self-
+-- looping transitions are prioritized, i.e., "non-greedy". Ordering the CLOSED
+-- and FAILED transition bucket is redundant as each results in a terminal state.
+-- This sorted list is returned as an iterator.
+--- @param  transitions  job.workflow.transition[]  Eligible transitions
+--- @return function                                # The iterator function
+--- @return table                                   # The modified `transitions` table
+function M.dau.sequencer(transitions)
+    local trans = {
+        [M.state.types.REGULAR] = 1,
+        [M.state.types.CLOSED] = 2,
+        [M.state.types.FAILED] = 3,
+        [1] = {},
+        [2] = {},
+        [3] = {},
+    }
+    for _, t in ipairs(transitions or {}) do
+        local bucket = trans[t.to.type]
+        trans[bucket][#trans[bucket] + 1] = t
+    end
+    table.sort(trans[1], function(a, _)
+        --- @cast a job.workflow.transition
+        if a.from.name == a.to.name then
+            -- Sort self-looping transitions first.
+            return true
+        end
+        return false
+    end)
+    local i = { bucket = 1, index = 0 }
+    local function get(tab)
+        i.index = i.index + 1
+        if tab[i.bucket][i.index] ~= nil then
+            return tab[i.bucket][i.index]
+        end
+        i.bucket, i.index = i.bucket + 1, 0
+        if not tab[i.bucket] then
+            return
+        end
+        return get(tab)
+    end
+    return get, trans
+-- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+-- │  DeviceArtifactUpdate :: Definition
+-- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+--- Default update artifact type (i.e., activation mode).
+M.dau.DEFAULT_UPDATE_TYPE = "firmware"
+--- DeviceArtifactUpdate ― Job Definition.
+--- @class job.definition
+--- @field version    string                         Version of the Update
+--- @field type       string[] | {[string]: number}  Type of the Update
+--- @field artifacts  job.definition.artifact[]      List of Artifacts to install
+--- @field meta       job                            This job definitions' `job`
+M.job.definition = {}
+--- DeviceArtifactUpdate ― Artifacts Definition.
+--- @class job.definition.artifact
+--- @field name        string  (File) name of the artifact
+--- @field version     string  Version of the Artifact
+--- @field uri         string  URI where the artifact can be downloaded
+--- DeviceArtifactUpdate ― Definition JSON Schema
+--- @class job.definition.json_schema
+M.job.definition.json_schema = {
+    version = { type = "string" },
+    type = { type = {}, value = { [1] = { type = "string" } } },
+    artifacts = {
+        type = {},
+        value = {
+            [1] = {
+                type = {},
+                value = {
+                    name = { type = "string", optional = true },
+                    version = { type = "string", optional = true },
+                    uri = { type = "string" },
+                },
+            },
+        },
+    },
+--- Update job Definition from server.
+-- *Note*: This is a synchronous operation since the next transition execution
+-- function may rely on a changed job definition's data.
+--- @param chan?  suricatta.open_channel  The channel to get the definition update over
+function M.job.definition:update(chan)
+    chan = chan or M.channel.main
+    M.utils.do_retry(math.huge, chan.options.retry_sleep, function()
+        local res, _, data = chan.get {
+            url = ("%s/job/%s/definition"):format(chan.options.url, self.meta.id),
+        }
+        if not res then
+            suricatta.notify.warn("Got HTTP error code %d from server.", data.http_response_code)
+            return false
+        end
+        if M.utils.table.is_empty((data or {}).json_reply or {}) then
+            suricatta.notify.warn("Got bad JSON response from server: %q", tostring(data))
+            return false
+        end
+        if not self:validate(data.json_reply) then
+            return false
+        end
+        local t = getmetatable(self)
+        t.__index = data.json_reply
+        self = setmetatable(self, t)
+        return true
+    end)
+--- Augment job Definition with meta functionality.
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if preparation succeeded, `false` otherwise
+function M.job.definition:prepare()
+    if #table.concat(self.type, ":") > 2048 then
+        suricatta.notify.error("Validation Error: definition's .type is > %d chars.", 2048 - (#self.type - 1))
+        return false
+    end
+    for i, v in ipairs(self.type) do
+        self.type[v] = i
+    end
+    return true
+--- Validate job Definition.
+--- @param  definition  job.definition?  Job definition other than `self`'s
+--- @return boolean                      # `true` if the job's definition is valid, `false` otherwise
+function M.job.definition:validate(definition)
+    return M.utils.validate_json_schema(definition or self, self.json_schema) and self:prepare()
+--- Test whether update artifact is of (default) type "firmware".
+-- If one of `.type`'s tags matches `DEFAULT_UPDATE_TYPE` == "firmware", only then the
+-- update is to be firmware-activated, i.e., via rebooting into the new firmware.
+-- Other tags are passed verbatim to progress client(s), concatenated with ":",
+-- for them to take according activation actions.
+--- @return boolean  # `true` if activation method is "firmware" (default), `false` if not
+function M.job.definition:is_firmware()
+    return self.type[M.dau.DEFAULT_UPDATE_TYPE] ~= nil
+-- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+-- │  DeviceArtifactUpdate :: Transitions
+-- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+--- Helper function to truncate installation logs to maximal length.
+--- @param  log        table   Table with log lines
+--- @param  maxlength  number  Maximal String length
+--- @param  delimiter  string  JSON list delimiter
+--- @return string[]           # Table with log lines, `delimiter`-concatenated less than `maxlength` characters
+local function prepare_logs(log, maxlength, delimiter)
+    local details = {}
+    -- Some headroom for JSON enclosure in status message.
+    local length = 50
+    for index, line in M.utils.ripairs(log or {}) do
+        local message = ([[%d: %s]]):format(index, M.utils.string.escape(line))
+        -- Add JSON list delimiter length plus \n to string length
+        length = length + #message + #delimiter + 1
+        if length > maxlength then
+            break
+        end
+        table.insert(details, 1, message)
+    end
+    return details
+--- @class job_status
+--- @field [1]        job.workflow.transition  This `job.workflow.transition` instance
+--- @field [2]        job                      This `job` instance
+--- @field state?     string                   Target state, defaults to this transition's `to.name`
+--- @field message?   string                   State update reason message
+--- @field progress?  number                   Current job progress percentage [0,100]
+--- @field context?   string[]                 Additional context information.
+--- @field channel?   suricatta.open_channel   The channel to send the status update over
+--- @field retry?     retry_settings           Retry settings, else channel defaults are used
+--- Helper function to send & sync Job Status with wfx.
+-- *Note*: `job.status.state` is set to this transition's `to` state.
+--- @param  status  job_status
+--- @return boolean
+local function sync_job_status(status)
+    if #status > 2 then
+        error("Internal Error: sync_job_status() called with > 2 positional parameters.")
+    end
+    local transition = status[1]
+    local job = status[2]
+    return job.status
+        :set({
+            state = status.state or transition.to.name,
+            message = status.message or "",
+            progress = status.progress or 100,
+            context = status.context or {},
+        })
+        :send(status.channel, status.retry)
+--- Helper function to send update activation progress message.
+-- Send update activation message via SWUpdate's progress interface
+-- to subscribed progress clients.
+--- @param job  job
+local function send_progress_activation_msg(job)
+    suricatta.notify.progress(M.utils.string
+        .escape([[
+    {
+        "state": "ACTIVATING",
+        "progress": 100,
+        "message": "%s"
+    }
+    ]])
+        :format(table.concat(job.definition.type, ":")))
+--- Helper function to set persistent bootloader state.
+-- Storing the persistent state `pstate` is retried up to 3 times
+-- with 3 seconds pause in between each try if it has failed.
+--- @param  pstate  number  Any of `suricatta.pstate`'s enum values
+--- @return boolean         # `true` if persistent state is set, `false` otherwise
+local function save_pstate(pstate)
+    suricatta.notify.debug("Setting persistent state to %s.", suricatta.pstate[pstate])
+    return M.utils.do_retry(3, 3, function()
+        if suricatta.pstate.save(pstate) then
+            suricatta.notify.debug("Persistent state set to %s.", suricatta.pstate[pstate])
+            return true
+        end
+        suricatta.notify.error("Error setting persistent state information, retrying in a few seconds.")
+        return false
+    end)
+--- Helper function to check if `pstate` allows starting a new job.
+--- @param  self  job.workflow.transition
+--- @param  job   job
+--- @return boolean
+local function is_pstate_ok(self, job)
+    if M.device.pstate == suricatta.pstate.INSTALLED then
+        suricatta.notify.warn("Started new job while last one's activation is pending, notifying progress.")
+        send_progress_activation_msg(job)
+        return false
+    end
+    if M.utils.table.contains({ suricatta.pstate.FAILED, suricatta.pstate.TESTING }, M.device.pstate) then
+        local msg = ("Persistent state is %s at job start, spurious update test?"):format(
+            suricatta.pstate[M.device.pstate] or "N/A"
+        )
+        suricatta.notify.warn(msg)
+        sync_job_status { self, job, message = msg, progress = 0 }
+    end
+    return true
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOAD,
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOADING,
+    --- @param  self  job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job   job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        local ok = is_pstate_ok(self, job)
+        if not ok then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = ("Start %s."):format(self.from.name), progress = 0 } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        M.channel.progress = M.channel(M.utils.table.merge({ noprogress = true }, M.channel.main.options))
+        if not M.channel.progress then
+            suricatta.notify.warn("Cannot initialize progress reporting channel, won't send progress.")
+        end
+        suricatta.notify.debug(
+            "%s Version '%s' (Type: %s).",
+            self.to.name,
+            job.definition.version,
+            table.concat(job.definition.type, ":")
+        )
+        for count, artifact in pairs(job.definition.artifacts) do
+            local source_uri = M.utils.string.escape(artifact.uri, { ['"'] = '"', ["\\"] = "" })
+            local target_uri = ("%s%s_%d.swu"):format(suricatta.get_tmpdir(), job.id, count)
+            suricatta.notify.debug(
+                "[  0%%] [%s] Artifact %d/%d: '%s' from %q.",
+                self.to.name,
+                count,
+                #job.definition.artifacts,
+                artifact.name,
+                source_uri
+            )
+            local res, _, updatelog = suricatta.download({ channel = M.channel.main, url = source_uri }, target_uri)
+            if not res then
+                local msg = ("Error downloading artifact %d/%d."):format(count, #job.definition.artifacts)
+                suricatta.notify.error(msg)
+                return job.workflow:fail(
+                    job,
+                    msg,
+                    prepare_logs(
+                        updatelog,
+                        job.status.json_schema.context.max,
+                        job.status.json_schema.context.delimiter
+                    )
+                )
+            end
+            sync_job_status {
+                self,
+                job,
+                message = ("Artifact %d/%d download finished."):format(count, #job.definition.artifacts),
+                progress = math.floor(100 / #job.definition.artifacts * count),
+            }
+        end
+        if M.channel.progress then
+            M.channel.progress.close()
+            M.channel.progress = nil
+        end
+        sync_job_status { self, job, message = "Finished." }
+        -- Tail-call transition DOWNLOADING → DOWNLOADED without detour via wfx query.
+        return job.workflow:call(M.state.dau.DOWNLOADING, M.state.dau.DOWNLOADED, job)
+    end
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOAD,
+    M.state.dau.TERMINATED,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOADING,
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOADING,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @param  message?  suricatta.ipc.progress_msg
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job, message)
+        if not message then
+            -- Called as "regular" transition in response to wfx query.
+            -- This happens if:
+            -- * DOWNLOADING → TERMINATED has failed or
+            -- * DOWNLOADING → DOWNLOADED has failed.
+            -- In both cases, terminate the update.
+            return job.workflow:fail(job, "wfx sync has failed, terminating update.")
+        end
+        -- Called as progress reporting callback transition.
+        if not M.channel.progress or not message.source == suricatta.ipc.sourcetype.SOURCE_SURICATTA then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        if message.status == suricatta.ipc.RECOVERY_STATUS.DOWNLOAD then
+            if M.server.progress_rate_limited(message.dwl_percent, job.status.progress) then
+                return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+            end
+            -- Informational progress reports to wfx are not retried.
+            sync_job_status {
+                self,
+                job,
+                channel = M.channel.progress,
+                message = "Downloading artifact",
+                progress = message.dwl_percent,
+                retry = { retries = 1 },
+            }
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOADING,
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOADED,
+    --- @param  self  job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job   job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = "Finished." } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.DOWNLOADING,
+    M.state.dau.TERMINATED,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @param  message?  string
+    --- @param  context?  string[]
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job, message, context)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = message, context = context } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.INSTALL,
+    M.state.dau.INSTALLING,
+    --- @param  self  job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job   job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        local ok = is_pstate_ok(self, job)
+        if not ok then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        if job.workflow.transitions[M.state.dau.DOWNLOAD] then
+            local function file_exists(name)
+                local f = io.open(name, "r")
+                return f ~= nil and io.close(f)
+            end
+            -- Check that all to be installed artifact files are downloaded.
+            for count, _ in pairs(job.definition.artifacts) do
+                local file = ("%s%s_%d.swu"):format(suricatta.get_tmpdir(), job.id, count)
+                if not file_exists(file) then
+                    local msg = ("Artifact %d/%d not downloaded to '%s'.."):format(
+                        count,
+                        #job.definition.artifacts,
+                        file
+                    )
+                    suricatta.notify.error(msg)
+                    return job.workflow:fail(job, msg)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = ("Start %s."):format(self.from.name), progress = 0 } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        M.channel.progress = M.channel(M.utils.table.merge({ noprogress = true }, M.channel.main.options))
+        if not M.channel.progress then
+            suricatta.notify.warn("Cannot initialize progress reporting channel, won't send progress.")
+        end
+        suricatta.notify.debug(
+            "%s Version '%s' (Type: %s).",
+            self.to.name,
+            job.definition.version,
+            table.concat(job.definition.type, ":")
+        )
+        for count, artifact in pairs(job.definition.artifacts) do
+            local source_uri = M.utils.string.escape(artifact.uri, { ['"'] = '"', ["\\"] = "" })
+            if job.workflow.transitions[M.state.dau.DOWNLOAD] then
+                source_uri = ("file://%s%s_%d.swu"):format(suricatta.get_tmpdir(), job.id, count)
+            end
+            suricatta.notify.debug(
+                "[  0%%] Artifact %d/%d: '%s' from %q",
+                count,
+                #job.definition.artifacts,
+                artifact.name,
+                source_uri
+            )
+            local res, _, updatelog = suricatta.install { channel = M.channel.main, url = source_uri }
+            -- Unconditionally remove the artifact file ignoring errors, e.g., if run in streaming mode.
+            os.remove(("%s%s_%d.swu"):format(suricatta.get_tmpdir(), job.id, count))
+            if not res then
+                local msg = ("Error installing artifact %d/%d."):format(count, #job.definition.artifacts)
+                suricatta.notify.error(msg)
+                return job.workflow:fail(
+                    job,
+                    msg,
+                    prepare_logs(
+                        updatelog,
+                        job.status.json_schema.context.max,
+                        job.status.json_schema.context.delimiter
+                    )
+                )
+            end
+            sync_job_status {
+                self,
+                job,
+                message = ("Artifact %d/%d installation finished."):format(count, #job.definition.artifacts),
+                progress = math.floor(100 / #job.definition.artifacts * count),
+            }
+        end
+        if M.channel.progress then
+            M.channel.progress.close()
+            M.channel.progress = nil
+        end
+        sync_job_status { self, job, message = "Finished." }
+        -- Tail-call transition INSTALLING → INSTALLED without detour via wfx query.
+        return job.workflow:call(M.state.dau.INSTALLING, M.state.dau.INSTALLED, job)
+    end
+    M.state.dau.INSTALL,
+    M.state.dau.TERMINATED,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.INSTALLING,
+    M.state.dau.INSTALLING,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @param  message?  suricatta.ipc.progress_msg
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job, message)
+        if not message then
+            -- Called as "regular" transition in response to wfx query.
+            -- This happens if:
+            -- * INSTALLING → TERMINATED has failed or
+            -- * INSTALLING → INSTALLED has failed.
+            -- In both cases, terminate the update.
+            return job.workflow:fail(job, "wfx sync has failed, terminating update.")
+        end
+        if not M.channel.progress or not message.source == suricatta.ipc.sourcetype.SOURCE_SURICATTA then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        if message.status == suricatta.ipc.RECOVERY_STATUS.DOWNLOAD then
+            if M.server.progress_rate_limited(message.dwl_percent, job.status.progress) then
+                return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+            end
+            local msg = "Downloading artifact"
+            if job.workflow.transitions[M.state.dau.DOWNLOAD] then
+                msg = ("Copying artifact to TMPDIR=%s"):format(suricatta.get_tmpdir())
+            end
+            -- Informational progress reports to wfx are not retried.
+            sync_job_status {
+                self,
+                job,
+                channel = M.channel.progress,
+                message = msg,
+                progress = message.dwl_percent,
+                retry = { retries = 1 },
+            }
+            return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+        end
+        if message.status == suricatta.ipc.RECOVERY_STATUS.PROGRESS then
+            -- Don't report installing message if the 'dummy' handler is used or no current image is set.
+            if #message.hnd_name == 0 or #message.cur_image == 0 or message.cur_step == 0 then
+                return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+            end
+            if M.server.progress_rate_limited(message.cur_percent, job.status.progress) then
+                return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+            end
+            -- Informational progress reports to wfx are not retried.
+            sync_job_status {
+                self,
+                job,
+                channel = M.channel.progress,
+                message = ("Installing artifact %d/%d: '%s' with '%s' ..."):format(
+                    message.cur_step,
+                    message.nsteps,
+                    message.cur_image,
+                    message.hnd_name
+                ),
+                progress = message.cur_percent,
+                retry = { retries = 1 },
+            }
+            return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.INSTALLING,
+    M.state.dau.INSTALLED,
+    --- @param  self  job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job   job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = "Finished." } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.INSTALLING,
+    M.state.dau.TERMINATED,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @param  message?  string
+    --- @param  context?  string[]
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job, message, context)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = message, context = context } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATE,
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATING,
+    --- @param  self  job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job   job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        if not job.definition:is_firmware() then
+            if M.device.pstate ~= suricatta.pstate.OK then
+                suricatta.notify.warn("Persistent state is not OK (is %s).", suricatta.pstate[M.device.pstate])
+                if not save_pstate(suricatta.pstate.OK) then
+                    return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+                end
+                M.device.pstate = suricatta.pstate.OK
+            end
+            if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = "Notifying Progress Client(s) to activate artifact." } then
+                return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+            end
+            send_progress_activation_msg(job)
+            -- Tail-call transition ACTIVATING → ACTIVATED without detour via wfx query.
+            return job.workflow:call(M.state.dau.ACTIVATING, M.state.dau.ACTIVATED, job)
+        end
+        suricatta.notify.debug("Job activation mode is 'firmware'.")
+        if suricatta.pstate.get() == suricatta.pstate.INSTALLED then
+            suricatta.notify.warn("Persistent state is already set to INSTALLED.")
+        else
+            if not save_pstate(suricatta.pstate.IN_PROGRESS) or not save_pstate(suricatta.pstate.INSTALLED) then
+                return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+            end
+        end
+        M.device.pstate = suricatta.pstate.INSTALLED
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = "Set persistent state marker to INSTALLED." } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        -- Tail-call transition ACTIVATING → ACTIVATING without detour via wfx query.
+        return job.workflow:call(M.state.dau.ACTIVATING, M.state.dau.ACTIVATING, job, M.device.pstate)
+    end
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATE,
+    M.state.dau.TERMINATED,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATING,
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATING,
+    --- @param  self     job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job      job
+    --- @param  pstate?  number
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job, pstate)
+        if not job.definition:is_firmware() then
+            -- Called as "regular" transition in response to wfx query.
+            -- This happens if the tail-call ACTIVATING → ACTIVATED has
+            -- failed. As progress clients have been notified, mark this
+            -- update as ACTIVATED.
+            return job.workflow:call(M.state.dau.ACTIVATING, M.state.dau.ACTIVATED, job)
+        end
+        -- Refresh `pstate` if dispatched in response to wfx query.
+        M.device.pstate = pstate or suricatta.pstate.get()
+        if M.device.pstate == suricatta.pstate.OK then
+            local msg = "Persistent state is already set to OK. Finished update."
+            suricatta.notify.info(msg)
+            return job.workflow:call(M.state.dau.ACTIVATING, M.state.dau.ACTIVATED, job, msg)
+        end
+        if M.device.pstate == suricatta.pstate.INSTALLED then
+            sync_job_status { self, job, message = "Update installed. Notifying Progress Client(s) to reboot." }
+            send_progress_activation_msg(job)
+            return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+        end
+        if M.device.pstate == suricatta.pstate.TESTING then
+            local msg = ("Update activation SUCCESSFUL, finalizing job %s."):format(job.id)
+            suricatta.notify.info(msg)
+            if not save_pstate(suricatta.pstate.OK) then
+                return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+            end
+            M.device.pstate = suricatta.pstate.OK
+            return job.workflow:call(M.state.dau.ACTIVATING, M.state.dau.ACTIVATED, job, msg)
+        end
+        if M.device.pstate == suricatta.pstate.FAILED then
+            local msg = ("Update activation FAILED, failing job %s ..."):format(job.id)
+            suricatta.notify.error(msg)
+            if not save_pstate(suricatta.pstate.OK) then
+                return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+            end
+            M.device.pstate = suricatta.pstate.OK
+            return job.workflow:fail(job, msg)
+        end
+        local msg = ("%s → %s called with unhandled persistent state %s."):format(
+            self.from.name,
+            self.to.name,
+            suricatta.pstate[M.device.pstate] or "N/A"
+        )
+        suricatta.notify.error(msg)
+        sync_job_status { self, job, msg }
+        return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+    end
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATING,
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATED,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @param  message?  string
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job, message)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = message or "Finished Update." } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+    M.state.dau.ACTIVATING,
+    M.state.dau.TERMINATED,
+    --- @param  self      job.workflow.transition
+    --- @param  job       job
+    --- @param  message?  string
+    --- @return transition.result
+    function(self, job, message)
+        if not sync_job_status { self, job, message = message } then
+            return M.transition.result.FAIL_YIELD
+        end
+        return M.transition.result.COMPLETED
+    end
+-- ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
+-- ▏
+-- ▏  Suricatta wfx-Binding Types & Definitions
+-- ▏
+-- ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
+--- Device state and information.
+--- @class device
+--- @field pstate  number            Persistent state ID number ∈ suricatta.pstate
+--- @field id      string            Device ID
+--- @field version string            Device client version information, sent to server in HTTP Header
+--- @field reset   function(device)  Reset `device` Table
+M.device = {
+    version = ("SWUpdate %s.%s"):format(table.unpack(suricatta.getversion() or { 2023, 5 })),
+    reset = function(self)
+        self.id = nil
+        self.pstate = nil
+    end,
+--- Device ↔ Server communication channel state and information.
+--- @type {[string]: suricatta.open_channel}
+M.channel = setmetatable({}, {
+    __call = function(_, opts)
+        local res, chan = suricatta.channel.open(opts)
+        if not res then
+            return nil
+        end
+        return chan
+    end,
+--- Server information.
+--- @class server
+--- @field polldelay  number            Delay between two wfx poll operations in seconds
+--- @field reset      function(server)  Reset `server` Table
+M.server = {
+    reset = function(self)
+        self.polldelay = nil
+    end,
+--- Rate-limit the number of progress messages to wfx.
+--- @param  percent  number  Progress in percent
+--- @param  last     number  Last Progress in percent
+--- @return boolean          # `true` if progress message shouldn't be sent
+M.server.progress_rate_limited = function(percent, last)
+    local scale = 10 / 100
+    return math.floor(scale * last) == math.floor(scale * percent)
+-- ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
+-- ▏
+-- ▏  Suricatta Interface Implementation
+-- ▏
+-- ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
+--- Progress thread callback handler reporting progress to wfx.
+--- @param  message  suricatta.ipc.progress_msg  The progress message
+--- @return suricatta.status                     # Suricatta return code
+function M.suricatta_funcs.progress_callback(message)
+    if M.job.workflow:report_progress(M.job, message) == M.transition.result.COMPLETED then
+        return suricatta.status.OK
+    end
+    return suricatta.status.EERR
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.progress_callback, suricatta.server.CALLBACK_PROGRESS)
+--- Query and handle pending actions on the wfx.
+-- Lua counterpart of `server_op_res_t server_has_pending_action(int *action_id)`.
+-- The suricatta.status return values `UPDATE_AVAILABLE` and `ID_REQUESTED` are handled
+-- in `suricatta/suricatta.c`, others result in SWUpdate sleeping.
+--- @return suricatta.status  # Suricatta return code
+function M.suricatta_funcs.has_pending_action()
+    --- Perform a GET request on the wfx.
+    --
+    --- @param  url  string  URL to query
+    --- @return boolean      # `true` if wfx responded, `false` on network error
+    --- @return table?       # Lua Table-ified JSON response or `nil` on error
+    local function query_wfx(url)
+        suricatta.notify.debug("Suricatta querying %q", url)
+        local res, _, data = M.channel.main.get {
+            url = url,
+        }
+        if not res then
+            suricatta.notify.debug("Got HTTP error code %d from server.", data.http_response_code)
+            return false
+        end
+        if M.utils.table.is_empty((data or {}).json_reply or {}) then
+            suricatta.notify.warn("Got bad JSON response from server: %q", tostring(data))
+            return true
+        end
+        return true, data.json_reply
+    end
+    --- Query the wfx for a new job to process.
+    --
+    --- @return boolean  # `true` if wfx responded, `false` on network error
+    --- @return job?     # New job to process or `nil` on error
+    local function get_new_job()
+        local response, data = query_wfx(
+            ("%s/jobs?clientId=%s&group=%s"):format(
+                M.channel.main.options.url,
+                M.device.id,
+                table.concat(M.dau.wfx_group.query, ",")
+            )
+        )
+        for _, j in ipairs((data or {}).content or {}) do
+            --- @cast j job
+            if M.job(j) then
+                return response, j
+            end
+            suricatta.notify.error("Job validation failed, skipping job.")
+        end
+        return response
+    end
+    --- Get the current job, if any, to process further from the wfx.
+    --
+    --- @return boolean  # `true` if wfx responded, `false` on network error
+    --- @return job?     # Current job as wfx sees it or `nil` on error
+    local function get_current_job()
+        if M.job:invalid() then
+            return true
+        end
+        return query_wfx(("%s/jobs/%s"):format(M.channel.main.options.url, M.job.id))
+    end
+    -- ────┤ Handle & Dispatch ├──────────────────────────────────────
+    local response, j = get_current_job()
+    if not response then
+        suricatta.notify.debug("Got no response from server: sleeping ...")
+        return suricatta.status.NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE
+    end
+    if not j or M.job.workflow:terminated(j.status) then
+        M.job:invalidate()
+        response, j = get_new_job()
+        if not response or not j then
+            suricatta.notify.debug("Got no response or no job: sleeping ...")
+            return suricatta.status.NO_UPDATE_AVAILABLE
+        end
+    end
+    M.job.status:set(j.status)
+    if not M.job.workflow:can_advance() then
+        suricatta.notify.debug("No (further) transitions to take: sleeping ...")
+        return suricatta.status.EAGAIN
+    end
+    suricatta.notify.info("Processing job ID %s in state %s ...", M.job.id, M.job.status.state)
+    _ = M.job.workflow:advance(M.job)
+    suricatta.notify.info("Yielding to wfx.")
+    return suricatta.status.OK
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.has_pending_action, suricatta.server.HAS_PENDING_ACTION)
+-- Lua counterpart of `server_op_res_t server_install_update(void)`.
+-- This function is intended to be called by `suricatta/suricatta.c`'s event loop
+-- via `has_pending_action()` returning `UPDATE_AVAILABLE`.
+-- Here, this functionality is called directly from within `job.workflow:advance()`
+-- so that a dummy implementation satisfies the requirement of this function
+-- being registered.
+    return suricatta.status.OK
+end, suricatta.server.INSTALL_UPDATE)
+--- Print the help text.
+-- Lua counterpart of `void server_print_help(void)`.
+--- @param  defaults  suricatta.channel.options|table  Default options
+--- @return suricatta.status                           # Suricatta return code
+function M.suricatta_funcs.print_help(defaults)
+    defaults = defaults or {}
+    local stdout = io.output()
+    stdout:write("\t  -u, --url <URL>          * Base URL to the wfx server, e.g.,http://localhost:8080/api/wfx/v1\n")
+    stdout:write("\t  -i, --id <string>        * The device ID\n")
+    stdout:write("\t  -y, --proxy <URL>          Use proxy. Either proxy <URL> or ${http,all}_proxy is tried\n")
+    stdout:write(
+        ("\t  -p, --polldelay <int>      Delay between two poll operations (default: %s sec)\n"):format(
+            tostring(defaults.polldelay or "?")
+        )
+    )
+    stdout:write(
+        ("\t  -r, --retry <int>          Retry count prior to failing (default: %s)\n"):format(
+            tostring(defaults.retries or "?")
+        )
+    )
+    stdout:write(
+        ("\t  -w, --retrywait <int>      Delay between retries, e.g., download resume (default: %s sec)\n"):format(
+            tostring(defaults.retry_sleep or "?")
+        )
+    )
+    stdout:write("\t  -c, --confirm <ok|failed>  Confirm update test result\n")
+    stdout:write("\t  -x, --nocheckcert          Ignore invalid server certificates\n")
+    stdout:write("\t  -v                         Enable verbose log messages\n")
+    return suricatta.status.OK
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.print_help, suricatta.server.PRINT_HELP)
+--- Start the Suricatta server.
+-- Lua counterpart of `server_op_res_t server_start(char *fname, int argc, char *argv[])`.
+--- @param  defaults  {[string]: any}  Lua suricatta module channel default options
+--- @param  argv      string[]         C's `argv` as Lua Table
+--- @param  fconfig   {[string]: any}  SWUpdate configuration file's `[suricatta]` section as Lua Table ∪ { polldelay = CHANNEL_DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL}
+--- @return suricatta.status           # Suricatta return code
+function M.suricatta_funcs.server_start(defaults, argv, fconfig)
+    -- Use defaults,
+    -- ... shadowed by configuration file values,
+    -- ... shadowed by command line arguments.
+    local configuration = defaults or {}
+    M.utils.table.merge(configuration, fconfig or {})
+    local opts = {
+        { "url", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.REQUIRED, "u" },
+        { "id", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.REQUIRED, "i" },
+        { "proxy", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.REQUIRED, "y" },
+        { "polldelay", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.REQUIRED, "p" },
+        { "retry", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.REQUIRED, "r" },
+        { "retrywait", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.REQUIRED, "w" },
+        { "confirm", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.REQUIRED, "c" },
+        { "nocheckcert", M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.NO, "x" },
+        { nil, M.utils.GETOPT_ARG.NO, "v" },
+    }
+    for opt, arg in M.utils.getopt(argv or {}, opts) do
+        if opt == "u" then
+            configuration.url = tostring(arg)
+        elseif opt == "i" then
+            configuration.id = tostring(arg)
+        elseif opt == "y" then
+            configuration.proxy = tostring(arg)
+        elseif opt == "p" then
+            configuration.polldelay = tonumber(arg) or configuration.polldelay
+        elseif opt == "r" then
+            configuration.retries = tonumber(arg) or configuration.retries
+        elseif opt == "w" then
+            configuration.retry_sleep = tonumber(arg) or configuration.retry_sleep
+        elseif opt == "c" then
+            -- Legacy support for suricatta hawkBit's -c encoding
+            if arg:lower() == "ok" or arg == suricatta.pstate.TESTING then
+                configuration.pstate = suricatta.pstate.TESTING
+            elseif arg:lower() == "failed" or arg == suricatta.pstate.FAILED then
+                configuration.pstate = suricatta.pstate.FAILED
+            else
+                io.stderr:write(("ERROR: Invalid argument: -%s %s\n"):format(opt, arg))
+                return suricatta.status.EINIT
+            end
+        elseif opt == "x" then
+            configuration.strictssl = false
+        elseif opt == "v" then
+            configuration.debug = true
+        elseif opt == ":" then
+            io.stderr:write("ERROR: Missing argument.\n")
+            -- Note: .polldelay is in fconfig, make defaults __index it as well.
+            M.print_help(setmetatable((defaults or {}), { __index = fconfig }))
+            return suricatta.status.EINIT
+        end
+    end
+    for k, v in pairs(configuration) do
+        if suricatta.channel.options[k] ~= nil and type(suricatta.channel.options[k]) ~= type(v) then
+            suricatta.notify.error(
+                "Configuration type mismatch: '%s' must be %s, is %s.",
+                k,
+                type(suricatta.channel.options[k]),
+                type(v)
+            )
+            return suricatta.status.EINIT
+        end
+    end
+    if not configuration.url or type(configuration.url) ~= "string" then
+        suricatta.notify.error("Mandatory parameter missing/mis-typed: URL")
+        return suricatta.status.EINIT
+    end
+    if not configuration.id or type(configuration.id) ~= "string" then
+        suricatta.notify.error("Mandatory parameter missing/mis-typed: Device ID")
+        return suricatta.status.EINIT
+    end
+    M.device.id = configuration.id
+    if not configuration.pstate then
+        M.device.pstate = suricatta.pstate.get()
+        if M.device.pstate == suricatta.pstate.ERROR then
+            suricatta.notify.error("Error reading persistent state information.")
+            return suricatta.status.EINIT
+        end
+        suricatta.notify.info(
+            "Read persistent state %s = %s.",
+            string.char(M.device.pstate),
+            suricatta.pstate[M.device.pstate] or "N/A"
+        )
+    else
+        M.device.pstate = configuration.pstate
+        suricatta.notify.info(
+            "Got supplied persistent state %s = %s.",
+            string.char(M.device.pstate),
+            suricatta.pstate[M.device.pstate] or "N/A"
+        )
+    end
+    M.server.polldelay = configuration.polldelay
+    M.channel.main = M.channel(M.utils.table.merge({
+        -- An API Gateway may use this information to do steering.
+        headers_to_send = {
+            ["X-Client-Version"] = M.device.version,
+            ["X-Client-Id"] = M.device.id,
+        },
+    }, configuration))
+    if not M.channel.main then
+        suricatta.notify.error("Cannot initialize channel.")
+        return suricatta.status.EINIT
+    end
+    local url = ("%s/swagger.json"):format(M.channel.main.options.url)
+    suricatta.notify.debug("Suricatta querying %q", url)
+    repeat
+        res, _, data = M.channel.main.get { url = url }
+        if not res then
+            suricatta.notify.warn(
+                "Got HTTP error code %d, sleeping %d seconds ...",
+                data.http_response_code,
+                M.channel.main.options.retry_sleep
+            )
+            suricatta.sleep(M.channel.main.options.retry_sleep)
+        end
+    until res and M.job.status:update_json_schema(((data or {}).json_reply or {}))
+    suricatta.notify.info("Running with device ID %q on %q", M.device.id, configuration.url)
+    return suricatta.status.OK
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.server_start, suricatta.server.SERVER_START)
+--- Stop the Suricatta server.
+-- Lua counterpart of `server_op_res_t server_stop(void)`.
+--- @return suricatta.status  # Suricatta return code
+function M.suricatta_funcs.server_stop()
+    for name, chan in pairs(M.channel) do
+        chan.close()
+        M.channel[name] = nil
+    end
+    M.device:reset()
+    M.server:reset()
+    return suricatta.status.OK
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.server_stop, suricatta.server.SERVER_STOP)
+--- Get wfx polling interval.
+-- Lua counterpart of `unsigned int server_get_polling_interval(void)`.
+--- @return number  # Polling interval in seconds
+function M.suricatta_funcs.get_polling_interval()
+    -- Not implemented.
+    -- Remotely setting the polling interval is the original concern of
+    -- a device management solution that should set the polling interval
+    -- via SWUpdate IPC (or command line or configuration file).
+    return M.server.polldelay
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.get_polling_interval, suricatta.server.GET_POLLING_INTERVAL)
+--- Report device configuration/data to server.
+-- Lua counterpart of `server_op_res_t server_send_target_data(void)`.
+--- @return suricatta.status  # Suricatta return code
+function M.suricatta_funcs.send_target_data()
+    -- Not implemented.
+    -- This is the original concern of a device management solution that
+    -- should report device status including data gathered from SWUpdate
+    -- via IPC or the progress interface.
+    return suricatta.status.OK
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.send_target_data, suricatta.server.SEND_TARGET_DATA)
+--- Handle IPC messages sent to Suricatta Lua module.
+-- Lua counterpart of `server_op_res_t server_ipc(ipc_message *msg)`.
+--- @param  message  suricatta.ipc.ipc_message  The IPC message sent
+--- @return string                              # IPC JSON reply string
+--- @return suricatta.status                    # Suricatta return code
+function M.suricatta_funcs.ipc(message)
+    message = message or {}
+    if not message.json then
+        return M.utils.string.escape([[{ "request": "IPC requests must be JSON formatted" }]], { ['"'] = '"' }),
+            suricatta.status.EBADMSG
+    end
+    message.msg = message.msg or "<NONE>"
+    if message.cmd == message.commands.CONFIG then
+        suricatta.notify.debug("Got IPC configuration message: %s", message.msg)
+        if message.json.polling then
+            M.server.polldelay = tonumber(message.json.polling) or M.server.polldelay
+            return M.utils.string.escape([[{ "reply": "applied" }]], { ['"'] = '"' }), suricatta.status.OK
+        end
+    elseif message.cmd == message.commands.ACTIVATION then
+        suricatta.notify.debug("Got IPC activation message: %s", message.msg)
+        return M.utils.string.escape([[{ "request": "inapplicable" }]], { ['"'] = '"' }), suricatta.status.OK
+    end
+    suricatta.notify.warn("Got unknown IPC message: %s", message.msg)
+    return M.utils.string.escape([[{ "request": "unknown" }]], { ['"'] = '"' }), suricatta.status.EBADMSG
+suricatta.server.register(M.suricatta_funcs.ipc, suricatta.server.IPC)
+return M