diff mbox

Ada testcase CR line endings

Message ID 70A0E99D-CA56-44B1-A962-6D4BED4F5E92@comcast.net
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Mike Stump April 10, 2012, 8:05 a.m. UTC
On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:24 PM, Arnaud Charlet wrote:
>> So, I'd like to change all the ada testcases to use normal unix line endings.
>> testsuite/gnat.dg/taft_type2_pkg.ads
>> is an example if one such file, any objections?
> No objections.

Applied to trunk and 4.7.x.  Thanks.
diff mbox


Index: gnat.dg/array19.adb
--- gnat.dg/array19.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/array19.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
-package body Array19 is
-   function N return Integer is
-   begin
-      return 1;
-   end;
-   type Array_Type is array (1 .. N) of Float;
-   type Enum is (One, Two);
-   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
-      case D is
-         when One => null;
-         when Two => A : Array_Type;
-      end case;
-   end record;
-   procedure Proc is
-      R : Rec;
-      function F return Array_Type is
-      begin
-         return (others => 0.0);
-      end F;
-   begin
-      R.A := F;
-   end;
-end Array19;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+package body Array19 is
+   function N return Integer is
+   begin
+      return 1;
+   end;
+   type Array_Type is array (1 .. N) of Float;
+   type Enum is (One, Two);
+   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
+      case D is
+         when One => null;
+         when Two => A : Array_Type;
+      end case;
+   end record;
+   procedure Proc is
+      R : Rec;
+      function F return Array_Type is
+      begin
+         return (others => 0.0);
+      end F;
+   begin
+      R.A := F;
+   end;
+end Array19;
Index: gnat.dg/array19.ads
--- gnat.dg/array19.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/array19.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-package Array19 is
-   procedure Proc;
-end Array19;
+package Array19 is
+   procedure Proc;
+end Array19;
Index: gnat.dg/aggr11.adb
--- gnat.dg/aggr11.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/aggr11.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-O" }
-with Aggr11_Pkg; use Aggr11_Pkg;
-procedure Aggr11 is
-  A : Arr := ((1 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True),
-               2 => (Kind => Error),
-               3 => (Kind => Error),
-               4 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True),
-               5 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True),
-               6 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True)));
-   null;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-O" }
+with Aggr11_Pkg; use Aggr11_Pkg;
+procedure Aggr11 is
+  A : Arr := ((1 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True),
+               2 => (Kind => Error),
+               3 => (Kind => Error),
+               4 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True),
+               5 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True),
+               6 => (Kind  => No_Error, B => True)));
+   null;
Index: gnat.dg/discr6.adb
--- gnat.dg/discr6.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/discr6.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-gnatdm -gnatws" }
-with Discr6_Pkg;
-procedure Discr6 is
-  type T_Bit is range 0..1;
-  type T_Entier_16 is range -2**15 .. 2**15-1;
-  package My_Q is new Discr6_Pkg(T_Entier_16);
-  type T_Valeur is (BIT, Entier_16);
-  type R(D : T_Valeur) is record
-    case D is
-      when BIT => V_BIT : T_Bit;
-      when Entier_16 => V_E16 : T_Entier_16;
-    end case;
-  end record;
-  for R use record
-    V_BIT at 0 range 0..7;
-    V_E16 at 0 range 0..15;
-    D     at 8 range 0..7;
-  end record;
-  for R'size use 128;
-  A : R(Entier_16);
-  I : Integer;
-  I := My_Q.X(A.V_E16);
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-gnatdm -gnatws" }
+with Discr6_Pkg;
+procedure Discr6 is
+  type T_Bit is range 0..1;
+  type T_Entier_16 is range -2**15 .. 2**15-1;
+  package My_Q is new Discr6_Pkg(T_Entier_16);
+  type T_Valeur is (BIT, Entier_16);
+  type R(D : T_Valeur) is record
+    case D is
+      when BIT => V_BIT : T_Bit;
+      when Entier_16 => V_E16 : T_Entier_16;
+    end case;
+  end record;
+  for R use record
+    V_BIT at 0 range 0..7;
+    V_E16 at 0 range 0..15;
+    D     at 8 range 0..7;
+  end record;
+  for R'size use 128;
+  A : R(Entier_16);
+  I : Integer;
+  I := My_Q.X(A.V_E16);
Index: gnat.dg/aggr11_pkg.ads
--- gnat.dg/aggr11_pkg.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/aggr11_pkg.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ 
-package Aggr11_Pkg is
-   type Error_Type is (No_Error, Error);
-   type Rec (Kind : Error_Type := No_Error) is record
-     case Kind is
-       when Error => null;
-       when others => B : Boolean;
-     end case;
-   end record;
-   type Arr is array (1..6) of Rec;
-end Aggr11_Pkg;
+package Aggr11_Pkg is
+   type Error_Type is (No_Error, Error);
+   type Rec (Kind : Error_Type := No_Error) is record
+     case Kind is
+       when Error => null;
+       when others => B : Boolean;
+     end case;
+   end record;
+   type Arr is array (1..6) of Rec;
+end Aggr11_Pkg;
Index: gnat.dg/rep_clause2.adb
--- gnat.dg/rep_clause2.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/rep_clause2.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
-package body Rep_Clause2 is
-   procedure Assign (From : Data; Offset : Positive; I : Index; To : out Bit_Array) is
-   begin
-     To (Offset .. Offset + 7) := Bit_Array (Conv (From.D(I).S.N));
-   end;
-end Rep_Clause2;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+package body Rep_Clause2 is
+   procedure Assign (From : Data; Offset : Positive; I : Index; To : out Bit_Array) is
+   begin
+     To (Offset .. Offset + 7) := Bit_Array (Conv (From.D(I).S.N));
+   end;
+end Rep_Clause2;
Index: gnat.dg/discr6_pkg.ads
--- gnat.dg/discr6_pkg.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/discr6_pkg.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ 
-  type T(<>) is private;
-package Discr6_Pkg is
-  function X (A : T) return Integer;
-  pragma Interface(C, X);
-         INTERNAL         => X,
-         EXTERNAL         => X,
-         PARAMETER_TYPES  => (T),
-         MECHANISM        => (Descriptor(S)));
-end Discr6_Pkg;
+  type T(<>) is private;
+package Discr6_Pkg is
+  function X (A : T) return Integer;
+  pragma Interface(C, X);
+         INTERNAL         => X,
+         EXTERNAL         => X,
+         PARAMETER_TYPES  => (T),
+         MECHANISM        => (Descriptor(S)));
+end Discr6_Pkg;
Index: gnat.dg/rep_clause2.ads
--- gnat.dg/rep_clause2.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/rep_clause2.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ 
-with Unchecked_Conversion;
-package Rep_Clause2 is
-   type Tiny is range 0 .. 3;
-   for Tiny'Size use 2;
-   type Small is range 0 .. 255;
-   for Small'Size use 8;
-   type Small_Data is record
-      D : Tiny;
-      N : Small;
-   end record;
-   pragma Pack (Small_Data);
-   type Chunk is
-   record
-      S : Small_Data;
-      C : Character;
-   end record;
-   for Chunk use record
-      S at 0 range  0 .. 15;
-      C at 2 range  0 .. 7;
-   end record;
-   type Index is range 1 .. 10;
-   type Data_Array is array (Index) of Chunk;
-   for Data_Array'Alignment use 2;
-   pragma Pack (Data_Array);
-   type Data is record
-     D : Data_Array;
-   end record;
-   type Bit is range 0 .. 1;
-   for Bit'Size use 1;
-   type Bit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Bit;
-   pragma Pack (Bit_Array);
-   type Byte is new Bit_Array (1 .. 8);
-   for  Byte'Size use 8;
-   for  Byte'Alignment use 1;
-   function Conv
-     is new Unchecked_Conversion(Source => Small, Target => Byte);
-   procedure Assign (From : Data; Offset : Positive; I : Index; To : out Bit_Array);
-end Rep_Clause2;
+with Unchecked_Conversion;
+package Rep_Clause2 is
+   type Tiny is range 0 .. 3;
+   for Tiny'Size use 2;
+   type Small is range 0 .. 255;
+   for Small'Size use 8;
+   type Small_Data is record
+      D : Tiny;
+      N : Small;
+   end record;
+   pragma Pack (Small_Data);
+   type Chunk is
+   record
+      S : Small_Data;
+      C : Character;
+   end record;
+   for Chunk use record
+      S at 0 range  0 .. 15;
+      C at 2 range  0 .. 7;
+   end record;
+   type Index is range 1 .. 10;
+   type Data_Array is array (Index) of Chunk;
+   for Data_Array'Alignment use 2;
+   pragma Pack (Data_Array);
+   type Data is record
+     D : Data_Array;
+   end record;
+   type Bit is range 0 .. 1;
+   for Bit'Size use 1;
+   type Bit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Bit;
+   pragma Pack (Bit_Array);
+   type Byte is new Bit_Array (1 .. 8);
+   for  Byte'Size use 8;
+   for  Byte'Alignment use 1;
+   function Conv
+     is new Unchecked_Conversion(Source => Small, Target => Byte);
+   procedure Assign (From : Data; Offset : Positive; I : Index; To : out Bit_Array);
+end Rep_Clause2;
Index: gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.adb
--- gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
-package body pointer_variable_bounds is
-    type CP_TYPE is access COMP_POINTER_TYPE;
-    type CD_TYPE is access HALF_INTEGER;
-    CD : CD_TYPE;
-  begin
-    return CD.all;
-  end;
-  begin
-    null;
-  end;
-  begin
-    null;
-  end;
-end pointer_variable_bounds;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
+package body pointer_variable_bounds is
+    type CP_TYPE is access COMP_POINTER_TYPE;
+    type CD_TYPE is access HALF_INTEGER;
+    CD : CD_TYPE;
+  begin
+    return CD.all;
+  end;
+  begin
+    null;
+  end;
+  begin
+    null;
+  end;
+end pointer_variable_bounds;
Index: gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.ads
--- gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ 
-with pointer_variable_bounds_q; use pointer_variable_bounds_q;
-package pointer_variable_bounds is
-  type HALF_INTEGER is range -32768 .. 32767;
-  subtype HALF_NATURAL is HALF_INTEGER range 0 .. 32767;
-  subtype BUNDLE_POINTER_TYPE is HALF_NATURAL range 0 .. 1;
-  subtype C_POINTER_TYPE is HALF_NATURAL range 0 .. 1;
-end pointer_variable_bounds;
+with pointer_variable_bounds_q; use pointer_variable_bounds_q;
+package pointer_variable_bounds is
+  type HALF_INTEGER is range -32768 .. 32767;
+  subtype HALF_NATURAL is HALF_INTEGER range 0 .. 32767;
+  subtype BUNDLE_POINTER_TYPE is HALF_NATURAL range 0 .. 1;
+  subtype C_POINTER_TYPE is HALF_NATURAL range 0 .. 1;
+end pointer_variable_bounds;
Index: gnat.dg/slice2.adb
--- gnat.dg/slice2.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/slice2.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-O" }
-package body Slice2 is
-  function F (I : R1) return R2 is
-    Val : R2;
-  begin
-    Val.Text (1 .. 8) := I.Text (1 .. 8);
-    return Val;
-  end F;
-end Slice2;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-O" }
+package body Slice2 is
+  function F (I : R1) return R2 is
+    Val : R2;
+  begin
+    Val.Text (1 .. 8) := I.Text (1 .. 8);
+    return Val;
+  end F;
+end Slice2;
Index: gnat.dg/slice2.ads
--- gnat.dg/slice2.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/slice2.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ 
-package Slice2 is
-  type R1 is record
-    Text : String (1 .. 30);
-  end record;
-  type R2 is record
-    Text : String (1 .. 8);
-    B : Boolean := True;
-  end record;
-  function F (I : R1) return R2;
-end Slice2;
+package Slice2 is
+  type R1 is record
+    Text : String (1 .. 30);
+  end record;
+  type R2 is record
+    Text : String (1 .. 8);
+    B : Boolean := True;
+  end record;
+  function F (I : R1) return R2;
+end Slice2;
Index: gnat.dg/slice6_pkg.ads
--- gnat.dg/slice6_pkg.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/slice6_pkg.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ 
-package Slice6_Pkg is
-  subtype LENGTH_RANGE is SHORT_INTEGER range 0 .. 8184;
-  type T_BLOCK is array (SHORT_INTEGER range <>) of SHORT_SHORT_INTEGER;
-  for T_BLOCK'alignment use 4;
-  type T_MSG (V_LENGTH : LENGTH_RANGE := 0) is
-    record
-      HEADER : Integer;
-      DATAS  : T_BLOCK (1 .. V_LENGTH) := (others => 0);
-    end record;
-  for T_MSG'alignment use 4;
-end Slice6_Pkg;
+package Slice6_Pkg is
+  subtype LENGTH_RANGE is SHORT_INTEGER range 0 .. 8184;
+  type T_BLOCK is array (SHORT_INTEGER range <>) of SHORT_SHORT_INTEGER;
+  for T_BLOCK'alignment use 4;
+  type T_MSG (V_LENGTH : LENGTH_RANGE := 0) is
+    record
+      HEADER : Integer;
+      DATAS  : T_BLOCK (1 .. V_LENGTH) := (others => 0);
+    end record;
+  for T_MSG'alignment use 4;
+end Slice6_Pkg;
Index: gnat.dg/array14.adb
--- gnat.dg/array14.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/array14.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
-with Array14_Pkg; use Array14_Pkg;
-package body Array14 is
-  package Nested is
-    Length : constant SSE.Storage_Count := Length2;
-    subtype Encoded_Index_Type is SSE.Storage_Count range 1 .. Length;
-    subtype Encoded_Type is SSE.Storage_Array (Encoded_Index_Type'Range);
-    procedure Encode (Input : in Integer; Output : out Encoded_Type);
-  end;
-  package body Nested is
-    procedure Encode (Input : in Integer; Output : out Encoded_Type) is
-    begin
-      Encode2 (Input, Output);
-    end;
-  end;
-  procedure Init is
-    O : Nested.Encoded_Type;
-    for O'Alignment use 4;
-  begin
-    null;
-  end;
-end Array14;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
+with Array14_Pkg; use Array14_Pkg;
+package body Array14 is
+  package Nested is
+    Length : constant SSE.Storage_Count := Length2;
+    subtype Encoded_Index_Type is SSE.Storage_Count range 1 .. Length;
+    subtype Encoded_Type is SSE.Storage_Array (Encoded_Index_Type'Range);
+    procedure Encode (Input : in Integer; Output : out Encoded_Type);
+  end;
+  package body Nested is
+    procedure Encode (Input : in Integer; Output : out Encoded_Type) is
+    begin
+      Encode2 (Input, Output);
+    end;
+  end;
+  procedure Init is
+    O : Nested.Encoded_Type;
+    for O'Alignment use 4;
+  begin
+    null;
+  end;
+end Array14;
Index: gnat.dg/array14.ads
--- gnat.dg/array14.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/array14.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-package Array14 is
-  procedure Init;
-end Array14;
+package Array14 is
+  procedure Init;
+end Array14;
Index: gnat.dg/opt7.adb
--- gnat.dg/opt7.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/opt7.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-Os -g" }
-with Opt7_Pkg;
-package body Opt7 is
-   procedure Parse (Str       :     String;
-                    Time_Type : out time_t;
-                    Abs_Time  : out Time;
-                    Delt_Time : out Duration) is
-      Year         : Year_Number;
-      Month        : Month_Number;
-      Day          : Day_Number;
-      Minute       : Integer := 0;
-      Idx          : Integer := Str'First;
-      Ch           : Character := Str (Idx);
-      Current_Time : Time;
-   begin
-      if Ch = '-' then
-         Time_Type := Absolute_Time;
-         Current_Time := Clock;
-         Day   := Ada.Calendar.Day (Current_Time);
-         Month := Ada.Calendar.Month (Current_Time);
-         Year  := Ada.Calendar.Year (Current_Time);
-      else
-         Time_Type := Delta_Time;
-      end if;
-      while Ch in '0' .. '9' loop
-         Minute := Minute + Character'Pos (Ch);
-         Idx := Idx + 1;
-         Ch  := Str (Idx);
-      end loop;
-      if Time_Type = Absolute_Time then
-         Abs_Time := Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Day_Duration (1));
-      else
-         Delt_Time := Duration (Float (Minute));
-      end if;
-   exception
-      when others => Opt7_Pkg.My_Raise_Exception;
-   end;
-end Opt7;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-Os -g" }
+with Opt7_Pkg;
+package body Opt7 is
+   procedure Parse (Str       :     String;
+                    Time_Type : out time_t;
+                    Abs_Time  : out Time;
+                    Delt_Time : out Duration) is
+      Year         : Year_Number;
+      Month        : Month_Number;
+      Day          : Day_Number;
+      Minute       : Integer := 0;
+      Idx          : Integer := Str'First;
+      Ch           : Character := Str (Idx);
+      Current_Time : Time;
+   begin
+      if Ch = '-' then
+         Time_Type := Absolute_Time;
+         Current_Time := Clock;
+         Day   := Ada.Calendar.Day (Current_Time);
+         Month := Ada.Calendar.Month (Current_Time);
+         Year  := Ada.Calendar.Year (Current_Time);
+      else
+         Time_Type := Delta_Time;
+      end if;
+      while Ch in '0' .. '9' loop
+         Minute := Minute + Character'Pos (Ch);
+         Idx := Idx + 1;
+         Ch  := Str (Idx);
+      end loop;
+      if Time_Type = Absolute_Time then
+         Abs_Time := Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Day_Duration (1));
+      else
+         Delt_Time := Duration (Float (Minute));
+      end if;
+   exception
+      when others => Opt7_Pkg.My_Raise_Exception;
+   end;
+end Opt7;
Index: gnat.dg/opt7.ads
--- gnat.dg/opt7.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/opt7.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ 
-with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;
-package Opt7 is
-   type time_t is (Absolute_Time, Delta_Time);
-   procedure Parse (Str       :     String;
-                    Time_Type : out time_t;
-                    Abs_Time  : out Time;
-                    Delt_Time : out Duration);
-end Opt7;
+with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;
+package Opt7 is
+   type time_t is (Absolute_Time, Delta_Time);
+   procedure Parse (Str       :     String;
+                    Time_Type : out time_t;
+                    Abs_Time  : out Time;
+                    Delt_Time : out Duration);
+end Opt7;
Index: gnat.dg/aggr15.adb
--- gnat.dg/aggr15.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/aggr15.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
-package body Aggr15 is
-  function CREATE return DATA_T is
-    D : DATA_T;
-  begin
-    return D;
-  end;
-  function ALL_CREATE return ALL_DATA_T is
-    C : constant ALL_DATA_T := (others => (others => Create));
-  begin
-    return C;
-  end;
-end Aggr15;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
+package body Aggr15 is
+  function CREATE return DATA_T is
+    D : DATA_T;
+  begin
+    return D;
+  end;
+  function ALL_CREATE return ALL_DATA_T is
+    C : constant ALL_DATA_T := (others => (others => Create));
+  begin
+    return C;
+  end;
+end Aggr15;
Index: gnat.dg/aggr15.ads
--- gnat.dg/aggr15.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/aggr15.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ 
-package Aggr15 is
-  type T is tagged record
-    I : Integer;
-  end record;
-  type DATA_T is record
-    D : T;
-  end record;
-  type ALL_DATA_T is array (1..2, 1..2) of DATA_T;
-  function ALL_CREATE return ALL_DATA_T;
-end Aggr15;
+package Aggr15 is
+  type T is tagged record
+    I : Integer;
+  end record;
+  type DATA_T is record
+    D : T;
+  end record;
+  type ALL_DATA_T is array (1..2, 1..2) of DATA_T;
+  function ALL_CREATE return ALL_DATA_T;
+end Aggr15;
Index: gnat.dg/discr35.adb
--- gnat.dg/discr35.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/discr35.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
-package body Discr35 is
-   procedure Proc1 is
-     R : Rec2 := Null_Rec2;
-   begin
-     null;
-   end;
-   procedure Proc2 is
-     R : Rec2;
-   begin
-     R := Null_Rec2;
-   end;
-end Discr35;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+package body Discr35 is
+   procedure Proc1 is
+     R : Rec2 := Null_Rec2;
+   begin
+     null;
+   end;
+   procedure Proc2 is
+     R : Rec2;
+   begin
+     R := Null_Rec2;
+   end;
+end Discr35;
Index: gnat.dg/discr35.ads
--- gnat.dg/discr35.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/discr35.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ 
-package Discr35 is
-  type Rec1 is tagged null record;
-  type Enum is (One, Two);
-  type Rec2 (D : Enum := One) is
-  record
-    case D is
-      when One => null;
-      when Two => R : Rec1;
-    end case;
-  end record;
-   Null_Rec2 : Constant Rec2;
-   procedure Proc1;
-   procedure Proc2;
-   Null_Rec2 : Constant Rec2 := (D => One);
-end Discr35;
+package Discr35 is
+  type Rec1 is tagged null record;
+  type Enum is (One, Two);
+  type Rec2 (D : Enum := One) is
+  record
+    case D is
+      when One => null;
+      when Two => R : Rec1;
+    end case;
+  end record;
+   Null_Rec2 : Constant Rec2;
+   procedure Proc1;
+   procedure Proc2;
+   Null_Rec2 : Constant Rec2 := (D => One);
+end Discr35;
Index: gnat.dg/array14_pkg.ads
--- gnat.dg/array14_pkg.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/array14_pkg.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ 
-with System.Storage_Elements;
-package Array14_Pkg is
-  package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
-  function Parity_Byte_Count return SSE.Storage_Count;
-  Length2 : constant SSE.Storage_Count := Parity_Byte_Count;
-  subtype Encoded_Index_Type2 is SSE.Storage_Count range 1 .. Length2;
-  subtype Encoded_Type2 is SSE.Storage_Array (Encoded_Index_Type2'Range);
-  procedure Encode2 (Input : in Integer; Output : out Encoded_Type2);
-end Array14_Pkg;
+with System.Storage_Elements;
+package Array14_Pkg is
+  package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
+  function Parity_Byte_Count return SSE.Storage_Count;
+  Length2 : constant SSE.Storage_Count := Parity_Byte_Count;
+  subtype Encoded_Index_Type2 is SSE.Storage_Count range 1 .. Length2;
+  subtype Encoded_Type2 is SSE.Storage_Array (Encoded_Index_Type2'Range);
+  procedure Encode2 (Input : in Integer; Output : out Encoded_Type2);
+end Array14_Pkg;
Index: gnat.dg/discr27.adb
--- gnat.dg/discr27.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/discr27.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
-package body Discr27 is
-   subtype Index is Positive range 1..4096;
-   function F return String is
-      S : String(1..1) := (others =>'w');
-   begin
-      return S;
-   end;
-   type Enum is (One, Two);
-   type Rec (D : Enum  := One; Len : Index := 1) is record
-      case D is
-          when One => I : Integer;
-          when Two => A : String(1..Len);
-      end case;
-   end record;
-   procedure Nothing is
-      M : constant String := F;
-      C : constant Rec := (Two, M'Length, M);
-   begin
-      null;
-   end;
-   procedure Proc is begin
-      null;
-   end;
-end Discr27;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+package body Discr27 is
+   subtype Index is Positive range 1..4096;
+   function F return String is
+      S : String(1..1) := (others =>'w');
+   begin
+      return S;
+   end;
+   type Enum is (One, Two);
+   type Rec (D : Enum  := One; Len : Index := 1) is record
+      case D is
+          when One => I : Integer;
+          when Two => A : String(1..Len);
+      end case;
+   end record;
+   procedure Nothing is
+      M : constant String := F;
+      C : constant Rec := (Two, M'Length, M);
+   begin
+      null;
+   end;
+   procedure Proc is begin
+      null;
+   end;
+end Discr27;
Index: gnat.dg/discr27.ads
--- gnat.dg/discr27.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/discr27.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-package Discr27 is
-   procedure Proc;
-end Discr27;
+package Discr27 is
+   procedure Proc;
+end Discr27;
Index: gnat.dg/volatile10_pkg.ads
--- gnat.dg/volatile10_pkg.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/volatile10_pkg.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ 
-package Volatile10_Pkg is
-   type Num is mod 2**9;
-   type Rec is record
-      B1  : Boolean;
-      N1  : Num;
-      B2  : Boolean;
-      N2  : Num;
-      B3  : Boolean;
-      B4  : Boolean;
-      B5  : Boolean;
-      B6  : Boolean;
-      B7  : Boolean;
-      B8  : Boolean;
-      B9  : Boolean;
-      B10 : Boolean;
-      B11 : Boolean;
-      B12 : Boolean;
-      B13 : Boolean;
-      B14 : Boolean;
-   end record;
-   pragma Pack (Rec);
-   for Rec'Size use 32;
-   pragma Volatile(Rec);
-   function F return Rec;
-end Volatile10_Pkg;
+package Volatile10_Pkg is
+   type Num is mod 2**9;
+   type Rec is record
+      B1  : Boolean;
+      N1  : Num;
+      B2  : Boolean;
+      N2  : Num;
+      B3  : Boolean;
+      B4  : Boolean;
+      B5  : Boolean;
+      B6  : Boolean;
+      B7  : Boolean;
+      B8  : Boolean;
+      B9  : Boolean;
+      B10 : Boolean;
+      B11 : Boolean;
+      B12 : Boolean;
+      B13 : Boolean;
+      B14 : Boolean;
+   end record;
+   pragma Pack (Rec);
+   for Rec'Size use 32;
+   pragma Volatile(Rec);
+   function F return Rec;
+end Volatile10_Pkg;
Index: gnat.dg/slice6.adb
--- gnat.dg/slice6.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/slice6.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
-with Slice6_Pkg; use Slice6_Pkg;
-procedure Slice6 is
-  procedure Send (V_LENGTH : SHORT_INTEGER) is
-    V : Integer;
-    V_BLOCK : T_BLOCK (1 .. 4096);
-    for V_BLOCK use at V'Address;
-    V_MSG : T_MSG ;
-  begin
-    V_MSG := (V_LENGTH, 1, V_BLOCK (1 .. V_LENGTH));
-  end;
-  null;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
+with Slice6_Pkg; use Slice6_Pkg;
+procedure Slice6 is
+  procedure Send (V_LENGTH : SHORT_INTEGER) is
+    V : Integer;
+    V_BLOCK : T_BLOCK (1 .. 4096);
+    for V_BLOCK use at V'Address;
+    V_MSG : T_MSG ;
+  begin
+    V_MSG := (V_LENGTH, 1, V_BLOCK (1 .. V_LENGTH));
+  end;
+  null;
Index: gnat.dg/aggr17.adb
--- gnat.dg/aggr17.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/aggr17.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
-procedure Aggr17 is
-   type Enum is (A, B);
-   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
-      case D is
-         when A => X : Integer;
-         when B => null;
-      end case;
-   end record;
-   for Rec'Size use 128;
-   pragma Volatile (Rec);
-   type Config_T (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
-      N : Natural;
-      R : Rec (D);
-   end record;
-   C : constant Config_T := (D => A, N => 1, R => (D => A, X => 0));
-   type Arr is array (Natural range 1 .. C.N) of Boolean;
-   null;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
+procedure Aggr17 is
+   type Enum is (A, B);
+   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
+      case D is
+         when A => X : Integer;
+         when B => null;
+      end case;
+   end record;
+   for Rec'Size use 128;
+   pragma Volatile (Rec);
+   type Config_T (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
+      N : Natural;
+      R : Rec (D);
+   end record;
+   C : constant Config_T := (D => A, N => 1, R => (D => A, X => 0));
+   type Arr is array (Natural range 1 .. C.N) of Boolean;
+   null;
Index: gnat.dg/specs/unchecked_union2.ads
--- gnat.dg/specs/unchecked_union2.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/specs/unchecked_union2.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
-package Unchecked_Union2 is
-   type Small_Int is range 0 .. 2**19 - 1;
-   type R1 (B : Boolean := True) is record
-      case B is
-         when True  => Data1 : Small_Int;
-         when False => Data2 : Small_Int;
-      end case;
-   end record;
-   for R1 use record
-      Data1 at 0 range 0 .. 18;
-      Data2 at 0 range 0 .. 18;
-   end record;
-   for R1'Size use 24;
-   pragma Unchecked_Union (R1);
-   type R2 is record
-     Data : R1;
-   end record;
-   for R2 use record
-     Data at 0 range 3 .. 26;
-   end record;
-end Unchecked_Union2;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+package Unchecked_Union2 is
+   type Small_Int is range 0 .. 2**19 - 1;
+   type R1 (B : Boolean := True) is record
+      case B is
+         when True  => Data1 : Small_Int;
+         when False => Data2 : Small_Int;
+      end case;
+   end record;
+   for R1 use record
+      Data1 at 0 range 0 .. 18;
+      Data2 at 0 range 0 .. 18;
+   end record;
+   for R1'Size use 24;
+   pragma Unchecked_Union (R1);
+   type R2 is record
+     Data : R1;
+   end record;
+   for R2 use record
+     Data at 0 range 3 .. 26;
+   end record;
+end Unchecked_Union2;
Index: gnat.dg/volatile10.adb
--- gnat.dg/volatile10.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/volatile10.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
-with Volatile10_Pkg; use Volatile10_Pkg;
-procedure Volatile10 is
-   N : Num;
-   N := F.N1;
-   N := F.N2;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+with Volatile10_Pkg; use Volatile10_Pkg;
+procedure Volatile10 is
+   N : Num;
+   N := F.N1;
+   N := F.N2;
Index: gnat.dg/taft_type2.adb
--- gnat.dg/taft_type2.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/taft_type2.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-g" }
-with Taft_Type2_Pkg; use Taft_Type2_Pkg;
-package body Taft_Type2 is
-   procedure Proc is
-      A : T;
-      function F return T is
-         My_T : T;
-      begin
-         My_T := Open;
-         return My_T;
-      end;
-   begin
-      A := F;
-   end;
-end Taft_Type2;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-g" }
+with Taft_Type2_Pkg; use Taft_Type2_Pkg;
+package body Taft_Type2 is
+   procedure Proc is
+      A : T;
+      function F return T is
+         My_T : T;
+      begin
+         My_T := Open;
+         return My_T;
+      end;
+   begin
+      A := F;
+   end;
+end Taft_Type2;
Index: gnat.dg/taft_type2.ads
--- gnat.dg/taft_type2.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/taft_type2.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-package Taft_Type2 is
-   procedure Proc;
-end Taft_Type2;
+package Taft_Type2 is
+   procedure Proc;
+end Taft_Type2;
Index: gnat.dg/import1.adb
--- gnat.dg/import1.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/import1.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-g" }
-package body Import1 is
-   procedure Create (Bounds : Arr) is
-      type Bound_Array is array (Bounds'Range) of Integer;
-      procedure Proc (Ptr : access Bound_Array);
-      pragma Import (C, Proc);
-      Temp : aliased Bound_Array;
-   begin
-      Proc (Temp'Access);
-   end;
-end Import1;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-g" }
+package body Import1 is
+   procedure Create (Bounds : Arr) is
+      type Bound_Array is array (Bounds'Range) of Integer;
+      procedure Proc (Ptr : access Bound_Array);
+      pragma Import (C, Proc);
+      Temp : aliased Bound_Array;
+   begin
+      Proc (Temp'Access);
+   end;
+end Import1;
Index: gnat.dg/taft_type2_pkg.ads
--- gnat.dg/taft_type2_pkg.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/taft_type2_pkg.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ 
-package Taft_Type2_Pkg  is
-   type T is private;
-   function Open return T;
-   type Buffer_T;
-   type T is access Buffer_T;
-end Taft_Type2_Pkg;
+package Taft_Type2_Pkg  is
+   type T is private;
+   function Open return T;
+   type Buffer_T;
+   type T is access Buffer_T;
+end Taft_Type2_Pkg;
Index: gnat.dg/import1.ads
--- gnat.dg/import1.ads	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/import1.ads	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 
-package Import1 is
-   type Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
-   procedure Create (Bounds : Arr);
-end Import1;
+package Import1 is
+   type Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
+   procedure Create (Bounds : Arr);
+end Import1;
Index: gnat.dg/aggr18.adb
--- gnat.dg/aggr18.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/aggr18.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
-procedure Aggr18 is
-   type Enum is (A, B);
-   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
-      case D is
-         when A => X : Integer;
-         when B => null;
-      end case;
-   end record;
-   for Rec'Size use 128;
-   pragma Volatile (Rec);
-   type Config_T (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
-      N : Natural;
-      R : Rec (D);
-   end record;
-   C : Config_T := (D => A, N => 1, R => (D => A, X => 0));
-   type Arr is array (Natural range 1 .. C.N) of Boolean;
-   null;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
+procedure Aggr18 is
+   type Enum is (A, B);
+   type Rec (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
+      case D is
+         when A => X : Integer;
+         when B => null;
+      end case;
+   end record;
+   for Rec'Size use 128;
+   pragma Volatile (Rec);
+   type Config_T (D : Enum := Enum'First) is record
+      N : Natural;
+      R : Rec (D);
+   end record;
+   C : Config_T := (D => A, N => 1, R => (D => A, X => 0));
+   type Arr is array (Natural range 1 .. C.N) of Boolean;
+   null;
Index: gnat.dg/loop_address2.adb
--- gnat.dg/loop_address2.adb	(revision 186264)
+++ gnat.dg/loop_address2.adb	(revision 186265)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ 
--- { dg-do compile }
--- { dg-options "-O" }
-with System, Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
-procedure Loop_Address2 is
-  type Ptr is access all Integer;
-  function To_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Ptr);
-  function F (BM : System.Address; I : Integer) return System.Address is
-  begin
-    return BM + Storage_Offset (4*I);
-  end;
-  B : Integer;
-  P : Ptr;
-  for I in 0 .. 2 loop
-    P := To_Ptr (F (B'Address, I));
-    P.all := 0;
-  end loop;
-end ;
+-- { dg-do compile }
+-- { dg-options "-O" }
+with System, Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
+procedure Loop_Address2 is
+  type Ptr is access all Integer;
+  function To_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Ptr);
+  function F (BM : System.Address; I : Integer) return System.Address is
+  begin
+    return BM + Storage_Offset (4*I);
+  end;
+  B : Integer;
+  P : Ptr;
+  for I in 0 .. 2 loop
+    P := To_Ptr (F (B'Address, I));
+    P.all := 0;
+  end loop;
+end ;
Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	(revision 186264)
+++ ChangeLog	(revision 186265)
@@ -3,6 +3,42 @@ 
 	* g++.dg/cpp0x/udlit-raw-op.C: Don't use CRLF endings.
 	* gcc.dg/tree-ssa/vrp59.c: Likewise.
 	* gcc.dg/tree-ssa/vrp60.c: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/aggr11.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/aggr11_pkg.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/aggr15.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/aggr15.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/aggr17.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/aggr18.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/array14.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/array14.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/array14_pkg.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/array19.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/array19.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/discr27.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/discr27.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/discr35.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/discr35.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/discr6.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/discr6_pkg.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/import1.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/import1.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/loop_address2.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/opt7.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/opt7.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/pointer_variable_bounds.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/rep_clause2.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/rep_clause2.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/slice2.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/slice2.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/slice6.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/slice6_pkg.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/specs/unchecked_union2.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/taft_type2.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/taft_type2.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/taft_type2_pkg.ads: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/volatile10.adb: Likewise.
+	* gnat.dg/volatile10_pkg.ads: Likewise.
 	* gcc.dg/dll-8.c: Remove execute permissions.
 	* g++.dg/ext/dllexport5.C: Likewise.