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[committed] libstdc++: Rewrite __moneypunct_cache::_M_cache [PR104966]

Message ID 20220317175229.406025-1-jwakely@redhat.com
State New
Headers show
Series [committed] libstdc++: Rewrite __moneypunct_cache::_M_cache [PR104966] | expand

Commit Message

Jonathan Wakely March 17, 2022, 5:52 p.m. UTC
Tested powerpc64le-linux, pushed to trunk.

-- >8 --

GCC thinks the following can lead to a buffer overflow when __ns.size()
equals zero:

	  const basic_string<_CharT>& __ns = __mp.negative_sign();
	  _M_negative_sign_size = __ns.size();
	  __negative_sign = new _CharT[_M_negative_sign_size];
	  __ns.copy(__negative_sign, _M_negative_sign_size);

This happens because operator new might be replaced with something that
writes to this->_M_negative_sign_size and so the basic_string::copy call
could use a non-zero size to write to a zero-length buffer.

The solution suggested by Richi is to cache the size in a local variable
so that the compiler knows it won't be changed between the allocation
and the copy.

This commit goes further and rewrites the whole function to use RAII and
delay all modifications of *this until after all allocations have
succeeded. The RAII helper type caches the size and copies the string
and owns the memory until told to release it.


	PR middle-end/104966
	* include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc
	(__moneypunct_cache::_M_cache): Replace try-catch with RAII and
	make all string copies before any stores to *this.
 .../include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc      | 100 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc
index 98442418f51..8c37a706db8 100644
--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.tcc
       const moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl>& __mp =
 	use_facet<moneypunct<_CharT, _Intl> >(__loc);
+      struct _Scoped_str
+      {
+	size_t _M_len;
+	_CharT* _M_str;
+	explicit
+	_Scoped_str(const basic_string<_CharT>& __str)
+	: _M_len(__str.size()), _M_str(new _CharT[_M_len])
+	{ __str.copy(_M_str, _M_len); }
+	~_Scoped_str() { delete[] _M_str; }
+	void
+	_M_release(const _CharT*& __p, size_t& __n)
+	{
+	  __p = _M_str;
+	  __n = _M_len;
+	  _M_str = 0;
+	}
+      };
+      _Scoped_str __curr_symbol(__mp.curr_symbol());
+      _Scoped_str __positive_sign(__mp.positive_sign());
+      _Scoped_str __negative_sign(__mp.negative_sign());
+      const string& __g = __mp.grouping();
+      const size_t __g_size = __g.size();
+      char* const __grouping = new char[__g_size];
+      __g.copy(__grouping, __g_size);
+      // All allocations succeeded without throwing, OK to modify *this now.
+      _M_grouping = __grouping;
+      _M_grouping_size = __g_size;
+      _M_use_grouping = (__g_size
+			 && static_cast<signed char>(__grouping[0]) > 0
+			 && (__grouping[0]
+			     != __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<char>::__max));
       _M_decimal_point = __mp.decimal_point();
       _M_thousands_sep = __mp.thousands_sep();
+      __curr_symbol._M_release(_M_curr_symbol, _M_curr_symbol_size);
+      __positive_sign._M_release(_M_positive_sign, _M_positive_sign_size);
+      __negative_sign._M_release(_M_negative_sign, _M_negative_sign_size);
       _M_frac_digits = __mp.frac_digits();
+      _M_pos_format = __mp.pos_format();
+      _M_neg_format = __mp.neg_format();
-      char* __grouping = 0;
-      _CharT* __curr_symbol = 0;
-      _CharT* __positive_sign = 0;
-      _CharT* __negative_sign = 0;     
-      __try
-	{
-	  const string& __g = __mp.grouping();
-	  _M_grouping_size = __g.size();
-	  __grouping = new char[_M_grouping_size];
-	  __g.copy(__grouping, _M_grouping_size);
-	  _M_use_grouping = (_M_grouping_size
-			     && static_cast<signed char>(__grouping[0]) > 0
-			     && (__grouping[0]
-				 != __gnu_cxx::__numeric_traits<char>::__max));
+      const ctype<_CharT>& __ct = use_facet<ctype<_CharT> >(__loc);
+      __ct.widen(money_base::_S_atoms,
+		 money_base::_S_atoms + money_base::_S_end, _M_atoms);
-	  const basic_string<_CharT>& __cs = __mp.curr_symbol();
-	  _M_curr_symbol_size = __cs.size();
-	  __curr_symbol = new _CharT[_M_curr_symbol_size];
-	  __cs.copy(__curr_symbol, _M_curr_symbol_size);
-	  const basic_string<_CharT>& __ps = __mp.positive_sign();
-	  _M_positive_sign_size = __ps.size();
-	  __positive_sign = new _CharT[_M_positive_sign_size];
-	  __ps.copy(__positive_sign, _M_positive_sign_size);
-	  const basic_string<_CharT>& __ns = __mp.negative_sign();
-	  _M_negative_sign_size = __ns.size();
-	  __negative_sign = new _CharT[_M_negative_sign_size];
-	  __ns.copy(__negative_sign, _M_negative_sign_size);
-	  _M_pos_format = __mp.pos_format();
-	  _M_neg_format = __mp.neg_format();
-	  const ctype<_CharT>& __ct = use_facet<ctype<_CharT> >(__loc);
-	  __ct.widen(money_base::_S_atoms,
-		     money_base::_S_atoms + money_base::_S_end, _M_atoms);
-	  _M_grouping = __grouping;
-	  _M_curr_symbol = __curr_symbol;
-	  _M_positive_sign = __positive_sign;
-	  _M_negative_sign = __negative_sign;
-	  _M_allocated = true;
-	}
-      __catch(...)
-	{
-	  delete [] __grouping;
-	  delete [] __curr_symbol;
-	  delete [] __positive_sign;
-	  delete [] __negative_sign;
-	  __throw_exception_again;
-	}
+      _M_allocated = true;