diff mbox

Ada: ^M in ada source files

Message ID 98F046A8-6C0B-4DB0-BC31-4EB57D13AEBC@comcast.net
State New
Headers show

Commit Message

Mike Stump Dec. 7, 2012, 9:26 p.m. UTC
On Dec 7, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Robert Dewar <dewar@adacore.com> wrote:
> I would convert to LF, I think it causes less confusion

2012-12-07  Mike Stump  <mikestump@comcast.net>

	* gnat.dg/discr38.adb: Don't use ^M line endings.
	gnat.dg/loop_optimization13.adb: Likewise.
	gnat.dg/loop_optimization13.ads: Likewise.
	gnat.dg/discr36_pkg.adb: Likewise.
	gnat.dg/discr36_pkg.ads: Likewise.
	gnat.dg/loop_optimization11_pkg.ads: Likewise.
	gnat.dg/discr36.ads: Likewise.
	gnat.dg/loop_optimization11.adb: Likewise.
diff mbox


Index: discr38.adb
--- discr38.adb	(revision 194308)
+++ discr38.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
-procedure Discr38 is
-   type Enum is (OK,
-                 NOT_CONNECTED,
-                 DISCONNECTED,
-                 REQUEST_Q_EMPTY,
-                 SERVER_UNAVAILABLE,
-                 BUFFER_TOO_SMALL,
-                 NO_FREE_SLOT,
-                 RAISE_EXCEPTION,
-                 REQUEST_CANCELLED,
-                 REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS,
-                 SERVER_BUSY,
-                 BLOCK_ACKNOWLEDGE);
-   type R (Status : Enum := OK) is record
-      Status_Block : Integer;
-      case Status is
-      when RAISE_EXCEPTION =>
-         I : Integer;
-      when OK =>
-         Length : Natural;
-         Data   : Integer;
-      when others =>
-         null;
-      end case;
-   end record;
-   for R use record
-      Status        at  0 range 0 .. 7;
-      Status_Block  at  4 range 0 .. 31;
-      Length        at  8 range 0 .. 31;
-   end record;
-   Nil : constant R := (OK, 1, 0, 1);
-   null;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+procedure Discr38 is
+   type Enum is (OK,
+                 NOT_CONNECTED,
+                 DISCONNECTED,
+                 REQUEST_Q_EMPTY,
+                 SERVER_UNAVAILABLE,
+                 BUFFER_TOO_SMALL,
+                 NO_FREE_SLOT,
+                 RAISE_EXCEPTION,
+                 REQUEST_CANCELLED,
+                 REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS,
+                 SERVER_BUSY,
+                 BLOCK_ACKNOWLEDGE);
+   type R (Status : Enum := OK) is record
+      Status_Block : Integer;
+      case Status is
+      when RAISE_EXCEPTION =>
+         I : Integer;
+      when OK =>
+         Length : Natural;
+         Data   : Integer;
+      when others =>
+         null;
+      end case;
+   end record;
+   for R use record
+      Status        at  0 range 0 .. 7;
+      Status_Block  at  4 range 0 .. 31;
+      Length        at  8 range 0 .. 31;
+   end record;
+   Nil : constant R := (OK, 1, 0, 1);
+   null;
Index: loop_optimization13.adb
--- loop_optimization13.adb	(revision 194308)
+++ loop_optimization13.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-O" }
-with Loop_Optimization13_Pkg; use Loop_Optimization13_Pkg;
-package body Loop_Optimization13 is
-   function F (A : Rec) return Rec is
-      N : constant Integer := A.V'Length / L;
-      Res : Rec
-        := (True, new Complex_Vector' (0 .. A.V'Length / L - 1 => (0.0, 0.0)));
-   begin
-      for I in 0 .. L - 1 loop
-         for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
-            Res.V (J) := Res.V (J) + A.V (I * N + J);
-         end loop;
-      end loop;
-      return Res;
-   end;
-end Loop_Optimization13;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-O" }
+with Loop_Optimization13_Pkg; use Loop_Optimization13_Pkg;
+package body Loop_Optimization13 is
+   function F (A : Rec) return Rec is
+      N : constant Integer := A.V'Length / L;
+      Res : Rec
+        := (True, new Complex_Vector' (0 .. A.V'Length / L - 1 => (0.0, 0.0)));
+   begin
+      for I in 0 .. L - 1 loop
+         for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
+            Res.V (J) := Res.V (J) + A.V (I * N + J);
+         end loop;
+      end loop;
+      return Res;
+   end;
+end Loop_Optimization13;
Index: loop_optimization13.ads
--- loop_optimization13.ads	(revision 194308)
+++ loop_optimization13.ads	(working copy)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 
-with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types;
-package Loop_Optimization13 is
-   type Complex_Vector is array (Integer range <>) of Complex;
-   type Complex_Vector_Ptr is access Complex_Vector;
-   type Rec (Kind : Boolean := False) is record
-      case Kind is
-         when True => V : Complex_Vector_Ptr;
-         when False => null;
-      end case;
-   end record;
-   function F (A : Rec) return Rec;
-end Loop_Optimization13;
+with Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types; use Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types;
+package Loop_Optimization13 is
+   type Complex_Vector is array (Integer range <>) of Complex;
+   type Complex_Vector_Ptr is access Complex_Vector;
+   type Rec (Kind : Boolean := False) is record
+      case Kind is
+         when True => V : Complex_Vector_Ptr;
+         when False => null;
+      end case;
+   end record;
+   function F (A : Rec) return Rec;
+end Loop_Optimization13;
Index: discr36_pkg.adb
--- discr36_pkg.adb	(revision 194308)
+++ discr36_pkg.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ 
-package body Discr36_Pkg is
-  function Func return T is
-    Ret : T;
-    pragma Warnings (Off, Ret);
-  begin
-    return Ret;
-  end;
-end Discr36_Pkg;
+package body Discr36_Pkg is
+  function Func return T is
+    Ret : T;
+    pragma Warnings (Off, Ret);
+  begin
+    return Ret;
+  end;
+end Discr36_Pkg;
Index: discr36_pkg.ads
--- discr36_pkg.ads	(revision 194308)
+++ discr36_pkg.ads	(working copy)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 
-package Discr36_Pkg is
-  generic
-    type T is private;
-  function Func return T;
-end Discr36_Pkg;
+package Discr36_Pkg is
+  generic
+    type T is private;
+  function Func return T;
+end Discr36_Pkg;
Index: loop_optimization11_pkg.ads
--- loop_optimization11_pkg.ads	(revision 194308)
+++ loop_optimization11_pkg.ads	(working copy)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 
-package Loop_Optimization11_Pkg is
-   function Img (X : Integer) return String;
-   procedure Put_Line (Data : String);
-   type Prot is (Execute, Execute_Read, Execute_Read_Write);
-   type Mem is (Mem_Image, Mem_Mapped, Mem_Private, Unknown);
-end Loop_Optimization11_Pkg;
+package Loop_Optimization11_Pkg is
+   function Img (X : Integer) return String;
+   procedure Put_Line (Data : String);
+   type Prot is (Execute, Execute_Read, Execute_Read_Write);
+   type Mem is (Mem_Image, Mem_Mapped, Mem_Private, Unknown);
+end Loop_Optimization11_Pkg;
Index: discr36.ads
--- discr36.ads	(revision 194308)
+++ discr36.ads	(working copy)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ 
-package Discr36 is
-  type R (D : Boolean := True) is record
-    case D is
-      when True  => I : Integer;
-      when False => null;
-    end case;
-  end record;
-  function N return Natural;
-end Discr36;
+package Discr36 is
+  type R (D : Boolean := True) is record
+    case D is
+      when True  => I : Integer;
+      when False => null;
+    end case;
+  end record;
+  function N return Natural;
+end Discr36;
Index: loop_optimization11.adb
--- loop_optimization11.adb	(revision 194308)
+++ loop_optimization11.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-O" }
-with Loop_Optimization11_Pkg; use Loop_Optimization11_Pkg;
-procedure Loop_Optimization11 is
-   Arr : array (Prot, Mem) of Integer := (others => (others => 0));
-   Put_Line (Img (0) & " ");
-   for I in Arr'Range (1) loop
-      for J in Arr'Range (2) loop
-         declare
-            Elem : Integer renames Arr (I, J);
-         begin
-            Put_Line (Img (Elem));
-         end;
-      end loop;
-   end loop;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-O" }
+with Loop_Optimization11_Pkg; use Loop_Optimization11_Pkg;
+procedure Loop_Optimization11 is
+   Arr : array (Prot, Mem) of Integer := (others => (others => 0));
+   Put_Line (Img (0) & " ");
+   for I in Arr'Range (1) loop
+      for J in Arr'Range (2) loop
+         declare
+            Elem : Integer renames Arr (I, J);
+         begin
+            Put_Line (Img (Elem));
+         end;
+      end loop;
+   end loop;