diff mbox

[Ada] New gnatmake switch --source-info=

Message ID 20101005095758.GA8148@adacore.com
State New
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Commit Message

Arnaud Charlet Oct. 5, 2010, 9:57 a.m. UTC
This is a performance improvement.
A new switch is added to gnatmake: --source-info=<source info file>.
It specify a source info file and is only active when gnatmake is invoked
with project files (-P). If the source info file is specified as a relative
path, then it is relative to the object directory of the main project.
If the source info file does not exist, then after the Project Manager has
successfully parse and process the project files and found the sources,
it creates the source info file. If the source info file already exists
and can be read successfully, then the Project Manager will get all the
needed information about the sources from the source info file and will
not look for them. This will reduce the time to process the project
files, specially when looking for sources takes a long time.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2010-10-05  Vincent Celier  <celier@adacore.com>

	* make.adb (Scan_Make_Arg): Take into account new switch
	* makeusg.adb: Add line for new switch --source-info=file.
	* makeutl.ads (Source_Info_Option): New constant String for new builder
	* prj-conf.adb: Put subprograms in alphabetical order
	(Process_Project_And_Apply_Config): Read/write an eventual source info
	file, if necessary.
	* prj-nmsc.adb (Look_For_Sources.Get_Sources_From_Source_Info): New
	(Look_For_Sources): If a source info file was successfully read, get the
	source data from the data read from the source info file.
	* prj-util.adb (Source_Info_Table): New table
	(Source_Info_Project_HTable): New hash table
	(Create): New procedure
	(Put (File), Put_Line): New procedures
	(Write_Source_Info_File): New procedure
	(Read_Source_Info_File): New procedure
	(Initialize): New procedure
	(Source_Info_Of): New procedure
	(Next): New procedure
	(Close): When file is an out file, fail if the buffer cannot be written
	or if the file cannot be close successfully.
	(Get_Line): Fail if file is an out file
	* prj-util.ads (Create): New procedure
	(Put (File), Put_Line): New procedures
	(Write_Source_Info_File): New procedure
	(Read_Source_Info_File): New procedure
	(Source_Info_Data): New record type
	(Source_Info_Iterator): New private type
	(Initialize): New procedure
	(Source_Info_Of): New procedure
	(Next): New procedure
	* prj.ads (Project_Tree_Data): New components Source_Info_File_Name and
diff mbox


Index: make.adb
--- make.adb	(revision 164967)
+++ make.adb	(working copy)
@@ -7988,6 +7988,12 @@  package body Make is
             end if;
+         elsif Argv'Length > Source_Info_Option'Length and then
+           Argv (1 .. Source_Info_Option'Length) = Source_Info_Option
+         then
+            Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Name :=
+              new String'(Argv (Source_Info_Option'Length + 1 .. Argv'Last));
          elsif Argv'Length >= 8 and then
            Argv (1 .. 8) = "--param="
Index: prj.ads
--- prj.ads	(revision 164906)
+++ prj.ads	(working copy)
@@ -1354,6 +1354,12 @@  package Prj is
          Source_Paths_HT   : Source_Paths_Htable.Instance;
          --  Full path to Source_Id
+         Source_Info_File_Name   : String_Access := null;
+         --  The name of the source info file, if specified by the builder
+         Source_Info_File_Exists : Boolean := False;
+         --  True when a source info file has been successfully read
          Private_Part      : Private_Project_Tree_Data;
       end record;
    --  Data for a project tree
Index: makeusg.adb
--- makeusg.adb	(revision 164906)
+++ makeusg.adb	(working copy)
@@ -313,6 +313,13 @@  begin
    Write_Str ("  --subdirs=dir real obj/lib/exec dirs are subdirs");
+   --  Line for --source-info=
+   Write_Str ("  ");
+   Write_Str (Makeutl.Source_Info_Option);
+   Write_Str ("file specify a source info file");
+   Write_Eol;
    --  Line for --unchecked-shared-lib-imports
    Write_Str ("  ");
Index: makeutl.ads
--- makeutl.ads	(revision 164906)
+++ makeutl.ads	(working copy)
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@  package Makeutl is
    Project_Tree : constant Project_Tree_Ref := new Project_Tree_Data;
    --  The project tree
+   Source_Info_Option : constant String := "--source-info=";
+   --  Switch to indicate the source info file
    Subdirs_Option : constant String := "--subdirs=";
    --  Switch used to indicate that the real directories (object, exec,
    --  library, ...) are subdirectories of those in the project file.
Index: prj-nmsc.adb
--- prj-nmsc.adb	(revision 164971)
+++ prj-nmsc.adb	(working copy)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@  with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars;
 with Opt;      use Opt;
 with Osint;    use Osint;
 with Output;   use Output;
+with Prj.Com;
 with Prj.Err;  use Prj.Err;
 with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util;
 with Sinput.P;
@@ -7175,8 +7176,8 @@  package body Prj.Nmsc is
       Data    : in out Tree_Processing_Data)
       Object_Files : Object_File_Names_Htable.Instance;
-      Iter : Source_Iterator;
-      Src  : Source_Id;
+      Iter         : Source_Iterator;
+      Src          : Source_Id;
       procedure Check_Object (Src : Source_Id);
       --  Check if object file name of Src is already used in the project tree,
@@ -7192,6 +7193,10 @@  package body Prj.Nmsc is
       --  Check whether one of the languages has no sources, and report an
       --  error when appropriate
+      procedure Get_Sources_From_Source_Info;
+      --  Get the source information from the tabes that were created when a
+      --  source info fie was read.
       -- Check_Missing_Sources --
@@ -7421,22 +7426,131 @@  package body Prj.Nmsc is
          end loop;
       end Check_Object_Files;
+      ----------------------------------
+      -- Get_Sources_From_Source_Info --
+      ----------------------------------
+      procedure Get_Sources_From_Source_Info is
+         Iter    : Source_Info_Iterator;
+         Src     : Source_Info;
+         Id      : Source_Id;
+         Lang_Id : Language_Ptr;
+      begin
+         Initialize (Iter, Project.Project.Name);
+         loop
+            Src := Source_Info_Of (Iter);
+            exit when Src = No_Source_Info;
+            Id := new Source_Data;
+            Id.Project := Project.Project;
+            Lang_Id := Project.Project.Languages;
+            while Lang_Id /= No_Language_Index and then
+            Lang_Id.Name /= Src.Language
+            loop
+               Lang_Id := Lang_Id.Next;
+            end loop;
+            if Lang_Id = No_Language_Index then
+               Prj.Com.Fail
+                 ("unknown language " &
+                  Get_Name_String (Src.Language) &
+                  " for project " &
+                  Get_Name_String (Src.Project) &
+                  " in source info file");
+            end if;
+            Id.Language            := Lang_Id;
+            Id.Kind                := Src.Kind;
+            Id.Index               := Src.Index;
+            Id.Path :=
+              (Path_Name_Type (Src.Display_Path_Name),
+               Path_Name_Type (Src.Path_Name));
+            Name_Len := 0;
+            Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer
+              (Ada.Directories.Simple_Name
+                 (Get_Name_String (Src.Path_Name)));
+            Id.File := Name_Find;
+            Name_Len := 0;
+            Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer
+              (Ada.Directories.Simple_Name
+                 (Get_Name_String (Src.Display_Path_Name)));
+            Id.Display_File := Name_Find;
+            Id.Dep_Name            := Dependency_Name
+              (Id.File, Id.Language.Config.Dependency_Kind);
+            Id.Naming_Exception    := Src.Naming_Exception;
+            Id.Object              := Object_Name
+              (Id.File, Id.Language.Config.Object_File_Suffix);
+            Id.Switches            := Switches_Name (Id.File);
+            --  Add the source id to the Unit_Sources_HT hash table, if the
+            --  unit name is not null.
+            if Src.Kind /= Sep and then Src.Unit_Name /= No_Name then
+               declare
+                  UData : Unit_Index :=
+                    Units_Htable.Get (Data.Tree.Units_HT, Src.Unit_Name);
+               begin
+                  if UData = No_Unit_Index then
+                     UData := new Unit_Data;
+                     UData.Name := Src.Unit_Name;
+                     Units_Htable.Set
+                       (Data.Tree.Units_HT, Src.Unit_Name, UData);
+                  end if;
+                  Id.Unit := UData;
+               end;
+               --  Note that this updates Unit information as well
+               Override_Kind (Id, Id.Kind);
+            end if;
+            if Src.Index /= 0 then
+               Project.Project.Has_Multi_Unit_Sources := True;
+            end if;
+            --  Add the source to the language list
+            Id.Next_In_Lang := Id.Language.First_Source;
+            Id.Language.First_Source := Id;
+            Files_Htable.Set (Data.File_To_Source, Id.File, Id);
+            Next (Iter);
+         end loop;
+      end Get_Sources_From_Source_Info;
    --  Start of processing for Look_For_Sources
-      if Project.Project.Source_Dirs /= Nil_String then
-         Find_Excluded_Sources (Project, Data);
+      if Data.Tree.Source_Info_File_Exists then
+         Get_Sources_From_Source_Info;
-         if Project.Project.Languages /= No_Language_Index then
-            Load_Naming_Exceptions (Project, Data);
-            Find_Sources (Project, Data);
-            Mark_Excluded_Sources;
-            Check_Object_Files;
-            Check_Missing_Sources;
+      else
+         if Project.Project.Source_Dirs /= Nil_String then
+            Find_Excluded_Sources (Project, Data);
+            if Project.Project.Languages /= No_Language_Index then
+               Load_Naming_Exceptions (Project, Data);
+               Find_Sources (Project, Data);
+               Mark_Excluded_Sources;
+               Check_Object_Files;
+               Check_Missing_Sources;
+            end if;
          end if;
-      end if;
-      Object_File_Names_Htable.Reset (Object_Files);
+         Object_File_Names_Htable.Reset (Object_Files);
+      end if;
    end Look_For_Sources;
Index: prj-util.adb
--- prj-util.adb	(revision 164906)
+++ prj-util.adb	(working copy)
@@ -29,12 +29,32 @@  with GNAT.Case_Util; use GNAT.Case_Util;
 with Osint;    use Osint;
 with Output;   use Output;
+with Opt;
 with Prj.Com;
 with Snames;   use Snames;
+with Table;
 with Targparm; use Targparm;
+with GNAT.HTable;
 package body Prj.Util is
+   package Source_Info_Table is new Table.Table
+     (Table_Component_Type => Source_Info_Iterator,
+      Table_Index_Type     => Natural,
+      Table_Low_Bound      => 1,
+      Table_Initial        => 10,
+      Table_Increment      => 100,
+      Table_Name           => "Makeutl.Source_Info_Table");
+   package Source_Info_Project_HTable is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
+     (Header_Num => Prj.Header_Num,
+      Element    => Natural,
+      No_Element => 0,
+      Key        => Name_Id,
+      Hash       => Prj.Hash,
+      Equal      => "=");
    procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
      (Text_File_Data, Text_File);
@@ -43,18 +63,65 @@  package body Prj.Util is
    procedure Close (File : in out Text_File) is
+      Len : Integer;
+      Status : Boolean;
       if File = null then
          Prj.Com.Fail ("Close attempted on an invalid Text_File");
       end if;
-      --  Close file, no need to test status, since this is a file that we
-      --  read, and the file was read successfully before we closed it.
+      if File.Out_File then
+         if File.Buffer_Len > 0 then
+            Len := Write (File.FD, File.Buffer'Address, File.Buffer_Len);
+            if Len /= File.Buffer_Len then
+               Prj.Com.Fail ("Unable to write to an out Text_File");
+            end if;
+         end if;
+         Close (File.FD, Status);
+         if not Status then
+            Prj.Com.Fail ("Unable to close an out Text_File");
+         end if;
+      else
+         --  Close in file, no need to test status, since this is a file that
+         --  we read, and the file was read successfully before we closed it.
+         Close (File.FD);
+      end if;
-      Close (File.FD);
       Free (File);
    end Close;
+   ------------
+   -- Create --
+   ------------
+   procedure Create (File : out Text_File; Name : String) is
+      FD        : File_Descriptor;
+      File_Name : String (1 .. Name'Length + 1);
+   begin
+      File_Name (1 .. Name'Length) := Name;
+      File_Name (File_Name'Last) := ASCII.NUL;
+      FD := Create_File (Name => File_Name'Address,
+                         Fmode => GNAT.OS_Lib.Text);
+      if FD = Invalid_FD then
+         File := null;
+      else
+         File := new Text_File_Data;
+         File.FD := FD;
+         File.Out_File := True;
+         File.End_Of_File_Reached := True;
+      end if;
+   end Create;
    -- Duplicate --
@@ -365,6 +432,9 @@  package body Prj.Util is
       if File = null then
          Prj.Com.Fail ("Get_Line attempted on an invalid Text_File");
+      elsif File.Out_File then
+         Prj.Com.Fail ("Get_Line attempted on an out file");
       end if;
       Last := Line'First - 1;
@@ -400,6 +470,23 @@  package body Prj.Util is
       end if;
    end Get_Line;
+   ----------------
+   -- Initialize --
+   ----------------
+   procedure Initialize
+     (Iter : out Source_Info_Iterator; For_Project : Name_Id)
+   is
+      Ind : constant Natural := Source_Info_Project_HTable.Get (For_Project);
+   begin
+      if Ind = 0 then
+         Iter := (No_Source_Info, 0);
+      else
+         Iter := Source_Info_Table.Table (Ind);
+      end if;
+   end Initialize;
    -- Is_Valid --
@@ -410,6 +497,20 @@  package body Prj.Util is
    end Is_Valid;
+   -- Next --
+   ----------
+   procedure Next (Iter : in out Source_Info_Iterator) is
+   begin
+      if Iter.Next = 0 then
+         Iter.Info := No_Source_Info;
+      else
+         Iter := Source_Info_Table.Table (Iter.Next);
+      end if;
+   end Next;
+   ----------
    -- Open --
@@ -496,6 +597,194 @@  package body Prj.Util is
       end loop;
    end Put;
+   procedure Put (File : Text_File; S : String) is
+      Len : Integer;
+   begin
+      if File = null then
+         Prj.Com.Fail ("Attempted to write on an invalid Text_File");
+      elsif not File.Out_File then
+         Prj.Com.Fail ("Attempted to write an in Text_File");
+      end if;
+      if File.Buffer_Len + S'Length > File.Buffer'Last then
+         --  Write buffer
+         Len := Write (File.FD, File.Buffer'Address, File.Buffer_Len);
+         if Len /= File.Buffer_Len then
+            Prj.Com.Fail ("Failed to write to an out Text_File");
+         end if;
+         File.Buffer_Len := 0;
+      end if;
+      File.Buffer (File.Buffer_Len + 1 .. File.Buffer_Len + S'Length) := S;
+      File.Buffer_Len := File.Buffer_Len + S'Length;
+   end Put;
+   --------------
+   -- Put_Line --
+   --------------
+   procedure Put_Line (File : Text_File; Line : String) is
+      L : String (1 .. Line'Length + 1);
+   begin
+      L (1 .. Line'Length) := Line;
+      L (L'Last) := ASCII.LF;
+      Put (File, L);
+   end Put_Line;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Read_Source_Info_File --
+   ---------------------------
+   procedure Read_Source_Info_File (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
+      File : Text_File;
+      Info : Source_Info_Iterator;
+      Proj : Name_Id;
+      procedure Report_Error;
+      ------------------
+      -- Report_Error --
+      ------------------
+      procedure Report_Error is
+      begin
+         Write_Line ("errors in source info file """ &
+                     Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all & '"');
+         Tree.Source_Info_File_Exists := False;
+      end Report_Error;
+   begin
+      Source_Info_Project_HTable.Reset;
+      Source_Info_Table.Init;
+      if Tree.Source_Info_File_Name = null then
+         Tree.Source_Info_File_Exists := False;
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Open (File, Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all);
+      if not Is_Valid (File) then
+         if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
+            Write_Line ("source info file " & Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all &
+                        " does not exist");
+         end if;
+         Tree.Source_Info_File_Exists := False;
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Tree.Source_Info_File_Exists := True;
+      if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
+         Write_Line ("Reading source info file " &
+                     Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all);
+      end if;
+      Source_Loop :
+      while not End_Of_File (File) loop
+         Info := (new Source_Info_Data, 0);
+         Source_Info_Table.Increment_Last;
+         --  project name
+         Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
+         Proj := Name_Find;
+         Info.Info.Project := Proj;
+         Info.Next := Source_Info_Project_HTable.Get (Proj);
+         Source_Info_Project_HTable.Set (Proj, Source_Info_Table.Last);
+         if End_Of_File (File) then
+            Report_Error;
+            exit Source_Loop;
+         end if;
+         --  language name
+         Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
+         Info.Info.Language := Name_Find;
+         if End_Of_File (File) then
+            Report_Error;
+            exit Source_Loop;
+         end if;
+         --  kind
+         Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
+         Info.Info.Kind := Source_Kind'Value (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+         if End_Of_File (File) then
+            Report_Error;
+            exit Source_Loop;
+         end if;
+         --  display path name
+         Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
+         Info.Info.Display_Path_Name := Name_Find;
+         Info.Info.Path_Name := Info.Info.Display_Path_Name;
+         if End_Of_File (File) then
+            Report_Error;
+            exit Source_Loop;
+         end if;
+         --  optional fields
+         Option_Loop :
+         loop
+            Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
+            exit Option_Loop when Name_Len = 0;
+            if Name_Len <= 2 then
+               Report_Error;
+               exit Source_Loop;
+            else
+               if Name_Buffer (1 .. 2) = "P=" then
+                  Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - 2) :=
+                    Name_Buffer (3 .. Name_Len);
+                  Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
+                  Info.Info.Path_Name := Name_Find;
+               elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. 2) = "U=" then
+                  Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - 2) :=
+                    Name_Buffer (3 .. Name_Len);
+                  Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
+                  Info.Info.Unit_Name := Name_Find;
+               elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. 2) = "I=" then
+                  Info.Info.Index := Int'Value (Name_Buffer (3 .. Name_Len));
+               elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) = "N=T" then
+                  Info.Info.Naming_Exception := True;
+               else
+                  Report_Error;
+                  exit Source_Loop;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+         end loop Option_Loop;
+         Source_Info_Table.Table (Source_Info_Table.Last) := Info;
+      end loop Source_Loop;
+      Close (File);
+   exception
+      when others =>
+         Close (File);
+         Report_Error;
+   end Read_Source_Info_File;
+   --------------------
+   -- Source_Info_Of --
+   --------------------
+   function Source_Info_Of (Iter : Source_Info_Iterator) return Source_Info is
+   begin
+      return Iter.Info;
+   end Source_Info_Of;
    -- Value_Of --
@@ -746,6 +1035,79 @@  package body Prj.Util is
       return Nil_Variable_Value;
    end Value_Of;
+   ----------------------------
+   -- Write_Source_Info_File --
+   ----------------------------
+   procedure Write_Source_Info_File (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is
+      Iter : Source_Iterator := For_Each_Source (Tree);
+      Source : Prj.Source_Id;
+      File   : Text_File;
+   begin
+      if Opt.Verbose_Mode then
+         Write_Line ("Writing new source info file " &
+                     Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all);
+      end if;
+      Create (File, Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all);
+      if not Is_Valid (File) then
+         Write_Line ("warning: unable to create source info file """ &
+                     Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all & '"');
+         return;
+      end if;
+      loop
+         Source := Element (Iter);
+         exit when Source = No_Source;
+         if not Source.Locally_Removed and then
+           Source.Replaced_By = No_Source
+         then
+            --  project name
+            Put_Line (File, Get_Name_String (Source.Project.Name));
+            --  language name
+            Put_Line (File, Get_Name_String (Source.Language.Name));
+            --  kind
+            Put_Line (File, Source.Kind'Img);
+            --  display path name
+            Put_Line (File, Get_Name_String (Source.Path.Display_Name));
+            --  Optional lines:
+            --  path name (P=)
+            if Source.Path.Name /= Source.Path.Display_Name then
+               Put (File, "P=");
+               Put_Line (File, Get_Name_String (Source.Path.Name));
+            end if;
+            --  unit name (U=)
+            if Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index then
+               Put (File, "U=");
+               Put_Line (File, Get_Name_String (Source.Unit.Name));
+            end if;
+            --  multi-source index (I=)
+            if Source.Index /= 0 then
+               Put (File, "I=");
+               Put_Line (File, Source.Index'Img);
+            end if;
+            --  naming exception ("N=T");
+            if Source.Naming_Exception then
+               Put_Line (File, "N=T");
+            end if;
+            --  empty line to indicate end of info on this source
+            Put_Line (File, "");
+         end if;
+         Next (Iter);
+      end loop;
+      Close (File);
+   end Write_Source_Info_File;
    -- Write_Str --
Index: prj-util.ads
--- prj-util.ads	(revision 164906)
+++ prj-util.ads	(working copy)
@@ -160,32 +160,93 @@  package Prj.Util is
    --  closed.
    procedure Open (File : out Text_File; Name : String);
-   --  Open a text file to read (file is invalid if text file cannot be opened)
+   --  Open a text file to read (File is invalid if text file cannot be opened)
+   procedure Create (File : out Text_File; Name : String);
+   --  Create a text file to write (File is invaid if text file cannot be
+   --  created).
    function End_Of_File (File : Text_File) return Boolean;
    --  Returns True if the end of the text file File has been reached. Fails if
-   --  File is invalid.
+   --  File is invalid. Return True if File is an out file.
    procedure Get_Line
      (File : Text_File;
       Line : out String;
       Last : out Natural);
-   --  Reads a line from an open text file (fails if file is invalid)
+   --  Reads a line from an open text file (fails if File is invalid or in an
+   --  out file).
+   procedure Put (File : Text_File; S : String);
+   procedure Put_Line (File : Text_File; Line : String);
+   --  Output a string or a line to an out text file (fails if File is invalid
+   --  or in an in file).
    procedure Close (File : in out Text_File);
    --  Close an open text file. File becomes invalid. Fails if File is already
-   --  invalid.
+   --  invalid or if an out file cannot be closed successfully.
+   -----------------------
+   -- Source info files --
+   -----------------------
+   procedure Write_Source_Info_File (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
+   --  Create a new source info file, with the path name specified in the
+   --  project tree data. Issue a warning if it is not possible to create
+   --  the new file.
+   procedure Read_Source_Info_File (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref);
+   --  Check if there is a source info file specified for the project Tree and
+   --  if there is one, attempt to read it. If the file exists and is
+   --  successfully read, set the flag Source_Info_File_Exists to True for
+   --  the tree.
+   type Source_Info_Data is record
+      Project             : Name_Id;
+      Language            : Name_Id;
+      Kind                : Source_Kind;
+      Display_Path_Name   : Name_Id;
+      Path_Name           : Name_Id;
+      Unit_Name           : Name_Id := No_Name;
+      Index               : Int := 0;
+      Naming_Exception    : Boolean := False;
+   end record;
+   --  Data read from a source info file for a single source
+   type Source_Info is access all Source_Info_Data;
+   No_Source_Info : constant Source_Info := null;
+   type Source_Info_Iterator is private;
+   --  Iterator to get the sources for a single project
+   procedure Initialize
+     (Iter : out Source_Info_Iterator; For_Project : Name_Id);
+   --  Initiaize Iter for the project
+   function Source_Info_Of (Iter : Source_Info_Iterator) return Source_Info;
+   --  Get the source info for the source corresponding to the current value of
+   --  the iterator. Returns No_Source_Info if there is no source corresponding
+   --  to the iterator.
+   procedure Next (Iter : in out Source_Info_Iterator);
+   --  Advance the iterator to the next source in the project
    type Text_File_Data is record
       FD                  : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
+      Out_File            : Boolean := False;
       Buffer              : String (1 .. 1_000);
-      Buffer_Len          : Natural;
+      Buffer_Len          : Natural := 0;
       Cursor              : Natural := 0;
       End_Of_File_Reached : Boolean := False;
    end record;
    type Text_File is access Text_File_Data;
+   type Source_Info_Iterator is record
+      Info : Source_Info;
+      Next : Natural;
+   end record;
 end Prj.Util;
Index: prj-conf.adb
--- prj-conf.adb	(revision 164906)
+++ prj-conf.adb	(working copy)
@@ -315,22 +315,194 @@  package body Prj.Conf is
       end loop;
    end Add_Attributes;
-   ------------------------
-   -- Locate_Config_File --
-   ------------------------
+   ------------------------------------
+   -- Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme --
+   ------------------------------------
+   procedure Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme
+     (Config_File  : in out Project_Node_Id;
+      Project_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref)
+   is
+      procedure Create_Attribute
+        (Name  : Name_Id;
+         Value : String;
+         Index : String := "";
+         Pkg   : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node);
+      ----------------------
+      -- Create_Attribute --
+      ----------------------
+      procedure Create_Attribute
+        (Name  : Name_Id;
+         Value : String;
+         Index : String := "";
+         Pkg   : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node)
+      is
+         Attr       : Project_Node_Id;
+         pragma Unreferenced (Attr);
+         Expr   : Name_Id         := No_Name;
+         Val    : Name_Id         := No_Name;
+         Parent : Project_Node_Id := Config_File;
+      begin
+         if Index /= "" then
+            Name_Len := Index'Length;
+            Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Index;
+            Val := Name_Find;
+         end if;
+         if Pkg /= Empty_Node then
+            Parent := Pkg;
+         end if;
+         Name_Len := Value'Length;
+         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Value;
+         Expr := Name_Find;
+         Attr := Create_Attribute
+           (Tree       => Project_Tree,
+            Prj_Or_Pkg => Parent,
+            Name       => Name,
+            Index_Name => Val,
+            Kind       => Prj.Single,
+            Value      => Create_Literal_String (Expr, Project_Tree));
+      end Create_Attribute;
+      --  Local variables
+      Name   : Name_Id;
+      Naming : Project_Node_Id;
+   --  Start of processing for Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme
-   function Locate_Config_File (Name : String) return String_Access is
-      Prefix_Path : constant String := Executable_Prefix_Path;
-      if Prefix_Path'Length /= 0 then
-         return Locate_Regular_File
-           (Name,
-            "." & Path_Separator &
-            Prefix_Path & "share" & Directory_Separator & "gpr");
-      else
-         return Locate_Regular_File (Name, ".");
+      if Config_File = Empty_Node then
+         --  Create a dummy config file is none was found
+         Name_Len := Auto_Cgpr'Length;
+         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Auto_Cgpr;
+         Name := Name_Find;
+         --  An invalid project name to avoid conflicts with user-created ones
+         Name_Len := 5;
+         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := "_auto";
+         Config_File :=
+           Create_Project
+             (In_Tree        => Project_Tree,
+              Name           => Name_Find,
+              Full_Path      => Path_Name_Type (Name),
+              Is_Config_File => True);
+         --  Setup library support
+         case MLib.Tgt.Support_For_Libraries is
+            when None =>
+               null;
+            when Static_Only =>
+               Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Support, "static_only");
+            when Full =>
+               Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Support, "full");
+         end case;
+         if MLib.Tgt.Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported then
+            Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported, "true");
+         else
+            Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported, "false");
+         end if;
+         --  Setup Ada support (Ada is the default language here, since this
+         --  is only called when no config file existed initially, ie for
+         --  gnatmake).
+         Create_Attribute (Name_Default_Language, "ada");
+         Naming := Create_Package (Project_Tree, Config_File, "naming");
+         Create_Attribute (Name_Spec_Suffix, ".ads", "ada",     Pkg => Naming);
+         Create_Attribute (Name_Separate_Suffix, ".adb", "ada", Pkg => Naming);
+         Create_Attribute (Name_Body_Suffix, ".adb", "ada",     Pkg => Naming);
+         Create_Attribute (Name_Dot_Replacement, "-",           Pkg => Naming);
+         Create_Attribute (Name_Casing,          "lowercase",   Pkg => Naming);
+         if Current_Verbosity = High then
+            Write_Line ("Automatically generated (in-memory) config file");
+            Prj.PP.Pretty_Print
+              (Project                => Config_File,
+               In_Tree                => Project_Tree,
+               Backward_Compatibility => False);
+         end if;
       end if;
-   end Locate_Config_File;
+   end Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Apply_Config_File --
+   -----------------------
+   procedure Apply_Config_File
+     (Config_File  : Prj.Project_Id;
+      Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref)
+   is
+      Conf_Decl    : constant Declarations := Config_File.Decl;
+      Conf_Pack_Id : Package_Id;
+      Conf_Pack    : Package_Element;
+      User_Decl    : Declarations;
+      User_Pack_Id : Package_Id;
+      User_Pack    : Package_Element;
+      Proj         : Project_List;
+   begin
+      Proj := Project_Tree.Projects;
+      while Proj /= null loop
+         if Proj.Project /= Config_File then
+            User_Decl := Proj.Project.Decl;
+            Add_Attributes
+              (Project_Tree => Project_Tree,
+               Conf_Decl    => Conf_Decl,
+               User_Decl    => User_Decl);
+            Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Decl.Packages;
+            while Conf_Pack_Id /= No_Package loop
+               Conf_Pack := Project_Tree.Packages.Table (Conf_Pack_Id);
+               User_Pack_Id := User_Decl.Packages;
+               while User_Pack_Id /= No_Package loop
+                  User_Pack := Project_Tree.Packages.Table (User_Pack_Id);
+                  exit when User_Pack.Name = Conf_Pack.Name;
+                  User_Pack_Id := User_Pack.Next;
+               end loop;
+               if User_Pack_Id = No_Package then
+                  Package_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.Packages);
+                  User_Pack := Conf_Pack;
+                  User_Pack.Next := User_Decl.Packages;
+                  User_Decl.Packages :=
+                    Package_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Packages);
+                  Project_Tree.Packages.Table (User_Decl.Packages) :=
+                    User_Pack;
+               else
+                  Add_Attributes
+                    (Project_Tree => Project_Tree,
+                     Conf_Decl    => Conf_Pack.Decl,
+                     User_Decl    => Project_Tree.Packages.Table
+                       (User_Pack_Id).Decl);
+               end if;
+               Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Pack.Next;
+            end loop;
+            Proj.Project.Decl := User_Decl;
+         end if;
+         Proj := Proj.Next;
+      end loop;
+   end Apply_Config_File;
    -- Check_Target --
@@ -965,15 +1137,33 @@  package body Prj.Conf is
       end if;
    end Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File;
-   --------------------------------------
-   -- Process_Project_And_Apply_Config --
-   --------------------------------------
+   ------------------------
+   -- Locate_Config_File --
+   ------------------------
-   procedure Process_Project_And_Apply_Config
+   function Locate_Config_File (Name : String) return String_Access is
+      Prefix_Path : constant String := Executable_Prefix_Path;
+   begin
+      if Prefix_Path'Length /= 0 then
+         return Locate_Regular_File
+           (Name,
+            "." & Path_Separator &
+            Prefix_Path & "share" & Directory_Separator & "gpr");
+      else
+         return Locate_Regular_File (Name, ".");
+      end if;
+   end Locate_Config_File;
+   ------------------------------------
+   -- Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config --
+   ------------------------------------
+   procedure Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config
      (Main_Project               : out Prj.Project_Id;
-      User_Project_Node          : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
+      User_Project_Node          : out Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
       Config_File_Name           : String := "";
       Autoconf_Specified         : Boolean;
+      Project_File_Name          : String;
       Project_Tree               : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref;
       Project_Node_Tree          : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
       Packages_To_Check          : String_List_Access;
@@ -983,93 +1173,15 @@  package body Prj.Conf is
       Target_Name                : String := "";
       Normalized_Hostname        : String;
       Flags                      : Processing_Flags;
-      On_Load_Config             : Config_File_Hook := null;
-      Reset_Tree                 : Boolean := True)
+      On_Load_Config             : Config_File_Hook := null)
-      Main_Config_Project : Project_Id;
-      Success : Boolean;
-      Main_Project := No_Project;
-      Automatically_Generated := False;
-      Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1
-        (In_Tree                => Project_Tree,
-         Project                => Main_Project,
-         Success                => Success,
-         From_Project_Node      => User_Project_Node,
-         From_Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree,
-         Flags                  => Flags,
-         Reset_Tree             => Reset_Tree);
+      --  Parse the user project tree
-      if not Success then
-         Main_Project := No_Project;
-         return;
-      end if;
+      Prj.Initialize (Project_Tree);
-      --  Find configuration file
-      Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File
-        (Config                     => Main_Config_Project,
-         Project                    => Main_Project,
-         Project_Tree               => Project_Tree,
-         Project_Node_Tree          => Project_Node_Tree,
-         Allow_Automatic_Generation => Allow_Automatic_Generation,
-         Config_File_Name           => Config_File_Name,
-         Autoconf_Specified         => Autoconf_Specified,
-         Target_Name                => Target_Name,
-         Normalized_Hostname        => Normalized_Hostname,
-         Packages_To_Check          => Packages_To_Check,
-         Config_File_Path           => Config_File_Path,
-         Automatically_Generated    => Automatically_Generated,
-         Flags                      => Flags,
-         On_Load_Config             => On_Load_Config);
-      Apply_Config_File (Main_Config_Project, Project_Tree);
-      --  Finish processing the user's project
-      Prj.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_2
-        (In_Tree                    => Project_Tree,
-         Project                    => Main_Project,
-         Success                    => Success,
-         From_Project_Node          => User_Project_Node,
-         From_Project_Node_Tree     => Project_Node_Tree,
-         Flags                      => Flags);
-      if not Success then
-         Main_Project := No_Project;
-      end if;
-   end Process_Project_And_Apply_Config;
-   ------------------------------------
-   -- Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config --
-   ------------------------------------
-   procedure Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config
-     (Main_Project               : out Prj.Project_Id;
-      User_Project_Node          : out Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
-      Config_File_Name           : String := "";
-      Autoconf_Specified         : Boolean;
-      Project_File_Name          : String;
-      Project_Tree               : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref;
-      Project_Node_Tree          : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
-      Packages_To_Check          : String_List_Access;
-      Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean := True;
-      Automatically_Generated    : out Boolean;
-      Config_File_Path           : out String_Access;
-      Target_Name                : String := "";
-      Normalized_Hostname        : String;
-      Flags                      : Processing_Flags;
-      On_Load_Config             : Config_File_Hook := null)
-   is
-   begin
-      --  Parse the user project tree
-      Prj.Initialize (Project_Tree);
-      Main_Project      := No_Project;
-      Automatically_Generated := False;
+      Main_Project      := No_Project;
+      Automatically_Generated := False;
         (In_Tree                => Project_Node_Tree,
@@ -1103,81 +1215,125 @@  package body Prj.Conf is
          On_Load_Config             => On_Load_Config);
    end Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config;
-   -----------------------
-   -- Apply_Config_File --
-   -----------------------
+   --------------------------------------
+   -- Process_Project_And_Apply_Config --
+   --------------------------------------
-   procedure Apply_Config_File
-     (Config_File  : Prj.Project_Id;
-      Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref)
+   procedure Process_Project_And_Apply_Config
+     (Main_Project               : out Prj.Project_Id;
+      User_Project_Node          : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
+      Config_File_Name           : String := "";
+      Autoconf_Specified         : Boolean;
+      Project_Tree               : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref;
+      Project_Node_Tree          : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
+      Packages_To_Check          : String_List_Access;
+      Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean := True;
+      Automatically_Generated    : out Boolean;
+      Config_File_Path           : out String_Access;
+      Target_Name                : String := "";
+      Normalized_Hostname        : String;
+      Flags                      : Processing_Flags;
+      On_Load_Config             : Config_File_Hook := null;
+      Reset_Tree                 : Boolean := True)
-      Conf_Decl    : constant Declarations := Config_File.Decl;
-      Conf_Pack_Id : Package_Id;
-      Conf_Pack    : Package_Element;
-      User_Decl    : Declarations;
-      User_Pack_Id : Package_Id;
-      User_Pack    : Package_Element;
-      Proj         : Project_List;
+      Main_Config_Project : Project_Id;
+      Success : Boolean;
-      Proj := Project_Tree.Projects;
-      while Proj /= null loop
-         if Proj.Project /= Config_File then
-            User_Decl := Proj.Project.Decl;
-            Add_Attributes
-              (Project_Tree => Project_Tree,
-               Conf_Decl    => Conf_Decl,
-               User_Decl    => User_Decl);
+      Main_Project := No_Project;
+      Automatically_Generated := False;
-            Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Decl.Packages;
-            while Conf_Pack_Id /= No_Package loop
-               Conf_Pack := Project_Tree.Packages.Table (Conf_Pack_Id);
+      Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1
+        (In_Tree                => Project_Tree,
+         Project                => Main_Project,
+         Success                => Success,
+         From_Project_Node      => User_Project_Node,
+         From_Project_Node_Tree => Project_Node_Tree,
+         Flags                  => Flags,
+         Reset_Tree             => Reset_Tree);
-               User_Pack_Id := User_Decl.Packages;
-               while User_Pack_Id /= No_Package loop
-                  User_Pack := Project_Tree.Packages.Table (User_Pack_Id);
-                  exit when User_Pack.Name = Conf_Pack.Name;
-                  User_Pack_Id := User_Pack.Next;
-               end loop;
+      if not Success then
+         Main_Project := No_Project;
+         return;
+      end if;
-               if User_Pack_Id = No_Package then
-                  Package_Table.Increment_Last (Project_Tree.Packages);
-                  User_Pack := Conf_Pack;
-                  User_Pack.Next := User_Decl.Packages;
-                  User_Decl.Packages :=
-                    Package_Table.Last (Project_Tree.Packages);
-                  Project_Tree.Packages.Table (User_Decl.Packages) :=
-                    User_Pack;
+      if Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Name /= null then
+         if not Is_Absolute_Path (Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all) then
+            declare
+               Obj_Dir : constant Variable_Value :=
+                 Value_Of
+                   (Name_Object_Dir,
+                    Main_Project.Decl.Attributes,
+                    Project_Tree);
+            begin
+               if Obj_Dir = Nil_Variable_Value or else Obj_Dir.Default then
+                  Get_Name_String (Main_Project.Directory.Display_Name);
-                  Add_Attributes
-                    (Project_Tree => Project_Tree,
-                     Conf_Decl    => Conf_Pack.Decl,
-                     User_Decl    => Project_Tree.Packages.Table
-                       (User_Pack_Id).Decl);
-               end if;
+                  if Is_Absolute_Path (Get_Name_String (Obj_Dir.Value)) then
+                     Get_Name_String (Obj_Dir.Value);
-               Conf_Pack_Id := Conf_Pack.Next;
-            end loop;
+                  else
+                     Name_Len := 0;
+                     Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer
+                       (Get_Name_String (Main_Project.Directory.Display_Name));
+                     Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Get_Name_String (Obj_Dir.Value));
+                  end if;
+               end if;
-            Proj.Project.Decl := User_Decl;
+               Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Directory_Separator);
+               Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Name.all);
+               Free (Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Name);
+               Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Name :=
+                 new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+            end;
          end if;
-         Proj := Proj.Next;
-      end loop;
-   end Apply_Config_File;
+         Read_Source_Info_File (Project_Tree);
+      end if;
-   ---------------------
-   -- Set_Runtime_For --
-   ---------------------
+      --  Find configuration file
-   procedure Set_Runtime_For (Language : Name_Id; RTS_Name : String) is
-   begin
-      Name_Len := RTS_Name'Length;
-      Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := RTS_Name;
-      RTS_Languages.Set (Language, Name_Find);
-   end Set_Runtime_For;
+      Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File
+        (Config                     => Main_Config_Project,
+         Project                    => Main_Project,
+         Project_Tree               => Project_Tree,
+         Project_Node_Tree          => Project_Node_Tree,
+         Allow_Automatic_Generation => Allow_Automatic_Generation,
+         Config_File_Name           => Config_File_Name,
+         Autoconf_Specified         => Autoconf_Specified,
+         Target_Name                => Target_Name,
+         Normalized_Hostname        => Normalized_Hostname,
+         Packages_To_Check          => Packages_To_Check,
+         Config_File_Path           => Config_File_Path,
+         Automatically_Generated    => Automatically_Generated,
+         Flags                      => Flags,
+         On_Load_Config             => On_Load_Config);
+      Apply_Config_File (Main_Config_Project, Project_Tree);
+      --  Finish processing the user's project
+      Prj.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_2
+        (In_Tree                    => Project_Tree,
+         Project                    => Main_Project,
+         Success                    => Success,
+         From_Project_Node          => User_Project_Node,
+         From_Project_Node_Tree     => Project_Node_Tree,
+         Flags                      => Flags);
+      if Success then
+         if Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Name /= null and then
+            not Project_Tree.Source_Info_File_Exists
+         then
+            Write_Source_Info_File (Project_Tree);
+         end if;
+      else
+         Main_Project := No_Project;
+      end if;
+   end Process_Project_And_Apply_Config;
    -- Runtime_Name_For --
@@ -1192,128 +1348,15 @@  package body Prj.Conf is
       end if;
    end Runtime_Name_For;
-   ------------------------------------
-   -- Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme --
-   ------------------------------------
-   procedure Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme
-     (Config_File  : in out Project_Node_Id;
-      Project_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref)
-   is
-      procedure Create_Attribute
-        (Name  : Name_Id;
-         Value : String;
-         Index : String := "";
-         Pkg   : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node);
-      ----------------------
-      -- Create_Attribute --
-      ----------------------
-      procedure Create_Attribute
-        (Name  : Name_Id;
-         Value : String;
-         Index : String := "";
-         Pkg   : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node)
-      is
-         Attr       : Project_Node_Id;
-         pragma Unreferenced (Attr);
-         Expr   : Name_Id         := No_Name;
-         Val    : Name_Id         := No_Name;
-         Parent : Project_Node_Id := Config_File;
-      begin
-         if Index /= "" then
-            Name_Len := Index'Length;
-            Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Index;
-            Val := Name_Find;
-         end if;
-         if Pkg /= Empty_Node then
-            Parent := Pkg;
-         end if;
-         Name_Len := Value'Length;
-         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Value;
-         Expr := Name_Find;
-         Attr := Create_Attribute
-           (Tree       => Project_Tree,
-            Prj_Or_Pkg => Parent,
-            Name       => Name,
-            Index_Name => Val,
-            Kind       => Prj.Single,
-            Value      => Create_Literal_String (Expr, Project_Tree));
-      end Create_Attribute;
-      --  Local variables
-      Name   : Name_Id;
-      Naming : Project_Node_Id;
-   --  Start of processing for Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme
+   ---------------------
+   -- Set_Runtime_For --
+   ---------------------
+   procedure Set_Runtime_For (Language : Name_Id; RTS_Name : String) is
-      if Config_File = Empty_Node then
-         --  Create a dummy config file is none was found
-         Name_Len := Auto_Cgpr'Length;
-         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Auto_Cgpr;
-         Name := Name_Find;
-         --  An invalid project name to avoid conflicts with user-created ones
-         Name_Len := 5;
-         Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := "_auto";
-         Config_File :=
-           Create_Project
-             (In_Tree        => Project_Tree,
-              Name           => Name_Find,
-              Full_Path      => Path_Name_Type (Name),
-              Is_Config_File => True);
-         --  Setup library support
-         case MLib.Tgt.Support_For_Libraries is
-            when None =>
-               null;
-            when Static_Only =>
-               Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Support, "static_only");
-            when Full =>
-               Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Support, "full");
-         end case;
-         if MLib.Tgt.Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported then
-            Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported, "true");
-         else
-            Create_Attribute (Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported, "false");
-         end if;
-         --  Setup Ada support (Ada is the default language here, since this
-         --  is only called when no config file existed initially, ie for
-         --  gnatmake).
-         Create_Attribute (Name_Default_Language, "ada");
-         Naming := Create_Package (Project_Tree, Config_File, "naming");
-         Create_Attribute (Name_Spec_Suffix, ".ads", "ada",     Pkg => Naming);
-         Create_Attribute (Name_Separate_Suffix, ".adb", "ada", Pkg => Naming);
-         Create_Attribute (Name_Body_Suffix, ".adb", "ada",     Pkg => Naming);
-         Create_Attribute (Name_Dot_Replacement, "-",           Pkg => Naming);
-         Create_Attribute (Name_Casing,          "lowercase",   Pkg => Naming);
-         if Current_Verbosity = High then
-            Write_Line ("Automatically generated (in-memory) config file");
-            Prj.PP.Pretty_Print
-              (Project                => Config_File,
-               In_Tree                => Project_Tree,
-               Backward_Compatibility => False);
-         end if;
-      end if;
-   end Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme;
+      Name_Len := RTS_Name'Length;
+      Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := RTS_Name;
+      RTS_Languages.Set (Language, Name_Find);
+   end Set_Runtime_For;
 end Prj.Conf;