diff mbox

[Ada] Missing error on formal package

Message ID 20160614122007.GA26068@adacore.com
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Arnaud Charlet June 14, 2016, 12:20 p.m. UTC
This patch fixes an omission in the analysis of formal package declarations.
Actuals in the instance are properly rejected if their name does not correspond
to any of the actuals, and there are box associations for existing formals.


  gcc -c c_test.ads

must yield

   generic_p_level_2.ads:7:53: unmatched actual "C_Test"
   generic_p_level_2.ads:7:53: in instantiation of "Generic_P_Level_1"
         declared at generic_p_level_1.ads:5

   type Param is (<>);

package Generic_P_Level_1 is
   Var : Integer;


with Generic_P_Level_1;

   with package P_Level_1 is new Generic_P_Level_1 (C_Test => 2,
                                          Param => <>);

package Generic_P_Level_2 is 
   Var : Integer;


with Generic_P_Level_1;
with Generic_P_Level_2;

package test is
   package P_Level_1 is new Generic_P_Level_1(Integer);
   package P_Level_2 is new Generic_P_Level_2(P_Level_1);

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2016-06-14  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>

	* sem_ch12.adb (Analyze_Associations): An actual parameter
	with a box must be included in the count of actuals, to detect
	possible superfluous named actuals that do not match any of the
	formals of the generic unit in a formal package declaration.
diff mbox


Index: sem_ch12.adb
--- sem_ch12.adb	(revision 237432)
+++ sem_ch12.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1496,10 +1496,13 @@ 
          --  A named association may lack an actual parameter, if it was
          --  introduced for a default subprogram that turns out to be local
-         --  to the outer instantiation.
+         --  to the outer instantiation. If it has a box association it must
+         --  correspond to some formal in the generic.
          if Nkind (Named) /= N_Others_Choice
-           and then Present (Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (Named))
+           and then
+             (Present (Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (Named))
+               or else Box_Present (Named))
             Num_Actuals := Num_Actuals + 1;
          end if;