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[25/31] petitboot: Add default video arg to kernel command line

Message ID 20090708001136.647565233@am.sony.com
State New
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Commit Message

Geoff Levand July 8, 2009, 12:11 a.m. UTC
Add the current bootloader video mode to the kernel command line
when the command line does not have a video mode specified.

Signed-off-by: Geoff Levand <geoffrey.levand@am.sony.com>
 ui/ncurses/ps3-cui.c |   32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff mbox


--- a/ui/ncurses/ps3-cui.c
+++ b/ui/ncurses/ps3-cui.c
@@ -193,23 +193,51 @@  static int ps3_svm_cb(struct pmenu_item 
  * ps3_kexec_cb - The kexec callback.
  * Writes config data to PS3 flash then calls pb_run_kexec().
+ * Adds a video mode arg to the kernel command line if needed.
 static int ps3_kexec_cb(struct cui *cui, struct cui_opt_data *cod)
 	struct ps3_cui *ps3 = ps3_from_cui(cui);
+	int result;
+	int altered_args;
+	char *orig_args;
 	pb_log("%s: %s\n", __func__, cod->name);
 	assert(ps3->cui->current == &ps3->cui->main->scr);
+	/* Save values to flash if needed */
 	if ((cod->opt_hash && cod->opt_hash != cui->default_item)
 		|| ps3->dirty_values) {
 		ps3->values.default_item = cod->opt_hash;
-	return pb_run_kexec(cod->kd);
+	/* Add a default kernel video mode. */
+	if (!cod->kd->args) {
+		altered_args = 1;
+		orig_args = NULL;
+		cod->kd->args = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "video=ps3fb:mode:%u",
+			(unsigned int)ps3->values.video_mode);
+	} else if (!strstr(cod->kd->args, "video=")) {
+		altered_args = 1;
+		orig_args = cod->kd->args;
+		cod->kd->args = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%s video=ps3fb:mode:%u",
+			orig_args, (unsigned int)ps3->values.video_mode);
+	} else
+		altered_args = 0;
+	result = pb_run_kexec(cod->kd);
+	if (altered_args) {
+		talloc_free(cod->kd->args);
+		cod->kd->args = orig_args;
+	}
+	return result;
@@ -332,7 +360,7 @@  static struct pmenu *ps3_mm_init(struct 
 #if defined(DEBUG)
 	m->scr.frame.title = talloc_strdup(m,
-		"Petitboot PS3 (ver " PACKAGE_VERSION ")");
+		"Petitboot PS3 (" PACKAGE_VERSION ")");
 	m->scr.frame.title = talloc_strdup(m, "Petitboot PS3");