diff mbox series

[Ada] Forced elaboration order in Elaboration order v4.0

Message ID 20190703083020.GA43399@adacore.com
State New
Headers show
Series [Ada] Forced elaboration order in Elaboration order v4.0 | expand

Commit Message

Pierre-Marie de Rodat July 3, 2019, 8:30 a.m. UTC
This patch refactors the forced elaboration order functionality,
reintegrates it in Binde, and impelements it in Bindo.

-- Source --

--  server.ads

package Server is
end Server;

--  client.ads

with Server;

package Client is
end Client;

--  main.adb

with Client;

procedure Main is begin null; end Main;

--  duplicate_1.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)
server (spec)

--  error_unit_1.txt

no such unit
client (spec)

--  error_unit_2.txt

no such unit
client (spec)

--  error_unit_3.txt

no such unit     --  comment
client (spec)

--  error_unit_4.txt

         no such unit     --  comment

client (spec)

--  error_unit_5.txt

no such unit (body)
client (spec)

--  error_unit_6.txt

    no such unit (body)
client (spec)

--  error_unit_7.txt

    no such unit (body)    --  comment
client (spec)

--  error_unit_8.txt

    no such unit (body)--  comment
client (spec)

--  error_unit_9.txt

    no such unit--  comment
client (spec)

--  no_unit_1.txt

--  no_unit_2.txt

--  no_unit_3.txt

      --  comment

--  no_unit_4.txt

--  no_unit_5.txt

--  no_unit_6.txt

       --  comment

--  no_unit_7.txt

--  no_unit_8.txt

    --  comment
--  comment

--  ok_unit_1.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_2.txt

    server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_3.txt

    server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_4.txt

    server (spec)      --  comment
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_5.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)

--  ok_unit_6.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)    --  comment

--  ok_unit_7.txt

server (spec)
client (spec)    --  comment

--  ok_unit_8.txt

    --  comment
--  comment
    server (spec)

   --  comment
--  comment

client (spec)    --  comment

--  ok_unit_9.txt

server (spec)--  comment
client (spec)

-- Compilation and output --
$ gnatmake -q main.adb
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_2.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_3.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_4.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_5.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_6.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_7.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fno_unit_8.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_2.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_3.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_4.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_5.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_6.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_7.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_8.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -ferror_unit_9.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fduplicate_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_1.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_2.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_3.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_4.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_5.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_6.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_7.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_8.txt main.ali
$ gnatbind -fok_unit_9.txt main.ali
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit%b": not present; ignored
"no such unit": not present; ignored
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
error: duplicate_1.txt:3: duplicate unit name "server (spec)" from line 1
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)
server (spec) <-- client (spec)

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2019-07-03  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>


	* binde.adb: Remove with clause for System.OS_Lib.
	(Force_Elab_Order): Refactor the majority of the code in Butil.
	Use the new forced units iterator to obtain unit names.
	* bindo-builders.adb: Add with and use clauses for Binderr,
	Butil, Opt, Output, Types, GNAT, and GNAT.Dynamic_HTables.  Add
	a hash table which maps units to line number in the forced
	elaboration order file.
	(Add_Unit): New routine.
	(Build_Library_Graph): Create forced edges between pairs of
	units listed in the forced elaboration order file.
	(Create_Forced_Edge, Create_Forced_Edges, Destroy_Line_Number,
	Duplicate_Unit_Error, Hash_Unit, Internal_Unit_Info,
	Is_Duplicate_Unit, Missing_Unit_Info): New routines.
	* bindo-graphs.adb (Is_Internal_Unit, Is_Predefined_Unit):
	Refactor some of the behavior to Bindo-Units.
	* bindo-graphs.ads: Enable the enumeration literal for forced
	* bindo-units.adb, bindo-units.ads (Is_Internal_Unit,
	Is_Predefined_Unit): New routines.
	* butil.adb: Add with and use clauses for Opt, GNAT, and
	System.OS_Lib.  Add with clause for Unchecked_Deallocation.
	(Has_Next, Iterate_Forced_Units, Next, Parse_Next_Unit_Name,
	Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File): New routines.
	* butil.ads: Add with and use clauses for Types.  Add new
	iterator over the units listed in the forced elaboration order
	(Has_Next, Iterate_Forced_Units, Next): New routine.
	* namet.adb, namet.ads (Present): New routine.
diff mbox series


--- gcc/ada/binde.adb
+++ gcc/ada/binde.adb
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@  with Types;   use Types;
 with System.Case_Util; use System.Case_Util;
 with System.HTable;
-with System.OS_Lib;
 package body Binde is
    use Unit_Id_Tables;
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@  package body Binde is
       --  elaborated before After is elaborated.
-      --  Before and After come from a pair of lines in the forced elaboration
+      --  Before and After come from a pair of lines in the forced-elaboration-
       --  order file.
@@ -382,7 +381,7 @@  package body Binde is
    --  "$ must be elaborated before $ ..." where ... is the reason.
    procedure Force_Elab_Order;
-   --  Gather dependencies from the forced elaboration order file (-f switch)
+   --  Gather dependencies from the forced-elaboration-order file (-f switch)
    procedure Gather_Dependencies;
    --  Compute dependencies, building the Succ and UNR tables
@@ -1795,30 +1794,13 @@  package body Binde is
    procedure Force_Elab_Order is
-      use System.OS_Lib;
-      --  There is a lot of fiddly string manipulation below, because we don't
-      --  want to depend on misc utility packages like Ada.Characters.Handling.
-      function Get_Line return String;
-      --  Read the next line from the file content read by Read_File. Strip
-      --  all leading and trailing blanks. Convert "(spec)" or "(body)" to
-      --  "%s"/"%b". Remove comments (Ada style; "--" to end of line).
-      function Read_File (Name : String) return String_Ptr;
-      --  Read the entire contents of the named file
       subtype Header_Num is Unit_Name_Type'Base range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;
-      type Line_Number is new Nat;
-      No_Line_Number  : constant Line_Number := 0;
-      Cur_Line_Number : Line_Number := 0;
-      --  Current line number in the Force_Elab_Order_File.
-      --  Incremented by Get_Line. Used in error messages.
       function Hash (N : Unit_Name_Type) return Header_Num;
       package Name_Map is new System.HTable.Simple_HTable
         (Header_Num => Header_Num,
-         Element    => Line_Number,
+         Element    => Logical_Line_Number,
          No_Element => No_Line_Number,
          Key        => Unit_Name_Type,
          Hash       => Hash,
@@ -1839,234 +1821,86 @@  package body Binde is
          return (N - Unit_Name_Type'First) mod (Header_Num'Last + 1);
       end Hash;
-      ---------------
-      -- Read_File --
-      ---------------
-      function Read_File (Name : String) return String_Ptr is
-         --  All of the following calls should succeed, because we checked the
-         --  file in Switch.B, but we double check and raise Program_Error on
-         --  failure, just in case.
-         F : constant File_Descriptor := Open_Read (Name, Binary);
-      begin
-         if F = Invalid_FD then
-            raise Program_Error;
-         end if;
-         declare
-            Len      : constant Natural    := Natural (File_Length (F));
-            Result   : constant String_Ptr := new String (1 .. Len);
-            Len_Read : constant Natural    :=
-                         Read (F, Result (1)'Address, Len);
-            Status : Boolean;
-         begin
-            if Len_Read /= Len then
-               raise Program_Error;
-            end if;
-            Close (F, Status);
-            if not Status then
-               raise Program_Error;
-            end if;
-            return Result;
-         end;
-      end Read_File;
-      Cur : Positive   := 1;
-      S   : String_Ptr := Read_File (Force_Elab_Order_File.all);
-      --------------
-      -- Get_Line --
-      --------------
-      function Get_Line return String is
-         First : Positive := Cur;
-         Last  : Natural;
-      begin
-         Cur_Line_Number := Cur_Line_Number + 1;
-         --  Skip to end of line
-         while Cur <= S'Last
-           and then S (Cur) /= ASCII.LF
-           and then S (Cur) /= ASCII.CR
-         loop
-            Cur := Cur + 1;
-         end loop;
-         --  Strip leading blanks
-         while First <= S'Last and then S (First) = ' ' loop
-            First := First + 1;
-         end loop;
-         --  Strip trailing blanks and comment
+      --  Local variables
-         Last := Cur - 1;
+      Cur_Line_Number : Logical_Line_Number;
+      Error           : Boolean := False;
+      Iter            : Forced_Units_Iterator;
+      Prev_Unit       : Unit_Id := No_Unit_Id;
+      Uname           : Unit_Name_Type;
-         for J in First .. Last - 1 loop
-            if S (J .. J + 1) = "--" then
-               Last := J - 1;
-               exit;
-            end if;
-         end loop;
-         while Last >= First and then S (Last) = ' ' loop
-            Last := Last - 1;
-         end loop;
+   --  Start of processing for Force_Elab_Order
-         --  Convert "(spec)" or "(body)" to "%s"/"%b", strip trailing blanks
-         --  again.
+   begin
+      Iter := Iterate_Forced_Units;
+      while Has_Next (Iter) loop
+         Next (Iter, Uname, Cur_Line_Number);
-            Body_String : constant String   := "(body)";
-            BL          : constant Positive := Body_String'Length;
-            Spec_String : constant String   := "(spec)";
-            SL          : constant Positive := Spec_String'Length;
-            Line : String renames S (First .. Last);
-            Is_Body : Boolean := False;
-            Is_Spec : Boolean := False;
+            Dup : constant Logical_Line_Number := Name_Map.Get (Uname);
-            if Line'Length >= SL
-              and then Line (Last - SL + 1 .. Last) = Spec_String
-            then
-               Is_Spec := True;
-               Last := Last - SL;
-            elsif Line'Length >= BL
-              and then Line (Last - BL + 1 .. Last) = Body_String
-            then
-               Is_Body := True;
-               Last := Last - BL;
-            end if;
-            while Last >= First and then S (Last) = ' ' loop
-               Last := Last - 1;
-            end loop;
+            if Dup = No_Line_Number then
+               Name_Map.Set (Uname, Cur_Line_Number);
-            --  Skip past LF or CR/LF
+               --  We don't need to give the "not present" message in the case
+               --  of "duplicate unit", because we would have already given the
+               --  "not present" message on the first occurrence.
-            if Cur <= S'Last and then S (Cur) = ASCII.CR then
-               Cur := Cur + 1;
-            end if;
-            if Cur <= S'Last and then S (Cur) = ASCII.LF then
-               Cur := Cur + 1;
-            end if;
+               if Get_Name_Table_Int (Uname) = 0
+                 or else Unit_Id (Get_Name_Table_Int (Uname)) = No_Unit_Id
+               then
+                  Error := True;
+                  if Doing_New then
+                     Write_Line
+                       ("""" & Get_Name_String (Uname)
+                        & """: not present; ignored");
+                  end if;
+               end if;
-            if Is_Spec then
-               return Line (First .. Last) & "%s";
-            elsif Is_Body then
-               return Line (First .. Last) & "%b";
-               return Line;
+               Error := True;
+               if Doing_New then
+                  Error_Msg_Nat_1  := Nat (Cur_Line_Number);
+                  Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Uname;
+                  Error_Msg_Nat_2  := Nat (Dup);
+                  Error_Msg
+                    (Force_Elab_Order_File.all
+                     & ":#: duplicate unit name $ from line #");
+               end if;
             end if;
-      end Get_Line;
-      --  Local variables
-      Empty_Name : constant Unit_Name_Type := Name_Find ("");
-      Prev_Unit  : Unit_Id := No_Unit_Id;
-   --  Start of processing for Force_Elab_Order
-   begin
-      --  Loop through the file content, and build a dependency link for each
-      --  pair of lines. Ignore lines that should be ignored.
-      while Cur <= S'Last loop
-         declare
-            Uname : constant Unit_Name_Type := Name_Find (Get_Line);
-            Error : Boolean := False;
-         begin
-            if Uname = Empty_Name then
-               null; -- silently skip blank lines
-            else
-               declare
-                  Dup : constant Line_Number := Name_Map.Get (Uname);
-               begin
-                  if Dup = No_Line_Number then
-                     Name_Map.Set (Uname, Cur_Line_Number);
-                     --  We don't need to give the "not present" message in
-                     --  the case of "duplicate unit", because we would have
-                     --  already given the "not present" message on the
-                     --  first occurrence.
-                     if Get_Name_Table_Int (Uname) = 0
-                       or else Unit_Id (Get_Name_Table_Int (Uname)) =
-                                 No_Unit_Id
-                     then
-                        Error := True;
-                        if Doing_New then
-                           Write_Line
-                             ("""" & Get_Name_String (Uname)
-                              & """: not present; ignored");
-                        end if;
-                     end if;
+         if not Error then
+            declare
+               Cur_Unit : constant Unit_Id := Unit_Id_Of (Uname);
+            begin
+               if Is_Internal_File_Name (Units.Table (Cur_Unit).Sfile) then
+                  if Doing_New then
+                     Write_Line
+                       ("""" & Get_Name_String (Uname)
+                        & """: predefined unit ignored");
+                  end if;
-                  else
-                     Error := True;
+               else
+                  if Prev_Unit /= No_Unit_Id then
                      if Doing_New then
-                        Error_Msg_Nat_1  := Nat (Cur_Line_Number);
-                        Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Uname;
-                        Error_Msg_Nat_2  := Nat (Dup);
-                        Error_Msg
-                          (Force_Elab_Order_File.all
-                           & ":#: duplicate unit name $ from line #");
+                        Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Prev_Unit).Uname);
+                        Write_Str (" <-- ");
+                        Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Cur_Unit).Uname);
+                        Write_Eol;
                      end if;
-                  end if;
-               end;
-               if not Error then
-                  declare
-                     Cur_Unit : constant Unit_Id := Unit_Id_Of (Uname);
-                  begin
-                     if Is_Internal_File_Name
-                          (Units.Table (Cur_Unit).Sfile)
-                     then
-                        if Doing_New then
-                           Write_Line
-                             ("""" & Get_Name_String (Uname)
-                              & """: predefined unit ignored");
-                        end if;
-                     else
-                        if Prev_Unit /= No_Unit_Id then
-                           if Doing_New then
-                              Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Prev_Unit).Uname);
-                              Write_Str (" <-- ");
-                              Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Cur_Unit).Uname);
-                              Write_Eol;
-                           end if;
-                           Build_Link
-                             (Before => Prev_Unit,
-                              After  => Cur_Unit,
-                              R      => Forced);
-                        end if;
+                     Build_Link
+                       (Before => Prev_Unit,
+                        After  => Cur_Unit,
+                        R      => Forced);
+                  end if;
-                        Prev_Unit := Cur_Unit;
-                     end if;
-                  end;
+                  Prev_Unit := Cur_Unit;
                end if;
-            end if;
-         end;
+            end;
+         end if;
       end loop;
-      Free (S);
    end Force_Elab_Order;

--- gcc/ada/bindo-builders.adb
+++ gcc/ada/bindo-builders.adb
@@ -23,8 +23,17 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
+with Binderr; use Binderr;
+with Butil;   use Butil;
+with Opt;     use Opt;
+with Output;  use Output;
+with Types;   use Types;
 with Bindo.Units; use Bindo.Units;
+with GNAT;                 use GNAT;
+with GNAT.Dynamic_HTables; use GNAT.Dynamic_HTables;
 package body Bindo.Builders is
@@ -214,16 +223,63 @@  package body Bindo.Builders is
    package body Library_Graph_Builders is
+      ---------------------
+      -- Data structures --
+      ---------------------
+      procedure Destroy_Line_Number (Line : in out Logical_Line_Number);
+      pragma Inline (Destroy_Line_Number);
+      --  Destroy line number Line
+      function Hash_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type;
+      pragma Inline (Hash_Unit);
+      --  Obtain the hash value of key U_Id
+      package UL is new Dynamic_Hash_Tables
+        (Key_Type              => Unit_Id,
+         Value_Type            => Logical_Line_Number,
+         No_Value              => No_Line_Number,
+         Expansion_Threshold   => 1.5,
+         Expansion_Factor      => 2,
+         Compression_Threshold => 0.3,
+         Compression_Factor    => 2,
+         "="                   => "=",
+         Destroy_Value         => Destroy_Line_Number,
+         Hash                  => Hash_Unit);
       -- Global data --
       Lib_Graph : Library_Graph := Library_Graphs.Nil;
+      Unit_To_Line : UL.Dynamic_Hash_Table := UL.Nil;
+      --  The map of unit name -> line number, used to detect duplicate unit
+      --  names and report errors.
       -- Local subprograms --
+      procedure Add_Unit
+        (U_Id : Unit_Id;
+         Line : Logical_Line_Number);
+      pragma Inline (Add_Unit);
+      --  Create a relationship between unit U_Id and its declaration line in
+      --  map Unit_To_Line.
+      procedure Create_Forced_Edge
+        (Pred : Unit_Id;
+         Succ : Unit_Id);
+      pragma Inline (Create_Forced_Edge);
+      --  Create a new forced edge between predecessor unit Pred and successor
+      --  unit Succ.
+      procedure Create_Forced_Edges;
+      pragma Inline (Create_Forced_Edges);
+      --  Inspect the contents of the forced-elaboration-order file, and create
+      --  specialized edges for each valid pair of units listed within.
       procedure Create_Spec_And_Body_Edge (U_Id : Unit_Id);
       pragma Inline (Create_Spec_And_Body_Edge);
       --  Establish a link between the spec and body of unit U_Id. In certain
@@ -255,10 +311,46 @@  package body Bindo.Builders is
       --  some withed unit, and the successor is Succ. The edges are added to
       --  library graph Lib_Graph.
+      procedure Duplicate_Unit_Error
+        (U_Id : Unit_Id;
+         Nam  : Unit_Name_Type;
+         Line : Logical_Line_Number);
+      pragma Inline (Duplicate_Unit_Error);
+      --  Emit an error concerning the duplication of unit U_Id with name Nam
+      --  that is redeclared in the forced-elaboration-order file at line Line.
+      procedure Internal_Unit_Info (Nam : Unit_Name_Type);
+      pragma Inline (Internal_Unit_Info);
+      --  Emit an information message concerning the omission of an internal
+      --  unit with name Nam from the creation of forced edges.
+      function Is_Duplicate_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Is_Duplicate_Unit);
+      --  Determine whether unit U_Id is already recorded in map Unit_To_Line
       function Is_Significant_With (W_Id : With_Id) return Boolean;
       pragma Inline (Is_Significant_With);
       --  Determine whether with W_Id plays a significant role in elaboration
+      procedure Missing_Unit_Info (Nam : Unit_Name_Type);
+      pragma Inline (Missing_Unit_Info);
+      --  Emit an information message concerning the omission of an undefined
+      --  unit found in the forced-elaboration-order file.
+      --------------
+      -- Add_Unit --
+      --------------
+      procedure Add_Unit
+        (U_Id : Unit_Id;
+         Line : Logical_Line_Number)
+      is
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
+         UL.Put (Unit_To_Line, U_Id, Line);
+      end Add_Unit;
       -- Build_Library_Graph --
@@ -275,9 +367,96 @@  package body Bindo.Builders is
          For_Each_Elaborable_Unit (Create_Spec_And_Body_Edge'Access);
          For_Each_Elaborable_Unit (Create_With_Edges'Access);
+         Create_Forced_Edges;
          return Lib_Graph;
       end Build_Library_Graph;
+      ------------------------
+      -- Create_Forced_Edge --
+      ------------------------
+      procedure Create_Forced_Edge
+        (Pred : Unit_Id;
+         Succ : Unit_Id)
+      is
+         pragma Assert (Present (Pred));
+         pragma Assert (Present (Succ));
+         Pred_LGV_Id : constant Library_Graph_Vertex_Id :=
+                         Corresponding_Vertex (Lib_Graph, Pred);
+         Succ_LGV_Id : constant Library_Graph_Vertex_Id :=
+                         Corresponding_Vertex (Lib_Graph, Succ);
+         pragma Assert (Present (Pred_LGV_Id));
+         pragma Assert (Present (Succ_LGV_Id));
+      begin
+         Write_Unit_Name (Name (Pred));
+         Write_Str (" <-- ");
+         Write_Unit_Name (Name (Succ));
+         Write_Eol;
+         Add_Edge
+           (G    => Lib_Graph,
+            Pred => Pred_LGV_Id,
+            Succ => Succ_LGV_Id,
+            Kind => Forced_Edge);
+      end Create_Forced_Edge;
+      -------------------------
+      -- Create_Forced_Edges --
+      -------------------------
+      procedure Create_Forced_Edges is
+         Curr_Unit : Unit_Id;
+         Iter      : Forced_Units_Iterator;
+         Prev_Unit : Unit_Id;
+         Unit_Line : Logical_Line_Number;
+         Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
+      begin
+         Prev_Unit    := No_Unit_Id;
+         Unit_To_Line := UL.Create (20);
+         --  Inspect the contents of the forced-elaboration-order file supplied
+         --  to the binder using switch -f, and diagnose each unit accordingly.
+         Iter := Iterate_Forced_Units;
+         while Has_Next (Iter) loop
+            Next (Iter, Unit_Name, Unit_Line);
+            pragma Assert (Present (Unit_Name));
+            Curr_Unit := Corresponding_Unit (Unit_Name);
+            if not Present (Curr_Unit) then
+               Missing_Unit_Info (Unit_Name);
+            elsif Is_Internal_Unit (Curr_Unit) then
+               Internal_Unit_Info (Unit_Name);
+            elsif Is_Duplicate_Unit (Curr_Unit) then
+               Duplicate_Unit_Error (Curr_Unit, Unit_Name, Unit_Line);
+            --  Otherwise the unit is a valid candidate for a vertex. Create a
+            --  forced edge between each pair of units.
+            else
+               Add_Unit (Curr_Unit, Unit_Line);
+               if Present (Prev_Unit) then
+                  Create_Forced_Edge
+                    (Pred => Prev_Unit,
+                     Succ => Curr_Unit);
+               end if;
+               Prev_Unit := Curr_Unit;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+         UL.Destroy (Unit_To_Line);
+      end Create_Forced_Edges;
       -- Create_Spec_And_Body_Edge --
@@ -453,6 +632,75 @@  package body Bindo.Builders is
          end loop;
       end Create_With_Edges;
+      ------------------
+      -- Destroy_Unit --
+      ------------------
+      procedure Destroy_Line_Number (Line : in out Logical_Line_Number) is
+         pragma Unreferenced (Line);
+      begin
+         null;
+      end Destroy_Line_Number;
+      --------------------------
+      -- Duplicate_Unit_Error --
+      --------------------------
+      procedure Duplicate_Unit_Error
+        (U_Id : Unit_Id;
+         Nam  : Unit_Name_Type;
+         Line : Logical_Line_Number)
+      is
+         pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
+         pragma Assert (Present (Nam));
+         Prev_Line : constant Logical_Line_Number :=
+                       UL.Get (Unit_To_Line, U_Id);
+      begin
+         Error_Msg_Nat_1  := Nat (Line);
+         Error_Msg_Nat_2  := Nat (Prev_Line);
+         Error_Msg_Unit_1 := Nam;
+         Error_Msg
+           (Force_Elab_Order_File.all
+            & ":#: duplicate unit name $ from line #");
+      end Duplicate_Unit_Error;
+      ---------------
+      -- Hash_Unit --
+      ---------------
+      function Hash_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Bucket_Range_Type is
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
+         return Bucket_Range_Type (U_Id);
+      end Hash_Unit;
+      ------------------------
+      -- Internal_Unit_Info --
+      ------------------------
+      procedure Internal_Unit_Info (Nam : Unit_Name_Type) is
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (Present (Nam));
+         Write_Line
+           ("""" & Get_Name_String (Nam) & """: predefined unit ignored");
+      end Internal_Unit_Info;
+      -----------------------
+      -- Is_Duplicate_Unit --
+      -----------------------
+      function Is_Duplicate_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
+         return UL.Contains (Unit_To_Line, U_Id);
+      end Is_Duplicate_Unit;
       -- Is_Significant_With --
@@ -483,6 +731,18 @@  package body Bindo.Builders is
          return True;
       end Is_Significant_With;
+      -----------------------
+      -- Missing_Unit_Info --
+      -----------------------
+      procedure Missing_Unit_Info (Nam : Unit_Name_Type) is
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (Present (Nam));
+         Write_Line
+           ("""" & Get_Name_String (Nam) & """: not present; ignored");
+      end Missing_Unit_Info;
    end Library_Graph_Builders;
 end Bindo.Builders;

--- gcc/ada/bindo-graphs.adb
+++ gcc/ada/bindo-graphs.adb
@@ -2069,10 +2069,8 @@  package body Bindo.Graphs is
          pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
-         U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
-         return U_Rec.Internal;
+         return Is_Internal_Unit (U_Id);
       end Is_Internal_Unit;
@@ -2090,10 +2088,8 @@  package body Bindo.Graphs is
          pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
-         U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
-         return U_Rec.Predefined;
+         return Is_Predefined_Unit (U_Id);
       end Is_Predefined_Unit;

--- gcc/ada/bindo-graphs.ads
+++ gcc/ada/bindo-graphs.ads
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@  package Bindo.Graphs is
          --  Successor withs Predecessor, and has pragma Elaborate_All for it
---       Forced_Edge,
+         Forced_Edge,
          --  Successor is forced to with Predecessor by virtue of an existing
          --  elaboration order provided in a file.

--- gcc/ada/bindo-units.adb
+++ gcc/ada/bindo-units.adb
@@ -233,6 +233,32 @@  package body Bindo.Units is
       return U_Rec.Dynamic_Elab;
    end Is_Dynamically_Elaborated;
+   ----------------------
+   -- Is_Internal_Unit --
+   ----------------------
+   function Is_Internal_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
+      pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
+      U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
+   begin
+      return U_Rec.Internal;
+   end Is_Internal_Unit;
+   ------------------------
+   -- Is_Predefined_Unit --
+   ------------------------
+   function Is_Predefined_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
+      pragma Assert (Present (U_Id));
+      U_Rec : Unit_Record renames ALI.Units.Table (U_Id);
+   begin
+      return U_Rec.Predefined;
+   end Is_Predefined_Unit;
    -- Is_Stand_Alone_Library_Unit --

--- gcc/ada/bindo-units.ads
+++ gcc/ada/bindo-units.ads
@@ -78,6 +78,14 @@  package Bindo.Units is
    --  Determine whether unit U_Id was compiled using the dynamic elaboration
    --  model.
+   function Is_Internal_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
+   pragma Inline (Is_Internal_Unit);
+   --  Determine whether unit U_Id is internal
+   function Is_Predefined_Unit (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
+   pragma Inline (Is_Predefined_Unit);
+   --  Determine whether unit U_Id is predefined
    function Name (U_Id : Unit_Id) return Unit_Name_Type;
    pragma Inline (Name);
    --  Obtain the name of unit U_Id

--- gcc/ada/butil.adb
+++ gcc/ada/butil.adb
@@ -23,10 +23,38 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
+with Opt;    use Opt;
 with Output; use Output;
+with Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with GNAT; use GNAT;
+with System.OS_Lib; use System.OS_Lib;
 package body Butil is
+   -----------------------
+   -- Local subprograms --
+   -----------------------
+   procedure Parse_Next_Unit_Name (Iter : in out Forced_Units_Iterator);
+   --  Parse the name of the next available unit accessible through iterator
+   --  Iter and save it in the iterator.
+   function Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File return String_Ptr;
+   --  Read the contents of the forced-elaboration-order file supplied to the
+   --  binder via switch -f and return them as a string. Return null if the
+   --  file is not available.
+   --------------
+   -- Has_Next --
+   --------------
+   function Has_Next (Iter : Forced_Units_Iterator) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return Present (Iter.Unit_Name);
+   end Has_Next;
    -- Is_Internal_Unit --
@@ -71,6 +99,499 @@  package body Butil is
         or else (L >  4 and then B (1 ..  5) = "gnat.");
    end Is_Predefined_Unit;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Iterate_Forced_Units --
+   --------------------------
+   function Iterate_Forced_Units return Forced_Units_Iterator is
+      Iter : Forced_Units_Iterator;
+   begin
+      Iter.Order := Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File;
+      Parse_Next_Unit_Name (Iter);
+      return Iter;
+   end Iterate_Forced_Units;
+   ----------
+   -- Next --
+   ----------
+   procedure Next
+     (Iter      : in out Forced_Units_Iterator;
+      Unit_Name : out Unit_Name_Type;
+      Unit_Line : out Logical_Line_Number)
+   is
+   begin
+      if not Has_Next (Iter) then
+         raise Iterator_Exhausted;
+      end if;
+      Unit_Line := Iter.Unit_Line;
+      Unit_Name := Iter.Unit_Name;
+      pragma Assert (Present (Unit_Name));
+      Parse_Next_Unit_Name (Iter);
+   end Next;
+   --------------------------
+   -- Parse_Next_Unit_Name --
+   --------------------------
+   procedure Parse_Next_Unit_Name (Iter : in out Forced_Units_Iterator) is
+      Body_Suffix : constant String   := " (body)";
+      Body_Type   : constant String   := "%b";
+      Body_Length : constant Positive := Body_Suffix'Length;
+      Body_Offset : constant Natural  := Body_Length - 1;
+      Comment_Header : constant String  := "--";
+      Comment_Offset : constant Natural := Comment_Header'Length - 1;
+      Spec_Suffix : constant String   := " (spec)";
+      Spec_Type   : constant String   := "%s";
+      Spec_Length : constant Positive := Spec_Suffix'Length;
+      Spec_Offset : constant Natural  := Spec_Length - 1;
+      Index : Positive            renames Iter.Order_Index;
+      Line  : Logical_Line_Number renames Iter.Order_Line;
+      Order : String_Ptr          renames Iter.Order;
+      function At_Comment return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (At_Comment);
+      --  Determine whether iterator Iter is positioned over the start of a
+      --  comment.
+      function At_Terminator return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (At_Terminator);
+      --  Determine whether iterator Iter is positioned over a line terminator
+      --  character.
+      function At_Whitespace return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (At_Whitespace);
+      --  Determine whether iterator Iter is positioned over a whitespace
+      --  character.
+      function Is_Terminator (C : Character) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Is_Terminator);
+      --  Determine whether character C denotes a line terminator
+      function Is_Whitespace (C : Character) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Is_Whitespace);
+      --  Determine whether character C denotes a whitespace
+      procedure Parse_Unit_Name;
+      pragma Inline (Parse_Unit_Name);
+      --  Find and parse the first available unit name
+      procedure Skip_Comment;
+      pragma Inline (Skip_Comment);
+      --  Skip a comment by reaching a line terminator
+      procedure Skip_Terminator;
+      pragma Inline (Skip_Terminator);
+      --  Skip a line terminator and deal with the logical line numbering
+      procedure Skip_Whitespace;
+      pragma Inline (Skip_Whitespace);
+      --  Skip whitespace
+      function Within_Order
+        (Low_Offset  : Natural := 0;
+         High_Offset : Natural := 0) return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Within_Order);
+      --  Determine whether index of iterator Iter is still within the range of
+      --  the order string. Low_Offset may be used to inspect the area that is
+      --  less than the index. High_Offset may be used to inspect the area that
+      --  is greater than the index.
+      ----------------
+      -- At_Comment --
+      ----------------
+      function At_Comment return Boolean is
+      begin
+         --  The interator is over a comment when the index is positioned over
+         --  the start of a comment header.
+         --
+         --    unit (spec)  --  comment
+         --                 ^
+         --                 Index
+         return
+           Within_Order (High_Offset => Comment_Offset)
+             and then Order (Index .. Index + Comment_Offset) = Comment_Header;
+      end At_Comment;
+      -------------------
+      -- At_Terminator --
+      -------------------
+      function At_Terminator return Boolean is
+      begin
+         return Within_Order and then Is_Terminator (Order (Index));
+      end At_Terminator;
+      -------------------
+      -- At_Whitespace --
+      -------------------
+      function At_Whitespace return Boolean is
+      begin
+         return Within_Order and then Is_Whitespace (Order (Index));
+      end At_Whitespace;
+      -------------------
+      -- Is_Terminator --
+      -------------------
+      function Is_Terminator (C : Character) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         --  Carriage return is treated intentionally as whitespace since it
+         --  appears only on certain targets, while line feed is consistent on
+         --  all of them.
+         return C = ASCII.LF;
+      end Is_Terminator;
+      -------------------
+      -- Is_Whitespace --
+      -------------------
+      function Is_Whitespace (C : Character) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         return
+           C = ' '
+             or else C = ASCII.CR   --  carriage return
+             or else C = ASCII.FF   --  form feed
+             or else C = ASCII.HT   --  horizontal tab
+             or else C = ASCII.VT;  --  vertical tab
+      end Is_Whitespace;
+      ---------------------
+      -- Parse_Unit_Name --
+      ---------------------
+      procedure Parse_Unit_Name is
+         pragma Assert (not At_Comment);
+         pragma Assert (not At_Terminator);
+         pragma Assert (not At_Whitespace);
+         pragma Assert (Within_Order);
+         procedure Find_End_Index_Of_Unit_Name;
+         pragma Inline (Find_End_Index_Of_Unit_Name);
+         --  Position the index of iterator Iter at the last character of the
+         --  first available unit name.
+         ---------------------------------
+         -- Find_End_Index_Of_Unit_Name --
+         ---------------------------------
+         procedure Find_End_Index_Of_Unit_Name is
+         begin
+            --  At this point the index points at the start of a unit name. The
+            --  unit name may be legal, in which case it appears as:
+            --
+            --    unit (body)
+            --
+            --  However, it may also be illegal:
+            --
+            --    unit without suffix
+            --    unit with multiple prefixes (spec)
+            --
+            --  In order to handle both forms, find the construct following the
+            --  unit name. This is either a comment, a terminator, or the end
+            --  of the order:
+            --
+            --    unit (body)    --  comment
+            --    unit without suffix    <terminator>
+            --    unit with multiple prefixes (spec)<end of order>
+            --
+            --  Once the construct is found, truncate the unit name by skipping
+            --  all white space between the construct and the end of the unit
+            --  name.
+            --  Find the construct that follows the unit name
+            while Within_Order loop
+               if At_Comment then
+                  exit;
+               elsif At_Terminator then
+                  exit;
+               end if;
+               Index := Index + 1;
+            end loop;
+            --  Position the index prior to the construct that follows the unit
+            --  name.
+            Index := Index - 1;
+            --  Truncate towards the end of the unit name
+            while Within_Order loop
+               if At_Whitespace then
+                  Index := Index - 1;
+               else
+                  exit;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+         end Find_End_Index_Of_Unit_Name;
+         --  Local variables
+         Start_Index : constant Positive := Index;
+         End_Index : Positive;
+         Is_Body   : Boolean := False;
+         Is_Spec   : Boolean := False;
+      --  Start of processing for Parse_Unit_Name
+      begin
+         Find_End_Index_Of_Unit_Name;
+         End_Index := Index;
+         pragma Assert (Start_Index <= End_Index);
+         --  At this point the indices are positioned as follows:
+         --
+         --              End_Index
+         --              Index
+         --              v
+         --    unit (spec)     --  comment
+         --    ^
+         --    Start_Index
+         --  Rewind the index, skipping over the legal suffixes
+         --
+         --    Index     End_Index
+         --        v     v
+         --    unit (spec)     --  comment
+         --    ^
+         --    Start_Index
+         if Within_Order (Low_Offset => Body_Offset)
+           and then Order (Index - Body_Offset .. Index) = Body_Suffix
+         then
+            Is_Body := True;
+            Index   := Index - Body_Length;
+         elsif Within_Order (Low_Offset => Spec_Offset)
+           and then Order (Index - Spec_Offset .. Index) = Spec_Suffix
+         then
+            Is_Spec := True;
+            Index   := Index - Spec_Length;
+         end if;
+         --  Capture the line where the unit name is defined
+         Iter.Unit_Line := Line;
+         --  Transform the unit name to match the format recognized by the
+         --  name table.
+         if Is_Body then
+            Iter.Unit_Name :=
+              Name_Find (Order (Start_Index .. Index) & Body_Type);
+         elsif Is_Spec then
+            Iter.Unit_Name :=
+              Name_Find (Order (Start_Index .. Index) & Spec_Type);
+         --  Otherwise the unit name is illegal, so leave it as is
+         else
+            Iter.Unit_Name := Name_Find (Order (Start_Index .. Index));
+         end if;
+         --  Advance the index past the unit name
+         --
+         --      End_IndexIndex
+         --              vv
+         --    unit (spec)     --  comment
+         --    ^
+         --    Start_Index
+         Index := End_Index + 1;
+      end Parse_Unit_Name;
+      ------------------
+      -- Skip_Comment --
+      ------------------
+      procedure Skip_Comment is
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (At_Comment);
+         while Within_Order loop
+            if At_Terminator then
+               exit;
+            end if;
+            Index := Index + 1;
+         end loop;
+      end Skip_Comment;
+      ---------------------
+      -- Skip_Terminator --
+      ---------------------
+      procedure Skip_Terminator is
+      begin
+         pragma Assert (At_Terminator);
+         Index := Index + 1;
+         Line  := Line  + 1;
+      end Skip_Terminator;
+      ---------------------
+      -- Skip_Whitespace --
+      ---------------------
+      procedure Skip_Whitespace is
+      begin
+         while Within_Order loop
+            if At_Whitespace then
+               Index := Index + 1;
+            else
+               exit;
+            end if;
+         end loop;
+      end Skip_Whitespace;
+      ------------------
+      -- Within_Order --
+      ------------------
+      function Within_Order
+        (Low_Offset  : Natural := 0;
+         High_Offset : Natural := 0) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         return
+           Order /= null
+             and then Index - Low_Offset  >= Order'First
+             and then Index + High_Offset <= Order'Last;
+      end Within_Order;
+   --  Start of processing for Parse_Next_Unit_Name
+   begin
+      --  A line in the forced-elaboration-order file has the following
+      --  grammar:
+      --
+      --    LINE ::=
+      --
+      --    WHITESPACE ::=
+      --      <any whitespace character>
+      --    | <carriage return>
+      --
+      --    UNIT_NAME ::=
+      --
+      --    UNIT_PREFIX ::=
+      --      <any string>
+      --
+      --    UNIT_SUFFIX ::=
+      --      (body)
+      --    | (spec)
+      --
+      --    COMMENT ::=
+      --      --  <any string>
+      --
+      --    TERMINATOR ::=
+      --      <line feed>
+      --      <end of file>
+      --
+      --  Items in <> brackets are semantic notions
+      --  Assume that the order has no remaining units
+      Iter.Unit_Line := No_Line_Number;
+      Iter.Unit_Name := No_Unit_Name;
+      --  Try to find the first available unit name from the current position
+      --  of iteration.
+      while Within_Order loop
+         Skip_Whitespace;
+         if At_Comment then
+            Skip_Comment;
+         elsif not Within_Order then
+            exit;
+         elsif At_Terminator then
+            Skip_Terminator;
+         else
+            Parse_Unit_Name;
+            exit;
+         end if;
+      end loop;
+   end Parse_Next_Unit_Name;
+   ---------------------------------
+   -- Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File --
+   ---------------------------------
+   function Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File return String_Ptr is
+      procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (String, String_Ptr);
+      Descr    : File_Descriptor;
+      Len      : Natural;
+      Len_Read : Natural;
+      Result   : String_Ptr;
+      Success  : Boolean;
+   begin
+      if Force_Elab_Order_File = null then
+         return null;
+      end if;
+      --  Obtain and sanitize a descriptor to the elaboration-order file
+      Descr := Open_Read (Force_Elab_Order_File.all, Binary);
+      if Descr = Invalid_FD then
+         return null;
+      end if;
+      --  Determine the size of the file, allocate a result large enough to
+      --  house its contents, and read it.
+      Len := Natural (File_Length (Descr));
+      if Len = 0 then
+         return null;
+      end if;
+      Result   := new String (1 .. Len);
+      Len_Read := Read (Descr, Result (1)'Address, Len);
+      --  The read failed to acquire the whole content of the file
+      if Len_Read /= Len then
+         Free (Result);
+         return null;
+      end if;
+      Close (Descr, Success);
+      --  The file failed to close
+      if not Success then
+         Free (Result);
+         return null;
+      end if;
+      return Result;
+   end Read_Forced_Elab_Order_File;
    -- Uname_Less --

--- gcc/ada/butil.ads
+++ gcc/ada/butil.ads
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
+--  This package contains utility routines for the binder
 with Namet; use Namet;
+with Types; use Types;
 package Butil is
---  This package contains utility routines for the binder
    function Is_Predefined_Unit return Boolean;
    --  Given a unit name stored in Name_Buffer with length in Name_Len,
    --  returns True if this is the name of a predefined unit or a child of
@@ -51,4 +52,52 @@  package Butil is
    --  Output unit name with (body) or (spec) after as required. On return
    --  Name_Len is set to the number of characters which were output.
+   ---------------
+   -- Iterators --
+   ---------------
+   --  The following type represents an iterator over all units that are
+   --  specified in the forced-elaboration-order file supplied by the binder
+   --  via switch -f.
+   type Forced_Units_Iterator is private;
+   function Has_Next (Iter : Forced_Units_Iterator) return Boolean;
+   pragma Inline (Has_Next);
+   --  Determine whether iterator Iter has more units to examine
+   function Iterate_Forced_Units return Forced_Units_Iterator;
+   pragma Inline (Iterate_Forced_Units);
+   --  Obtain an iterator over all units in the forced-elaboration-order file
+   procedure Next
+     (Iter      : in out Forced_Units_Iterator;
+      Unit_Name : out Unit_Name_Type;
+      Unit_Line : out Logical_Line_Number);
+   pragma Inline (Next);
+   --  Return the current unit referenced by iterator Iter along with the
+   --  line number it appears on, and advance to the next available unit.
+   First_Line_Number : constant Logical_Line_Number := No_Line_Number + 1;
+   type Forced_Units_Iterator is record
+      Order : String_Ptr := null;
+      --  A reference to the contents of the forced-elaboration-order file,
+      --  read in as a string.
+      Order_Index : Positive := 1;
+      --  Index into the order string
+      Order_Line : Logical_Line_Number := First_Line_Number;
+      --  Logical line number within the order string
+      Unit_Line : Logical_Line_Number := No_Line_Number;
+      --  The logical line number of the current unit name within the order
+      --  string.
+      Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type := No_Unit_Name;
+      --  The current unit name parsed from the order string
+   end record;
 end Butil;

--- gcc/ada/namet.adb
+++ gcc/ada/namet.adb
@@ -1515,6 +1515,15 @@  package body Namet is
       return Nam /= No_Name;
    end Present;
+   -------------
+   -- Present --
+   -------------
+   function Present (Nam : Unit_Name_Type) return Boolean is
+   begin
+      return Nam /= No_Unit_Name;
+   end Present;
    -- Reinitialize --

--- gcc/ada/namet.ads
+++ gcc/ada/namet.ads
@@ -658,6 +658,10 @@  package Namet is
    No_Unit_Name : constant Unit_Name_Type := Unit_Name_Type (No_Name);
    --  Constant used to indicate no file name present
+   function Present (Nam : Unit_Name_Type) return Boolean;
+   pragma Inline (Present);
+   --  Determine whether unit name Nam exists
    Error_Unit_Name : constant Unit_Name_Type := Unit_Name_Type (Error_Name);
    --  The special Unit_Name_Type value Error_Unit_Name is used to indicate
    --  a unit name where some previous processing has found an error.