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[Ada] Subprogram contracts on generics

Message ID 20150302092448.GA22893@adacore.com
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Commit Message

Arnaud Charlet March 2, 2015, 9:24 a.m. UTC
This is a multi purpose patch concerning the contracts on subprograms.

  * The patch implements "instantiatable contracts", in other words SPARK-
  related contract annotations can now appear on generic subprogram and be
  instantiated as part of the subprogram instantiation.

  * The patch removes multiple kludges for ASIS.

  * The patch removes multiple kludges concerning the analysis and global
  reference storage for contracts related to generic subprograms.

  * The patch fixes multiple issies with respect to contracts on subprograms
  and subprogram bodies that act as compilation units.

  * The patch cleans up a lot of dubious and fragmented code.

-- Source --

--  body_and_spec.ads

with Refs;

function Body_And_Spec (Input : Integer) return Integer
  with Pre  => Input + Refs.External_Zero > 1,
       Post => Body_And_Spec'Result + Refs.External_Zero > 5;

--  body_and_spec.adb

function Body_And_Spec (Input : Integer) return Integer is
   return Input + 1;
end Body_And_Spec;

--  body_and_spec_pragmas.ads

with Refs;

function Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Input : Integer) return Integer;
pragma Precondition  (Input + Refs.External_Zero > 1);
pragma Postcondition (Body_And_Spec_Pragmas'Result + Refs.External_Zero > 5);

--  body_and_spec_pragmas.adb

function Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Input : Integer) return Integer is
   pragma Precondition  (Input + Refs.External_Zero > 2);
   pragma Postcondition (Body_And_Spec_Pragmas'Result + Refs.External_Zero > 4);
   return Input + 1;
end Body_And_Spec_Pragmas;

--  body_only.adb

with Refs;

function Body_Only (Input : Integer) return Integer
  with Pre  => Input + Refs.External_Zero > 2,
       Post => Body_Only'Result + Refs.External_Zero > 4
   return Input + 1;
end Body_Only;

--  body_only_pragmas.adb

function Body_Only_Pragmas (Input : Integer) return Integer is
   pragma Pre  (Input > 2);
   pragma Post (Body_Only_Pragmas'Result > 4);
   return Input + 1;
end Body_Only_Pragmas;

--  gen_body_and_spec.ads

with Refs;

   Zero : Integer;

function Gen_Body_And_Spec (Input : Integer) return Integer
  with Pre  => Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1,
       Post => Gen_Body_And_Spec'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 5;

--  gen_body_and_spec.adb

function Gen_Body_And_Spec (Input : Integer) return Integer is
   return Input + 1;
end Gen_Body_And_Spec;

--  gen_body_and_spec_pragmas.ads

with Refs;

   Zero : Integer;

function Gen_Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Input : Integer) return Integer;
pragma Precondition (Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1);
pragma Postcondition
  (Gen_Body_And_Spec_Pragmas'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 5);

--  gen_body_and_spec_pragmas.adb

function Gen_Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Input : Integer) return Integer is
   pragma Precondition (Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 2);
   pragma Postcondition
     (Gen_Body_And_Spec_Pragmas'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 4);
   return Input + 1;
end Gen_Body_And_Spec_Pragmas;

--  gen_pack.ads

with Refs;

   Zero : Integer;

package Gen_Pack is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer
     with Pre  => Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1,
          Post => Func'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero  > 5;
end Gen_Pack;

--  gen_pack.adb

package body Gen_Pack is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Gen_Pack;

--  gen_pack_gen.ads

with Refs;

   Zero : Integer;

package Gen_Pack_Gen is
      Local_Zero : Integer;

   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer
     with Pre  => Input + Zero + Local_Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1,
          Post => Func'Result + Zero + Local_Zero + Refs.External_Zero  > 5;
end Gen_Pack_Gen;

--  gen_pack_gen.adb

package body Gen_Pack_Gen is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Gen_Pack_Gen;

--  gen_pack_gen_pragmas.ads

with Refs;

   Zero : Integer;

package Gen_Pack_Gen_Pragmas is
      Local_Zero : Integer;

   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer;
   pragma Precondition (Input + Zero + Local_Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1);
   pragma Postcondition
     (Func'Result + Zero + Local_Zero + Refs.External_Zero  > 5);
end Gen_Pack_Gen_Pragmas;

--  gen_pack_gen_pragmas.adb

package body Gen_Pack_Gen_Pragmas is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      pragma Precondition (Input + Zero + Local_Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 2);
      pragma Postcondition
        (Func'Result + Zero + Local_Zero + Refs.External_Zero  > 4);
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Gen_Pack_Gen_Pragmas;

--  gen_pack_pragmas.ads

with Refs;

   Zero : Integer;

package Gen_Pack_Pragmas is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer;
   pragma Precondition  (Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1);
   pragma Postcondition (Func'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero  > 5);
end Gen_Pack_Pragmas;

--  gen_pack_pragmas.adb

package body Gen_Pack_Pragmas is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      pragma Precondition  (Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 2);
      pragma Postcondition (Func'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero  > 4);
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Gen_Pack_Pragmas;

--  pack.ads

with Refs;

package Pack is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer
     with Pre  => Input + Refs.External_Zero > 1,
          Post => Func'Result + Refs.External_Zero > 5;
end Pack;

--  pack.adb

package body Pack is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Pack;

--  pack_gen.ads

with Refs;

package Pack_Gen is
      Zero : Integer;

   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer
     with Pre  => Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1,
          Post => Func'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 5;
end Pack_Gen;

--  pack_gen.adb

package body Pack_Gen is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Pack_Gen;

--  pack_gen_pragmas.ads

with Refs;

package Pack_Gen_Pragmas is
      Zero : Integer;

   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer;
   pragma Precondition  (Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 1);
   pragma Postcondition (Func'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 5);
end Pack_Gen_Pragmas;

--  pack_gen_pragmas.adb

package body Pack_Gen_Pragmas is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      pragma Precondition  (Input + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 2);
      pragma Postcondition (Func'Result + Zero + Refs.External_Zero > 4);
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Pack_Gen_Pragmas;

--  pack_pragmas.ads

with Refs;

package Pack_Pragmas is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer;
   pragma Precondition  (Input + Refs.External_Zero > 1);
   pragma Postcondition (Func'Result + Refs.External_Zero > 5);
end Pack_Pragmas;

--  pack_pragmas.adb

package body Pack_Pragmas is
   function Func (Input : Integer) return Integer is
      pragma Precondition  (Input + Refs.External_Zero > 2);
      pragma Postcondition (Func'Result + Refs.External_Zero > 4);
      return Input + 1;
   end Func;
end Pack_Pragmas;

--  refs.ads

package Refs is
   External_Zero : Integer := 0;
end Refs;

--  main.adb

with Ada.Assertions; use Ada.Assertions;
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with Ada.Text_IO;    use Ada.Text_IO;
with Body_And_Spec;
with Body_And_Spec_Pragmas;
with Body_Only;
with Body_Only_Pragmas;
with Gen_Body_And_Spec;
with Gen_Body_And_Spec_Pragmas;
with Gen_Pack;
with Gen_Pack_Pragmas;
with Gen_Pack_Gen;
with Gen_Pack_Gen_Pragmas;
with Pack;
with Pack_Pragmas;
with Pack_Gen;
with Pack_Gen_Pragmas;

procedure Main is
   Fail_Spec_Pre  : constant Integer := 1;
   Fail_Body_Pre  : constant Integer := 2;
   Fail_Body_Post : constant Integer := 3;
   Fail_Spec_Post : constant Integer := 4;
   OK             : constant Integer := 5;

   Result : Integer;

   --  Aspects, body + spec

      Result := Body_And_Spec (Fail_Spec_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 1: spec precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 1 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 1: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_And_Spec (Fail_Spec_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 2: spec postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 2 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 2: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_And_Spec (OK);
      Put_Line ("OK 3");
      when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 3: unexpected exception");

   --  Pragmas, body + spec

      Result := Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Fail_Spec_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 4: spec precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 4 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 4: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Fail_Body_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 5: body precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 5 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 5: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Fail_Body_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 6: body postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 6 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 6: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (Fail_Spec_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 7: spec postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 7 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 7: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (OK);
      Put_Line ("OK 8");
      when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 8: unexpected exception");

   --  Aspects, body

      Result := Body_Only (Fail_Body_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 9: body precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 9 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 9: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_Only (Fail_Body_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 10: body postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 10 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 10: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_Only (OK);
      Put_Line ("OK 11");
      when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 11: unexpected exception");

   --  Pragmas, body

      Result := Body_Only_Pragmas (Fail_Body_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 12: body precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 12 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 12: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_Only_Pragmas (Fail_Body_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 13: body postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 13 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 13: unexpected exception");

      Result := Body_Only_Pragmas (OK);
      Put_Line ("OK 14");
      when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 14: unexpected exception");

   --  Aspects, generic function

      function Func_Inst is new Gen_Body_And_Spec (0);
         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 15: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 15 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 15: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 16: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 16 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 16: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 17");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 17: unexpected exception");

   --  Pragmas, generic function

      function Func_Inst is new Gen_Body_And_Spec_Pragmas (0);
         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 18: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 18 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 18: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Body_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 19: body precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 19 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 19: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Body_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 20: body postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 20 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 20: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 21: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 21 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 21: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 22");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 22: unexpected exception");

   --  Aspects, function in generic package

      package Pack_Inst is new Gen_Pack (0);
         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 23: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 23 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 23: unexpected exception");

         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 24: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 24 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 24: unexpected exception");

         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 25");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 25: unexpected exception");

   --  Pragmas, function in generic package

      package Pack_Inst is new Gen_Pack_Pragmas (0);
         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 26: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 26 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 26: unexpected exception");

         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (Fail_Body_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 27: body precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 27 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 27: unexpected exception");

         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (Fail_Body_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 28: body postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 28 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 28: unexpected exception");

         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 29: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 29 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 29: unexpected exception");

         Result := Pack_Inst.Func (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 30");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 30: unexpected exception");

   --  Aspects, generic function in generic package

      package  Pack_Inst is new Gen_Pack_Gen (0);
      function Func_Inst is new Pack_Inst.Func (0);
         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 31: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 31 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 31: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 32: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 32 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 32: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 33");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 33: unexpected exception");

   --  Pragmas, generic function in generic package

      package  Pack_Inst is new Gen_Pack_Gen_Pragmas (0);
      function Func_Inst is new Pack_Inst.Func (0);
         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 34: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 34 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 34: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Body_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 35: body precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 35 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 35: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Body_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 36: body postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 36 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 36: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 37: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 37 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 37: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 38");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 35: unexpected exception");

   --  Aspects, function in package

      Result := Pack.Func (Fail_Spec_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 39: spec precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 39 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 39: unexpected exception");

      Result := Pack.Func (Fail_Spec_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 40: spec postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 40 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 40: unexpected exception");

      Result := Pack.Func (OK);
      Put_Line ("OK 41");
      when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 41: unexpected exception");

   --  Pragmas, function in package

      Result := Pack_Pragmas.Func (Fail_Spec_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 42: spec precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 42 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 42: unexpected exception");

      Result := Pack_Pragmas.Func (Fail_Body_Pre);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 43: body precondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 43 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 43: unexpected exception");

      Result := Pack_Pragmas.Func (Fail_Body_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 44: body postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 44 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 44: unexpected exception");

      Result := Pack_Pragmas.Func (Fail_Spec_Post);
      Put_Line ("ERROR 45: spec postcondition did not fail");
      when AE : Assertion_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK 45 " & Exception_Message (AE));
      when others               =>
         Put_Line ("ERROR 45: unexpected exception");

      Result := Pack_Pragmas.Func (OK);
      Put_Line ("OK 46");
      when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 46: unexpected exception");

   --  Aspects, generic function in package

      function Func_Inst is new Pack_Gen.Func (0);
         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 47: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 47 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 47: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 48: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 48 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 48: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 49");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 41: unexpected exception");

   --  Pragmas, generic function in package

      function Func_Inst is new Pack_Gen_Pragmas.Func (0);
         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 50: spec precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 50 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 50: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Body_Pre);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 51: body precondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 51 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 51: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Body_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 52: body postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 52 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 52: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (Fail_Spec_Post);
         Put_Line ("ERROR 53: spec postcondition did not fail");
         when AE : Assertion_Error =>
            Put_Line ("OK 53 " & Exception_Message (AE));
         when others               =>
            Put_Line ("ERROR 53: unexpected exception");

         Result := Func_Inst (OK);
         Put_Line ("OK 54");
         when others => Put_Line ("ERROR 54: unexpected exception");
end Main;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q -gnata main.adb
$ ./main
OK 1 failed precondition from body_and_spec.ads:4
OK 2 failed postcondition from body_and_spec.ads:5
OK 3
OK 4 failed precondition from body_and_spec_pragmas.ads:4
OK 5 failed precondition from body_and_spec_pragmas.adb:2
OK 6 failed postcondition from body_and_spec_pragmas.adb:3
OK 7 failed postcondition from body_and_spec_pragmas.ads:5
OK 8
OK 9 failed precondition from body_only.adb:4
OK 10 failed postcondition from body_only.adb:5
OK 11
OK 12 failed precondition from body_only_pragmas.adb:2
OK 13 failed postcondition from body_only_pragmas.adb:3
OK 14
OK 15 failed precondition from gen_body_and_spec.ads:7 instantiated at
OK 16 failed postcondition from gen_body_and_spec.ads:8 instantiated at
OK 17
OK 18 failed precondition from gen_body_and_spec_pragmas.ads:7 instantiated at
OK 19 failed precondition from gen_body_and_spec_pragmas.adb:2 instantiated at
OK 20 failed postcondition from gen_body_and_spec_pragmas.adb:3 instantiated at
OK 21 failed postcondition from gen_body_and_spec_pragmas.ads:8 instantiated at
OK 22
OK 23 failed precondition from gen_pack.ads:8 instantiated at main.adb:254
OK 24 failed postcondition from gen_pack.ads:9 instantiated at main.adb:254
OK 25
OK 26 failed precondition from gen_pack_pragmas.ads:8 instantiated at
OK 27 failed precondition from gen_pack_pragmas.adb:3 instantiated at
OK 28 failed postcondition from gen_pack_pragmas.adb:4 instantiated at
OK 29 failed postcondition from gen_pack_pragmas.ads:9 instantiated at
OK 30
OK 31 failed precondition from gen_pack_gen.ads:11 instantiated at main.adb:341
OK 32 failed postcondition from gen_pack_gen.ads:12 instantiated at
OK 33
OK 34 failed precondition from gen_pack_gen_pragmas.ads:11 instantiated at
OK 35 failed precondition from gen_pack_gen_pragmas.adb:3 instantiated at
OK 36 failed postcondition from gen_pack_gen_pragmas.adb:4 instantiated at
OK 37 failed postcondition from gen_pack_gen_pragmas.ads:12 instantiated at
OK 38
OK 39 failed precondition from pack.ads:5
OK 40 failed postcondition from pack.ads:6
OK 41
OK 42 failed precondition from pack_pragmas.ads:5
OK 43 failed precondition from pack_pragmas.adb:3
OK 44 failed postcondition from pack_pragmas.adb:4
OK 45 failed postcondition from pack_pragmas.ads:6
OK 46
OK 47 failed precondition from pack_gen.ads:8 instantiated at main.adb:506
OK 48 failed postcondition from pack_gen.ads:9 instantiated at main.adb:506
OK 49
OK 50 failed precondition from pack_gen_pragmas.ads:8 instantiated at
OK 51 failed precondition from pack_gen_pragmas.adb:3 instantiated at
OK 52 failed postcondition from pack_gen_pragmas.adb:4 instantiated at
OK 53 failed postcondition from pack_gen_pragmas.ads:9 instantiated at
OK 54

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2015-03-02  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>

	* checks.adb (Add_Validity_Check): Change the names of all
	formal parameters to better illustrate their purpose. Update
	the subprogram documentation. Update all occurrences of the
	formal parameters. Generate a pre/postcondition pragma by
	calling Build_Pre_Post_Condition.
	(Build_PPC_Pragma): Removed.
	(Build_Pre_Post_Condition): New routine.
	* einfo.adb Node8 is no longer used as Postcondition_Proc. Node14
	is now used as Postconditions_Proc. Flag240 is now renamed to
	Has_Expanded_Contract.	(First_Formal): The routine can now
	operate on generic subprograms.
	(First_Formal_With_Extras): The routine can now operate on generic
	(Has_Expanded_Contract): New routine.
	(Has_Postconditions): Removed.
	(Postcondition_Proc): Removed.
	(Postconditions_Proc): New routine.
	(Set_Has_Expanded_Contract): New routine.
	(Set_Has_Postconditions): Removed.
	(Set_Postcondition_Proc): Removed.
	(Set_Postconditions_Proc): New routine.
	(Write_Entity_Flags): Remove the output of Has_Postconditions. Add
	the output of Has_Expanded_Contract.
	(Write_Field8_Name): Remove the output of Postcondition_Proc.
	(Write_Field14_Name): Add the output of Postconditions_Proc.
	* einfo.ads New attributes Has_Expanded_Contract and
	Postconditions_Proc along with occurrences in entities.
	Remove attributes Has_Postconditions and Postcondition_Proc
	along with occurrences in entities.
	(Has_Expanded_Contract): New routine along with pragma Inline.
	(Has_Postconditions): Removed along with pragma Inline.
	(Postcondition_Proc): Removed along with pragma Inline.
	(Postconditions_Proc): New routine along with pragma Inline.
	(Set_Has_Expanded_Contract): New routine along with pragma Inline.
	(Set_Has_Postconditions): Removed along with pragma Inline.
	(Set_Postcondition_Proc): Removed along with pragma Inline.
	(Set_Postconditions_Proc): New routine along with pragma Inline.
	* exp_ch6.adb (Add_Return): Code cleanup. Update the
	generation of the call to the _Postconditions routine of
	the procedure.	(Expand_Non_Function_Return): Reformat the
	comment on usage. Code cleanup.  Update the generation of
	the call to the _Postconditions routine of the procedure or
	entry [family].
	(Expand_Simple_Function_Return): Update the
	generation of the _Postconditions routine of the function.
	(Expand_Subprogram_Contract): Reimplemented.
	* exp_ch6.ads (Expand_Subprogram_Contract): Update the parameter
	profile along the comment on usage.
	* exp_ch9.adb (Build_PPC_Wrapper): Code cleanup.
	(Expand_N_Task_Type_Declaration): Generate pre/postconditions
	wrapper when the entry [family] has a contract with
	* exp_prag.adb (Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence): New routine.
	(Expand_Contract_Cases): This routine and its subsidiaries now
	analyze all generated code.
	(Expand_Old_In_Consequence): Removed.
	* sem_attr.adb Add with and use clause for Sem_Prag.
	(Analyze_Attribute): Reimplment the analysis of attribute 'Result.
	(Check_Use_In_Test_Case): Use routine Test_Case_Arg to obtain
	* sem_ch3.adb (Analyze_Declarations): Analyze the contract of
	a generic subprogram.
	(Analyze_Object_Declaration): Do not create a contract node.
	(Derive_Subprogram): Do not create a contract node.
	* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration): Do
	not create a contract node.
	(Analyze_Completion_Contract): New routine.
	(Analyze_Function_Return): Alphabetize.
	(Analyze_Generic_Subprogram_Body): Alphabetize. Do not create a
	contract node.	Do not copy pre/postconditions to the original
	generic template.
	(Analyze_Null_Procedure): Do not create a contract node.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract): Reimplemented.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Helper): Do not mark the enclosing scope
	as having postconditions. Do not create a contract node. Analyze
	the subprogram body contract of a body that acts as a compilation
	unit. Expand the subprogram contract after the declarations have
	been analyzed.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Contract): Reimplemented.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Specification): Do not create a contract node.
	(List_Inherited_Pre_Post_Aspects): Code cleanup.
	* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract): Update the
	comment on usage.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Contract): Update the
	parameter profile and the comment on usage.
	* sem_ch7.adb (Analyze_Package_Body_Helper): Do not create a
	contract node.
	(Analyze_Package_Declaration): Do not create a
	contract node.
	(Is_Subp_Or_Const_Ref): Ensure that the prefix has an entity.
	* sem_ch8.adb (Analyze_Subprogram_Renaming): Do not create a
	contract node.
	* sem_ch9.adb (Analyze_Entry_Declaration): Do not create a
	contract node.
	* sem_ch10.adb (Analyze_Compilation_Unit): Move local variables to
	their proper section and alphabetize them. Analyze the contract of
	a [generic] subprogram after all Pragmas_After have been analyzed.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub_Contract): Alphabetize.
	* sem_ch12.adb (Analyze_Generic_Package_Declaration): Do not
	create a contract node.
	Alphabetize local variables. Do not create a contract
	node. Do not generate aspects out of pragmas for ASIS.
	(Analyze_Subprogram_Instantiation): Instantiate
	the contract of the subprogram.  Do not create a
	contract node.	(Instantiate_Contract): New routine.
	(Instantiate_Subprogram_Body): Alphabetize local variables.
	(Save_Global_References_In_Aspects): New routine.
	(Save_References): Do not save the global references found within
	the aspects of a generic subprogram.
	* sem_ch12.ads (Save_Global_References_In_Aspects): New routine.
	* sem_ch13.adb (Analyze_Aspect_Specifications): Do not use
	Original_Node for establishing linkages.
	(Insert_Pragma): Insertion in a subprogram body takes precedence over
	the case where the subprogram body is also a compilation unit.
	* sem_prag.adb (Analyze_Contract_Cases_In_Decl_Part): Use
	Get_Argument to obtain the proper expression. Install the generic
	formals when the related context is a generic subprogram.
	(Analyze_Depends_In_Decl_Part): Use Get_Argument to obtain
	the proper expression. Use Corresponding_Spec_Of to obtain
	the spec. Install the generic formal when the related context
	is a generic subprogram.
	(Analyze_Global_In_Decl_Part): Use Get_Argument to obtain the proper
	expression. Use Corresponding_Spec_Of to obtain the spec. Install the
	generic formal when the related context is a generic subprogram.
	(Analyze_Initial_Condition_In_Decl_Part): Use Get_Argument
	to obtain the proper expression. Remove the call to
	Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS as the analysis is now done
	(Analyze_Pragma): Update all occurrences
	to Original_Aspect_Name. Pragmas Contract_Cases, Depends,
	Extensions_Visible, Global, Postcondition, Precondition and
	Test_Case now carry generic templates when the related context
	is a generic subprogram. The same pragmas are no longer
	forcefully fully analyzed when the context is a subprogram
	that acts as a compilation unit. Pragmas Abstract_State,
	Initial_Condition, Initializes and Refined_State have been clean
	up. Pragmas Post, Post_Class, Postcondition, Pre, Pre_Class
	and Precondition now use the same routine for analysis. Pragma
	Refined_Post does not need to check the use of 'Result or
	the lack of a post-state in its expression. Reimplement the
	analysis of pragma Test_Case.
	(Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition): New routine.
	(Analyze_Refined_Depends_In_Decl_Part): Use Get_Argument to obtain the
	proper expression.
	(Analyze_Refined_Global_In_Decl_Part): Use Get_Argument to obtain
	the proper expression.
	(Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part): Reimplemented.
	(Check_Pre_Post): Removed.
	(Check_Precondition_Postcondition): Removed.
	(Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS): Removed.
	(Check_Test_Case): Removed.
	(Collect_Subprogram_Inputs_Outputs): Use Get_Argument
	to obtain the proper expression. Use Corresponding_Spec_Of to
	find the proper spec.
	(Create_Generic_Template): New routine.
	(Duplication_Error): New routine.
	(Expression_Function_Error): New routine.
	(Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body): Moved to the spec
	of Sem_Prag. Emit precise error messages. Account for cases of
	rewritten expression functions, generic instantiations, handled
	sequence of statements and pragmas from aspects.
	(Get_Argument): New routine.
	(Make_Aspect_For_PPC_In_Gen_Sub_Decl): Removed.
	(Preanalyze_CTC_Args): Removed.
	(Process_Class_Wide_Condition): New routine.
	* sem_prag.ads (Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part): Update
	the parameter profile along with the comment on usage.
	(Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body): Moved from the body of Sem_Prag.
	(Make_Aspect_For_PPC_In_Gen_Sub_Decl): Removed.
	(Test_Case_Arg): New routine.
	* sem_util.adb Add with and use clauses for Sem_Ch6.
	(Add_Contract_Item): This routine now creates a contract
	node the first time an item is added. Remove the duplicate
	aspect/pragma checks.
	(Check_Result_And_Post_State): Reimplemented.
	(Corresponding_Spec_Of): New routine.
	(Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma): Removed.
	(Get_Requires_From_CTC_Pragma): Removed.
	(Has_Significant_Contract): New routine.
	(Inherit_Subprogram_Contract): Inherit only if the source
	has a contract.
	(Install_Generic_Formals): New routine.
	(Original_Aspect_Name): Removed.
	(Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name): New routine.
	* sem_util.ads (Check_Result_And_Post_State): Reimplemented.
	(Corresponding_Spec_Of): New routine.
	(Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma): Removed.
	(Get_Requires_From_CTC_Pragma): Removed.
	(Has_Significant_Contract): New routine.
	(Install_Generic_Formals): New routine.
	(Original_Aspect_Name): Removed.
	(Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name): New routine.
	* sem_warn.adb Add with and use clauses for Sem_Prag.
	(Within_Postcondition): Use Test_Case_Arg to extract "Ensures".
diff mbox


Index: exp_prag.adb
--- exp_prag.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ exp_prag.adb	(working copy)
@@ -274,18 +274,20 @@ 
       --  Given the entity Id of a boolean flag, generate:
       --    Id : Boolean := False;
-      procedure Expand_Old_In_Consequence
+      procedure Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence
         (Decls  : List_Id;
          Evals  : in out Node_Id;
          Flag   : Entity_Id;
          Conseq : Node_Id);
       --  Perform specialized expansion of all attribute 'Old references found
       --  in consequence Conseq such that at runtime only prefixes coming from
-      --  the selected consequence are evaluated. Any temporaries generated in
-      --  the process are added to declarative list Decls. Evals is a complex
-      --  if statement tasked with the evaluation of all prefixes coming from
-      --  a selected consequence. Flag is the corresponding case guard flag.
-      --  Conseq is the consequence expression.
+      --  the selected consequence are evaluated. Similarly expand attribute
+      --  'Result references by replacing them with identifier _result which
+      --  resolves to the sole formal parameter of procedure _Postconditions.
+      --  Any temporaries generated in the process are added to declarations
+      --  Decls. Evals is a complex if statement tasked with the evaluation of
+      --  all prefixes coming from a single selected consequence. Flag is the
+      --  corresponding case guard flag. Conseq is the consequence expression.
       function Increment (Id : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
       --  Given the entity Id of a numerical variable, generate:
@@ -409,11 +411,11 @@ 
              Expression          => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc));
       end Declaration_Of;
-      -------------------------------
-      -- Expand_Old_In_Consequence --
-      -------------------------------
+      --------------------------------------
+      -- Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence --
+      --------------------------------------
-      procedure Expand_Old_In_Consequence
+      procedure Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence
         (Decls  : List_Id;
          Evals  : in out Node_Id;
          Flag   : Entity_Id;
@@ -423,20 +425,22 @@ 
          --  The evaluation sequence expressed as assignment statements of all
          --  prefixes of attribute 'Old found in the current consequence.
-         function Expand_Old (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-         --  Determine whether an arbitrary node denotes attribute 'Old and if
-         --  it does, perform all expansion-related actions.
+         function Expand_Attributes (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+         --  Determine whether an arbitrary node denotes attribute 'Old or
+         --  'Result and if it does, perform all expansion-related actions.
-         ----------------
-         -- Expand_Old --
-         ----------------
+         -----------------------
+         -- Expand_Attributes --
+         -----------------------
-         function Expand_Old (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+         function Expand_Attributes (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
             Decl : Node_Id;
             Pref : Node_Id;
             Temp : Entity_Id;
+            --  Attribute 'Old
             if Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Reference
               and then Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Old
@@ -458,6 +462,7 @@ 
                Set_No_Initialization (Decl);
                Prepend_To (Decls, Decl);
+               Analyze (Decl);
                --  Evaluate the prefix, generate:
                --    Temp := <Pref>;
@@ -481,21 +486,33 @@ 
                --  generated temporary.
                Rewrite (N, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc));
+            --  Attribute 'Result
+            elsif Is_Attribute_Result (N) then
+               Rewrite (N, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uResult));
             end if;
             return OK;
-         end Expand_Old;
+         end Expand_Attributes;
-         procedure Expand_Olds is new Traverse_Proc (Expand_Old);
+         procedure Expand_Attributes_In is
+           new Traverse_Proc (Expand_Attributes);
-      --  Start of processing for Expand_Old_In_Consequence
+      --  Start of processing for Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence
-         --  Inspect the consequence and expand any attribute 'Old references
-         --  found within.
+         --  Inspect the consequence and expand any attribute 'Old and 'Result
+         --  references found within.
-         Expand_Olds (Conseq);
+         Expand_Attributes_In (Conseq);
+         --  The consequence does not contain any attribute 'Old references
+         if No (Eval_Stmts) then
+            return;
+         end if;
          --  Augment the machinery to trigger the evaluation of all prefixes
          --  found in the step above. If Eval is empty, then this is the first
          --  consequence to yield expansion of 'Old. Generate:
@@ -525,7 +542,7 @@ 
                 Condition       => New_Occurrence_Of (Flag, Loc),
                 Then_Statements => Eval_Stmts));
          end if;
-      end Expand_Old_In_Consequence;
+      end Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence;
       -- Increment --
@@ -565,11 +582,15 @@ 
       Conseq        : Node_Id;
       Conseq_Checks : Node_Id   := Empty;
       Count         : Entity_Id;
+      Count_Decl    : Node_Id;
       Error_Decls   : List_Id;
       Flag          : Entity_Id;
+      Flag_Decl     : Node_Id;
+      If_Stmt       : Node_Id;
       Msg_Str       : Entity_Id;
       Multiple_PCs  : Boolean;
       Old_Evals     : Node_Id   := Empty;
+      Others_Decl   : Node_Id;
       Others_Flag   : Entity_Id := Empty;
       Post_Case     : Node_Id;
@@ -596,13 +617,15 @@ 
       --    Count : Natural := 0;
       Count := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'C');
-      Prepend_To (Decls,
+      Count_Decl :=
         Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
           Defining_Identifier => Count,
           Object_Definition   => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc),
-          Expression          => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0)));
+          Expression          => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0));
+      Prepend_To (Decls, Count_Decl);
+      Analyze (Count_Decl);
       --  Create the base error message for multiple overlapping case guards
       --    Msg_Str : constant String :=
@@ -634,8 +657,11 @@ 
          if Nkind (Case_Guard) = N_Others_Choice then
             Others_Flag := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'F');
-            Prepend_To (Decls, Declaration_Of (Others_Flag));
+            Others_Decl := Declaration_Of (Others_Flag);
+            Prepend_To (Decls, Others_Decl);
+            Analyze (Others_Decl);
             --  Check possible overlap between a case guard and "others"
             if Multiple_PCs and Exception_Extra_Info then
@@ -647,9 +673,9 @@ 
             end if;
             --  Inspect the consequence and perform special expansion of any
-            --  attribute 'Old references found within.
+            --  attribute 'Old and 'Result references found within.
-            Expand_Old_In_Consequence
+            Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence
               (Decls  => Decls,
                Evals  => Old_Evals,
                Flag   => Others_Flag,
@@ -669,21 +695,27 @@ 
             --  guard.
             Flag := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'F');
-            Prepend_To (Decls, Declaration_Of (Flag));
+            Flag_Decl := Declaration_Of (Flag);
+            Prepend_To (Decls, Flag_Decl);
+            Analyze (Flag_Decl);
             --  The flag is set when the case guard is evaluated to True
             --    if Case_Guard then
             --       Flag  := True;
             --       Count := Count + 1;
             --    end if;
-            Append_To (Decls,
+            If_Stmt :=
               Make_Implicit_If_Statement (CCs,
                 Condition       => Relocate_Node (Case_Guard),
                 Then_Statements => New_List (
                   Set (Flag),
-                  Increment (Count))));
+                  Increment (Count)));
+            Append_To (Decls, If_Stmt);
+            Analyze (If_Stmt);
             --  Check whether this case guard overlaps with another one
             if Multiple_PCs and Exception_Extra_Info then
@@ -695,9 +727,9 @@ 
             end if;
             --  Inspect the consequence and perform special expansion of any
-            --  attribute 'Old references found within.
+            --  attribute 'Old and 'Result references found within.
-            Expand_Old_In_Consequence
+            Expand_Attributes_In_Consequence
               (Decls  => Decls,
                Evals  => Old_Evals,
                Flag   => Flag,
@@ -783,11 +815,15 @@ 
       end if;
       Append_To (Decls, CG_Checks);
+      Analyze (CG_Checks);
       --  Once all case guards are evaluated and checked, evaluate any prefixes
       --  of attribute 'Old founds in the selected consequence.
-      Append_To (Decls, Old_Evals);
+      if Present (Old_Evals) then
+         Append_To (Decls, Old_Evals);
+         Analyze (Old_Evals);
+      end if;
       --  Raise Assertion_Error when the corresponding consequence of a case
       --  guard that evaluated to True fails.
Index: sem_ch3.adb
--- sem_ch3.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch3.adb	(working copy)
@@ -2471,6 +2471,7 @@ 
             Analyze_Object_Contract (Defining_Entity (Decl));
          elsif Nkind_In (Decl, N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration,
+                               N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration,
             Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Defining_Entity (Decl));
@@ -4116,8 +4117,6 @@ 
          if Present (E) then
             Set_Has_Initial_Value (Id);
          end if;
-         Set_Contract (Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Id)));
       end if;
       --  Initialize alignment and size and capture alignment setting
@@ -14486,7 +14485,6 @@ 
       New_Subp := New_Entity (Nkind (Parent_Subp), Sloc (Derived_Type));
       Set_Ekind (New_Subp, Ekind (Parent_Subp));
-      Set_Contract (New_Subp, Make_Contract (Sloc (New_Subp)));
       --  Check whether the inherited subprogram is a private operation that
       --  should be inherited but not yet made visible. Such subprograms can
@@ -16468,7 +16466,7 @@ 
             Set_Has_Private_Declaration (Prev);
             Set_Has_Private_Declaration (Id);
-            --  AI12-0133: Indicate whether we have a partial view with
+            --  AI12-0133: indicate whether we have a partial view with
             --  unknown discriminants, in which case initialization of objects
             --  of the type do not receive an invariant check.
@@ -19445,7 +19443,7 @@ 
               and then Limited_Present (Type_Definition (Orig_Decl))
-                ("full view of non-limited extension cannot be limited", N);
+                 ("full view of non-limited extension cannot be limited", N);
             --  Conversely, if the partial view carries the limited keyword,
             --  the full view must as well, even if it may be redundant.
@@ -19454,8 +19452,8 @@ 
               and then not Limited_Present (Type_Definition (Orig_Decl))
-                ("full view of limited extension must be explicitly limited",
-                 N);
+                 ("full view of limited extension must be explicitly limited",
+                  N);
             end if;
          end if;
Index: exp_ch9.adb
--- exp_ch9.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ exp_ch9.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1919,68 +1919,59 @@ 
    procedure Build_PPC_Wrapper (E : Entity_Id; Decl : Node_Id) is
+      Items      : constant Node_Id    := Contract (E);
       Loc        : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (E);
-      Synch_Type : constant Entity_Id := Scope (E);
-      Wrapper_Id : constant Entity_Id :=
-                     Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
-                       Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (E), 'E'));
-      --  the wrapper procedure name
-      Wrapper_Body : Node_Id;
-      Synch_Id : constant Entity_Id :=
-                   Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
-                     Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Scope (E)), 'A'));
-      --  The parameter that designates the synchronized object in the call
-      Actuals : constant List_Id := New_List;
-      --  The actuals in the entry call
-      Decls : constant List_Id := New_List;
+      Synch_Type : constant Entity_Id  := Scope (E);
+      Actuals    : List_Id;
+      Decls      : List_Id;
       Entry_Call : Node_Id;
       Entry_Name : Node_Id;
+      Params     : List_Id;
+      Prag       : Node_Id;
+      Synch_Id   : Entity_Id;
+      Wrapper_Id : Entity_Id;
-      Specs : List_Id;
-      --  The specification of the wrapper procedure
-      --  Only build the wrapper if entry has pre/postconditions.
+      --  Only build the wrapper if entry has pre/postconditions
       --  Should this be done unconditionally instead ???
-      declare
-         P : Node_Id;
+      if Present (Items) then
+         Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
-      begin
-         P := Pre_Post_Conditions (Contract (E));
-         if No (P) then
+         if No (Prag) then
          end if;
          --  Transfer ppc pragmas to the declarations of the wrapper
-         while Present (P) loop
-            if Nam_In (Pragma_Name (P), Name_Precondition,
-                                        Name_Postcondition)
+         Decls := New_List;
+         while Present (Prag) loop
+            if Nam_In (Pragma_Name (Prag), Name_Precondition,
+                                           Name_Postcondition)
-               Append (Relocate_Node (P), Decls);
+               Append (Relocate_Node (Prag), Decls);
                Set_Analyzed (Last (Decls), False);
             end if;
-            P := Next_Pragma (P);
+            Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
          end loop;
-      end;
+      else
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Actuals  := New_List;
+      Synch_Id :=
+        Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+          Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Scope (E)), 'A'));
       --  First formal is synchronized object
-      Specs := New_List (
+      Params := New_List (
         Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
           Defining_Identifier => Synch_Id,
-          Out_Present         =>  True,
-          In_Present          =>  True,
+          Out_Present         => True,
+          In_Present          => True,
           Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Scope (E), Loc)));
       Entry_Name :=
@@ -1996,7 +1987,7 @@ 
             Index : constant Entity_Id :=
                       Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_I);
-            Append_To (Specs,
+            Append_To (Params,
               Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
                 Defining_Identifier => Index,
                 Parameter_Type      =>
@@ -2033,7 +2024,7 @@ 
                 In_Present          => In_Present  (Parent (Form)),
                 Parameter_Type      => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (Form), Loc));
-            Append (Parm_Spec, Specs);
+            Append (Parm_Spec, Params);
             Append (New_Occurrence_Of (New_Form, Loc), Actuals);
             Next_Formal (Form);
          end loop;
@@ -2065,21 +2056,22 @@ 
       end if;
+      Wrapper_Id :=
+        Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_External_Name (Chars (E), 'E'));
       Set_PPC_Wrapper (E, Wrapper_Id);
-      Wrapper_Body :=
+      --  The wrapper body is analyzed when the enclosing type is frozen
+      Append_Freeze_Action (Defining_Entity (Decl),
         Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
           Specification              =>
             Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc,
               Defining_Unit_Name       => Wrapper_Id,
-              Parameter_Specifications => Specs),
+              Parameter_Specifications => Params),
           Declarations               => Decls,
           Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
             Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
-              Statements => New_List (Entry_Call)));
-      --  The wrapper body is analyzed when the enclosing type is frozen
-      Append_Freeze_Action (Defining_Entity (Decl), Wrapper_Body);
+              Statements => New_List (Entry_Call))));
    end Build_PPC_Wrapper;
@@ -12087,6 +12079,7 @@ 
          Ent := First_Entity (Tasktyp);
          while Present (Ent) loop
             if Ekind_In (Ent, E_Entry, E_Entry_Family)
+              and then Present (Contract (Ent))
               and then Present (Pre_Post_Conditions (Contract (Ent)))
                Build_PPC_Wrapper (Ent, N);
Index: sem_ch7.adb
--- sem_ch7.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch7.adb	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ 
                elsif Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Reference
                  and then Is_Entity_Name (Prefix (N))
+                 and then Present (Entity (Prefix (N)))
                  and then Is_Subprogram (Entity (Prefix (N)))
                   Reference_Seen := True;
@@ -690,7 +691,6 @@ 
       Set_Ekind (Body_Id, E_Package_Body);
       Set_Body_Entity (Spec_Id, Body_Id);
       Set_Spec_Entity (Body_Id, Spec_Id);
-      Set_Contract    (Body_Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Body_Id)));
       --  Defining name for the package body is not a visible entity: Only the
       --  defining name for the declaration is visible.
@@ -1017,9 +1017,8 @@ 
       Generate_Definition (Id);
       Enter_Name (Id);
-      Set_Ekind    (Id, E_Package);
-      Set_Etype    (Id, Standard_Void_Type);
-      Set_Contract (Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Id)));
+      Set_Ekind  (Id, E_Package);
+      Set_Etype  (Id, Standard_Void_Type);
       --  Set SPARK_Mode from context only for non-generic package
Index: sem_ch9.adb
--- sem_ch9.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch9.adb	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -1496,7 +1496,7 @@ 
       Generate_Definition (Def_Id);
-      Set_Contract (Def_Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Def_Id)));
       Tasking_Used := True;
       --  Case of no discrete subtype definition
Index: sem_ch10.adb
--- sem_ch10.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch10.adb	(working copy)
@@ -246,13 +246,6 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Compilation_Unit (N : Node_Id) is
-      Unit_Node     : constant Node_Id := Unit (N);
-      Lib_Unit      : Node_Id          := Library_Unit (N);
-      Spec_Id       : Entity_Id;
-      Main_Cunit    : constant Node_Id := Cunit (Main_Unit);
-      Par_Spec_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
-      Unum          : Unit_Number_Type;
       procedure Check_Redundant_Withs
         (Context_Items      : List_Id;
          Spec_Context_Items : List_Id := No_List);
@@ -602,6 +595,15 @@ 
          end loop;
       end Check_Redundant_Withs;
+      --  Local variables
+      Main_Cunit    : constant Node_Id := Cunit (Main_Unit);
+      Unit_Node     : constant Node_Id := Unit (N);
+      Lib_Unit      : Node_Id          := Library_Unit (N);
+      Par_Spec_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
+      Spec_Id       : Entity_Id;
+      Unum          : Unit_Number_Type;
    --  Start of processing for Analyze_Compilation_Unit
@@ -930,6 +932,15 @@ 
       end if;
+      --  Analyze the contract of a [generic] subprogram that acts as a
+      --  compilation unit after all compilation pragmas have been analyzed.
+      if Nkind_In (Unit_Node, N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration,
+                              N_Subprogram_Declaration)
+      then
+         Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Defining_Entity (Unit_Node));
+      end if;
       --  Generate distribution stubs if requested and no error
       if N = Main_Cunit
@@ -1920,39 +1931,6 @@ 
       end if;
    end Analyze_Protected_Body_Stub;
-   -------------------------------------------
-   -- Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub_Contract --
-   -------------------------------------------
-   procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub_Contract (Stub_Id : Entity_Id) is
-      Stub_Decl : constant Node_Id   := Parent (Parent (Stub_Id));
-      Spec_Id   : constant Entity_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Stub_Decl);
-   begin
-      --  A subprogram body stub may act as its own spec or as the completion
-      --  of a previous declaration. Depending on the context, the contract of
-      --  the stub may contain two sets of pragmas.
-      --  The stub is a completion, the applicable pragmas are:
-      --    Contract_Cases
-      --    Depends
-      --    Global
-      --    Postcondition
-      --    Precondition
-      --    Test_Case
-      if Present (Spec_Id) then
-         Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract (Stub_Id);
-      --  The stub acts as its own spec, the applicable pragmas are:
-      --    Refined_Depends
-      --    Refined_Global
-      else
-         Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Stub_Id);
-      end if;
-   end Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub_Contract;
    -- Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub --
@@ -2005,6 +1983,39 @@ 
       Restore_Opt_Config_Switches (Opts);
    end Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub;
+   -------------------------------------------
+   -- Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub_Contract --
+   -------------------------------------------
+   procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub_Contract (Stub_Id : Entity_Id) is
+      Stub_Decl : constant Node_Id   := Parent (Parent (Stub_Id));
+      Spec_Id   : constant Entity_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Stub_Decl);
+   begin
+      --  A subprogram body stub may act as its own spec or as the completion
+      --  of a previous declaration. Depending on the context, the contract of
+      --  the stub may contain two sets of pragmas.
+      --  The stub is a completion, the applicable pragmas are:
+      --    Refined_Depends
+      --    Refined_Global
+      if Present (Spec_Id) then
+         Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract (Stub_Id);
+      --  The stub acts as its own spec, the applicable pragmas are:
+      --    Contract_Cases
+      --    Depends
+      --    Global
+      --    Postcondition
+      --    Precondition
+      --    Test_Case
+      else
+         Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Stub_Id);
+      end if;
+   end Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Stub_Contract;
    -- Analyze_Subunit --
@@ -2831,13 +2842,13 @@ 
          when None =>
-            --  If with'ed unit had a detected fatal error, propagate it
+         --  If with'ed unit had a detected fatal error, propagate it
          when Error_Detected =>
             Set_Fatal_Error (Current_Sem_Unit, Error_Detected);
-            --  If with'ed unit had an ignored error, then propagate it
-            --  but do not overide an existring setting.
+         --  If with'ed unit had an ignored error, then propagate it but do not
+         --  overide an existring setting.
          when Error_Ignored =>
             if Fatal_Error (Current_Sem_Unit) = None then
Index: einfo.adb
--- einfo.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ einfo.adb	(working copy)
@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ 
    --    Hiding_Loop_Variable            Node8
    --    Mechanism                       Uint8 (but returns Mechanism_Type)
    --    Normalized_First_Bit            Uint8
-   --    Postcondition_Proc              Node8
    --    Refinement_Constituents         Elist8
    --    Return_Applies_To               Node8
    --    First_Exit_Statement            Node8
@@ -116,6 +115,7 @@ 
    --    Alignment                       Uint14
    --    Normalized_Position             Uint14
+   --    Postconditions_Proc             Node14
    --    Shadow_Entities                 List14
    --    Discriminant_Number             Uint15
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ 
    --    Warnings_Off_Used_Unmodified    Flag237
    --    Warnings_Off_Used_Unreferenced  Flag238
    --    OK_To_Reorder_Components        Flag239
-   --    Has_Postconditions              Flag240
+   --    Has_Expanded_Contract           Flag240
    --    Optimize_Alignment_Space        Flag241
    --    Optimize_Alignment_Time         Flag242
@@ -1456,6 +1456,12 @@ 
       return Flag47 (Id);
    end Has_Exit;
+   function Has_Expanded_Contract (Id : E) return B is
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Is_Subprogram (Id));
+      return Flag240 (Id);
+   end Has_Expanded_Contract;
    function Has_Forward_Instantiation (Id : E) return B is
       return Flag175 (Id);
@@ -1560,12 +1566,6 @@ 
       return Flag154 (Id);
    end Has_Per_Object_Constraint;
-   function Has_Postconditions (Id : E) return B is
-   begin
-      pragma Assert (Is_Subprogram (Id));
-      return Flag240 (Id);
-   end Has_Postconditions;
    function Has_Pragma_Controlled (Id : E) return B is
       pragma Assert (Is_Access_Type (Id));
@@ -2750,11 +2750,14 @@ 
       return Elist15 (Id);
    end Pending_Access_Types;
-   function Postcondition_Proc (Id : E) return E is
+   function Postconditions_Proc (Id : E) return E is
-      pragma Assert (Ekind (Id) = E_Procedure);
-      return Node8 (Id);
-   end Postcondition_Proc;
+      pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Entry,
+                                   E_Entry_Family,
+                                   E_Function,
+                                   E_Procedure));
+      return Node14 (Id);
+   end Postconditions_Proc;
    function PPC_Wrapper (Id : E) return E is
@@ -4276,6 +4279,15 @@ 
       Set_Flag47 (Id, V);
    end Set_Has_Exit;
+   procedure Set_Has_Expanded_Contract (Id : E; V : B := True) is
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Entry,
+                                   E_Entry_Family,
+                                   E_Function,
+                                   E_Procedure));
+      Set_Flag240 (Id, V);
+   end Set_Has_Expanded_Contract;
    procedure Set_Has_Forward_Instantiation (Id : E; V : B := True) is
       Set_Flag175 (Id, V);
@@ -4388,12 +4400,6 @@ 
       Set_Flag154 (Id, V);
    end Set_Has_Per_Object_Constraint;
-   procedure Set_Has_Postconditions (Id : E; V : B := True) is
-   begin
-      pragma Assert (Is_Subprogram (Id));
-      Set_Flag240 (Id, V);
-   end Set_Has_Postconditions;
    procedure Set_Has_Pragma_Controlled (Id : E; V : B := True) is
       pragma Assert (Is_Access_Type (Id));
@@ -5649,11 +5655,14 @@ 
       Set_Elist15 (Id, V);
    end Set_Pending_Access_Types;
-   procedure Set_Postcondition_Proc (Id : E; V : E) is
+   procedure Set_Postconditions_Proc (Id : E; V : E) is
-      pragma Assert (Ekind (Id) = E_Procedure);
-      Set_Node8 (Id, V);
-   end Set_Postcondition_Proc;
+      pragma Assert (Ekind_In (Id, E_Entry,
+                                   E_Entry_Family,
+                                   E_Function,
+                                   E_Procedure));
+      Set_Node14 (Id, V);
+   end Set_Postconditions_Proc;
    procedure Set_PPC_Wrapper (Id : E; V : E) is
@@ -6685,7 +6694,8 @@ 
       pragma Assert
-        (Is_Overloadable (Id)
+        (Is_Generic_Subprogram (Id)
+           or else Is_Overloadable (Id)
            or else Ekind_In (Id, E_Entry_Family,
@@ -6696,6 +6706,16 @@ 
          Formal := First_Entity (Id);
+         --  The first/next entity chain of a generic subprogram contains all
+         --  generic formal parameters, followed by the formal parameters. Go
+         --  directly to the paramters by skipping the formal part.
+         if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Id) then
+            while Present (Formal) and then not Is_Formal (Formal) loop
+               Next_Entity (Formal);
+            end loop;
+         end if;
          if Present (Formal) and then Is_Formal (Formal) then
             return Formal;
@@ -6713,7 +6733,8 @@ 
       pragma Assert
-        (Is_Overloadable (Id)
+        (Is_Generic_Subprogram (Id)
+           or else Is_Overloadable (Id)
            or else Ekind_In (Id, E_Entry_Family,
@@ -6724,6 +6745,16 @@ 
          Formal := First_Entity (Id);
+         --  The first/next entity chain of a generic subprogram contains all
+         --  generic formal parameters, followed by the formal parameters. Go
+         --  directly to the paramters by skipping the formal part.
+         if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Id) then
+            while Present (Formal) and then not Is_Formal (Formal) loop
+               Next_Entity (Formal);
+            end loop;
+         end if;
          if Present (Formal) and then Is_Formal (Formal) then
             return Formal;
@@ -8470,6 +8501,7 @@ 
       W ("Has_Dynamic_Predicate_Aspect",    Flag258 (Id));
       W ("Has_Enumeration_Rep_Clause",      Flag66  (Id));
       W ("Has_Exit",                        Flag47  (Id));
+      W ("Has_Expanded_Contract",           Flag240 (Id));
       W ("Has_Forward_Instantiation",       Flag175 (Id));
       W ("Has_Fully_Qualified_Name",        Flag173 (Id));
       W ("Has_Gigi_Rep_Item",               Flag82  (Id));
@@ -8489,7 +8521,6 @@ 
       W ("Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter",     Flag110 (Id));
       W ("Has_Object_Size_Clause",          Flag172 (Id));
       W ("Has_Per_Object_Constraint",       Flag154 (Id));
-      W ("Has_Postconditions",              Flag240 (Id));
       W ("Has_Pragma_Controlled",           Flag27  (Id));
       W ("Has_Pragma_Elaborate_Body",       Flag150 (Id));
       W ("Has_Pragma_Inline",               Flag157 (Id));
@@ -8882,9 +8913,6 @@ 
               E_Discriminant                               =>
             Write_Str ("Normalized_First_Bit");
-         when E_Procedure                                  =>
-            Write_Str ("Postcondition_Proc");
          when E_Abstract_State                             =>
             Write_Str ("Refinement_Constituents");
@@ -9083,16 +9111,22 @@ 
               Formal_Kind                                  |
               E_Constant                                   |
               E_Exception                                  |
-              E_Variable                                   |
-              E_Loop_Parameter                             =>
+              E_Loop_Parameter                             |
+              E_Variable                                   =>
             Write_Str ("Alignment");
          when E_Component                                  |
               E_Discriminant                               =>
             Write_Str ("Normalized_Position");
-         when E_Package                                    |
-              E_Generic_Package                            =>
+         when E_Entry                                      |
+              E_Entry_Family                               |
+              E_Function                                   |
+              E_Procedure                                  =>
+            Write_Str ("Postconditions_Proc");
+         when E_Generic_Package                            |
+              E_Package                                    =>
             Write_Str ("Shadow_Entities");
          when others                                       =>
Index: einfo.ads
--- einfo.ads	(revision 221098)
+++ einfo.ads	(working copy)
@@ -1565,6 +1565,12 @@ 
 --    Has_Exit (Flag47)
 --       Defined in loop entities. Set if the loop contains an exit statement.
+--    Has_Expanded_Contract (Flag240)
+--       Defined in functions, procedures, entries, and entry families. Set
+--       when a subprogram has a N_Contract node that has been expanded. The
+--       flag prevents double expansion of a contract when a construct is
+--       rewritten into something else and subsequently reanalyzed/expanded.
 --    Has_Foreign_Convention (synthesized)
 --       Applies to all entities. Determines if the Convention for the
 --       entity is a foreign convention (i.e. is other than Convention_Ada,
@@ -1734,10 +1740,6 @@ 
 --       5. N_Range_Constraint - when the range expression uses the
 --          discriminant of the enclosing type.
---    Has_Postconditions (Flag240)
---      Defined in subprogram entities. Set if postconditions are active for
---      the procedure, and a _postconditions procedure has been generated.
 --    Has_Pragma_Controlled (Flag27) [implementation base type only]
 --       Defined in access type entities. It is set if a pragma Controlled
 --       applies to the access type.
@@ -3591,11 +3593,10 @@ 
 --       ensure that the finalization masters of all pending access types are
 --       fully initialized when the full view is frozen.
---    Postcondition_Proc (Node8)
---       Defined only in procedure entities, saves the entity of the generated
---       postcondition proc if one is present, otherwise is set to Empty. Used
---       to generate the call to this procedure in case the expander inserts
---       implicit return statements.
+--    Postconditions_Proc (Node14)
+--       Defined in functions, procedures, entries, and entry families. Refers
+--       to the entity of the _Postconditions procedure used to check contract
+--       assertions on exit from a subprogram.
 --    PPC_Wrapper (Node25)
 --       Defined in entries and entry families. Set only if pre- or post-
@@ -5611,6 +5612,7 @@ 
    --  E_Entry_Family
    --    Protected_Body_Subprogram           (Node11)
    --    Barrier_Function                    (Node12)
+   --    Postconditions_Proc                 (Node14)
    --    Entry_Parameters_Type               (Node15)
    --    First_Entity                        (Node17)
    --    Alias                               (Node18)   (for entry only. Empty)
@@ -5621,11 +5623,12 @@ 
    --    PPC_Wrapper                         (Node25)
    --    Extra_Formals                       (Node28)
    --    Contract                            (Node34)
+   --    Needs_No_Actuals                    (Flag22)
+   --    Uses_Sec_Stack                      (Flag95)
    --    Default_Expressions_Processed       (Flag108)
    --    Entry_Accepted                      (Flag152)
-   --    Needs_No_Actuals                    (Flag22)
    --    Sec_Stack_Needed_For_Return         (Flag167)
-   --    Uses_Sec_Stack                      (Flag95)
+   --    Has_Expanded_Contract               (Flag240)
    --    Address_Clause                      (synth)
    --    Entry_Index_Type                    (synth)
    --    First_Formal                        (synth)
@@ -5707,6 +5710,7 @@ 
    --    Protected_Body_Subprogram           (Node11)
    --    Next_Inlined_Subprogram             (Node12)
    --    Elaboration_Entity                  (Node13)   (not implicit /=)
+   --    Postconditions_Proc                 (Node14)   (non-generic case only)
    --    DT_Position                         (Uint15)
    --    DTC_Entity                          (Node16)
    --    First_Entity                        (Node17)
@@ -5739,12 +5743,12 @@ 
    --    Has_Anonymous_Master                (Flag253)
    --    Has_Completion                      (Flag26)
    --    Has_Controlling_Result              (Flag98)
+   --    Has_Expanded_Contract               (Flag240)  (non-generic case only)
    --    Has_Invariants                      (Flag232)
    --    Has_Master_Entity                   (Flag21)
    --    Has_Missing_Return                  (Flag142)
    --    Has_Nested_Block_With_Handler       (Flag101)
    --    Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter         (Flag110)
-   --    Has_Postconditions                  (Flag240)
    --    Has_Recursive_Call                  (Flag143)
    --    Is_Abstract_Subprogram              (Flag19)   (non-generic case only)
    --    Is_Called                           (Flag102)  (non-generic case only)
@@ -5892,7 +5896,6 @@ 
    --    Linker_Section_Pragma               (Node33)
    --    Contract                            (Node34)
    --    Has_Invariants                      (Flag232)
-   --    Has_Postconditions                  (Flag240)
    --    Is_Machine_Code_Subprogram          (Flag137)
    --    Is_Pure                             (Flag44)
    --    Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram             (Flag64)
@@ -6002,12 +6005,12 @@ 
    --  E_Procedure
    --  E_Generic_Procedure
-   --    Postcondition_Proc                  (Node8)    (non-generic case only)
    --    Renaming_Map                        (Uint9)
    --    Handler_Records                     (List10)   (non-generic case only)
    --    Protected_Body_Subprogram           (Node11)
    --    Next_Inlined_Subprogram             (Node12)
    --    Elaboration_Entity                  (Node13)
+   --    Postconditions_Proc                 (Node14)   (non-generic case only)
    --    DT_Position                         (Uint15)
    --    DTC_Entity                          (Node16)
    --    First_Entity                        (Node17)
@@ -6039,10 +6042,10 @@ 
    --    Discard_Names                       (Flag88)
    --    Has_Anonymous_Master                (Flag253)
    --    Has_Completion                      (Flag26)
+   --    Has_Expanded_Contract               (Flag240)  (non-generic case only)
    --    Has_Invariants                      (Flag232)
    --    Has_Master_Entity                   (Flag21)
    --    Has_Nested_Block_With_Handler       (Flag101)
-   --    Has_Postconditions                  (Flag240)
    --    Is_Abstract_Subprogram              (Flag19)   (non-generic case only)
    --    Is_Asynchronous                     (Flag81)
    --    Is_Called                           (Flag102)  (non-generic case only)
@@ -6656,6 +6659,7 @@ 
    function Has_Dynamic_Predicate_Aspect        (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Enumeration_Rep_Clause          (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Exit                            (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Expanded_Contract               (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Forward_Instantiation           (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Fully_Qualified_Name            (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Gigi_Rep_Item                   (Id : E) return B;
@@ -6676,7 +6680,6 @@ 
    function Has_Object_Size_Clause              (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter         (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Per_Object_Constraint           (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Postconditions                  (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Pragma_Controlled               (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Pragma_Elaborate_Body           (Id : E) return B;
    function Has_Pragma_Inline                   (Id : E) return B;
@@ -6885,7 +6888,7 @@ 
    function Part_Of_Constituents                (Id : E) return L;
    function Partial_View_Has_Unknown_Discr      (Id : E) return B;
    function Pending_Access_Types                (Id : E) return L;
-   function Postcondition_Proc                  (Id : E) return E;
+   function Postconditions_Proc                 (Id : E) return E;
    function Prival                              (Id : E) return E;
    function Prival_Link                         (Id : E) return E;
    function Private_Dependents                  (Id : E) return L;
@@ -7299,6 +7302,7 @@ 
    procedure Set_Has_Dynamic_Predicate_Aspect    (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Enumeration_Rep_Clause      (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Exit                        (Id : E; V : B := True);
+   procedure Set_Has_Expanded_Contract           (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Forward_Instantiation       (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Fully_Qualified_Name        (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Gigi_Rep_Item               (Id : E; V : B := True);
@@ -7318,7 +7322,6 @@ 
    procedure Set_Has_Object_Size_Clause          (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter     (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Per_Object_Constraint       (Id : E; V : B := True);
-   procedure Set_Has_Postconditions              (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Pragma_Controlled           (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Pragma_Elaborate_Body       (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Has_Pragma_Inline               (Id : E; V : B := True);
@@ -7533,7 +7536,7 @@ 
    procedure Set_Part_Of_Constituents            (Id : E; V : L);
    procedure Set_Partial_View_Has_Unknown_Discr  (Id : E; V : B := True);
    procedure Set_Pending_Access_Types            (Id : E; V : L);
-   procedure Set_Postcondition_Proc              (Id : E; V : E);
+   procedure Set_Postconditions_Proc             (Id : E; V : E);
    procedure Set_Prival                          (Id : E; V : E);
    procedure Set_Prival_Link                     (Id : E; V : E);
    procedure Set_Private_Dependents              (Id : E; V : L);
@@ -8057,6 +8060,7 @@ 
    pragma Inline (Has_Dynamic_Predicate_Aspect);
    pragma Inline (Has_Enumeration_Rep_Clause);
    pragma Inline (Has_Exit);
+   pragma Inline (Has_Expanded_Contract);
    pragma Inline (Has_Forward_Instantiation);
    pragma Inline (Has_Fully_Qualified_Name);
    pragma Inline (Has_Gigi_Rep_Item);
@@ -8076,7 +8080,6 @@ 
    pragma Inline (Has_Object_Size_Clause);
    pragma Inline (Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter);
    pragma Inline (Has_Per_Object_Constraint);
-   pragma Inline (Has_Postconditions);
    pragma Inline (Has_Pragma_Controlled);
    pragma Inline (Has_Pragma_Elaborate_Body);
    pragma Inline (Has_Pragma_Inline);
@@ -8333,7 +8336,7 @@ 
    pragma Inline (Part_Of_Constituents);
    pragma Inline (Partial_View_Has_Unknown_Discr);
    pragma Inline (Pending_Access_Types);
-   pragma Inline (Postcondition_Proc);
+   pragma Inline (Postconditions_Proc);
    pragma Inline (Prival);
    pragma Inline (Prival_Link);
    pragma Inline (Private_Dependents);
@@ -8547,6 +8550,7 @@ 
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Dynamic_Predicate_Aspect);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Enumeration_Rep_Clause);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Exit);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Has_Expanded_Contract);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Forward_Instantiation);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Fully_Qualified_Name);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Gigi_Rep_Item);
@@ -8566,7 +8570,6 @@ 
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Object_Size_Clause);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Out_Or_In_Out_Parameter);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Per_Object_Constraint);
-   pragma Inline (Set_Has_Postconditions);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Pragma_Controlled);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Pragma_Elaborate_Body);
    pragma Inline (Set_Has_Pragma_Inline);
@@ -8780,7 +8783,7 @@ 
    pragma Inline (Set_Part_Of_Constituents);
    pragma Inline (Set_Partial_View_Has_Unknown_Discr);
    pragma Inline (Set_Pending_Access_Types);
-   pragma Inline (Set_Postcondition_Proc);
+   pragma Inline (Set_Postconditions_Proc);
    pragma Inline (Set_Prival);
    pragma Inline (Set_Prival_Link);
    pragma Inline (Set_Private_Dependents);
Index: checks.adb
--- checks.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ checks.adb	(working copy)
@@ -2417,31 +2417,95 @@ 
       Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
       procedure Add_Validity_Check
-        (Context    : Entity_Id;
-         PPC_Nam    : Name_Id;
+        (Formal     : Entity_Id;
+         Prag_Nam   : Name_Id;
          For_Result : Boolean := False);
       --  Add a single 'Valid[_Scalar] check which verifies the initialization
-      --  of Context. PPC_Nam denotes the pre or post condition pragma name.
+      --  of Formal. Prag_Nam denotes the pre or post condition pragma name.
       --  Set flag For_Result when to verify the result of a function.
-      procedure Build_PPC_Pragma (PPC_Nam : Name_Id; Check : Node_Id);
-      --  Create a pre or post condition pragma with name PPC_Nam which
-      --  tests expression Check.
       -- Add_Validity_Check --
       procedure Add_Validity_Check
-        (Context    : Entity_Id;
-         PPC_Nam    : Name_Id;
+        (Formal     : Entity_Id;
+         Prag_Nam   : Name_Id;
          For_Result : Boolean := False)
+         procedure Build_Pre_Post_Condition (Expr : Node_Id);
+         --  Create a pre/postcondition pragma that tests expression Expr
+         ------------------------------
+         -- Build_Pre_Post_Condition --
+         ------------------------------
+         procedure Build_Pre_Post_Condition (Expr : Node_Id) is
+            Loc   : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Subp);
+            Decls : List_Id;
+            Prag  : Node_Id;
+         begin
+            Prag :=
+              Make_Pragma (Loc,
+                Pragma_Identifier            =>
+                  Make_Identifier (Loc, Prag_Nam),
+                Pragma_Argument_Associations => New_List (
+                  Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Loc,
+                    Chars      => Name_Check,
+                    Expression => Expr)));
+            --  Add a message unless exception messages are suppressed
+            if not Exception_Locations_Suppressed then
+               Append_To (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag),
+                 Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Loc,
+                   Chars      => Name_Message,
+                   Expression =>
+                     Make_String_Literal (Loc,
+                       Strval => "failed "
+                                 & Get_Name_String (Prag_Nam)
+                                 & " from "
+                                 & Build_Location_String (Loc))));
+            end if;
+            --  Insert the pragma in the tree
+            if Nkind (Parent (Subp_Decl)) = N_Compilation_Unit then
+               Add_Global_Declaration (Prag);
+               Analyze (Prag);
+            --  PPC pragmas associated with subprogram bodies must be inserted
+            --  in the declarative part of the body.
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body then
+               Decls := Declarations (Subp_Decl);
+               if No (Decls) then
+                  Decls := New_List;
+                  Set_Declarations (Subp_Decl, Decls);
+               end if;
+               Prepend_To (Decls, Prag);
+               Analyze (Prag);
+            --  For subprogram declarations insert the PPC pragma right after
+            --  the declarative node.
+            else
+               Insert_After_And_Analyze (Subp_Decl, Prag);
+            end if;
+         end Build_Pre_Post_Condition;
+         --  Local variables
          Loc   : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Subp);
-         Typ   : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (Context);
+         Typ   : constant Entity_Id  := Etype (Formal);
          Check : Node_Id;
          Nam   : Name_Id;
+      --  Start of processing for Add_Validity_Check
          --  For scalars, generate 'Valid test
@@ -2462,7 +2526,7 @@ 
          --  Step 1: Create the expression to verify the validity of the
          --  context.
-         Check := New_Occurrence_Of (Context, Loc);
+         Check := New_Occurrence_Of (Formal, Loc);
          --  When processing a function result, use 'Result. Generate
          --    Context'Result
@@ -2484,73 +2548,9 @@ 
          --  Step 2: Create a pre or post condition pragma
-         Build_PPC_Pragma (PPC_Nam, Check);
+         Build_Pre_Post_Condition (Check);
       end Add_Validity_Check;
-      ----------------------
-      -- Build_PPC_Pragma --
-      ----------------------
-      procedure Build_PPC_Pragma (PPC_Nam : Name_Id; Check : Node_Id) is
-         Loc   : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Subp);
-         Decls : List_Id;
-         Prag  : Node_Id;
-      begin
-         Prag :=
-           Make_Pragma (Loc,
-             Pragma_Identifier            => Make_Identifier (Loc, PPC_Nam),
-             Pragma_Argument_Associations => New_List (
-               Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Loc,
-                 Chars      => Name_Check,
-                 Expression => Check)));
-         --  Add a message unless exception messages are suppressed
-         if not Exception_Locations_Suppressed then
-            Append_To (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag),
-              Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Loc,
-                Chars      => Name_Message,
-                Expression =>
-                  Make_String_Literal (Loc,
-                    Strval => "failed " & Get_Name_String (PPC_Nam) &
-                               " from " & Build_Location_String (Loc))));
-         end if;
-         --  Insert the pragma in the tree
-         if Nkind (Parent (Subp_Decl)) = N_Compilation_Unit then
-            Add_Global_Declaration (Prag);
-            Analyze (Prag);
-         --  PPC pragmas associated with subprogram bodies must be inserted in
-         --  the declarative part of the body.
-         elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body then
-            Decls := Declarations (Subp_Decl);
-            if No (Decls) then
-               Decls := New_List;
-               Set_Declarations (Subp_Decl, Decls);
-            end if;
-            Prepend_To (Decls, Prag);
-            --  Ensure the proper visibility of the subprogram body and its
-            --  parameters.
-            Push_Scope (Subp);
-            Analyze (Prag);
-            Pop_Scope;
-         --  For subprogram declarations insert the PPC pragma right after the
-         --  declarative node.
-         else
-            Insert_After_And_Analyze (Subp_Decl, Prag);
-         end if;
-      end Build_PPC_Pragma;
       --  Local variables
       Formal    : Entity_Id;
Index: sem_prag.adb
--- sem_prag.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_prag.adb	(working copy)
@@ -202,12 +202,6 @@ 
    --  _Post, _Invariant, or _Type_Invariant, which are special names used
    --  in identifiers to represent these attribute references.
-   procedure Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS (N : Node_Id);
-   --  In ASIS mode we need to analyze the original expression in the aspect
-   --  specification. For Initializes, Global, and related SPARK aspects, the
-   --  expression has a sui-generis syntax which may be a list, an expression,
-   --  or an aggregate.
    procedure Check_State_And_Constituent_Use
      (States   : Elist_Id;
       Constits : Elist_Id;
@@ -217,22 +211,34 @@ 
    --  corresponding constituent from list Constits (if any) appear in the same
    --  context denoted by Context. If this is the case, emit an error.
-   function Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body
+   procedure Duplication_Error (Prag : Node_Id; Prev : Node_Id);
+   --  Subsidiary to routines Find_Related_Package_Or_Body and
+   --  Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body. Emit an error on pragma Prag that
+   --  duplicates previous pragma Prev.
+   function Find_Related_Package_Or_Body
      (Prag      : Node_Id;
       Do_Checks : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
-   --  Subsidiary to the analysis of pragmas Contract_Cases, Depends, Global,
-   --  Refined_Depends, Refined_Global and Refined_Post. Find the declaration
-   --  of the related subprogram [body or stub] subject to pragma Prag. If flag
-   --  Do_Checks is set, the routine reports duplicate pragmas and detects
-   --  improper use of refinement pragmas in stand alone expression functions.
-   --  The returned value depends on the related pragma as follows:
-   --    1) Pragmas Contract_Cases, Depends and Global yield the corresponding
-   --       N_Subprogram_Declaration node or if the pragma applies to a stand
-   --       alone body, the N_Subprogram_Body node or Empty if illegal.
-   --    2) Pragmas Refined_Depends, Refined_Global and Refined_Post yield
-   --       N_Subprogram_Body or N_Subprogram_Body_Stub nodes or Empty if
-   --       illegal.
+   --  Subsidiary to the analysis of pragmas Abstract_State, Initial_Condition,
+   --  Initializes and Refined_State. Find the declaration of the related
+   --  package [body] subject to pragma Prag. The return value is either
+   --  N_Package_Declaration, N_Package_Body or Empty if the placement of
+   --  the pragma is illegal. If flag Do_Checks is set, the routine reports
+   --  duplicate pragmas.
+   function Get_Argument
+     (Prag    : Node_Id;
+      Spec_Id : Entity_Id := Empty) return Node_Id;
+   --  Obtain the argument of pragma Prag depending on context and the nature
+   --  of the pragma. The argument is extracted in the following manner:
+   --
+   --    When the pragma is generated from an aspect, return the corresponding
+   --    aspect for ASIS or when Spec_Id denotes a generic subprogram.
+   --
+   --    Otherwise return the first argument of Prag
+   --
+   --  Spec_Id denotes the entity of the subprogram spec where Prag resides
    function Get_Base_Subprogram (Def_Id : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
    --  If Def_Id refers to a renamed subprogram, then the base subprogram (the
    --  original one, following the renaming chain) is returned. Otherwise the
@@ -254,11 +260,6 @@ 
    --  tagged, unconstrained array, unconstrained record or a record with at
    --  least one unconstrained component.
-   procedure Preanalyze_CTC_Args (N, Arg_Req, Arg_Ens : Node_Id);
-   --  Preanalyze the boolean expressions in the Requires and Ensures arguments
-   --  of a Test_Case pragma if present (possibly Empty). We treat these as
-   --  spec expressions (i.e. similar to a default expression).
    procedure Record_Possible_Body_Reference
      (State_Id : Entity_Id;
       Ref      : Node_Id);
@@ -276,8 +277,8 @@ 
    procedure Rewrite_Assertion_Kind (N : Node_Id);
    --  If N is Pre'Class, Post'Class, Invariant'Class, or Type_Invariant'Class,
    --  then it is rewritten as an identifier with the corresponding special
-   --  name _Pre, _Post, _Invariant, or _Type_Invariant. Used by pragmas
-   --  Check, Check_Policy.
+   --  name _Pre, _Post, _Invariant, or _Type_Invariant. Used by pragmas Check
+   --  and Check_Policy.
    procedure Set_Elab_Unit_Name (N : Node_Id; With_Item : Node_Id);
    --  Place semantic information on the argument of an Elaborate/Elaborate_All
@@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ 
       Subp_Decl := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
       Subp_Id   := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
-      All_Cases := Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
+      All_Cases := Expression (Get_Argument (N, Subp_Id));
       --  Single and multiple contract cases must appear in aggregate form. If
       --  this is not the case, then either the parser of the analysis of the
@@ -447,12 +448,8 @@ 
       pragma Assert (Nkind (All_Cases) = N_Aggregate);
-      if No (Component_Associations (All_Cases)) then
-         Error_Msg_N ("wrong syntax for constract cases", N);
+      if Present (Component_Associations (All_Cases)) then
-      --  Individual contract cases appear as component associations
-      else
          --  Ensure that the formal parameters are visible when analyzing all
          --  clauses. This falls out of the general rule of aspects pertaining
          --  to subprogram declarations. Skip the installation for subprogram
@@ -461,7 +458,12 @@ 
          if not In_Open_Scopes (Subp_Id) then
             Restore_Scope := True;
             Push_Scope (Subp_Id);
-            Install_Formals (Subp_Id);
+            if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id) then
+               Install_Generic_Formals (Subp_Id);
+            else
+               Install_Formals (Subp_Id);
+            end if;
          end if;
          CCase := First (Component_Associations (All_Cases));
@@ -473,6 +475,8 @@ 
          if Restore_Scope then
          end if;
+      else
+         Error_Msg_N ("wrong syntax for constract cases", N);
       end if;
    end Analyze_Contract_Cases_In_Decl_Part;
@@ -872,8 +876,7 @@ 
                              ("cannot mention state & in global refinement",
                               Item, Item_Id);
-                           SPARK_Msg_N
-                             ("\use its constituents instead", Item);
+                           SPARK_Msg_N ("\use its constituents instead", Item);
                         --  If the reference to the abstract state appears in
@@ -1557,10 +1560,8 @@ 
       --  Local variables
-      Deps        : constant Node_Id :=
-                      Get_Pragma_Arg
-                        (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
       Clause      : Node_Id;
+      Deps        : Node_Id;
       Errors      : Nat;
       Last_Clause : Node_Id;
       Subp_Decl   : Node_Id;
@@ -1575,26 +1576,15 @@ 
       Subp_Decl := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
       Subp_Id   := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
+      Deps      := Expression (Get_Argument (N, Subp_Id));
       --  The logic in this routine is used to analyze both pragma Depends and
       --  pragma Refined_Depends since they have the same syntax and base
       --  semantics. Find the entity of the corresponding spec when analyzing
       --  Refined_Depends.
-      if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
-        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
-      then
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl);
+      Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of (Subp_Decl);
-      elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
-        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl))
-      then
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl);
-      else
-         Spec_Id := Subp_Id;
-      end if;
       --  Empty dependency list
       if Nkind (Deps) = N_Null then
@@ -1648,7 +1638,12 @@ 
             if not In_Open_Scopes (Spec_Id) then
                Restore_Scope := True;
                Push_Scope (Spec_Id);
-               Install_Formals (Spec_Id);
+               if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Spec_Id) then
+                  Install_Generic_Formals (Spec_Id);
+               else
+                  Install_Formals (Spec_Id);
+               end if;
             end if;
             Clause := First (Component_Associations (Deps));
@@ -2189,41 +2184,28 @@ 
       --  Local variables
-      Items     : constant Node_Id :=
-                    Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
+      Items     : Node_Id;
       Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
       Restore_Scope : Boolean := False;
       --  Set True if we do a Push_Scope requiring a Pop_Scope on exit
-   --  Start of processing for Analyze_Global_In_Decl_List
+   --  Start of processing for Analyze_Global_In_Decl_Part
       Set_Analyzed (N);
-      Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS (N);
       Subp_Decl := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
       Subp_Id   := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
+      Items     := Expression (Get_Argument (N, Subp_Id));
       --  The logic in this routine is used to analyze both pragma Global and
       --  pragma Refined_Global since they have the same syntax and base
       --  semantics. Find the entity of the corresponding spec when analyzing
       --  Refined_Global.
-      if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
-        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
-      then
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl);
+      Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of (Subp_Decl);
-      elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
-        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl))
-      then
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl);
-      else
-         Spec_Id := Subp_Id;
-      end if;
       --  There is nothing to be done for a null global list
       if Nkind (Items) = N_Null then
@@ -2241,7 +2223,12 @@ 
          if not In_Open_Scopes (Spec_Id) then
             Restore_Scope := True;
             Push_Scope (Spec_Id);
-            Install_Formals (Spec_Id);
+            if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Spec_Id) then
+               Install_Generic_Formals (Spec_Id);
+            else
+               Install_Formals (Spec_Id);
+            end if;
          end if;
          Analyze_Global_List (Items);
@@ -2265,8 +2252,7 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Initial_Condition_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id) is
-      Expr : constant Node_Id :=
-               Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
+      Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Get_Argument (N));
       Set_Analyzed (N);
@@ -2601,8 +2587,7 @@ 
       --  Local variables
-      Inits : constant Node_Id :=
-                Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
+      Inits : constant Node_Id := Expression (Get_Argument (N));
       Init  : Node_Id;
    --  Start of processing for Analyze_Initializes_In_Decl_Part
@@ -2610,8 +2595,6 @@ 
       Set_Analyzed (N);
-      Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS (N);
       --  Nothing to do when the initialization list is empty
       if Nkind (Inits) = N_Null then
@@ -2717,6 +2700,9 @@ 
       --  encapsulating state. Indic is the Part_Of indicator. Flag Legal is
       --  set when the indicator is legal.
+      procedure Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition;
+      --  Subsidiary to the analysis of pragmas Precondition and Postcondition
       procedure Analyze_Refined_Pragma
         (Spec_Id : out Entity_Id;
          Body_Id : out Entity_Id;
@@ -2918,54 +2904,12 @@ 
       --  In this version of the procedure, the identifier name is given as
       --  a string with lower case letters.
-      procedure Check_Pre_Post;
-      --  Called to perform checks for Pre, Pre_Class, Post, Post_Class
-      --  pragmas. These are processed by transformation to equivalent
-      --  Precondition and Postcondition pragmas, but Pre and Post need an
-      --  additional check that they are not used in a subprogram body when
-      --  there is a separate spec present.
-      procedure Check_Precondition_Postcondition (In_Body : out Boolean);
-      --  Called to process a precondition or postcondition pragma. There are
-      --  three cases:
-      --
-      --    The pragma appears after a subprogram spec
-      --
-      --      If the corresponding check is not enabled, the pragma is analyzed
-      --      but otherwise ignored and control returns with In_Body set False.
-      --
-      --      If the check is enabled, then the first step is to analyze the
-      --      pragma, but this is skipped if the subprogram spec appears within
-      --      a package specification (because this is the case where we delay
-      --      analysis till the end of the spec). Then (whether or not it was
-      --      analyzed), the pragma is chained to the subprogram in question
-      --      (using Pre_Post_Conditions and Next_Pragma) and control returns
-      --      to the caller with In_Body set False.
-      --
-      --    The pragma appears at the start of subprogram body declarations
-      --
-      --      In this case an immediate return to the caller is made with
-      --      In_Body set True, and the pragma is NOT analyzed.
-      --
-      --    In all other cases, an error message for bad placement is given
       procedure Check_Static_Constraint (Constr : Node_Id);
       --  Constr is a constraint from an N_Subtype_Indication node from a
       --  component constraint in an Unchecked_Union type. This routine checks
       --  that the constraint is static as required by the restrictions for
       --  Unchecked_Union.
-      procedure Check_Test_Case;
-      --  Called to process a test-case pragma. It starts with checking pragma
-      --  arguments, and the rest of the treatment is similar to the one for
-      --  pre- and postcondition in Check_Precondition_Postcondition, except
-      --  the placement rules for the test-case pragma are stricter. These
-      --  pragmas may only occur after a subprogram spec declared directly
-      --  in a package spec unit. In this case, the pragma is chained to the
-      --  subprogram in question (using Contract_Test_Cases and Next_Pragma)
-      --  and analysis of the pragma is delayed till the end of the spec. In
-      --  all other cases, an error message for bad placement is given.
       procedure Check_Valid_Configuration_Pragma;
       --  Legality checks for placement of a configuration pragma
@@ -2983,11 +2927,21 @@ 
       --  presence of at least one component. UU_Typ is the related Unchecked_
       --  Union type.
+      procedure Create_Generic_Template
+        (Prag    : Node_Id;
+         Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+      --  Subsidiary routine to the processing of pragmas Contract_Cases,
+      --  Depends, Global, Postcondition, Precondition and Test_Case. Create
+      --  a generic template for pragma Prag when Prag is a source construct
+      --  and the related context denoted by Subp_Id is a generic subprogram.
       procedure Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg : Node_Id);
       --  Subsidiary routine to the processing of pragmas Abstract_State,
       --  Contract_Cases, Depends, Global, Initializes, Refined_Depends,
-      --  Refined_Global and Refined_State. Transform argument Arg into an
-      --  aggregate if not one already. N_Null is never transformed.
+      --  Refined_Global and Refined_State. Transform argument Arg into
+      --  an aggregate if not one already. N_Null is never transformed.
+      --  Arg may denote an aspect specification or a pragma argument
+      --  association.
       procedure Error_Pragma (Msg : String);
       pragma No_Return (Error_Pragma);
@@ -3469,6 +3423,172 @@ 
          Legal := True;
       end Analyze_Part_Of;
+      --------------------------------
+      -- Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition --
+      --------------------------------
+      procedure Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition is
+         Prag_Iden : constant Node_Id := Pragma_Identifier (N);
+         Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+         Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
+         Duplicates_OK : Boolean := False;
+         --  Flag set when a pre/postcondition allows multiple pragmas of the
+         --  same kind.
+         In_Body_OK : Boolean := False;
+         --  Flag set when a pre/postcondition is allowed to appear on a body
+         --  even though the subprogram may have a spec.
+         Is_Pre_Post : Boolean := False;
+         --  Flag set when the pragma is one of Pre, Pre_Class, Post or
+         --  Post_Class.
+      begin
+         --  Change the name of pragmas Pre, Pre_Class, Post and Post_Class to
+         --  offer uniformity among the various kinds of pre/postconditions by
+         --  rewriting the pragma identifier. This allows the retrieval of the
+         --  original pragma name by routine Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name.
+         if Comes_From_Source (N) then
+            if Nam_In (Pname, Name_Pre, Name_Pre_Class) then
+               Is_Pre_Post := True;
+               Set_Class_Present (N, Pname = Name_Pre_Class);
+               Rewrite (Prag_Iden, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Precondition));
+            elsif Nam_In (Pname, Name_Post, Name_Post_Class) then
+               Is_Pre_Post := True;
+               Set_Class_Present (N, Pname = Name_Post_Class);
+               Rewrite (Prag_Iden, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Postcondition));
+            end if;
+         end if;
+         --  Determine the semantics with respect to duplicates and placement
+         --  in a body. Pragmas Precondition and Postcondition were introduced
+         --  before aspects and are not subject to the same aspect-like rules.
+         if Nam_In (Pname, Name_Precondition, Name_Postcondition) then
+            Duplicates_OK := True;
+            In_Body_OK    := True;
+         end if;
+         GNAT_Pragma;
+         --  Pragmas Pre, Pre_Class, Post and Post_Class allow for a single
+         --  argument without an identifier.
+         if Is_Pre_Post then
+            Check_Arg_Count (1);
+            Check_No_Identifiers;
+         --  Pragmas Precondition and Postcondition have complex argument
+         --  profile.
+         else
+            Check_At_Least_N_Arguments (1);
+            Check_At_Most_N_Arguments  (2);
+            Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg1, Name_Check);
+            if Present (Arg2) then
+               Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg2, Name_Message);
+               Preanalyze_Spec_Expression
+                 (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg2), Standard_String);
+            end if;
+         end if;
+         --  For a pragma PPC in the extended main source unit, record enabled
+         --  status in SCO.
+         --  ??? nothing checks that the pragma is in the main source unit
+         if Is_Checked (N) and then not Split_PPC (N) then
+            Set_SCO_Pragma_Enabled (Loc);
+         end if;
+         --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma
+         Subp_Decl :=
+           Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => not Duplicates_OK);
+         --  When a pre/postcondition pragma applies to an abstract subprogram,
+         --  its original form must be an aspect with 'Class.
+         if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration then
+            if not From_Aspect_Specification (N) then
+               Error_Pragma
+                 ("pragma % cannot be applied to abstract subprogram");
+            elsif not Class_Present (N) then
+               Error_Pragma
+                 ("aspect % requires ''Class for abstract subprogram");
+            end if;
+         --  Entry declaration
+         elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Entry_Declaration then
+            null;
+         --  Generic subprogram declaration
+         elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration then
+            null;
+         --  Subprogram body
+         elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
+           and then (No (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl)) or In_Body_OK)
+         then
+            null;
+         --  Subprogram body stub
+         elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+           and then (No (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl)) or In_Body_OK)
+         then
+            null;
+         --  Subprogram declaration
+         elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+            --  AI05-0230: When a pre/postcondition pragma applies to a null
+            --  procedure, its original form must be an aspect with 'Class.
+            if Nkind (Specification (Subp_Decl)) = N_Procedure_Specification
+              and then Null_Present (Specification (Subp_Decl))
+              and then From_Aspect_Specification (N)
+              and then not Class_Present (N)
+            then
+               Error_Pragma ("aspect % requires ''Class for null procedure");
+            end if;
+         --  Otherwise the placement is illegal
+         else
+            Pragma_Misplaced;
+            return;
+         end if;
+         Subp_Id := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
+         --  Construct a generic template for the pragma when the context is a
+         --  generic subprogram and the pragma is a source construct.
+         Create_Generic_Template (N, Subp_Id);
+         --  Fully analyze the pragma when it appears inside a subprogram
+         --  body because it cannot benefit from forward references.
+         if Nkind_In (Subp_Decl, N_Subprogram_Body,
+                                 N_Subprogram_Body_Stub)
+         then
+            Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part (N);
+         end if;
+         --  Chain the pragma on the contract for further processing
+         Add_Contract_Item (N, Subp_Id);
+      end Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition;
       -- Analyze_Refined_Pragma --
@@ -3492,13 +3612,6 @@ 
          Check_Arg_Count (1);
-         if Nam_In (Pname, Name_Refined_Depends,
-                           Name_Refined_Global,
-                           Name_Refined_State)
-         then
-            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg1);
-         end if;
          --  Verify the placement of the pragma and check for duplicates. The
          --  pragma must apply to a subprogram body [stub].
@@ -3538,7 +3651,7 @@ 
          --  declared in the visible part of a package. Retrieve the context of
          --  the subprogram declaration.
-         Spec_Decl := Parent (Parent (Spec_Id));
+         Spec_Decl := Unit_Declaration_Node (Spec_Id);
          if Nkind (Parent (Spec_Decl)) /= N_Package_Specification then
@@ -3549,6 +3662,13 @@ 
          --  If we get here, then the pragma is legal
+         if Nam_In (Pname, Name_Refined_Depends,
+                           Name_Refined_Global,
+                           Name_Refined_State)
+         then
+            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Get_Argument (N));
+         end if;
          Legal := True;
       end Analyze_Refined_Pragma;
@@ -4847,363 +4967,6 @@ 
          Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg, Name_Find);
       end Check_Optional_Identifier;
-      --------------------
-      -- Check_Pre_Post --
-      --------------------
-      procedure Check_Pre_Post is
-         P  : Node_Id;
-         PO : Node_Id;
-      begin
-         if not Is_List_Member (N) then
-            Pragma_Misplaced;
-         end if;
-         --  If we are within an inlined body, the legality of the pragma
-         --  has been checked already.
-         if In_Inlined_Body then
-            return;
-         end if;
-         --  Search prior declarations
-         P := N;
-         while Present (Prev (P)) loop
-            P := Prev (P);
-            --  If the previous node is a generic subprogram, do not go to to
-            --  the original node, which is the unanalyzed tree: we need to
-            --  attach the pre/postconditions to the analyzed version at this
-            --  point. They get propagated to the original tree when analyzing
-            --  the corresponding body.
-            if Nkind (P) not in N_Generic_Declaration then
-               PO := Original_Node (P);
-            else
-               PO := P;
-            end if;
-            --  Skip past prior pragma
-            if Nkind (PO) = N_Pragma then
-               null;
-            --  Skip stuff not coming from source
-            elsif not Comes_From_Source (PO) then
-               --  The condition may apply to a subprogram instantiation
-               if Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-                 and then Present (Generic_Parent (Specification (PO)))
-               then
-                  return;
-               elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-                 and then In_Instance
-               then
-                  return;
-               --  For all other cases of non source code, do nothing
-               else
-                  null;
-               end if;
-            --  Only remaining possibility is subprogram declaration
-            else
-               return;
-            end if;
-         end loop;
-         --  If we fall through loop, pragma is at start of list, so see if it
-         --  is at the start of declarations of a subprogram body.
-         PO := Parent (N);
-         if Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Body
-           and then List_Containing (N) = Declarations (PO)
-         then
-            --  This is only allowed if there is no separate specification
-            if Present (Corresponding_Spec (PO)) then
-               Error_Pragma
-                 ("pragma% must apply to subprogram specification");
-            end if;
-            return;
-         end if;
-      end Check_Pre_Post;
-      --------------------------------------
-      -- Check_Precondition_Postcondition --
-      --------------------------------------
-      procedure Check_Precondition_Postcondition (In_Body : out Boolean) is
-         P  : Node_Id;
-         PO : Node_Id;
-         procedure Chain_PPC (PO : Node_Id);
-         --  If PO is an entry or a [generic] subprogram declaration node, then
-         --  the precondition/postcondition applies to this subprogram and the
-         --  processing for the pragma is completed. Otherwise the pragma is
-         --  misplaced.
-         ---------------
-         -- Chain_PPC --
-         ---------------
-         procedure Chain_PPC (PO : Node_Id) is
-            S : Entity_Id;
-         begin
-            if Nkind (PO) = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration then
-               if not From_Aspect_Specification (N) then
-                  Error_Pragma
-                    ("pragma% cannot be applied to abstract subprogram");
-               elsif Class_Present (N) then
-                  null;
-               else
-                  Error_Pragma
-                    ("aspect % requires ''Class for abstract subprogram");
-               end if;
-            --  AI05-0230: The same restriction applies to null procedures. For
-            --  compatibility with earlier uses of the Ada pragma, apply this
-            --  rule only to aspect specifications.
-            --  The above discrepency needs documentation. Robert is dubious
-            --  about whether it is a good idea ???
-            elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-              and then Nkind (Specification (PO)) = N_Procedure_Specification
-              and then Null_Present (Specification (PO))
-              and then From_Aspect_Specification (N)
-              and then not Class_Present (N)
-            then
-               Error_Pragma
-                 ("aspect % requires ''Class for null procedure");
-            --  Pre/postconditions are legal on a subprogram body if it is not
-            --  a completion of a declaration. They are also legal on a stub
-            --  with no previous declarations (this is checked when processing
-            --  the corresponding aspects).
-            elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Body
-              and then Acts_As_Spec (PO)
-            then
-               null;
-            elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub then
-               null;
-            elsif not Nkind_In (PO, N_Subprogram_Declaration,
-                                    N_Expression_Function,
-                                    N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration,
-                                    N_Entry_Declaration)
-            then
-               Pragma_Misplaced;
-            end if;
-            --  Here if we have [generic] subprogram or entry declaration
-            if Nkind (PO) = N_Entry_Declaration then
-               S := Defining_Entity (PO);
-            else
-               S := Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (PO));
-               if Nkind (S) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
-                  S := Defining_Identifier (S);
-               end if;
-            end if;
-            --  Note: we do not analyze the pragma at this point. Instead we
-            --  delay this analysis until the end of the declarative part in
-            --  which the pragma appears. This implements the required delay
-            --  in this analysis, allowing forward references. The analysis
-            --  happens at the end of Analyze_Declarations.
-            --  Chain spec PPC pragma to list for subprogram
-            Add_Contract_Item (N, S);
-            --  Return indicating spec case
-            In_Body := False;
-            return;
-         end Chain_PPC;
-      --  Start of processing for Check_Precondition_Postcondition
-      begin
-         if not Is_List_Member (N) then
-            Pragma_Misplaced;
-         end if;
-         --  Preanalyze message argument if present. Visibility in this
-         --  argument is established at the point of pragma occurrence.
-         if Arg_Count = 2 then
-            Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg2, Name_Message);
-            Preanalyze_Spec_Expression
-              (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg2), Standard_String);
-         end if;
-         --  For a pragma PPC in the extended main source unit, record enabled
-         --  status in SCO.
-         if Is_Checked (N) and then not Split_PPC (N) then
-            Set_SCO_Pragma_Enabled (Loc);
-         end if;
-         --  If we are within an inlined body, the legality of the pragma
-         --  has been checked already.
-         if In_Inlined_Body then
-            In_Body := True;
-            return;
-         end if;
-         --  Search prior declarations
-         P := N;
-         while Present (Prev (P)) loop
-            P := Prev (P);
-            --  If the previous node is a generic subprogram, do not go to to
-            --  the original node, which is the unanalyzed tree: we need to
-            --  attach the pre/postconditions to the analyzed version at this
-            --  point. They get propagated to the original tree when analyzing
-            --  the corresponding body.
-            if Nkind (P) not in N_Generic_Declaration then
-               PO := Original_Node (P);
-            else
-               PO := P;
-            end if;
-            --  Skip past prior pragma
-            if Nkind (PO) = N_Pragma then
-               null;
-            --  Skip stuff not coming from source
-            elsif not Comes_From_Source (PO) then
-               --  The condition may apply to a subprogram instantiation
-               if Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-                 and then Present (Generic_Parent (Specification (PO)))
-               then
-                  Chain_PPC (PO);
-                  return;
-               elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-                 and then In_Instance
-               then
-                  Chain_PPC (PO);
-                  return;
-               --  For all other cases of non source code, do nothing
-               else
-                  null;
-               end if;
-            --  Only remaining possibility is subprogram declaration
-            else
-               Chain_PPC (PO);
-               return;
-            end if;
-         end loop;
-         --  If we fall through loop, pragma is at start of list, so see if it
-         --  is at the start of declarations of a subprogram body.
-         PO := Parent (N);
-         if Nkind (PO) = N_Subprogram_Body
-           and then List_Containing (N) = Declarations (PO)
-         then
-            if Operating_Mode /= Generate_Code or else Inside_A_Generic then
-               --  Analyze pragma expression for correctness and for ASIS use
-               Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-                 (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1), Standard_Boolean);
-               --  In ASIS mode, for a pragma generated from a source aspect,
-               --  also analyze the original aspect expression.
-               if ASIS_Mode and then Present (Corresponding_Aspect (N)) then
-                  Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-                    (Expression (Corresponding_Aspect (N)), Standard_Boolean);
-               end if;
-            end if;
-            --  Retain copy of the pre/postcondition pragma in GNATprove mode.
-            --  The copy is needed because the pragma is expanded into other
-            --  constructs which are not acceptable in the N_Contract node.
-            if Acts_As_Spec (PO) and then GNATprove_Mode then
-               declare
-                  Prag : constant Node_Id := New_Copy_Tree (N);
-               begin
-                  --  Preanalyze the pragma
-                  Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-                    (Get_Pragma_Arg
-                       (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag))),
-                     Standard_Boolean);
-                  --  Preanalyze the corresponding aspect (if any)
-                  if Present (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)) then
-                     Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-                       (Expression (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)),
-                     Standard_Boolean);
-                  end if;
-                  --  Chain the copy on the contract of the body
-                  Add_Contract_Item
-                    (Prag, Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (PO)));
-               end;
-            end if;
-            In_Body := True;
-            return;
-         --  See if it is in the pragmas after a library level subprogram
-         elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux then
-            --  In GNATprove mode, analyze pragma expression for correctness,
-            --  as it is not expanded later. Ditto in ASIS_Mode where there is
-            --  no later point at which the aspect will be analyzed.
-            if GNATprove_Mode or ASIS_Mode then
-               Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part
-                 (N, Defining_Entity (Unit (Parent (PO))));
-            end if;
-            Chain_PPC (Unit (Parent (PO)));
-            return;
-         end if;
-         --  If we fall through, pragma was misplaced
-         Pragma_Misplaced;
-      end Check_Precondition_Postcondition;
       -- Check_Static_Constraint --
@@ -5265,178 +5028,6 @@ 
          end case;
       end Check_Static_Constraint;
-      ---------------------
-      -- Check_Test_Case --
-      ---------------------
-      procedure Check_Test_Case is
-         P  : Node_Id;
-         PO : Node_Id;
-         procedure Chain_CTC (PO : Node_Id);
-         --  If PO is a [generic] subprogram declaration node, then the
-         --  test-case applies to this subprogram and the processing for
-         --  the pragma is completed. Otherwise the pragma is misplaced.
-         ---------------
-         -- Chain_CTC --
-         ---------------
-         procedure Chain_CTC (PO : Node_Id) is
-            Name : constant String_Id := Get_Name_From_CTC_Pragma (N);
-            CTC  : Node_Id;
-            S    : Entity_Id;
-         begin
-            if Nkind (PO) = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration then
-               Error_Pragma
-                 ("pragma% cannot be applied to abstract subprogram");
-            elsif Nkind (PO) = N_Entry_Declaration then
-               Error_Pragma ("pragma% cannot be applied to entry");
-            elsif not Nkind_In (PO, N_Subprogram_Declaration,
-                                    N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration)
-            then
-               Pragma_Misplaced;
-            end if;
-            --  Here if we have [generic] subprogram declaration
-            S := Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (PO));
-            --  Note: we do not analyze the pragma at this point. Instead we
-            --  delay this analysis until the end of the declarative part in
-            --  which the pragma appears. This implements the required delay
-            --  in this analysis, allowing forward references. The analysis
-            --  happens at the end of Analyze_Declarations.
-            --  There should not be another test-case with the same name
-            --  associated to this subprogram.
-            CTC := Contract_Test_Cases (Contract (S));
-            while Present (CTC) loop
-               --  Omit pragma Contract_Cases because it does not introduce
-               --  a unique case name and it does not follow the syntax of
-               --  Test_Case.
-               if Pragma_Name (CTC) = Name_Contract_Cases then
-                  null;
-               elsif String_Equal (Name, Get_Name_From_CTC_Pragma (CTC)) then
-                  Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (CTC);
-                  Error_Pragma ("name for pragma% is already used#");
-               end if;
-               CTC := Next_Pragma (CTC);
-            end loop;
-            --  Chain spec CTC pragma to list for subprogram
-            Add_Contract_Item (N, S);
-         end Chain_CTC;
-      --  Start of processing for Check_Test_Case
-      begin
-         --  First check pragma arguments
-         Check_At_Least_N_Arguments (2);
-         Check_At_Most_N_Arguments (4);
-         Check_Arg_Order
-           ((Name_Name, Name_Mode, Name_Requires, Name_Ensures));
-         Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg1, Name_Name);
-         Check_Arg_Is_OK_Static_Expression (Arg1, Standard_String);
-         --  In ASIS mode, for a pragma generated from a source aspect, also
-         --  analyze the original aspect expression.
-         if ASIS_Mode and then Present (Corresponding_Aspect (N)) then
-            Check_Expr_Is_OK_Static_Expression
-              (Original_Node (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1)), Standard_String);
-         end if;
-         Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg2, Name_Mode);
-         Check_Arg_Is_One_Of (Arg2, Name_Nominal, Name_Robustness);
-         if Arg_Count = 4 then
-            Check_Identifier (Arg3, Name_Requires);
-            Check_Identifier (Arg4, Name_Ensures);
-         elsif Arg_Count = 3 then
-            Check_Identifier_Is_One_Of (Arg3, Name_Requires, Name_Ensures);
-         end if;
-         --  Check pragma placement
-         if not Is_List_Member (N) then
-            Pragma_Misplaced;
-         end if;
-         --  Test-case should only appear in package spec unit
-         if Get_Source_Unit (N) = No_Unit
-           or else not Nkind_In (Sinfo.Unit (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit)),
-                                 N_Package_Declaration,
-                                 N_Generic_Package_Declaration)
-         then
-            Pragma_Misplaced;
-         end if;
-         --  Search prior declarations
-         P := N;
-         while Present (Prev (P)) loop
-            P := Prev (P);
-            --  If the previous node is a generic subprogram, do not go to to
-            --  the original node, which is the unanalyzed tree: we need to
-            --  attach the test-case to the analyzed version at this point.
-            --  They get propagated to the original tree when analyzing the
-            --  corresponding body.
-            if Nkind (P) not in N_Generic_Declaration then
-               PO := Original_Node (P);
-            else
-               PO := P;
-            end if;
-            --  Skip past prior pragma
-            if Nkind (PO) = N_Pragma then
-               null;
-            --  Skip stuff not coming from source
-            elsif not Comes_From_Source (PO) then
-               null;
-            --  Only remaining possibility is subprogram declaration. First
-            --  check that it is declared directly in a package declaration.
-            --  This may be either the package declaration for the current unit
-            --  being defined or a local package declaration.
-            elsif not Present (Parent (Parent (PO)))
-              or else not Present (Parent (Parent (Parent (PO))))
-              or else not Nkind_In (Parent (Parent (PO)),
-                                    N_Package_Declaration,
-                                    N_Generic_Package_Declaration)
-            then
-               Pragma_Misplaced;
-            else
-               Chain_CTC (PO);
-               return;
-            end if;
-         end loop;
-         --  If we fall through, pragma was misplaced
-         Pragma_Misplaced;
-      end Check_Test_Case;
       -- Check_Valid_Configuration_Pragma --
@@ -5609,23 +5200,47 @@ 
          end loop;
       end Check_Variant;
+      -----------------------------
+      -- Create_Generic_Template --
+      -----------------------------
+      procedure Create_Generic_Template
+        (Prag    : Node_Id;
+         Subp_Id : Entity_Id)
+      is
+      begin
+         if Comes_From_Source (Prag)
+           and then Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id)
+         then
+            Rewrite
+              (Prag, Copy_Generic_Node (Prag, Empty, Instantiating => False));
+         end if;
+      end Create_Generic_Template;
       -- Ensure_Aggregate_Form --
       procedure Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg : Node_Id) is
-         Expr  : constant Node_Id    := Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg);
-         Loc   : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Arg);
-         Nam   : constant Name_Id    := Chars (Arg);
+         Expr  : constant Node_Id    := Expression (Arg);
+         Loc   : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Expr);
          Comps : List_Id := No_List;
          Exprs : List_Id := No_List;
+         Nam   : Name_Id;
          CFSD : constant Boolean := Get_Comes_From_Source_Default;
          --  Used to restore Comes_From_Source_Default
+         if Nkind (Arg) = N_Aspect_Specification then
+            Nam := No_Name;
+         else
+            pragma Assert (Nkind (Arg) = N_Pragma_Argument_Association);
+            Nam := Chars (Arg);
+         end if;
          --  The argument is already in aggregate form, but the presence of a
-         --  name causes this to be interpreted as a named association which in
+         --  name causes this to be interpreted as named association which in
          --  turn must be converted into an aggregate.
          --    pragma Global (In_Out => (A, B, C))
@@ -5671,7 +5286,9 @@ 
          --  Remove the pragma argument name as this information has been
          --  captured in the aggregate.
-         Set_Chars (Arg, No_Name);
+         if Nkind (Arg) = N_Pragma_Argument_Association then
+            Set_Chars (Arg, No_Name);
+         end if;
          Set_Expression (Arg,
            Make_Aggregate (Loc,
@@ -5917,7 +5534,7 @@ 
             --  Get name from corresponding aspect
-            Error_Msg_Name_1 := Original_Aspect_Name (N);
+            Error_Msg_Name_1 := Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (N);
          end if;
          --  Return possibly modified message
@@ -9731,7 +9348,7 @@ 
       --  Here to start processing for recognized pragma
       Prag_Id := Get_Pragma_Id (Pname);
-      Pname := Original_Aspect_Name (N);
+      Pname   := Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (N);
       --  Capture setting of Opt.Uneval_Old
@@ -10463,9 +10080,9 @@ 
             --  Local variables
-            Context : constant Node_Id := Parent (Parent (N));
-            Pack_Id : Entity_Id;
-            State   : Node_Id;
+            Pack_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Pack_Id   : Entity_Id;
+            State     : Node_Id;
          --  Start of processing for Abstract_State
@@ -10473,20 +10090,26 @@ 
             Check_Arg_Count (1);
-            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg1);
+            Pack_Decl := Find_Related_Package_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
             --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma. Abstract states must
             --  be associated with a package declaration.
-            if not Nkind_In (Context, N_Generic_Package_Declaration,
-                                      N_Package_Declaration)
+            if Nkind_In (Pack_Decl, N_Generic_Package_Declaration,
+                                    N_Package_Declaration)
+               null;
+            --  Otherwise the pragma is associated with an illegal construct
+            else
             end if;
-            State   := Expression (Arg1);
-            Pack_Id := Defining_Entity (Context);
+            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Get_Argument (N));
+            Pack_Id := Defining_Entity (Pack_Decl);
             --  Mark the associated package as Ghost if it is subject to aspect
             --  or pragma Ghost as this affects the declaration of an abstract
@@ -10496,6 +10119,8 @@ 
                Set_Is_Ghost_Entity (Pack_Id);
             end if;
+            State := Expression (Get_Argument (N));
             --  Multiple non-null abstract states appear as an aggregate
             if Nkind (State) = N_Aggregate then
@@ -12284,12 +11909,12 @@ 
          when Pragma_Contract_Cases => Contract_Cases : declare
             Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
             Check_Arg_Count (1);
-            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg1);
             --  The pragma is analyzed at the end of the declarative part which
             --  contains the related subprogram. Reset the analyzed flag.
@@ -12303,7 +11928,9 @@ 
             Subp_Decl :=
               Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
-            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+            --  Generic subprogram
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration then
             --  Body acts as spec
@@ -12320,30 +11947,35 @@ 
+            --  Subprogram
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               null;
             end if;
-            --  When the pragma appears on a subprogram body, perform the full
-            --  analysis now.
+            Subp_Id := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
-            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body then
-               Analyze_Contract_Cases_In_Decl_Part (N);
+            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Get_Argument (N, Subp_Id));
-            --  When Contract_Cases applies to a subprogram compilation unit,
-            --  the corresponding pragma is placed after the unit's declaration
-            --  node and needs to be analyzed immediately.
+            --  Construct a generic template for the pragma when the context is
+            --  a generic subprogram and the pragma is a source construct.
-            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-              and then Nkind (Parent (Subp_Decl)) = N_Compilation_Unit
-            then
+            Create_Generic_Template (N, Subp_Id);
+            --  Fully analyze the pragma when it appears inside a subprogram
+            --  body because it cannot benefit from forward references.
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body then
                Analyze_Contract_Cases_In_Decl_Part (N);
             end if;
             --  Chain the pragma on the contract for further processing
-            Add_Contract_Item (N, Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl));
+            Add_Contract_Item (N, Subp_Id);
          end Contract_Cases;
@@ -12990,11 +12622,11 @@ 
          when Pragma_Depends => Depends : declare
             Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
             Check_Arg_Count (1);
-            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg1);
             --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma. Depends must be
             --  associated with a subprogram declaration or a body that acts
@@ -13003,12 +12635,9 @@ 
             Subp_Decl :=
               Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
-            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
-               null;
             --  Body acts as spec
-            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
               and then No (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
@@ -13020,30 +12649,35 @@ 
+            --  Subprogram declaration
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               null;
             end if;
+            Subp_Id := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
+            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Get_Argument (N, Subp_Id));
+            --  Construct a generic template for the pragma when the context is
+            --  a generic subprogram and the pragma is a source construct.
+            Create_Generic_Template (N, Subp_Id);
             --  When the pragma appears on a subprogram body, perform the full
             --  analysis now.
             if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body then
                Analyze_Depends_In_Decl_Part (N);
-            --  When Depends applies to a subprogram compilation unit, the
-            --  corresponding pragma is placed after the unit's declaration
-            --  node and needs to be analyzed immediately.
-            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-              and then Nkind (Parent (Subp_Decl)) = N_Compilation_Unit
-            then
-               Analyze_Depends_In_Decl_Part (N);
             end if;
             --  Chain the pragma on the contract for further processing
-            Add_Contract_Item (N, Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl));
+            Add_Contract_Item (N, Subp_Id);
          end Depends;
@@ -13276,13 +12910,13 @@ 
             --  gnatwl/-gnatwE (elaboration warnings enabled) switches set.
             if Elab_Warnings
-                 and not Dynamic_Elaboration_Checks
+              and not Dynamic_Elaboration_Checks
-                 --  pragma Elaborate not allowed in SPARK mode anyway. We
-                 --  already complained about it, no point in generating any
-                 --  further complaint.
+              --  pragma Elaborate not allowed in SPARK mode anyway. We
+              --  already complained about it, no point in generating any
+              --  further complaint.
-                 and SPARK_Mode /= On
+              and SPARK_Mode /= On
                  ("?l?use of pragma Elaborate may not be safe", N);
@@ -13910,89 +13544,58 @@ 
          --  pragma Extensions_Visible [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
          when Pragma_Extensions_Visible => Extensions_Visible : declare
-            Context   : constant Node_Id := Parent (N);
-            Expr      : Node_Id;
-            Formal    : Entity_Id;
-            Orig_Stmt : Node_Id;
-            Subp      : Entity_Id;
-            Stmt      : Node_Id;
+            Expr          : Node_Id;
+            Formal        : Entity_Id;
             Has_OK_Formal : Boolean := False;
+            Spec_Id       : Entity_Id;
+            Subp_Decl     : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id       : Entity_Id;
             Check_At_Most_N_Arguments (1);
-            Subp := Empty;
-            Stmt := Prev (N);
-            while Present (Stmt) loop
+            Subp_Decl :=
+              Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
-               --  Skip prior pragmas, but check for duplicates
+            --  Generic subprogram declaration
-               if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Pragma then
-                  if Pragma_Name (Stmt) = Pname then
-                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Pname;
-                     Error_Msg_Sloc   := Sloc (Stmt);
-                     Error_Msg_N ("pragma % duplicates pragma declared#", N);
-                  end if;
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               null;
-               --  Skip internally generated code
+            --  Body acts as spec
-               elsif not Comes_From_Source (Stmt) then
-                  Orig_Stmt := Original_Node (Stmt);
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
+              and then No (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
+            then
+               null;
-                  --  When pragma Ghost applies to an expression function, the
-                  --  expression function is transformed into a subprogram.
+            --  Body stub acts as spec
-                  if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-                    and then Comes_From_Source (Orig_Stmt)
-                    and then Nkind (Orig_Stmt) = N_Expression_Function
-                  then
-                     Subp := Defining_Entity (Stmt);
-                     exit;
-                  end if;
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+              and then No (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl))
+            then
+               null;
-               --  The associated [generic] subprogram declaration has been
-               --  found, stop the search.
+            --  Subprogram declaration
-               elsif Nkind_In (Stmt, N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration,
-                                     N_Subprogram_Declaration)
-               then
-                  Subp := Defining_Entity (Stmt);
-                  exit;
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               null;
-               --  The pragma does not apply to a legal construct, issue an
-               --  error and stop the analysis.
+            --  Otherwise the pragma is associated with an illegal construct
-               else
-                  Error_Pragma ("pragma % must apply to a subprogram");
-                  return;
-               end if;
-               Stmt := Prev (Stmt);
-            end loop;
-            --  When the pragma applies to a stand alone subprogram body, it
-            --  appears within the declarations of the body. In that case the
-            --  enclosing construct is the proper context. This check is done
-            --  after the traversal above to allow for duplicate detection.
-            if No (Subp)
-              and then Nkind (Context) = N_Subprogram_Body
-              and then No (Corresponding_Spec (Context))
-            then
-               Subp := Defining_Entity (Context);
-            end if;
-            if No (Subp) then
+            else
                Error_Pragma ("pragma % must apply to a subprogram");
             end if;
+            Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of (Subp_Decl);
+            Subp_Id := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
             --  Examine the formals of the related subprogram
-            Formal := First_Formal (Subp);
+            Formal := First_Formal (Spec_Id);
             while Present (Formal) loop
                --  At least one of the formals is of a specific tagged type,
@@ -14022,14 +13625,19 @@ 
                Error_Msg_N (Fix_Error ("incorrect placement of pragma %"), N);
                  ("\subprogram & lacks parameter of specific tagged or "
-                  & "generic private type", N, Subp);
+                  & "generic private type", N, Spec_Id);
             end if;
+            --  Construct a generic template for the pragma when the context is
+            --  a generic subprogram and the pragma is a source construct.
+            Create_Generic_Template (N, Subp_Id);
             --  Analyze the Boolean expression (if any)
             if Present (Arg1) then
-               Expr := Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1);
+               Expr := Expression (Get_Argument (N));
                Analyze_And_Resolve (Expr, Standard_Boolean);
@@ -14042,7 +13650,7 @@ 
             --  Chain the pragma on the contract for further processing
-            Add_Contract_Item (N, Subp);
+            Add_Contract_Item (N, Subp_Id);
          end Extensions_Visible;
@@ -14444,11 +14052,11 @@ 
          when Pragma_Global => Global : declare
             Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
             Check_Arg_Count (1);
-            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg1);
             --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma. Global must be
             --  associated with a subprogram declaration or a body that acts
@@ -14457,12 +14065,9 @@ 
             Subp_Decl :=
               Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
-            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
-               null;
             --  Body acts as spec
-            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
               and then No (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
@@ -14474,30 +14079,35 @@ 
+            --  Subprogram declaration
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               null;
             end if;
+            Subp_Id := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
+            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Get_Argument (N, Subp_Id));
+            --  Construct a generic template for the pragma when the context is
+            --  a generic subprogram and the pragma is a source construct.
+            Create_Generic_Template (N, Subp_Id);
             --  When the pragma appears on a subprogram body, perform the full
             --  analysis now.
             if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body then
                Analyze_Global_In_Decl_Part (N);
-            --  When Global applies to a subprogram compilation unit, the
-            --  corresponding pragma is placed after the unit's declaration
-            --  node and needs to be analyzed immediately.
-            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
-              and then Nkind (Parent (Subp_Decl)) = N_Compilation_Unit
-            then
-               Analyze_Global_In_Decl_Part (N);
             end if;
             --  Chain the pragma on the contract for further processing
-            Add_Contract_Item (N, Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl));
+            Add_Contract_Item (N, Subp_Id);
          end Global;
@@ -15046,59 +14656,37 @@ 
          --  pragma Initial_Condition (boolean_EXPRESSION);
          when Pragma_Initial_Condition => Initial_Condition : declare
-            Context : constant Node_Id := Parent (Parent (N));
-            Pack_Id : Entity_Id;
-            Stmt    : Node_Id;
+            Pack_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Pack_Id   : Entity_Id;
             Check_Arg_Count (1);
+            Pack_Decl := Find_Related_Package_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
             --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma. Initial_Condition
             --  must be associated with a package declaration.
-            if not Nkind_In (Context, N_Generic_Package_Declaration,
-                                      N_Package_Declaration)
+            if Nkind_In (Pack_Decl, N_Generic_Package_Declaration,
+                                    N_Package_Declaration)
+               null;
+            --  Otherwise the pragma is associated with an illegal context
+            else
             end if;
-            Stmt := Prev (N);
-            while Present (Stmt) loop
-               --  Skip prior pragmas, but check for duplicates
-               if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Pragma then
-                  if Pragma_Name (Stmt) = Pname then
-                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Pname;
-                     Error_Msg_Sloc   := Sloc (Stmt);
-                     Error_Msg_N ("pragma % duplicates pragma declared #", N);
-                  end if;
-               --  Skip internally generated code
-               elsif not Comes_From_Source (Stmt) then
-                  null;
-               --  The pragma does not apply to a legal construct, issue an
-               --  error and stop the analysis.
-               else
-                  Pragma_Misplaced;
-                  return;
-               end if;
-               Stmt := Prev (Stmt);
-            end loop;
             --  The pragma must be analyzed at the end of the visible
             --  declarations of the related package. Save the pragma for later
             --  (see Analyze_Initial_Condition_In_Decl_Part) by adding it to
             --  the contract of the package.
-            Pack_Id := Defining_Entity (Context);
+            Pack_Id := Defining_Entity (Pack_Decl);
             Add_Contract_Item (N, Pack_Id);
             --  Verify the declaration order of pragma Initial_Condition with
@@ -15161,60 +14749,39 @@ 
          --  INPUT ::= name
          when Pragma_Initializes => Initializes : declare
-            Context : constant Node_Id := Parent (Parent (N));
-            Pack_Id : Entity_Id;
-            Stmt    : Node_Id;
+            Pack_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Pack_Id   : Entity_Id;
             Check_Arg_Count (1);
-            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Arg1);
+            Pack_Decl := Find_Related_Package_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
             --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma. Initializes must be
             --  associated with a package declaration.
-            if not Nkind_In (Context, N_Generic_Package_Declaration,
-                                      N_Package_Declaration)
+            if Nkind_In (Pack_Decl, N_Generic_Package_Declaration,
+                                    N_Package_Declaration)
+               null;
+            --  Otherwise the pragma is associated with an illegal construc
+            else
             end if;
-            Stmt := Prev (N);
-            while Present (Stmt) loop
+            Ensure_Aggregate_Form (Get_Argument (N));
-               --  Skip prior pragmas, but check for duplicates
-               if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Pragma then
-                  if Pragma_Name (Stmt) = Pname then
-                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Pname;
-                     Error_Msg_Sloc   := Sloc (Stmt);
-                     Error_Msg_N ("pragma % duplicates pragma declared #", N);
-                  end if;
-               --  Skip internally generated code
-               elsif not Comes_From_Source (Stmt) then
-                  null;
-               --  The pragma does not apply to a legal construct, issue an
-               --  error and stop the analysis.
-               else
-                  Pragma_Misplaced;
-                  return;
-               end if;
-               Stmt := Prev (Stmt);
-            end loop;
             --  The pragma must be analyzed at the end of the visible
             --  declarations of the related package. Save the pragma for later
             --  (see Analyze_Initializes_In_Decl_Part) by adding it to the
             --  contract of the package.
-            Pack_Id := Defining_Entity (Context);
+            Pack_Id := Defining_Entity (Pack_Decl);
             Add_Contract_Item (N, Pack_Id);
             --  Verify the declaration order of pragmas Abstract_State and
@@ -17992,153 +17559,34 @@ 
             Check_Arg_Is_One_Of (Arg1, Name_On, Name_Off);
             Polling_Required := (Chars (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1)) = Name_On);
-         ------------------
-         -- Post[_Class] --
-         ------------------
+         -----------------------------------
+         -- Post/Post_Class/Postcondition --
+         -----------------------------------
          --  pragma Post (Boolean_EXPRESSION);
          --  pragma Post_Class (Boolean_EXPRESSION);
-         when Pragma_Post | Pragma_Post_Class => Post : declare
-            PC_Pragma : Node_Id;
-         begin
-            GNAT_Pragma;
-            Check_Arg_Count (1);
-            Check_No_Identifiers;
-            Check_Pre_Post;
-            --  Rewrite Post[_Class] pragma as Postcondition pragma setting the
-            --  flag Class_Present to True for the Post_Class case.
-            Set_Class_Present (N, Prag_Id = Pragma_Post_Class);
-            PC_Pragma := New_Copy (N);
-            Set_Pragma_Identifier
-              (PC_Pragma, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Postcondition));
-            Rewrite (N, PC_Pragma);
-            Set_Analyzed (N, False);
-            Analyze (N);
-         end Post;
-         -------------------
-         -- Postcondition --
-         -------------------
          --  pragma Postcondition ([Check   =>] Boolean_EXPRESSION
          --                      [,[Message =>] String_EXPRESSION]);
-         when Pragma_Postcondition => Postcondition : declare
-            In_Body : Boolean;
+         when Pragma_Post          |
+              Pragma_Post_Class    |
+              Pragma_Postcondition =>
+            Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition;
-         begin
-            GNAT_Pragma;
-            Check_At_Least_N_Arguments (1);
-            Check_At_Most_N_Arguments (2);
-            Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg1, Name_Check);
+         --------------------------------
+         -- Pre/Pre_Class/Precondition --
+         --------------------------------
-            --  Verify the proper placement of the pragma. The remainder of the
-            --  processing is found in Sem_Ch6/Sem_Ch7.
-            Check_Precondition_Postcondition (In_Body);
-            --  When the pragma is a source construct appearing inside a body,
-            --  preanalyze the boolean_expression to detect illegal forward
-            --  references:
-            --    procedure P is
-            --       pragma Postcondition (X'Old ...);
-            --       X : ...
-            if Comes_From_Source (N) and then In_Body then
-               Preanalyze_Spec_Expression (Expression (Arg1), Any_Boolean);
-            end if;
-         end Postcondition;
-         -----------------
-         -- Pre[_Class] --
-         -----------------
          --  pragma Pre (Boolean_EXPRESSION);
          --  pragma Pre_Class (Boolean_EXPRESSION);
-         when Pragma_Pre | Pragma_Pre_Class => Pre : declare
-            PC_Pragma : Node_Id;
-         begin
-            GNAT_Pragma;
-            Check_Arg_Count (1);
-            Check_No_Identifiers;
-            Check_Pre_Post;
-            --  Rewrite Pre[_Class] pragma as Precondition pragma setting the
-            --  flag Class_Present to True for the Pre_Class case.
-            Set_Class_Present (N, Prag_Id = Pragma_Pre_Class);
-            PC_Pragma := New_Copy (N);
-            Set_Pragma_Identifier
-              (PC_Pragma, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_Precondition));
-            Rewrite (N, PC_Pragma);
-            Set_Analyzed (N, False);
-            Analyze (N);
-         end Pre;
-         ------------------
-         -- Precondition --
-         ------------------
          --  pragma Precondition ([Check   =>] Boolean_EXPRESSION
          --                     [,[Message =>] String_EXPRESSION]);
-         when Pragma_Precondition => Precondition : declare
-            In_Body : Boolean;
+         when Pragma_Pre          |
+              Pragma_Pre_Class    |
+              Pragma_Precondition =>
+            Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition;
-         begin
-            GNAT_Pragma;
-            Check_At_Least_N_Arguments (1);
-            Check_At_Most_N_Arguments  (2);
-            Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg1, Name_Check);
-            Check_Precondition_Postcondition (In_Body);
-            --  If in spec, nothing more to do. If in body, then we convert
-            --  the pragma to an equivalent pragma Check. That works fine since
-            --  pragma Check will analyze the condition in the proper context.
-            --  The form of the pragma Check is either:
-            --    pragma Check (Precondition, cond [, msg])
-            --       or
-            --    pragma Check (Pre, cond [, msg])
-            --  We use the Pre form if this pragma derived from a Pre aspect.
-            --  This is needed to make sure that the right set of Policy
-            --  pragmas are checked.
-            if In_Body then
-               --  Rewrite as Check pragma
-               Rewrite (N,
-                 Make_Pragma (Loc,
-                   Chars                        => Name_Check,
-                   Pragma_Argument_Associations => New_List (
-                     Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Loc,
-                     Expression => Make_Identifier (Loc, Pname)),
-                     Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Sloc (Arg1),
-                       Expression =>
-                         Relocate_Node (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1))))));
-               if Arg_Count = 2 then
-                  Append_To (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N),
-                    Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Sloc (Arg2),
-                      Expression =>
-                        Relocate_Node (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg2))));
-               end if;
-               Analyze (N);
-            end if;
-         end Precondition;
          -- Predicate --
@@ -19000,33 +18448,19 @@ 
          --  pragma Refined_Post (boolean_EXPRESSION);
          when Pragma_Refined_Post => Refined_Post : declare
-            Body_Id     : Entity_Id;
-            Legal       : Boolean;
-            Result_Seen : Boolean := False;
-            Spec_Id     : Entity_Id;
+            Body_Id : Entity_Id;
+            Legal   : Boolean;
+            Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
             Analyze_Refined_Pragma (Spec_Id, Body_Id, Legal);
-            --  Analyze the boolean expression as a "spec expression"
+            --  Fully analyze the pragma when it appears inside a subprogram
+            --  body because it cannot benefit from forward references.
             if Legal then
-               Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part (N, Spec_Id);
+               Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part (N);
-               --  Verify that the refined postcondition mentions attribute
-               --  'Result and its expression introduces a post-state.
-               if Warn_On_Suspicious_Contract
-                 and then Ekind_In (Spec_Id, E_Function, E_Generic_Function)
-               then
-                  Check_Result_And_Post_State (N, Result_Seen);
-                  if not Result_Seen then
-                     Error_Pragma
-                       ("pragma % does not mention function result?T?");
-                  end if;
-               end if;
                --  Chain the pragma on the contract for easy retrieval
                Add_Contract_Item (N, Body_Id);
@@ -19053,53 +18487,31 @@ 
          --  CONSTITUENT ::= object_NAME | state_NAME
          when Pragma_Refined_State => Refined_State : declare
-            Context : constant Node_Id := Parent (N);
-            Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
-            Stmt    : Node_Id;
+            Pack_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Spec_Id   : Entity_Id;
             Check_Arg_Count (1);
+            Pack_Decl := Find_Related_Package_Or_Body (N, Do_Checks => True);
             --  Ensure the proper placement of the pragma. Refined states must
             --  be associated with a package body.
-            if Nkind (Context) /= N_Package_Body then
+            if Nkind (Pack_Decl) = N_Package_Body then
+               null;
+            --  Otherwise the pragma is associated with an illegal construct
+            else
             end if;
-            Stmt := Prev (N);
-            while Present (Stmt) loop
+            Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Pack_Decl);
-               --  Skip prior pragmas, but check for duplicates
-               if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Pragma then
-                  if Pragma_Name (Stmt) = Pname then
-                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Pname;
-                     Error_Msg_Sloc   := Sloc (Stmt);
-                     Error_Msg_N ("pragma % duplicates pragma declared #", N);
-                  end if;
-               --  Skip internally generated code
-               elsif not Comes_From_Source (Stmt) then
-                  null;
-               --  The pragma does not apply to a legal construct, issue an
-               --  error and stop the analysis.
-               else
-                  Pragma_Misplaced;
-                  return;
-               end if;
-               Stmt := Prev (Stmt);
-            end loop;
-            Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Context);
             --  State refinement is allowed only when the corresponding package
             --  declaration has non-null pragma Abstract_State. Refinement not
             --  enforced when SPARK checks are suppressed (SPARK RM 7.2.2(3)).
@@ -19117,10 +18529,10 @@ 
             --  The pragma must be analyzed at the end of the declarations as
             --  it has visibility over the whole declarative region. Save the
-            --  pragma for later (see Analyze_Refined_Depends_In_Decl_Part) by
+            --  pragma for later (see Analyze_Refined_State_In_Decl_Part) by
             --  adding it to the contract of the package body.
-            Add_Contract_Item (N, Defining_Entity (Context));
+            Add_Contract_Item (N, Defining_Entity (Pack_Decl));
          end Refined_State;
@@ -20661,10 +20073,178 @@ 
          --  MODE_TYPE ::= Nominal | Robustness
-         when Pragma_Test_Case =>
+         when Pragma_Test_Case => Test_Case : declare
+            procedure Check_Distinct_Name (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+            --  Ensure that the contract of subprogram Subp_Id does not contain
+            --  another Test_Case pragma with the same Name as the current one.
+            -------------------------
+            -- Check_Distinct_Name --
+            -------------------------
+            procedure Check_Distinct_Name (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+               Items : constant Node_Id   := Contract (Subp_Id);
+               Name  : constant String_Id := Get_Name_From_CTC_Pragma (N);
+               Prag  : Node_Id;
+            begin
+               --  Inspect all Test_Case pragma of the related subprogram
+               --  looking for one with a duplicate "Name" argument.
+               if Present (Items) then
+                  Prag := Contract_Test_Cases (Items);
+                  while Present (Prag) loop
+                     if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Test_Case
+                       and then String_Equal
+                                  (Name, Get_Name_From_CTC_Pragma (Prag))
+                     then
+                        Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Prag);
+                        Error_Pragma ("name for pragma % is already used #");
+                     end if;
+                     Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+                  end loop;
+               end if;
+            end Check_Distinct_Name;
+            --  Local variables
+            Pack_Decl : constant Node_Id := Unit (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit));
+            Asp_Arg   : Node_Id;
+            Context   : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
+         --  Start of processing for Test_Case
+         begin
-            Check_Test_Case;
+            Check_At_Least_N_Arguments (2);
+            Check_At_Most_N_Arguments (4);
+            Check_Arg_Order
+              ((Name_Name, Name_Mode, Name_Requires, Name_Ensures));
+            --  Argument "Name"
+            Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg1, Name_Name);
+            Check_Arg_Is_OK_Static_Expression (Arg1, Standard_String);
+            --  Argument "Mode"
+            Check_Optional_Identifier (Arg2, Name_Mode);
+            Check_Arg_Is_One_Of (Arg2, Name_Nominal, Name_Robustness);
+            --  Arguments "Requires" and "Ensures"
+            if Present (Arg3) then
+               if Present (Arg4) then
+                  Check_Identifier (Arg3, Name_Requires);
+                  Check_Identifier (Arg4, Name_Ensures);
+               else
+                  Check_Identifier_Is_One_Of
+                    (Arg3, Name_Requires, Name_Ensures);
+               end if;
+            end if;
+            --  Pragma Test_Case must be associated with a subprogram declared
+            --  in a library-level package. First determine whether the current
+            --  compilation unit is a legal context.
+            if Nkind_In (Pack_Decl, N_Package_Declaration,
+                                    N_Generic_Package_Declaration)
+            then
+               null;
+            --  Otherwise the placement is illegal
+            else
+               Pragma_Misplaced;
+               return;
+            end if;
+            Subp_Decl := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
+            --  Find the enclosing context
+            Context := Parent (Subp_Decl);
+            if Present (Context) then
+               Context := Parent (Context);
+            end if;
+            --  Verify the placement of the pragma
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               Error_Pragma
+                 ("pragma % cannot be applied to abstract subprogram");
+               return;
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Entry_Declaration then
+               Error_Pragma ("pragma % cannot be applied to entry");
+               return;
+            --  The context is a [generic] subprogram declared at the top level
+            --  of the [generic] package unit.
+            elsif Nkind_In (Subp_Decl, N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration,
+                                       N_Subprogram_Declaration)
+              and then Present (Context)
+              and then Nkind_In (Context, N_Generic_Package_Declaration,
+                                          N_Package_Declaration)
+            then
+               Subp_Id := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
+            --  Otherwise the placement is illegal
+            else
+               Pragma_Misplaced;
+               return;
+            end if;
+            --  Preanalyze the original aspect argument "Name" for ASIS or for
+            --  a generic subprogram to properly capture global references.
+            if ASIS_Mode or else Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id) then
+               Asp_Arg := Test_Case_Arg (N, Name_Name, From_Aspect => True);
+               if Present (Asp_Arg) then
+                  --  The argument appears with an identifier in association
+                  --  form.
+                  if Nkind (Asp_Arg) = N_Component_Association then
+                     Asp_Arg := Expression (Asp_Arg);
+                  end if;
+                  Check_Expr_Is_OK_Static_Expression
+                    (Asp_Arg, Standard_String);
+               end if;
+            end if;
+            --  Ensure that the all Test_Case pragmas of the related subprogram
+            --  have distinct names.
+            Check_Distinct_Name (Subp_Id);
+            --  Construct a generic template for the pragma when the context is
+            --  a generic subprogram and the pragma is a source construct.
+            Create_Generic_Template (N, Subp_Id);
+            --  Fully analyze the pragma when it appears inside a subprogram
+            --  body because it cannot benefit from forward references.
+            if Nkind_In (Subp_Decl, N_Subprogram_Body,
+                                    N_Subprogram_Body_Stub)
+            then
+               Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part (N);
+            end if;
+            --  Chain the pragma on the contract for further processing
+            Add_Contract_Item (N, Subp_Id);
+         end Test_Case;
          -- Thread_Local_Storage --
@@ -21460,9 +21040,10 @@ 
                      raise Program_Error;
                   end if;
-                  Rewrite (N, Make_Pragma (Loc,
-                                Chars => Name_Warnings,
-                                Pragma_Argument_Associations => Shifted_Args));
+                  Rewrite (N,
+                    Make_Pragma (Loc,
+                      Chars                        => Name_Warnings,
+                      Pragma_Argument_Associations => Shifted_Args));
                   Analyze (N);
                   raise Pragma_Exit;
                end if;
@@ -21744,175 +21325,197 @@ 
    -- Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part --
-   procedure Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part
-     (Prag    : Node_Id;
-      Subp_Id : Entity_Id)
-   is
-      Arg1 : constant Node_Id := First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag));
-      Nam  : constant Name_Id := Original_Aspect_Name (Prag);
-      Expr : Node_Id;
+   procedure Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id) is
+      procedure Process_Class_Wide_Condition
+        (Expr      : Node_Id;
+         Spec_Id   : Entity_Id;
+         Subp_Decl : Node_Id);
+      --  Replace the type of all references to the controlling formal of
+      --  subprogram Spec_Id found in expression Expr with the corresponding
+      --  class-wide type. Subp_Decl is the subprogram [body] declaration
+      --  where the pragma resides.
-      Restore_Scope : Boolean := False;
-      --  Gets set True if we do a Push_Scope needing a Pop_Scope on exit
+      ----------------------------------
+      -- Process_Class_Wide_Condition --
+      ----------------------------------
-   begin
-      --  Ensure that the subprogram and its formals are visible when analyzing
-      --  the expression of the pragma.
+      procedure Process_Class_Wide_Condition
+        (Expr      : Node_Id;
+         Spec_Id   : Entity_Id;
+         Subp_Decl : Node_Id)
+      is
+         Disp_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Find_Dispatching_Type (Spec_Id);
-      if not In_Open_Scopes (Subp_Id) then
-         Restore_Scope := True;
-         Push_Scope (Subp_Id);
-         Install_Formals (Subp_Id);
-      end if;
+         ACW : Entity_Id := Empty;
+         --  Access to Disp_Typ'Class, created if there is a controlling formal
+         --  that is an access parameter.
-      --  Preanalyze the boolean expression, we treat this as a spec expression
-      --  (i.e. similar to a default expression).
+         function Access_Class_Wide_Type return Entity_Id;
+         --  If expression Expr contains a reference to a controlling access
+         --  parameter, create an access to Disp_Typ'Class for the necessary
+         --  conversions if one does not exist.
-      Expr := Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1);
+         function Replace_Type (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+         --  ARM 6.1.1: Within the expression for a Pre'Class or Post'Class
+         --  aspect for a primitive subprogram of a tagged type Disp_Typ, a
+         --  name that denotes a formal parameter of type Disp_Typ is treated
+         --  as having type Disp_Typ'Class. Similarly, a name that denotes a
+         --  formal access parameter of type access-to-Disp_Typ is interpreted
+         --  as with type access-to-Disp_Typ'Class. This ensures the expression
+         --  is well defined for a primitive subprogram of a type descended
+         --  from Disp_Typ.
-      --  In ASIS mode, for a pragma generated from a source aspect, analyze
-      --  the original aspect expression, which is shared with the generated
-      --  pragma.
+         ----------------------------
+         -- Access_Class_Wide_Type --
+         ----------------------------
-      if ASIS_Mode and then Present (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)) then
-         Expr := Expression (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag));
-      end if;
+         function Access_Class_Wide_Type return Entity_Id is
+            Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-      Preanalyze_Assert_Expression (Expr, Standard_Boolean);
+         begin
+            if No (ACW) then
+               ACW := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T');
-      --  For a class-wide condition, a reference to a controlling formal must
-      --  be interpreted as having the class-wide type (or an access to such)
-      --  so that the inherited condition can be properly applied to any
-      --  overriding operation (see ARM12 6.6.1 (7)).
+               Insert_Before_And_Analyze (Subp_Decl,
+                 Make_Full_Type_Declaration (Loc,
+                   Defining_Identifier => ACW,
+                   Type_Definition     =>
+                      Make_Access_To_Object_Definition (Loc,
+                        Subtype_Indication =>
+                          New_Occurrence_Of (Class_Wide_Type (Disp_Typ), Loc),
+                        All_Present        => True)));
-      if Class_Present (Prag) then
-         Class_Wide_Condition : declare
-            T : constant Entity_Id := Find_Dispatching_Type (Subp_Id);
+               Freeze_Before (Subp_Decl, ACW);
+            end if;
-            ACW : Entity_Id := Empty;
-            --  Access to T'class, created if there is a controlling formal
-            --  that is an access parameter.
+            return ACW;
+         end Access_Class_Wide_Type;
-            function Get_ACW return Entity_Id;
-            --  If the expression has a reference to an controlling access
-            --  parameter, create an access to T'class for the necessary
-            --  conversions if one does not exist.
+         ------------------
+         -- Replace_Type --
+         ------------------
-            function Process (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-            --  ARM 6.1.1: Within the expression for a Pre'Class or Post'Class
-            --  aspect for a primitive subprogram of a tagged type T, a name
-            --  that denotes a formal parameter of type T is interpreted as
-            --  having type T'Class. Similarly, a name that denotes a formal
-            --  accessparameter of type access-to-T is interpreted as having
-            --  type access-to-T'Class. This ensures the expression is well-
-            --  defined for a primitive subprogram of a type descended from T.
-            --  Note that this replacement is not done for selector names in
-            --  parameter associations. These carry an entity for reference
-            --  purposes, but semantically they are just identifiers.
+         function Replace_Type (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+            Context : constant Node_Id    := Parent (N);
+            Loc     : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+            CW_Typ  : Entity_Id := Empty;
+            Ent     : Entity_Id;
+            Typ     : Entity_Id;
-            -------------
-            -- Get_ACW --
-            -------------
+         begin
+            if Is_Entity_Name (N)
+              and then Present (Entity (N))
+              and then Is_Formal (Entity (N))
+            then
+               Ent := Entity (N);
+               Typ := Etype (Ent);
-            function Get_ACW return Entity_Id is
-               Loc  : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Prag);
-               Decl : Node_Id;
+               --  Do not perform the type replacement for selector names in
+               --  parameter associations. These carry an entity for reference
+               --  purposes, but semantically they are just identifiers.
-            begin
-               if No (ACW) then
-                  Decl :=
-                    Make_Full_Type_Declaration (Loc,
-                      Defining_Identifier => Make_Temporary (Loc, 'T'),
-                      Type_Definition     =>
-                         Make_Access_To_Object_Definition (Loc,
-                           Subtype_Indication =>
-                             New_Occurrence_Of (Class_Wide_Type (T), Loc),
-                           All_Present        => True));
+               if Nkind (Context) = N_Type_Conversion then
+                  null;
-                  Insert_Before (Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp_Id), Decl);
-                  Analyze (Decl);
-                  ACW := Defining_Identifier (Decl);
-                  Freeze_Before (Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp_Id), ACW);
+               elsif Nkind (Context) = N_Parameter_Association
+                 and then Selector_Name (Context) = N
+               then
+                  null;
+               elsif Typ = Disp_Typ then
+                  CW_Typ := Class_Wide_Type (Typ);
+               elsif Is_Access_Type (Typ)
+                 and then Designated_Type (Typ) = Disp_Typ
+               then
+                  CW_Typ := Access_Class_Wide_Type;
                end if;
-               return ACW;
-            end Get_ACW;
+               if Present (CW_Typ) then
+                  Rewrite (N,
+                    Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
+                      Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (CW_Typ, Loc),
+                      Expression   => New_Occurrence_Of (Ent, Loc)));
+                  Set_Etype (N, CW_Typ);
+               end if;
+            end if;
-            -------------
-            -- Process --
-            -------------
+            return OK;
+         end Replace_Type;
-            function Process (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
-               Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-               Typ : Entity_Id;
+         procedure Replace_Types is new Traverse_Proc (Replace_Type);
-            begin
-               if Is_Entity_Name (N)
-                 and then Present (Entity (N))
-                 and then Is_Formal (Entity (N))
-                 and then Nkind (Parent (N)) /= N_Type_Conversion
-                 and then
-                   (Nkind (Parent (N)) /= N_Parameter_Association
-                     or else N /= Selector_Name (Parent (N)))
-               then
-                  if Etype (Entity (N)) = T then
-                     Typ := Class_Wide_Type (T);
+         --  Local variables
-                  elsif Is_Access_Type (Etype (Entity (N)))
-                    and then Designated_Type (Etype (Entity (N))) = T
-                  then
-                     Typ := Get_ACW;
-                  else
-                     Typ := Empty;
-                  end if;
+         Prag_Nam : constant Name_Id := Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (N);
-                  if Present (Typ) then
-                     Rewrite (N,
-                       Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
-                         Subtype_Mark =>
-                           New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc),
-                         Expression  => New_Occurrence_Of (Entity (N), Loc)));
-                     Set_Etype (N, Typ);
-                  end if;
+      --  Start of processing for Process_Class_Wide_Condition
+      begin
+         --  The subprogram subject to Pre'Class/Post'Class does not have a
+         --  dispatching type, therefore the aspect/pragma is illegal.
+         if No (Disp_Typ) then
+            if From_Aspect_Specification (N) then
+               Error_Msg_Name_1 := Prag_Nam;
+               Error_Msg_N
+                 ("aspect % can only be specified for a primitive operation "
+                  & "of a tagged type", Corresponding_Aspect (N));
+            --  The pragma is a source construct
+            else
+               if Prag_Nam = Name_Precondition then
+                  Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Pre_Class;
+               else
+                  Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Post_Class;
                end if;
-               return OK;
-            end Process;
+               Error_Msg_N
+                 ("pragma % can only be specified for a primitive operation "
+                  & "of a tagged type", N);
+            end if;
+         end if;
-            procedure Replace_Type is new Traverse_Proc (Process);
+         Replace_Types (Expr);
+      end Process_Class_Wide_Condition;
-         --  Start of processing for Class_Wide_Condition
+      --  Local variables
-         begin
-            if not Present (T) then
+      Subp_Decl : constant Node_Id   := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
+      Expr      : constant Node_Id   :=
+                    Expression (Get_Argument (N, Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl)));
+      Spec_Id   : constant Entity_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of (Subp_Decl);
-               --  Pre'Class/Post'Class aspect cases
+      Restore_Scope : Boolean := False;
+      --  Gets set True if we do a Push_Scope needing a Pop_Scope on exit
-               if From_Aspect_Specification (Prag) then
-                  Error_Msg_Name_1 := Nam;
-                  Error_Msg_N
-                    ("aspect% can only be specified for a primitive "
-                     & "operation of a tagged type",
-                     Corresponding_Aspect (Prag));
+   --  Start of processing for Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part
-               --  Pre_Class, Post_Class pragma cases
+   begin
+      --  Ensure that the subprogram and its formals are visible when analyzing
+      --  the expression of the pragma.
-               else
-                  if Nam = Name_uPre then
-                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Pre_Class;
-                  else
-                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Post_Class;
-                  end if;
+      if not In_Open_Scopes (Spec_Id) then
+         Restore_Scope := True;
+         Push_Scope (Spec_Id);
-                  Error_Msg_N
-                    ("pragma% can only be specified for a primitive "
-                     & "operation of a tagged type",
-                     Corresponding_Aspect (Prag));
-               end if;
-            end if;
+         if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Spec_Id) then
+            Install_Generic_Formals (Spec_Id);
+         else
+            Install_Formals (Spec_Id);
+         end if;
+      end if;
-            Replace_Type (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg1));
-         end Class_Wide_Condition;
+      Preanalyze_Assert_Expression (Expr, Standard_Boolean);
+      --  For a class-wide condition, a reference to a controlling formal must
+      --  be interpreted as having the class-wide type (or an access to such)
+      --  so that the inherited condition can be properly applied to any
+      --  overriding operation (see ARM12 6.6.1 (7)).
+      if Class_Present (N) then
+         Process_Class_Wide_Condition (Expr, Spec_Id, Subp_Decl);
       end if;
       --  Remove the subprogram from the scope stack now that the pre-analysis
@@ -22638,8 +22241,7 @@ 
       Body_Decl : constant Node_Id   := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
       Body_Id   : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Entity (Body_Decl);
       Errors    : constant Nat       := Serious_Errors_Detected;
-      Refs      : constant Node_Id   :=
-                    Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
+      Refs      : constant Node_Id   := Expression (Get_Argument (N));
       Clause    : Node_Id;
       Deps      : Node_Id;
       Dummy     : Boolean;
@@ -22665,7 +22267,7 @@ 
       end if;
-      Deps := Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Depends)));
+      Deps := Expression (Get_Argument (Depends));
       --  A null dependency relation renders the refinement useless because it
       --  cannot possibly mention abstract states with visible refinement. Note
@@ -23509,8 +23111,7 @@ 
       --  Start of processing for Collect_Global_Items
-         Process_Global_List
-           (Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag))));
+         Process_Global_List (Expression (Get_Argument (Prag)));
       end Collect_Global_Items;
@@ -23577,8 +23178,7 @@ 
       Body_Decl : constant Node_Id := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
       Errors    : constant Nat     := Serious_Errors_Detected;
-      Items     : constant Node_Id :=
-                    Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
+      Items     : constant Node_Id := Expression (Get_Argument (N));
       Spec_Id   : Entity_Id;
    --  Start of processing for Analyze_Refined_Global_In_Decl_Part
@@ -24493,8 +24093,7 @@ 
       --  Local declarations
       Body_Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (N);
-      Clauses   : constant Node_Id :=
-                    Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (N)));
+      Clauses   : constant Node_Id := Expression (Get_Argument (N));
       Clause    : Node_Id;
    --  Start of processing for Analyze_Refined_State_In_Decl_Part
@@ -24554,28 +24153,83 @@ 
    -- Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part --
-   procedure Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id; S : Entity_Id) is
+   procedure Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id) is
+      procedure Preanalyze_Test_Case_Arg
+        (Arg_Nam : Name_Id;
+         Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+      --  Preanalyze one of the optional arguments "Requires" or "Ensures"
+      --  denoted by Arg_Nam. Subp_Id is the entity of the subprogram subject
+      --  to pragma Test_Case.
+      ------------------------------
+      -- Preanalyze_Test_Case_Arg --
+      ------------------------------
+      procedure Preanalyze_Test_Case_Arg
+        (Arg_Nam : Name_Id;
+         Subp_Id : Entity_Id)
+      is
+         Arg : Node_Id;
+      begin
+         --  Preanalyze the original aspect argument for ASIS or for a generic
+         --  subprogram to properly capture global references.
+         if ASIS_Mode or else Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id) then
+            Arg :=
+              Test_Case_Arg
+                (Prag        => N,
+                 Arg_Nam     => Arg_Nam,
+                 From_Aspect => True);
+            if Present (Arg) then
+               Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
+                 (Expression (Arg), Standard_Boolean);
+            end if;
+         end if;
+         Arg := Test_Case_Arg (N, Arg_Nam);
+         if Present (Arg) then
+            Preanalyze_Assert_Expression (Expression (Arg), Standard_Boolean);
+         end if;
+      end Preanalyze_Test_Case_Arg;
+      --  Local variables
+      Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+      Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
+      Restore_Scope : Boolean := False;
+      --  Gets set True if we do a Push_Scope needing a Pop_Scope on exit
+   --  Start of processing for Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part
-      --  Install formals and push subprogram spec onto scope stack so that we
-      --  can see the formals from the pragma.
+      Subp_Decl := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (N);
+      Subp_Id   := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
-      Push_Scope (S);
-      Install_Formals (S);
+      --  Ensure that the formal parameters are visible when analyzing all
+      --  clauses. This falls out of the general rule of aspects pertaining
+      --  to subprogram declarations.
-      --  Preanalyze the boolean expressions, we treat these as spec
-      --  expressions (i.e. similar to a default expression).
+      if not In_Open_Scopes (Subp_Id) then
+         Restore_Scope := True;
+         Push_Scope (Subp_Id);
-      if Pragma_Name (N) = Name_Test_Case then
-         Preanalyze_CTC_Args
-           (N,
-            Get_Requires_From_CTC_Pragma (N),
-            Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma (N));
+         if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id) then
+            Install_Generic_Formals (Subp_Id);
+         else
+            Install_Formals (Subp_Id);
+         end if;
       end if;
-      --  Remove the subprogram from the scope stack now that the pre-analysis
-      --  of the expressions in the contract case or test case is done.
+      Preanalyze_Test_Case_Arg (Name_Requires, Subp_Id);
+      Preanalyze_Test_Case_Arg (Name_Ensures,  Subp_Id);
-      End_Scope;
+      if Restore_Scope then
+         End_Scope;
+      end if;
    end Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part;
@@ -24615,7 +24269,7 @@ 
       PP     : Node_Id;
       Policy : Name_Id;
-      Ename : constant Name_Id := Original_Aspect_Name (N);
+      Ename : constant Name_Id := Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (N);
       --  No effect if not valid assertion kind name
@@ -24955,43 +24609,6 @@ 
       end if;
    end Check_Missing_Part_Of;
-   ---------------------------------
-   -- Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS --
-   ---------------------------------
-   procedure Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS (N : Node_Id) is
-      Expr : Node_Id;
-   begin
-      if ASIS_Mode and then From_Aspect_Specification (N) then
-         Expr := Expression (Corresponding_Aspect (N));
-         if Nkind (Expr) /= N_Aggregate then
-            Preanalyze_And_Resolve (Expr);
-         else
-            declare
-               Comps : constant List_Id := Component_Associations (Expr);
-               Exprs : constant List_Id := Expressions (Expr);
-               C     : Node_Id;
-               E     : Node_Id;
-            begin
-               E := First (Exprs);
-               while Present (E) loop
-                  Analyze (E);
-                  Next (E);
-               end loop;
-               C := First (Comps);
-               while Present (C) loop
-                  Analyze (Expression (C));
-                  Next (C);
-               end loop;
-            end;
-         end if;
-      end if;
-   end Check_SPARK_Aspect_For_ASIS;
    -- Check_State_And_Constituent_Use --
@@ -25242,36 +24859,20 @@ 
       --  Local variables
-      Subp_Decl : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp_Id);
+      Subp_Decl : constant Node_Id   := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp_Id);
+      Spec_Id   : constant Entity_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of (Subp_Decl);
       Clause    : Node_Id;
       Clauses   : Node_Id;
       Depends   : Node_Id;
       Formal    : Entity_Id;
       Global    : Node_Id;
       List      : Node_Id;
-      Spec_Id   : Entity_Id;
    --  Start of processing for Collect_Subprogram_Inputs_Outputs
       Global_Seen := False;
-      --  Find the entity of the corresponding spec when processing a body
-      if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
-        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
-      then
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl);
-      elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
-        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl))
-      then
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl);
-      else
-         Spec_Id := Subp_Id;
-      end if;
       --  Process all formal parameters
       Formal := First_Formal (Spec_Id);
@@ -25316,7 +24917,7 @@ 
       if Present (Global) then
          Global_Seen := True;
-         List := Expression (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Global)));
+         List := Expression (Get_Argument (Global, Spec_Id));
          --  The pragma may not have been analyzed because of the arbitrary
          --  declaration order of aspects. Make sure that it is analyzed for
@@ -25337,8 +24938,7 @@ 
       --  the inputs and outputs from [Refined_]Depends.
       elsif Synthesize and then Present (Depends) then
-         Clauses :=
-           Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Depends)));
+         Clauses := Expression (Get_Argument (Depends, Spec_Id));
          --  Multiple dependency clauses appear as an aggregate
@@ -25367,6 +24967,155 @@ 
    end Delay_Config_Pragma_Analyze;
+   -----------------------
+   -- Duplication_Error --
+   -----------------------
+   procedure Duplication_Error (Prag : Node_Id; Prev : Node_Id) is
+      Prag_From_Asp : constant Boolean := From_Aspect_Specification (Prag);
+      Prag_Nam      : constant Name_Id := Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (Prag);
+      Prev_From_Asp : constant Boolean := From_Aspect_Specification (Prev);
+   begin
+      Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Prev);
+      --  Emit a precise message to distinguish between source pragmas and
+      --  pragmas generated from aspects. The ordering of the two pragmas is
+      --  the following:
+      --    Prev  --  ok
+      --    Prag  --  duplicate
+      --  No error is emitted when both pragmas come from aspects because this
+      --  is already detected by the general aspect analysis mechanism.
+      if Prag_Nam = Name_uPre then
+         Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Pre;
+      elsif Prag_Nam = Name_uPost then
+         Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Post;
+      else
+         Error_Msg_Name_1 := Prag_Nam;
+      end if;
+      --  The item appears as aspect XXX'Class or pragma XXX_Class
+      if Class_Present (Prag) then
+         if Prag_From_Asp and Prev_From_Asp then
+            null;
+         elsif Prag_From_Asp then
+            Error_Msg_N
+              ("aspect `%'Class` duplicates pragma declared #", Prag);
+         elsif Prev_From_Asp then
+            Error_Msg_N
+              ("pragma `%_Class` duplicates aspect declared #", Prag);
+         else
+            Error_Msg_N
+              ("pragma `%_Class` duplicates pragma declared #", Prag);
+         end if;
+      --  Otherwise the pragma appears in its normal form
+      else
+         if Prag_From_Asp and Prev_From_Asp then
+            null;
+         elsif Prag_From_Asp then
+            Error_Msg_N ("aspect % duplicates pragma declared #", Prag);
+         elsif Prev_From_Asp then
+            Error_Msg_N ("pragma % duplicates aspect declared #", Prag);
+         else
+            Error_Msg_N ("pragma % duplicates pragma declared #", Prag);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Duplication_Error;
+   ----------------------------------
+   -- Find_Related_Package_Or_Body --
+   ----------------------------------
+   function Find_Related_Package_Or_Body
+     (Prag      : Node_Id;
+      Do_Checks : Boolean := False) return Node_Id
+   is
+      Context  : constant Node_Id := Parent (Prag);
+      Prag_Nam : constant Name_Id := Pragma_Name (Prag);
+      Stmt     : Node_Id;
+   begin
+      Stmt := Prev (Prag);
+      while Present (Stmt) loop
+         --  Skip prior pragmas, but check for duplicates
+         if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Pragma then
+            if Do_Checks and then Pragma_Name (Stmt) = Prag_Nam then
+               Duplication_Error
+                 (Prag => Prag,
+                  Prev => Stmt);
+            end if;
+         --  Skip internally generated code
+         elsif not Comes_From_Source (Stmt) then
+            if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               --  The subprogram declaration is an internally generated spec
+               --  for an expression function.
+               if Nkind (Original_Node (Stmt)) = N_Expression_Function then
+                  return Stmt;
+               --  The subprogram is actually an instance housed within an
+               --  anonymous wrapper package.
+               elsif Present (Generic_Parent (Specification (Stmt))) then
+                  return Stmt;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+         --  Return the current source construct which is illegal
+         else
+            return Stmt;
+         end if;
+         Prev (Stmt);
+      end loop;
+      --  If we fall through, then the pragma was either the first declaration
+      --  or it was preceded by other pragmas and no source constructs.
+      --  The pragma is associated with a package. The immediate context in
+      --  this case is the specification of the package.
+      if Nkind (Context) = N_Package_Specification then
+         return Parent (Context);
+      --  The pragma appears in the declarations of a package body
+      elsif Nkind (Context) = N_Package_Body then
+         return Context;
+      --  The pragma appears in the statements of a package body
+      elsif Nkind (Context) = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements
+        and then Nkind (Parent (Context)) = N_Package_Body
+      then
+         return Parent (Context);
+      --  The pragma is a byproduct of aspect expansion, return the related
+      --  context of the original aspect. This case has a lower priority as
+      --  the above circuitry pinpoints precisely the related context.
+      elsif Present (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)) then
+         return Parent (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag));
+      --  No candidate packge [body] found
+      else
+         return Empty;
+      end if;
+   end Find_Related_Package_Or_Body;
    -- Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body --
@@ -25375,42 +25124,63 @@ 
      (Prag      : Node_Id;
       Do_Checks : Boolean := False) return Node_Id
-      Context : constant Node_Id := Parent (Prag);
-      Nam     : constant Name_Id := Pragma_Name (Prag);
-      Stmt    : Node_Id;
+      Prag_Nam : constant Name_Id := Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (Prag);
-      Look_For_Body : constant Boolean :=
-                        Nam_In (Nam, Name_Refined_Depends,
-                                     Name_Refined_Global,
-                                     Name_Refined_Post);
-      --  Refinement pragmas must be associated with a subprogram body [stub]
+      procedure Expression_Function_Error;
+      --  Emit an error concerning pragma Prag that illegaly applies to an
+      --  expression function.
-   begin
-      pragma Assert (Nkind (Prag) = N_Pragma);
+      -------------------------------
+      -- Expression_Function_Error --
+      -------------------------------
-      --  If the pragma is a byproduct of aspect expansion, return the related
-      --  context of the original aspect.
+      procedure Expression_Function_Error is
+      begin
+         Error_Msg_Name_1 := Prag_Nam;
-      if Present (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)) then
-         return Parent (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag));
-      end if;
+         --  Emit a precise message to distinguish between source pragmas and
+         --  pragmas generated from aspects.
-      --  Otherwise the pragma is a source construct, most likely part of a
-      --  declarative list. Skip preceding declarations while looking for a
-      --  proper subprogram declaration.
+         if From_Aspect_Specification (Prag) then
+            Error_Msg_N
+              ("aspect % cannot apply to a stand alone expression function",
+               Prag);
+         else
+            Error_Msg_N
+              ("pragma % cannot apply to a stand alone expression function",
+               Prag);
+         end if;
+      end Expression_Function_Error;
-      pragma Assert (Is_List_Member (Prag));
+      --  Local variables
+      Context : constant Node_Id := Parent (Prag);
+      Stmt    : Node_Id;
+      Look_For_Body : constant Boolean :=
+                        Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Refined_Depends,
+                                          Name_Refined_Global,
+                                          Name_Refined_Post);
+      --  Refinement pragmas must be associated with a subprogram body [stub]
+   --  Start of processing for Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body
+   begin
       Stmt := Prev (Prag);
       while Present (Stmt) loop
-         --  Skip prior pragmas, but check for duplicates
+         --  Skip prior pragmas, but check for duplicates. Pragmas produced
+         --  by splitting a complex pre/postcondition are not considered to
+         --  be duplicates.
          if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Pragma then
-            if Do_Checks and then Pragma_Name (Stmt) = Nam then
-               Error_Msg_Name_1 := Nam;
-               Error_Msg_Sloc   := Sloc (Stmt);
-               Error_Msg_N ("pragma % duplicates pragma declared #", Prag);
+            if Do_Checks
+              and then not Split_PPC (Stmt)
+              and then Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (Stmt) = Prag_Nam
+            then
+               Duplication_Error
+                 (Prag => Prag,
+                  Prev => Stmt);
             end if;
          --  Emit an error when a refinement pragma appears on an expression
@@ -25422,11 +25192,7 @@ 
            and then Nkind (Original_Node (Stmt)) = N_Expression_Function
            and then not Has_Completion (Defining_Entity (Stmt))
-            Error_Msg_Name_1 := Nam;
-            Error_Msg_N
-              ("pragma % cannot apply to a stand alone expression function",
-               Prag);
+            Expression_Function_Error;
             return Empty;
          --  The refinement pragma applies to a subprogram body stub
@@ -25439,8 +25205,22 @@ 
          --  Skip internally generated code
          elsif not Comes_From_Source (Stmt) then
-            null;
+            if Nkind (Stmt) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
+               --  The subprogram declaration is an internally generated spec
+               --  for an expression function.
+               if Nkind (Original_Node (Stmt)) = N_Expression_Function then
+                  return Stmt;
+               --  The subprogram is actually an instance housed within an
+               --  anonymous wrapper package.
+               elsif Present (Generic_Parent (Specification (Stmt))) then
+                  return Stmt;
+               end if;
+            end if;
          --  Return the current construct which is either a subprogram body,
          --  a subprogram declaration or is illegal.
@@ -25459,11 +25239,24 @@ 
       if Nkind (Context) = N_Compilation_Unit_Aux then
          return Unit (Parent (Context));
+      --  The pragma appears inside the statements of a subprogram body. This
+      --  placement is the result of subprogram contract expansion.
+      elsif Nkind (Context) = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements then
+         return Parent (Context);
       --  The pragma appears inside the declarative part of a subprogram body
       elsif Nkind (Context) = N_Subprogram_Body then
          return Context;
+      --  The pragma is a byproduct of aspect expansion, return the related
+      --  context of the original aspect. This case has a lower priority as
+      --  the above circuitry pinpoints precisely the related context.
+      elsif Present (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)) then
+         return Parent (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag));
       --  No candidate subprogram [body] found
@@ -25471,6 +25264,39 @@ 
       end if;
    end Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body;
+   ------------------
+   -- Get_Argument --
+   ------------------
+   function Get_Argument
+     (Prag    : Node_Id;
+      Spec_Id : Entity_Id := Empty) return Node_Id
+   is
+      Args : constant List_Id := Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag);
+   begin
+      --  Use the expression of the original aspect if possible when compiling
+      --  for ASIS or when analyzing the template of a generic subprogram. In
+      --  both cases the aspect's tree must be decorated to allow for ASIS
+      --  queries or to save all global references in the generic context.
+      if From_Aspect_Specification (Prag)
+        and then
+          (ASIS_Mode or else (Present (Spec_Id)
+                               and then Is_Generic_Subprogram (Spec_Id)))
+      then
+         return Corresponding_Aspect (Prag);
+      --  Otherwise use the expression of the pragma
+      elsif Present (Args) then
+         return First (Args);
+      else
+         return Empty;
+      end if;
+   end Get_Argument;
    -- Get_Base_Subprogram --
@@ -26191,118 +26017,6 @@ 
       end case;
    end Is_Valid_Assertion_Kind;
-   -----------------------------------------
-   -- Make_Aspect_For_PPC_In_Gen_Sub_Decl --
-   -----------------------------------------
-   procedure Make_Aspect_For_PPC_In_Gen_Sub_Decl (Decl : Node_Id) is
-      Aspects : constant List_Id := New_List;
-      Loc     : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Decl);
-      Or_Decl : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Decl);
-      Original_Aspects : List_Id;
-      --  To capture global references, a copy of the created aspects must be
-      --  inserted in the original tree.
-      Prag         : Node_Id;
-      Prag_Arg_Ass : Node_Id;
-      Prag_Id      : Pragma_Id;
-   begin
-      --  Check for any PPC pragmas that appear within Decl
-      Prag := Next (Decl);
-      while Nkind (Prag) = N_Pragma loop
-         Prag_Id := Get_Pragma_Id (Chars (Pragma_Identifier (Prag)));
-         case Prag_Id is
-            when Pragma_Postcondition | Pragma_Precondition =>
-               Prag_Arg_Ass := First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag));
-               --  Make an aspect from any PPC pragma
-               Append_To (Aspects,
-                 Make_Aspect_Specification (Loc,
-                   Identifier =>
-                     Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Pragma_Identifier (Prag))),
-                   Expression =>
-                     Copy_Separate_Tree (Expression (Prag_Arg_Ass))));
-               --  Generate the analysis information in the pragma expression
-               --  and then set the pragma node analyzed to avoid any further
-               --  analysis.
-               Analyze (Expression (Prag_Arg_Ass));
-               Set_Analyzed (Prag, True);
-            when others => null;
-         end case;
-         Next (Prag);
-      end loop;
-      --  Set all new aspects into the generic declaration node
-      if Is_Non_Empty_List (Aspects) then
-         --  Create the list of aspects to be inserted in the original tree
-         Original_Aspects := Copy_Separate_List (Aspects);
-         --  Check if Decl already has aspects
-         --  Attach the new lists of aspects to both the generic copy and the
-         --  original tree.
-         if Has_Aspects (Decl) then
-            Append_List (Aspects, Aspect_Specifications (Decl));
-            Append_List (Original_Aspects, Aspect_Specifications (Or_Decl));
-         else
-            Set_Parent (Aspects, Decl);
-            Set_Aspect_Specifications (Decl, Aspects);
-            Set_Parent (Original_Aspects, Or_Decl);
-            Set_Aspect_Specifications (Or_Decl, Original_Aspects);
-         end if;
-      end if;
-   end Make_Aspect_For_PPC_In_Gen_Sub_Decl;
-   -------------------------
-   -- Preanalyze_CTC_Args --
-   -------------------------
-   procedure Preanalyze_CTC_Args (N, Arg_Req, Arg_Ens : Node_Id) is
-   begin
-      --  Preanalyze the boolean expressions, we treat these as spec
-      --  expressions (i.e. similar to a default expression).
-      if Present (Arg_Req) then
-         Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-           (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg_Req), Standard_Boolean);
-         --  In ASIS mode, for a pragma generated from a source aspect, also
-         --  analyze the original aspect expression.
-         if ASIS_Mode and then Present (Corresponding_Aspect (N)) then
-            Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-              (Original_Node (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg_Req)), Standard_Boolean);
-         end if;
-      end if;
-      if Present (Arg_Ens) then
-         Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-           (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg_Ens), Standard_Boolean);
-         --  In ASIS mode, for a pragma generated from a source aspect, also
-         --  analyze the original aspect expression.
-         if ASIS_Mode and then Present (Corresponding_Aspect (N)) then
-            Preanalyze_Assert_Expression
-              (Original_Node (Get_Pragma_Arg (Arg_Ens)), Standard_Boolean);
-         end if;
-      end if;
-   end Preanalyze_CTC_Args;
    -- Process_Compilation_Unit_Pragmas --
@@ -26701,4 +26415,100 @@ 
       Generate_Reference (Entity (With_Item), N, Set_Ref => False);
    end Set_Elab_Unit_Name;
+   -------------------
+   -- Test_Case_Arg --
+   -------------------
+   function Test_Case_Arg
+     (Prag        : Node_Id;
+      Arg_Nam     : Name_Id;
+      From_Aspect : Boolean := False) return Node_Id
+   is
+      Aspect : constant Node_Id := Corresponding_Aspect (Prag);
+      Arg    : Node_Id;
+      Args   : Node_Id;
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Nam_In (Arg_Nam, Name_Ensures,
+                                      Name_Mode,
+                                      Name_Name,
+                                      Name_Requires));
+      --  The caller requests the aspect argument
+      if From_Aspect then
+         if Present (Aspect)
+           and then Nkind (Expression (Aspect)) = N_Aggregate
+         then
+            Args := Expression (Aspect);
+            --  "Name" and "Mode" may appear without an identifier as a
+            --  positional association.
+            if Present (Expressions (Args)) then
+               Arg := First (Expressions (Args));
+               if Present (Arg) and then Arg_Nam = Name_Name then
+                  return Arg;
+               end if;
+               --  Skip "Name"
+               Arg := Next (Arg);
+               if Present (Arg) and then Arg_Nam = Name_Mode then
+                  return Arg;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+            --  Some or all arguments may appear as component associatons
+            if Present (Component_Associations (Args)) then
+               Arg := First (Component_Associations (Args));
+               while Present (Arg) loop
+                  if Chars (First (Choices (Arg))) = Arg_Nam then
+                     return Arg;
+                  end if;
+                  Next (Arg);
+               end loop;
+            end if;
+         end if;
+      --  Otherwise retrieve the argument directly from the pragma
+      else
+         Arg := First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag));
+         if Present (Arg) and then Arg_Nam = Name_Name then
+            return Arg;
+         end if;
+         --  Skip argument "Name"
+         Arg := Next (Arg);
+         if Present (Arg) and then Arg_Nam = Name_Mode then
+            return Arg;
+         end if;
+         --  Skip argument "Mode"
+         Arg := Next (Arg);
+         --  Arguments "Requires" and "Ensures" are optional and may not be
+         --  present at all.
+         while Present (Arg) loop
+            if Chars (Arg) = Arg_Nam then
+               return Arg;
+            end if;
+            Next (Arg);
+         end loop;
+      end if;
+      return Empty;
+   end Test_Case_Arg;
 end Sem_Prag;
Index: sem_prag.ads
--- sem_prag.ads	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_prag.ads	(working copy)
@@ -103,14 +103,9 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Initializes_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id);
    --  Perform full analysis of delayed pragma Initializes
-   procedure Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part
-     (Prag    : Node_Id;
-      Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
-   --  Perform preanalysis of a [refined] precondition or postcondition that
-   --  appears on a subprogram declaration or body [stub]. Prag denotes the
-   --  pragma, Subp_Id is the entity of the related subprogram. The preanalysis
-   --  of the expression is done as "spec expression" (see section "Handling
-   --  of Default and Per-Object Expressions in Sem).
+   procedure Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id);
+   --  Perform preanalysis of [refined] precondition or postcondition pragma
+   --  N that appears on a subprogram declaration or body [stub].
    procedure Analyze_Refined_Depends_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id);
    --  Preform full analysis of delayed pragma Refined_Depends. This routine
@@ -125,12 +120,8 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Refined_State_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id);
    --  Perform full analysis of delayed pragma Refined_State
-   procedure Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id; S : Entity_Id);
-   --  Perform preanalysis of pragma Test_Case that applies to a subprogram
-   --  declaration. Parameter N denotes the pragma, S is the entity of the
-   --  related subprogram. The preanalysis of the expression is done as "spec
-   --  expression" (see section "Handling of Default and Per-Object Expressions
-   --  in Sem).
+   procedure Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part (N : Node_Id);
+   --  Perform preanalysis of pragma Test_Case
    procedure Check_Applicable_Policy (N : Node_Id);
    --  N is either an N_Aspect or an N_Pragma node. There are two cases. If
@@ -199,6 +190,23 @@ 
    --  True have their analysis delayed until after the main program is parsed
    --  and analyzed.
+   function Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body
+     (Prag      : Node_Id;
+      Do_Checks : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+   --  Subsidiary to the analysis of pragmas Contract_Cases, Depends, Global,
+   --  Refined_Depends, Refined_Global and Refined_Post and attribute 'Result.
+   --  Find the declaration of the related subprogram [body or stub] subject
+   --  to pragma Prag. If flag Do_Checks is set, the routine reports duplicate
+   --  pragmas and detects improper use of refinement pragmas in stand alone
+   --  expression functions. The returned value depends on the related pragma
+   --  as follows:
+   --    1) Pragmas Contract_Cases, Depends and Global yield the corresponding
+   --       N_Subprogram_Declaration node or if the pragma applies to a stand
+   --       alone body, the N_Subprogram_Body node or Empty if illegal.
+   --    2) Pragmas Refined_Depends, Refined_Global and Refined_Post yield
+   --       N_Subprogram_Body or N_Subprogram_Body_Stub nodes or Empty if
+   --       illegal.
    function Get_SPARK_Mode_From_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return SPARK_Mode_Type;
    --  Given a pragma SPARK_Mode node, return corresponding mode id
@@ -247,12 +255,6 @@ 
    --  Name_uInvariant, and Name_uType_Invariant (_Pre, _Post, _Invariant,
    --  and _Type_Invariant).
-   procedure Make_Aspect_For_PPC_In_Gen_Sub_Decl (Decl : Node_Id);
-   --  This routine makes aspects from precondition or postcondition pragmas
-   --  that appear within a generic subprogram declaration. Decl is the generic
-   --  subprogram declaration node. Note that the aspects are attached to the
-   --  generic copy and also to the orginal tree.
    procedure Process_Compilation_Unit_Pragmas (N : Node_Id);
    --  Called at the start of processing compilation unit N to deal with any
    --  special issues regarding pragmas. In particular, we have to deal with
@@ -276,4 +278,23 @@ 
    --  the value of the Interface_Name. Otherwise it is encoded as needed by
    --  particular operating systems. See the body for details of the encoding.
+   function Test_Case_Arg
+     (Prag        : Node_Id;
+      Arg_Nam     : Name_Id;
+      From_Aspect : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+   --  Obtain argument "Name", "Mode", "Ensures" or "Requires" from Test_Case
+   --  pragma Prag as denoted by Arg_Nam. When From_Aspect is set, an attempt
+   --  is made to retrieve the argument from the corresponding aspect if there
+   --  is one. The returned argument has several formats:
+   --
+   --    N_Pragma_Argument_Association if retrieved directly from the pragma
+   --
+   --    N_Component_Association if retrieved from the corresponding aspect and
+   --    the argument appears in a named association form.
+   --
+   --    An arbitrary expression if retrieved from the corresponding aspect and
+   --    the argument appears in positional form.
+   --
+   --    Empty if there is no such argument
 end Sem_Prag;
Index: sem_ch12.adb
--- sem_ch12.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch12.adb	(working copy)
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ 
 with Sem_Elab; use Sem_Elab;
 with Sem_Elim; use Sem_Elim;
 with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
-with Sem_Prag; use Sem_Prag;
 with Sem_Res;  use Sem_Res;
 with Sem_Type; use Sem_Type;
 with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
@@ -3073,9 +3072,8 @@ 
       Enter_Name (Id);
-      Set_Ekind    (Id, E_Generic_Package);
-      Set_Etype    (Id, Standard_Void_Type);
-      Set_Contract (Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Id)));
+      Set_Ekind  (Id, E_Generic_Package);
+      Set_Etype  (Id, Standard_Void_Type);
       --  A generic package declared within a Ghost region is rendered Ghost
       --  (SPARK RM 6.9(2)).
@@ -3170,12 +3168,12 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is
-      Spec        : Node_Id;
+      Formals     : List_Id;
       Id          : Entity_Id;
-      Formals     : List_Id;
       New_N       : Node_Id;
       Result_Type : Entity_Id;
       Save_Parent : Node_Id;
+      Spec        : Node_Id;
       Typ         : Entity_Id;
@@ -3206,7 +3204,6 @@ 
       Spec := Specification (N);
       Id := Defining_Entity (Spec);
       Generate_Definition (Id);
-      Set_Contract (Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Id)));
       if Nkind (Id) = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol then
@@ -3311,17 +3308,14 @@ 
       Set_Categorization_From_Pragmas (N);
       Validate_Categorization_Dependency (N, Id);
+      --  Capture all global references that occur within the profile of the
+      --  generic subprogram. Aspects are not part of this processing because
+      --  they must be delayed. If processed now, Save_Global_References will
+      --  destroy the Associated_Node links and prevent the capture of global
+      --  references when the contract of the generic subprogram is analyzed.
       Save_Global_References (Original_Node (N));
-      --  For ASIS purposes, convert any postcondition, precondition pragmas
-      --  into aspects, if N is not a compilation unit by itself, in order to
-      --  enable the analysis of expressions inside the corresponding PPC
-      --  pragmas.
-      if ASIS_Mode and then Is_List_Member (N) then
-         Make_Aspect_For_PPC_In_Gen_Sub_Decl (N);
-      end if;
       Exit_Generic_Scope (Id);
@@ -4626,6 +4620,10 @@ 
       --  aspects that appear in the generic. This renaming declaration is
       --  inserted after the instance declaration which it renames.
+      procedure Instantiate_Contract (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+      --  Instantiate all source pragmas found in the contract of subprogram
+      --  Subp_Id. The instantiated pragmas are added to list Renaming_List.
       -- Analyze_Instance_And_Renamings --
@@ -4658,11 +4656,12 @@ 
                             Suffix_Index => Source_Offset (Sloc (Def_Ent))));
          end if;
-         Pack_Decl := Make_Package_Declaration (Loc,
-           Specification => Make_Package_Specification (Loc,
-             Defining_Unit_Name   => Pack_Id,
-             Visible_Declarations => Renaming_List,
-             End_Label            => Empty));
+         Pack_Decl :=
+           Make_Package_Declaration (Loc,
+             Specification => Make_Package_Specification (Loc,
+               Defining_Unit_Name   => Pack_Id,
+               Visible_Declarations => Renaming_List,
+               End_Label            => Empty));
          Set_Instance_Spec (N, Pack_Decl);
          Set_Is_Generic_Instance (Pack_Id);
@@ -4826,6 +4825,62 @@ 
          end if;
       end Build_Subprogram_Renaming;
+      --------------------------
+      -- Instantiate_Contract --
+      --------------------------
+      procedure Instantiate_Contract (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+         procedure Instantiate_Pragmas (First_Prag : Node_Id);
+         --  Instantiate all contract-related source pragmas found in the list
+         --  starting with pragma First_Prag. Each instantiated pragma is added
+         --  to list Renaming_List.
+         -------------------------
+         -- Instantiate_Pragmas --
+         -------------------------
+         procedure Instantiate_Pragmas (First_Prag : Node_Id) is
+            Inst_Prag : Node_Id;
+            Prag      : Node_Id;
+         begin
+            Prag := First_Prag;
+            while Present (Prag) loop
+               if Comes_From_Source (Prag)
+                 and then Nam_In (Pragma_Name (Prag), Name_Contract_Cases,
+                                                      Name_Depends,
+                                                      Name_Extensions_Visible,
+                                                      Name_Global,
+                                                      Name_Postcondition,
+                                                      Name_Precondition,
+                                                      Name_Test_Case)
+               then
+                  Inst_Prag :=
+                    Copy_Generic_Node
+                      (Original_Node (Prag), Empty, Instantiating => True);
+                  Set_Analyzed (Inst_Prag, False);
+                  Append_To (Renaming_List, Inst_Prag);
+               end if;
+               Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+            end loop;
+         end Instantiate_Pragmas;
+         --  Local variables
+         Items : constant Node_Id := Contract (Subp_Id);
+      --  Start of processing for Instantiate_Contract
+      begin
+         if Present (Items) then
+            Instantiate_Pragmas (Pre_Post_Conditions (Items));
+            Instantiate_Pragmas (Contract_Test_Cases (Items));
+            Instantiate_Pragmas (Classifications     (Items));
+         end if;
+      end Instantiate_Contract;
       --  Local variables
       Save_IPSM : constant Boolean := Ignore_Pragma_SPARK_Mode;
@@ -4991,7 +5046,9 @@ 
          end if;
          Append (Act_Decl, Renaming_List);
+         Instantiate_Contract (Gen_Unit);
          --  If the generic is marked Import (Intrinsic), then so is the
@@ -5022,9 +5079,6 @@ 
          end if;
          Generate_Definition (Act_Decl_Id);
-         --  Set_Contract (Anon_Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Anon_Id)));
-         --  ??? needed?
-         Set_Contract (Act_Decl_Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Act_Decl_Id)));
          --  Inherit all inlining-related flags which apply to the generic in
          --  the subprogram and its declaration.
@@ -10743,30 +10797,30 @@ 
      (Body_Info     : Pending_Body_Info;
       Body_Optional : Boolean := False)
-      Act_Decl      : constant Node_Id    := Body_Info.Act_Decl;
-      Inst_Node     : constant Node_Id    := Body_Info.Inst_Node;
-      Loc           : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Inst_Node);
-      Gen_Id        : constant Node_Id    := Name (Inst_Node);
-      Gen_Unit      : constant Entity_Id  := Get_Generic_Entity (Inst_Node);
-      Gen_Decl      : constant Node_Id    := Unit_Declaration_Node (Gen_Unit);
-      Anon_Id       : constant Entity_Id  :=
-                        Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Act_Decl));
-      Pack_Id       : constant Entity_Id  :=
-                        Defining_Unit_Name (Parent (Act_Decl));
-      Gen_Body      : Node_Id;
-      Gen_Body_Id   : Node_Id;
-      Act_Body      : Node_Id;
-      Pack_Body     : Node_Id;
-      Ret_Expr      : Node_Id;
+      Act_Decl    : constant Node_Id    := Body_Info.Act_Decl;
+      Inst_Node   : constant Node_Id    := Body_Info.Inst_Node;
+      Loc         : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Inst_Node);
+      Gen_Id      : constant Node_Id    := Name (Inst_Node);
+      Gen_Unit    : constant Entity_Id  := Get_Generic_Entity (Inst_Node);
+      Gen_Decl    : constant Node_Id    := Unit_Declaration_Node (Gen_Unit);
+      Anon_Id     : constant Entity_Id  :=
+                      Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Act_Decl));
+      Pack_Id     : constant Entity_Id  :=
+                      Defining_Unit_Name (Parent (Act_Decl));
-      Parent_Installed : Boolean := False;
       Saved_Style_Check : constant Boolean        := Style_Check;
       Saved_Warnings    : constant Warning_Record := Save_Warnings;
-      Par_Ent : Entity_Id := Empty;
-      Par_Vis : Boolean   := False;
+      Act_Body    : Node_Id;
+      Gen_Body    : Node_Id;
+      Gen_Body_Id : Node_Id;
+      Pack_Body   : Node_Id;
+      Par_Ent     : Entity_Id := Empty;
+      Par_Vis     : Boolean   := False;
+      Ret_Expr    : Node_Id;
+      Parent_Installed : Boolean := False;
       Gen_Body_Id := Corresponding_Body (Gen_Decl);
@@ -14314,23 +14368,14 @@ 
          end if;
-         --  If a node has aspects, references within their expressions must
-         --  be saved separately, given they are not directly in the tree.
+         --  Save all global references found within the aspects of the related
+         --  node. This is not done for generic subprograms because the aspects
+         --  must be delayed and analyzed at the end of the declarative part.
+         --  Only then can global references be saved. This action is performed
+         --  by the analysis of the generic subprogram contract.
-         if Has_Aspects (N) then
-            declare
-               Aspect : Node_Id;
-            begin
-               Aspect := First (Aspect_Specifications (N));
-               while Present (Aspect) loop
-                  if Present (Expression (Aspect)) then
-                     Save_Global_References (Expression (Aspect));
-                  end if;
-                  Next (Aspect);
-               end loop;
-            end;
+         if Nkind (N) /= N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration then
+            Save_Global_References_In_Aspects (N);
          end if;
       end Save_References;
@@ -14352,6 +14397,29 @@ 
       Save_References (N);
    end Save_Global_References;
+   ---------------------------------------
+   -- Save_Global_References_In_Aspects --
+   ---------------------------------------
+   procedure Save_Global_References_In_Aspects (N : Node_Id) is
+      Asp  : Node_Id;
+      Expr : Node_Id;
+   begin
+      if Permits_Aspect_Specifications (N) and then Has_Aspects (N) then
+         Asp := First (Aspect_Specifications (N));
+         while Present (Asp) loop
+            Expr := Expression (Asp);
+            if Present (Expr) then
+               Save_Global_References (Expr);
+            end if;
+            Next (Asp);
+         end loop;
+      end if;
+   end Save_Global_References_In_Aspects;
    -- Set_Copied_Sloc_For_Inlined_Body --
Index: sem_ch12.ads
--- sem_ch12.ads	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch12.ads	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ 
    --  restored in stack-like fashion. Front-end inlining also uses these
    --  structures for the management of private/full views.
+   procedure Save_Global_References_In_Aspects (N : Node_Id);
+   --  Save all global references in the aspect specifications of node N
    procedure Set_Copied_Sloc_For_Inlined_Body (N : Node_Id; E : Entity_Id);
    --  This procedure is used when a subprogram body is inlined. This process
    --  shares the same circuitry as the creation of an instantiated copy of
Index: sem_util.adb
--- sem_util.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_util.adb	(working copy)
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ 
 with Sem;      use Sem;
 with Sem_Aux;  use Sem_Aux;
 with Sem_Attr; use Sem_Attr;
+with Sem_Ch6;  use Sem_Ch6;
 with Sem_Ch8;  use Sem_Ch8;
 with Sem_Ch13; use Sem_Ch13;
 with Sem_Disp; use Sem_Disp;
@@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ 
    procedure Add_Contract_Item (Prag : Node_Id; Id : Entity_Id) is
-      Items : constant Node_Id := Contract (Id);
+      Items : Node_Id := Contract (Id);
       procedure Add_Classification;
       --  Prepend Prag to the list of classifications
@@ -293,20 +294,23 @@ 
       --  Local variables
-      Nam : Name_Id;
-      PPC : Node_Id;
+      Prag_Nam : Name_Id;
    --  Start of processing for Add_Contract_Item
-      --  The related context must have a contract and the item to be added
-      --  must be a pragma.
+      --  A contract must contain only pragmas
-      pragma Assert (Present (Items));
       pragma Assert (Nkind (Prag) = N_Pragma);
+      Prag_Nam := Pragma_Name (Prag);
-      Nam := Original_Aspect_Name (Prag);
+      --  Create a new contract when adding the first item
+      if No (Items) then
+         Items := Make_Contract (Sloc (Id));
+         Set_Contract (Id, Items);
+      end if;
       --  Contract items related to [generic] packages or instantiations. The
       --  applicable pragmas are:
       --    Abstract_States
@@ -315,15 +319,15 @@ 
       --    Part_Of (instantiation only)
       if Ekind_In (Id, E_Generic_Package, E_Package) then
-         if Nam_In (Nam, Name_Abstract_State,
-                         Name_Initial_Condition,
-                         Name_Initializes)
+         if Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Abstract_State,
+                              Name_Initial_Condition,
+                              Name_Initializes)
          --  Indicator Part_Of must be associated with a package instantiation
-         elsif Nam = Name_Part_Of and then Is_Generic_Instance (Id) then
+         elsif Prag_Nam = Name_Part_Of and then Is_Generic_Instance (Id) then
          --  The pragma is not a proper contract item
@@ -336,7 +340,7 @@ 
       --    Refined_States
       elsif Ekind (Id) = E_Package_Body then
-         if Nam = Name_Refined_State then
+         if Prag_Nam = Name_Refined_State then
          --  The pragma is not a proper contract item
@@ -351,9 +355,7 @@ 
       --    Depends
       --    Extensions_Visible
       --    Global
-      --    Post
       --    Postcondition
-      --    Pre
       --    Precondition
       --    Test_Case
@@ -361,47 +363,15 @@ 
         or else Is_Generic_Subprogram (Id)
         or else Is_Subprogram (Id)
-         if Nam_In (Nam, Name_Pre,
-                         Name_Precondition,
-                         Name_uPre,
-                         Name_Post,
-                         Name_Postcondition,
-                         Name_uPost)
-         then
-            --  Before we add a precondition or postcondition to the list, make
-            --  sure we do not have a disallowed duplicate, which can happen if
-            --  we use a pragma for Pre[_Class] or Post[_Class] instead of the
-            --  corresponding aspect.
-            if not From_Aspect_Specification (Prag)
-              and then Nam_In (Nam, Name_Pre,
-                                    Name_uPre,
-                                    Name_Post,
-                                    Name_Post_Class)
-            then
-               PPC := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
-               while Present (PPC) loop
-                  if not Split_PPC (PPC)
-                    and then Original_Aspect_Name (PPC) = Nam
-                  then
-                     Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (PPC);
-                     Error_Msg_NE
-                       ("duplication of aspect for & given#", Prag, Id);
-                     return;
-                  end if;
-                  PPC := Next_Pragma (PPC);
-               end loop;
-            end if;
+         if Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Postcondition, Name_Precondition) then
-         elsif Nam_In (Nam, Name_Contract_Cases, Name_Test_Case) then
+         elsif Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Contract_Cases, Name_Test_Case) then
-         elsif Nam_In (Nam, Name_Depends,
-                            Name_Extensions_Visible,
-                            Name_Global)
+         elsif Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Depends,
+                                 Name_Extensions_Visible,
+                                 Name_Global)
@@ -412,15 +382,20 @@ 
          end if;
       --  Contract items related to subprogram bodies. Applicable pragmas are:
+      --    Postcondition
+      --    Precondition
       --    Refined_Depends
       --    Refined_Global
       --    Refined_Post
       elsif Ekind (Id) = E_Subprogram_Body then
-         if Nam_In (Nam, Name_Refined_Depends, Name_Refined_Global) then
+         if Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Refined_Depends, Name_Refined_Global) then
-         elsif Nam = Name_Refined_Post then
+         elsif Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Postcondition,
+                                 Name_Precondition,
+                                 Name_Refined_Post)
+         then
          --  The pragma is not a proper contract item
@@ -437,11 +412,11 @@ 
       --    Part_Of
       elsif Ekind (Id) = E_Variable then
-         if Nam_In (Nam, Name_Async_Readers,
-                         Name_Async_Writers,
-                         Name_Effective_Reads,
-                         Name_Effective_Writes,
-                         Name_Part_Of)
+         if Nam_In (Prag_Nam, Name_Async_Readers,
+                              Name_Async_Writers,
+                              Name_Effective_Reads,
+                              Name_Effective_Writes,
+                              Name_Part_Of)
@@ -3047,169 +3022,326 @@ 
    -- Check_Result_And_Post_State --
-   procedure Check_Result_And_Post_State
-     (Prag        : Node_Id;
-      Result_Seen : in out Boolean)
-   is
-      procedure Check_Expression (Expr : Node_Id);
-      --  Perform the 'Result and post-state checks on a given expression
+   procedure Check_Result_And_Post_State (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+      procedure Check_Result_And_Post_State_In_Pragma
+        (Prag        : Node_Id;
+         Result_Seen : in out Boolean);
+      --  Determine whether pragma Prag mentions attribute 'Result and whether
+      --  the pragma contains an expression that evaluates differently in pre-
+      --  and post-state. Prag is a [refined] postcondition or a contract-cases
+      --  pragma. Result_Seen is set when the pragma mentions attribute 'Result
-      function Is_Function_Result (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-      --  Attempt to find attribute 'Result in a subtree denoted by N
+      function Has_In_Out_Parameter (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+      --  Determine whether subprogram Subp_Id contains at least one IN OUT
+      --  formal parameter.
-      function Is_Trivial_Boolean (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-      --  Determine whether source node N denotes "True" or "False"
+      -------------------------------------------
+      -- Check_Result_And_Post_State_In_Pragma --
+      -------------------------------------------
-      function Mentions_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-      --  Determine whether a subtree denoted by N mentions any construct that
-      --  denotes a post-state.
+      procedure Check_Result_And_Post_State_In_Pragma
+        (Prag        : Node_Id;
+         Result_Seen : in out Boolean)
+      is
+         procedure Check_Expression (Expr : Node_Id);
+         --  Perform the 'Result and post-state checks on a given expression
-      procedure Check_Function_Result is
-        new Traverse_Proc (Is_Function_Result);
+         function Is_Function_Result (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+         --  Attempt to find attribute 'Result in a subtree denoted by N
-      ----------------------
-      -- Check_Expression --
-      ----------------------
+         function Is_Trivial_Boolean (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+         --  Determine whether source node N denotes "True" or "False"
-      procedure Check_Expression (Expr : Node_Id) is
-      begin
-         if not Is_Trivial_Boolean (Expr) then
-            Check_Function_Result (Expr);
+         function Mentions_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+         --  Determine whether a subtree denoted by N mentions any construct
+         --  that denotes a post-state.
-            if not Mentions_Post_State (Expr) then
-               if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Contract_Cases then
-                  Error_Msg_N
-                    ("contract case refers only to pre-state?T?", Expr);
+         procedure Check_Function_Result is
+           new Traverse_Proc (Is_Function_Result);
-               elsif Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Refined_Post then
-                  Error_Msg_N
-                    ("refined postcondition refers only to pre-state?T?",
-                     Prag);
+         ----------------------
+         -- Check_Expression --
+         ----------------------
-               else
-                  Error_Msg_N
-                    ("postcondition refers only to pre-state?T?", Prag);
-               end if;
-            end if;
-         end if;
-      end Check_Expression;
+         procedure Check_Expression (Expr : Node_Id) is
+         begin
+            if not Is_Trivial_Boolean (Expr) then
+               Check_Function_Result (Expr);
-      ------------------------
-      -- Is_Function_Result --
-      ------------------------
+               if not Mentions_Post_State (Expr) then
+                  if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Contract_Cases then
+                     Error_Msg_NE
+                       ("contract case does not check the outcome of calling "
+                        & "&?T?", Expr, Subp_Id);
-      function Is_Function_Result (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
-      begin
-         if Is_Attribute_Result (N) then
-            Result_Seen := True;
-            return Abandon;
+                  elsif Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Refined_Post then
+                     Error_Msg_NE
+                       ("refined postcondition does not check the outcome of "
+                        & "calling &?T?", Prag, Subp_Id);
-         --  Continue the traversal
+                  else
+                     Error_Msg_NE
+                       ("postcondition does not check the outcome of calling "
+                        & "&?T?", Prag, Subp_Id);
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+         end Check_Expression;
-         else
-            return OK;
-         end if;
-      end Is_Function_Result;
+         ------------------------
+         -- Is_Function_Result --
+         ------------------------
-      ------------------------
-      -- Is_Trivial_Boolean --
-      ------------------------
+         function Is_Function_Result (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+         begin
+            if Is_Attribute_Result (N) then
+               Result_Seen := True;
+               return Abandon;
-      function Is_Trivial_Boolean (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-      begin
-         return
-           Comes_From_Source (N)
-             and then Is_Entity_Name (N)
-             and then (Entity (N) = Standard_True
-                         or else
-                       Entity (N) = Standard_False);
-      end Is_Trivial_Boolean;
+            --  Continue the traversal
-      -------------------------
-      -- Mentions_Post_State --
-      -------------------------
+            else
+               return OK;
+            end if;
+         end Is_Function_Result;
-      function Mentions_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-         Post_State_Seen : Boolean := False;
+         ------------------------
+         -- Is_Trivial_Boolean --
+         ------------------------
-         function Is_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-         --  Attempt to find a construct that denotes a post-state. If this is
-         --  the case, set flag Post_State_Seen.
+         function Is_Trivial_Boolean (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+         begin
+            return
+              Comes_From_Source (N)
+                and then Is_Entity_Name (N)
+                and then (Entity (N) = Standard_True
+                            or else
+                          Entity (N) = Standard_False);
+         end Is_Trivial_Boolean;
-         -------------------
-         -- Is_Post_State --
-         -------------------
+         -------------------------
+         -- Mentions_Post_State --
+         -------------------------
-         function Is_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
-            Ent : Entity_Id;
+         function Mentions_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+            Post_State_Seen : Boolean := False;
-         begin
-            if Nkind_In (N, N_Explicit_Dereference, N_Function_Call) then
-               Post_State_Seen := True;
-               return Abandon;
+            function Is_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+            --  Attempt to find a construct that denotes a post-state. If this
+            --  is the case, set flag Post_State_Seen.
-            elsif Nkind_In (N, N_Expanded_Name, N_Identifier) then
-               Ent := Entity (N);
+            -------------------
+            -- Is_Post_State --
+            -------------------
-               --  The entity may be modifiable through an implicit dereference
+            function Is_Post_State (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+               Ent : Entity_Id;
-               if No (Ent)
-                 or else Ekind (Ent) in Assignable_Kind
-                 or else (Is_Access_Type (Etype (Ent))
-                           and then Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Selected_Component)
-               then
+            begin
+               if Nkind_In (N, N_Explicit_Dereference, N_Function_Call) then
                   Post_State_Seen := True;
                   return Abandon;
-               end if;
-            elsif Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Reference then
-               if Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Old then
-                  return Skip;
+               elsif Nkind_In (N, N_Expanded_Name, N_Identifier) then
+                  Ent := Entity (N);
-               elsif Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Result then
-                  Post_State_Seen := True;
-                  return Abandon;
+                  --  The entity may be modifiable through an implicit
+                  --  dereference.
+                  if No (Ent)
+                    or else Ekind (Ent) in Assignable_Kind
+                    or else (Is_Access_Type (Etype (Ent))
+                              and then Nkind (Parent (N)) =
+                                         N_Selected_Component)
+                  then
+                     Post_State_Seen := True;
+                     return Abandon;
+                  end if;
+               elsif Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Reference then
+                  if Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Old then
+                     return Skip;
+                  elsif Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Result then
+                     Post_State_Seen := True;
+                     return Abandon;
+                  end if;
                end if;
-            end if;
-            return OK;
-         end Is_Post_State;
+               return OK;
+            end Is_Post_State;
-         procedure Find_Post_State is new Traverse_Proc (Is_Post_State);
+            procedure Find_Post_State is new Traverse_Proc (Is_Post_State);
-      --  Start of processing for Mentions_Post_State
+         --  Start of processing for Mentions_Post_State
+         begin
+            Find_Post_State (N);
+            return Post_State_Seen;
+         end Mentions_Post_State;
+         --  Local variables
+         Expr  : constant Node_Id :=
+                   Get_Pragma_Arg
+                     (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag)));
+         Nam   : constant Name_Id := Pragma_Name (Prag);
+         CCase : Node_Id;
+      --  Start of processing for Check_Result_And_Post_State_In_Pragma
-         Find_Post_State (N);
+         --  Examine all consequences
-         return Post_State_Seen;
-      end Mentions_Post_State;
+         if Nam = Name_Contract_Cases then
+            CCase := First (Component_Associations (Expr));
+            while Present (CCase) loop
+               Check_Expression (Expression (CCase));
+               Next (CCase);
+            end loop;
+         --  Examine the expression of a postcondition
+         else pragma Assert (Nam_In (Nam, Name_Postcondition,
+                                          Name_Refined_Post));
+            Check_Expression (Expr);
+         end if;
+      end Check_Result_And_Post_State_In_Pragma;
+      --------------------------
+      -- Has_In_Out_Parameter --
+      --------------------------
+      function Has_In_Out_Parameter (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+         Formal : Entity_Id;
+      begin
+         --  Traverse the formals looking for an IN OUT parameter
+         Formal := First_Formal (Subp_Id);
+         while Present (Formal) loop
+            if Ekind (Formal) = E_In_Out_Parameter then
+               return True;
+            end if;
+            Next_Formal (Formal);
+         end loop;
+         return False;
+      end Has_In_Out_Parameter;
       --  Local variables
-      Expr  : constant Node_Id :=
-                Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag)));
-      Nam   : constant Name_Id := Pragma_Name (Prag);
-      CCase : Node_Id;
+      Items        : constant Node_Id := Contract (Subp_Id);
+      Subp_Decl    : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp_Id);
+      Case_Prag    : Node_Id := Empty;
+      Post_Prag    : Node_Id := Empty;
+      Prag         : Node_Id;
+      Seen_In_Case : Boolean := False;
+      Seen_In_Post : Boolean := False;
+      Spec_Id      : Entity_Id;
    --  Start of processing for Check_Result_And_Post_State
-      --  Examine all consequences
+      --  The lack of attribute 'Result or a post-state is classified as a
+      --  suspicious contract. Do not perform the check if the corresponding
+      --  swich is not set.
-      if Nam = Name_Contract_Cases then
-         CCase := First (Component_Associations (Expr));
-         while Present (CCase) loop
-            Check_Expression (Expression (CCase));
+      if not Warn_On_Suspicious_Contract then
+         return;
-            Next (CCase);
-         end loop;
+      --  Nothing to do if there is no contract
-      --  Examine the expression of a postcondition
+      elsif No (Items) then
+         return;
+      end if;
-      else pragma Assert (Nam_In (Nam, Name_Postcondition, Name_Refined_Post));
-         Check_Expression (Expr);
+      --  Retrieve the entity of the subprogram spec (if any)
+      if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
+        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
+      then
+         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl);
+      elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl))
+      then
+         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl);
+      else
+         Spec_Id := Subp_Id;
       end if;
+      --  Examine all postconditions for attribute 'Result and a post-state
+      Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+      while Present (Prag) loop
+         if Nam_In (Pragma_Name (Prag), Name_Postcondition,
+                                        Name_Refined_Post)
+           and then not Error_Posted (Prag)
+         then
+            Post_Prag := Prag;
+            Check_Result_And_Post_State_In_Pragma (Prag, Seen_In_Post);
+         end if;
+         Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+      end loop;
+      --  Examine the contract cases of the subprogram for attribute 'Result
+      --  and a post-state.
+      Prag := Contract_Test_Cases (Items);
+      while Present (Prag) loop
+         if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Contract_Cases
+           and then not Error_Posted (Prag)
+         then
+            Case_Prag := Prag;
+            Check_Result_And_Post_State_In_Pragma (Prag, Seen_In_Case);
+         end if;
+         Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+      end loop;
+      --  Do not emit any errors if the subprogram is not a function
+      if not Ekind_In (Spec_Id, E_Function, E_Generic_Function) then
+         null;
+      --  Regardless of whether the function has postconditions or contract
+      --  cases, or whether they mention attribute 'Result, an IN OUT formal
+      --  parameter is always treated as a result.
+      elsif Has_In_Out_Parameter (Spec_Id) then
+         null;
+      --  The function has both a postcondition and contract cases and they do
+      --  not mention attribute 'Result.
+      elsif Present (Case_Prag)
+        and then not Seen_In_Case
+        and then Present (Post_Prag)
+        and then not Seen_In_Post
+      then
+         Error_Msg_N
+           ("neither postcondition nor contract cases mention function "
+            & "result?T?", Post_Prag);
+      --  The function has contract cases only and they do not mention
+      --  attribute 'Result.
+      elsif Present (Case_Prag) and then not Seen_In_Case then
+         Error_Msg_N ("contract cases do not mention result?T?", Case_Prag);
+      --  The function has postconditions only and they do not mention
+      --  attribute 'Result.
+      elsif Present (Post_Prag) and then not Seen_In_Post then
+         Error_Msg_N
+           ("postcondition does not mention function result?T?", Post_Prag);
+      end if;
    end Check_Result_And_Post_State;
@@ -4336,6 +4468,27 @@ 
       end if;
    end Corresponding_Generic_Type;
+   ---------------------------
+   -- Corresponding_Spec_Of --
+   ---------------------------
+   function Corresponding_Spec_Of (Subp_Decl : Node_Id) return Entity_Id is
+   begin
+      if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
+        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
+      then
+         return Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl);
+      elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+        and then Present (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl))
+      then
+         return Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl);
+      else
+         return Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
+      end if;
+   end Corresponding_Spec_Of;
    -- Current_Entity --
@@ -7009,32 +7162,6 @@ 
       end if;
    end Get_Enum_Lit_From_Pos;
-   ---------------------------------
-   -- Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma --
-   ---------------------------------
-   function Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
-      Args : constant List_Id := Pragma_Argument_Associations (N);
-      Res  : Node_Id;
-   begin
-      if List_Length (Args) = 4 then
-         Res := Pick (Args, 4);
-      elsif List_Length (Args) = 3 then
-         Res := Pick (Args, 3);
-         if Chars (Res) /= Name_Ensures then
-            Res := Empty;
-         end if;
-      else
-         Res := Empty;
-      end if;
-      return Res;
-   end Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma;
    -- Get_Generic_Entity --
@@ -7294,29 +7421,6 @@ 
       return R;
    end Get_Renamed_Entity;
-   ----------------------------------
-   -- Get_Requires_From_CTC_Pragma --
-   ----------------------------------
-   function Get_Requires_From_CTC_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
-      Args : constant List_Id := Pragma_Argument_Associations (N);
-      Res  : Node_Id;
-   begin
-      if List_Length (Args) >= 3 then
-         Res := Pick (Args, 3);
-         if Chars (Res) /= Name_Requires then
-            Res := Empty;
-         end if;
-      else
-         Res := Empty;
-      end if;
-      return Res;
-   end Get_Requires_From_CTC_Pragma;
    -- Get_Subprogram_Body --
@@ -8804,6 +8908,41 @@ 
       return Is_Floating_Point_Type (E) and then Signed_Zeros_On_Target;
    end Has_Signed_Zeros;
+   ------------------------------
+   -- Has_Significant_Contract --
+   ------------------------------
+   function Has_Significant_Contract (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+      Subp_Nam : constant Name_Id := Chars (Subp_Id);
+   begin
+      --  _Finalizer procedure
+      if Subp_Nam = Name_uFinalizer then
+         return False;
+      --  _Postconditions procedure
+      elsif Subp_Nam = Name_uPostconditions then
+         return False;
+      --  Predicate function
+      elsif Ekind (Subp_Id) = E_Function
+        and then Is_Predicate_Function (Subp_Id)
+      then
+         return False;
+      --  TSS subprogram
+      elsif Get_TSS_Name (Subp_Id) /= TSS_Null then
+         return False;
+      else
+         return True;
+      end if;
+   end Has_Significant_Contract;
    -- Has_Static_Array_Bounds --
@@ -9576,7 +9715,6 @@ 
       if Is_Subprogram_Or_Generic_Subprogram (Subp)
         and then Is_Subprogram_Or_Generic_Subprogram (From_Subp)
-        and then Present (Contract (Subp))
         and then Present (Contract (From_Subp))
          Inherit_Pragma (Pragma_Extensions_Visible);
@@ -9696,6 +9834,23 @@ 
    end Inspect_Deferred_Constant_Completion;
+   -- Install_Generic_Formals --
+   -----------------------------
+   procedure Install_Generic_Formals (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+      E : Entity_Id;
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id));
+      E := First_Entity (Subp_Id);
+      while Present (E) loop
+         Install_Entity (E);
+         Next_Entity (E);
+      end loop;
+   end Install_Generic_Formals;
+   -----------------------------
    -- Is_Actual_Out_Parameter --
@@ -15344,71 +15499,68 @@ 
       end if;
    end Object_Access_Level;
-   --------------------------
-   -- Original_Aspect_Name --
-   --------------------------
+   ---------------------------------
+   -- Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name --
+   ---------------------------------
-   function Original_Aspect_Name (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is
-      Pras : Node_Id;
-      Name : Name_Id;
+   function Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id is
+      Item     : Node_Id;
+      Item_Nam : Name_Id;
       pragma Assert (Nkind_In (N, N_Aspect_Specification, N_Pragma));
-      Pras := N;
-      if Is_Rewrite_Substitution (Pras)
-        and then Nkind (Original_Node (Pras)) = N_Pragma
-      then
-         Pras := Original_Node (Pras);
-      end if;
+      Item := N;
-      --  Case where we came from aspect specication
+      --  The pragma was generated to emulate an aspect, use the original
+      --  aspect specification.
-      if Nkind (Pras) = N_Pragma and then From_Aspect_Specification (Pras) then
-         Pras := Corresponding_Aspect (Pras);
+      if Nkind (Item) = N_Pragma and then From_Aspect_Specification (Item) then
+         Item := Corresponding_Aspect (Item);
       end if;
-      --  Get name from aspect or pragma
+      --  Retrieve the name of the aspect/pragma. Note that Pre, Pre_Class,
+      --  Post and Post_Class rewrite their pragma identifier to preserve the
+      --  original name.
+      --  ??? this is kludgey
-      if Nkind (Pras) = N_Pragma then
-         Name := Pragma_Name (Pras);
+      if Nkind (Item) = N_Pragma then
+         Item_Nam := Chars (Original_Node (Pragma_Identifier (Item)));
-         Name := Chars (Identifier (Pras));
+         pragma Assert (Nkind (Item) = N_Aspect_Specification);
+         Item_Nam := Chars (Identifier (Item));
       end if;
-      --  Deal with 'Class
+      --  Deal with 'Class by converting the name to its _XXX form
-      if Class_Present (Pras) then
-         case Name is
+      if Class_Present (Item) then
+         if Item_Nam = Name_Invariant then
+            Item_Nam := Name_uInvariant;
-         --  Names that need converting to special _xxx form
+         elsif Nam_In (Item_Nam, Name_Post, Name_Post_Class) then
+            Item_Nam := Name_uPost;
-            when Name_Pre                  |
-                 Name_Pre_Class            =>
-               Name := Name_uPre;
+         elsif Nam_In (Item_Nam, Name_Pre, Name_Pre_Class) then
+            Item_Nam := Name_uPre;
-            when Name_Post                 |
-                 Name_Post_Class           =>
-               Name := Name_uPost;
+         elsif Item_Nam = Name_Invariant then
+            Item_Nam := Name_uInvariant;
-            when Name_Invariant            =>
-               Name := Name_uInvariant;
+         elsif Nam_In (Item_Nam, Name_Type_Invariant,
+                                 Name_Type_Invariant_Class)
+         then
+            Item_Nam := Name_uType_Invariant;
-            when Name_Type_Invariant       |
-                 Name_Type_Invariant_Class =>
-               Name := Name_uType_Invariant;
+         --  Nothing to do for other cases (e.g. a Check that derived from
+         --  Pre_Class and has the flag set). Also we do nothing if the name
+         --  is already in special _xxx form.
-            --  Nothing to do for other cases (e.g. a Check that derived
-            --  from Pre_Class and has the flag set). Also we do nothing
-            --  if the name is already in special _xxx form.
-            when others                    =>
-               null;
-         end case;
+         end if;
       end if;
-      return Name;
-   end Original_Aspect_Name;
+      return Item_Nam;
+   end Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name;
    -- Original_Corresponding_Operation --
Index: sem_util.ads
--- sem_util.ads	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_util.ads	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -321,13 +321,10 @@ 
    --  N is one of the statement forms that is a potentially blocking
    --  operation. If it appears within a protected action, emit warning.
-   procedure Check_Result_And_Post_State
-     (Prag        : Node_Id;
-      Result_Seen : in out Boolean);
-   --  Determine whether pragma Prag mentions attribute 'Result and whether
-   --  the pragma contains an expression that evaluates differently in pre-
-   --  and post-state. Prag is a [refined] postcondition or a contract-cases
-   --  pragma. Result_Seen is set when the pragma mentions attribute 'Result.
+   procedure Check_Result_And_Post_State (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+   --  Determine whether the contract of subprogram Subp_Id mentions attribute
+   --  'Result and it contains an expression that evaluates differently in pre-
+   --  and post-state.
    procedure Check_Unprotected_Access
      (Context : Node_Id;
@@ -419,6 +416,11 @@ 
    --  attribute, except in the case of formal private and derived types.
    --  Possible optimization???
+   function Corresponding_Spec_Of (Subp_Decl : Node_Id) return Entity_Id;
+   --  Return the corresponding spec of Subp_Decl when it denotes a body [stub]
+   --  or the defining entity of subprogram declaration Subp_Decl in all other
+   --  cases.
    function Current_Entity (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id;
    pragma Inline (Current_Entity);
    --  Find the currently visible definition for a given identifier, that is to
@@ -819,10 +821,6 @@ 
    --  If expression N references a part of an object, return this object.
    --  Otherwise return Empty. Expression N should have been resolved already.
-   function Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-   --  Return the Ensures component of Test_Case pragma N, or Empty otherwise
-   --  Bad name now that this no longer applies to Contract_Case ???
    function Get_Generic_Entity (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id;
    --  Returns the true generic entity in an instantiation. If the name in the
    --  instantiation is a renaming, the function returns the renamed generic.
@@ -899,10 +897,6 @@ 
    --  not a renamed entity, returns its argument. It is an error to call this
    --  with any other kind of entity.
-   function Get_Requires_From_CTC_Pragma (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-   --  Return the Requires component of Test_Case pragma N, or Empty otherwise
-   --  Bad name now that this no longer applies to Contract_Case ???
    function Get_Subprogram_Entity (Nod : Node_Id) return Entity_Id;
    --  Nod is either a procedure call statement, or a function call, or an
    --  accept statement node. This procedure finds the Entity_Id of the related
@@ -1011,6 +1005,11 @@ 
    --  Determines if the floating-point type E supports signed zeros.
    --  Returns False if E is not a floating-point type.
+   function Has_Significant_Contract (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+   --  Determine whether subprogram [body] Subp_Id has a significant contract.
+   --  All subprograms have a N_Contract node, but this does not mean that the
+   --  contract is useful.
    function Has_Static_Array_Bounds (Typ : Node_Id) return Boolean;
    --  Return whether an array type has static bounds
@@ -1128,6 +1127,10 @@ 
    --  whether they have been completed by a full constant declaration or an
    --  Import pragma. Emit the error message if that is not the case.
+   procedure Install_Generic_Formals (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+   --  Install both the generic formal parameters and the formal parameters of
+   --  generic subprogram Subp_Id into visibility.
    function Is_Actual_Out_Parameter (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
    --  Determines if N is an actual parameter of out mode in a subprogram call
@@ -1673,15 +1676,19 @@ 
    --  corresponding operation of S is the original corresponding operation of
    --  S2. Otherwise, it is S itself.
-   function Original_Aspect_Name (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id;
-   --  N is a pragma node or aspect specification node. This function returns
-   --  the name of the pragma or aspect in original source form, taking into
-   --  account possible rewrites, and also cases where a pragma comes from an
-   --  aspect (in such cases, the name can be different from the pragma name,
-   --  e.g. a Pre aspect generates a Precondition pragma). This also deals with
-   --  the presence of 'Class, which results in one of the special names
-   --  Name_uPre, Name_uPost, Name_uInvariant, or Name_uType_Invariant being
-   --  returned to represent the corresponding aspects with x'Class names.
+   function Original_Aspect_Pragma_Name (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id;
+   --  Retrieve the name of aspect or pragma N taking into account a possible
+   --  rewrite and whether the pragma is generated from an aspect as the names
+   --  may be different. The routine also deals with 'Class in which case it
+   --  returns the following values:
+   --
+   --    Invariant            -> Name_uInvariant
+   --    Post                 -> Name_uPost
+   --    Post'Class           -> Name_uPost
+   --    Pre                  -> Name_uPre
+   --    Pre'Class            -> Name_uPre
+   --    Type_Invariant       -> Name_uType_Invariant
+   --    Type_Invariant'Class -> Name_uType_Invariant
    function Policy_In_Effect (Policy : Name_Id) return Name_Id;
    --  Given a policy, return the policy identifier associated with it. If no
Index: sem_attr.adb
--- sem_attr.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_attr.adb	(working copy)
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ 
 with Sem_Elab; use Sem_Elab;
 with Sem_Elim; use Sem_Elim;
 with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
+with Sem_Prag; use Sem_Prag;
 with Sem_Res;  use Sem_Res;
 with Sem_Type; use Sem_Type;
 with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
@@ -4561,7 +4562,7 @@ 
          procedure Check_Use_In_Test_Case (Prag : Node_Id) is
-            Ensures : constant Node_Id := Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma (Prag);
+            Ensures : constant Node_Id := Test_Case_Arg (Prag, Name_Ensures);
             Expr    : Node_Id;
@@ -4984,269 +4985,373 @@ 
       when Attribute_Result => Result : declare
-         Post_Id : Entity_Id;
-         --  The entity of the _Postconditions procedure
+         procedure Check_Placement_In_Check (Prag : Node_Id);
+         --  Verify that attribute 'Result appears within pragma Check that
+         --  emulates a postcondition.
-         Prag : Node_Id;
-         --  During pre-analysis, Prag is the enclosing pragma node if any
+         procedure Check_Placement_In_Contract_Cases (Prag : Node_Id);
+         --  Verify that attribute 'Result appears within a consequence of
+         --  pragma Contract_Cases.
-         Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-         --  The entity of the enclosing subprogram
+         procedure Check_Placement_In_Test_Case (Prag : Node_Id);
+         --  Verify that attribute 'Result appears within the Ensures argument
+         --  of pragma Test_Case.
-      begin
-         --  Find the proper enclosing scope
+         function Is_Within
+           (Nod      : Node_Id;
+            Encl_Nod : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+         --  Subsidiary to Check_Placemenet_In_XXX_Case. Determine whether
+         --  arbitrary node Nod is within enclosing node Encl_Nod.
-         Post_Id := Current_Scope;
-         while Present (Post_Id) loop
+         ------------------------------
+         -- Check_Placement_In_Check --
+         ------------------------------
-            --  Skip generated loops
+         procedure Check_Placement_In_Check (Prag : Node_Id) is
+            Args : constant List_Id := Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag);
+            Nam  : constant Name_Id := Chars (Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Args)));
-            if Ekind (Post_Id) = E_Loop then
-               Post_Id := Scope (Post_Id);
+         begin
+            --  The "Name" argument of pragma Check denotes a postcondition
-            --  Skip the special _Parent scope generated to capture references
-            --  to formals during the process of subprogram inlining.
-            elsif Ekind (Post_Id) = E_Function
-              and then Chars (Post_Id) = Name_uParent
+            if Nam_In (Nam, Name_Post,
+                            Name_Postcondition,
+                            Name_Refined_Post)
-               Post_Id := Scope (Post_Id);
+               null;
-            --  Otherwise this must be _Postconditions
+            --  Otherwise the placement of attribute 'Result is illegal
-               exit;
+               Error_Attr
+                 ("% attribute can only appear in postcondition of function",
+                  P);
             end if;
-         end loop;
+         end Check_Placement_In_Check;
-         Subp_Id := Scope (Post_Id);
+         ---------------------------------------
+         -- Check_Placement_In_Contract_Cases --
+         ---------------------------------------
-         --  If the enclosing subprogram is always inlined, the enclosing
-         --  postcondition will not be propagated to the expanded call.
+         procedure Check_Placement_In_Contract_Cases (Prag : Node_Id) is
+            Args  : constant List_Id := Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag);
+            Cases : constant Node_Id := Get_Pragma_Arg (First (Args));
+            CCase : Node_Id;
-         if not In_Spec_Expression
-           and then Has_Pragma_Inline_Always (Subp_Id)
-           and then Warn_On_Redundant_Constructs
-         then
-            Error_Msg_N
-              ("postconditions on inlined functions not enforced?r?", N);
-         end if;
+         begin
+            if Present (Component_Associations (Cases)) then
+               CCase := First (Component_Associations (Cases));
+               while Present (CCase) loop
-         --  If we are in the scope of a function and in Spec_Expression mode,
-         --  this is likely the prescan of the postcondition (or contract case,
-         --  or test case) pragma, and we just set the proper type. If there is
-         --  an error it will be caught when the real Analyze call is done.
+                  --  Guard against a malformed contract case. Detect whether
+                  --  attribute 'Result appears within the consequence of the
+                  --  current contract case.
-         if Ekind (Post_Id) = E_Function and then In_Spec_Expression then
+                  if Nkind (CCase) = N_Component_Association
+                    and then Is_Within (N, Expression (CCase))
+                  then
+                     return;
+                  end if;
-            --  Check OK prefix
+                  Next (CCase);
+               end loop;
+            end if;
-            if Chars (Post_Id) /= Chars (P) then
-               Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Result;
-               Error_Msg_NE
-                 ("incorrect prefix for % attribute, expected &", P, Post_Id);
-               Error_Attr;
+            --  Otherwise pragma Contract_Cases is either malformed in some
+            --  way or attribute 'Result does not appear within a consequence
+            --  expression.
+            Error_Attr ("% attribute misplaced inside contract cases", P);
+         end Check_Placement_In_Contract_Cases;
+         ----------------------------------
+         -- Check_Placement_In_Test_Case --
+         ----------------------------------
+         procedure Check_Placement_In_Test_Case (Prag : Node_Id) is
+         begin
+            --  Detect whether attribute 'Result appears within the "Ensures"
+            --  expression of pragma Test_Case.
+            if not Is_Within (N, Test_Case_Arg (Prag, Name_Ensures)) then
+               Error_Attr ("% attribute misplaced inside test case", P);
             end if;
+         end Check_Placement_In_Test_Case;
-            --  Check in postcondition, Test_Case or Contract_Cases of function
+         ---------------
+         -- Is_Within --
+         ---------------
-            Prag := N;
-            while Present (Prag)
-               and then not Nkind_In (Prag, N_Pragma,
-                                            N_Function_Specification,
-                                            N_Aspect_Specification,
-                                            N_Subprogram_Body)
-            loop
-               Prag := Parent (Prag);
-            end loop;
+         function Is_Within
+           (Nod      : Node_Id;
+            Encl_Nod : Node_Id) return Boolean
+         is
+            Par : Node_Id;
-            --  In ASIS mode, the aspect itself is analyzed, in addition to the
-            --  corresponding pragma. Do not issue errors when analyzing the
-            --  aspect.
+         begin
+            Par := Nod;
+            while Present (Par) loop
+               if Par = Encl_Nod then
+                  return True;
-            if Nkind (Prag) = N_Aspect_Specification then
-               null;
+               --  Prevent the search from going too far
-            --  Must have a pragma
+               elsif Is_Body_Or_Package_Declaration (Par) then
+                  exit;
+               end if;
-            elsif Nkind (Prag) /= N_Pragma then
-               Error_Attr
-                 ("% attribute can only appear in postcondition of function",
-                  P);
+               Par := Parent (Par);
+            end loop;
-            --  Processing depends on which pragma we have
+            return False;
+         end Is_Within;
-            else
-               case Get_Pragma_Id (Prag) is
-                  when Pragma_Test_Case =>
-                     declare
-                        Arg_Ens : constant Node_Id :=
-                                    Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma (Prag);
-                        Arg     : Node_Id;
+         --  Local variables
-                     begin
-                        Arg := N;
-                        while Arg /= Prag and then Arg /= Arg_Ens loop
-                           Arg := Parent (Arg);
-                        end loop;
+         In_Post   : Boolean := False;
+         Prag      : Node_Id;
+         Prag_Id   : Pragma_Id;
+         Pref_Id   : Entity_Id;
+         Spec_Id   : Entity_Id;
+         Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+         Subp_Id   : Entity_Id;
+         Subp_Spec : Node_Id;
-                        if Arg /= Arg_Ens then
-                           Error_Attr
-                             ("% attribute misplaced inside test case", P);
-                        end if;
-                     end;
+      --  Start of processing for Result
-                  when Pragma_Contract_Cases =>
-                     declare
-                        Aggr : constant Node_Id :=
-                          Expression (First
-                                        (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Prag)));
-                        Arg  : Node_Id;
+      begin
+         --  The attribute reference is a primary. If any expressions follow,
+         --  then the attribute reference is an indexable object. Transform the
+         --  attribute into an indexed component and analyze it.
-                     begin
-                        Arg := N;
-                        while Arg /= Prag
-                          and then Parent (Parent (Arg)) /= Aggr
-                        loop
-                           Arg := Parent (Arg);
-                        end loop;
+         if Present (E1) then
+            Rewrite (N,
+              Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
+                Prefix      =>
+                  Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+                    Prefix         => Relocate_Node (P),
+                    Attribute_Name => Name_Result),
+                Expressions => Expressions (N)));
+            Analyze (N);
+            return;
+         end if;
-                        --  At this point, Parent (Arg) should be a component
-                        --  association. Attribute Result is only allowed in
-                        --  the expression part of this association.
+         --  Traverse the parent chain to find the aspect or pragma where
+         --  attribute 'Result resides.
-                        if Nkind (Parent (Arg)) /= N_Component_Association
-                          or else Arg /= Expression (Parent (Arg))
-                        then
-                           Error_Attr
-                             ("% attribute misplaced inside contract cases",
-                              P);
-                        end if;
-                     end;
+         Prag := N;
+         while Present (Prag) loop
+            if Nkind_In (Prag, N_Aspect_Specification, N_Pragma) then
+               exit;
-                  when Pragma_Postcondition | Pragma_Refined_Post =>
-                     null;
+            --  Prevent the search from going too far
-                     when others =>
-                        Error_Attr
-                          ("% attribute can only appear in postcondition "
-                           & "of function", P);
-               end case;
+            elsif Is_Body_Or_Package_Declaration (Prag) then
+               exit;
             end if;
-            --  The attribute reference is a primary. If expressions follow,
-            --  the attribute reference is really an indexable object, so
-            --  rewrite and analyze as an indexed component.
+            Prag := Parent (Prag);
+         end loop;
-            if Present (E1) then
-               Rewrite (N,
-                 Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
-                   Prefix      =>
-                     Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
-                       Prefix         => Relocate_Node (Prefix (N)),
-                       Attribute_Name => Name_Result),
-                   Expressions => Expressions (N)));
-               Analyze (N);
+         --  Do not emit an error when preanalyzing an aspect for ASIS. If the
+         --  placement of attribute 'Result is illegal, the error is reported
+         --  when analyzing the corresponding pragma.
+         if ASIS_Mode and then Nkind (Prag) = N_Aspect_Specification then
+            null;
+         --  Attribute 'Result is allowed to appear only in postcondition-like
+         --  pragmas.
+         elsif Nkind (Prag) = N_Pragma then
+            Prag_Id := Get_Pragma_Id (Prag);
+            if Prag_Id = Pragma_Check then
+               Check_Placement_In_Check (Prag);
+            elsif Prag_Id = Pragma_Contract_Cases then
+               Check_Placement_In_Contract_Cases (Prag);
+            elsif Prag_Id = Pragma_Postcondition
+              or else Prag_Id = Pragma_Refined_Post
+            then
+               null;
+            elsif Prag_Id = Pragma_Test_Case then
+               Check_Placement_In_Test_Case (Prag);
+            else
+               Error_Attr
+                 ("% attribute can only appear in postcondition of function",
+                  P);
             end if;
-            Set_Etype (N, Etype (Post_Id));
+         --  Otherwise the placement of the attribute is illegal
-            --  If several functions with that name are visible, the intended
-            --  one is the current scope.
+         else
+            Error_Attr
+              ("% attribute can only appear in postcondition of function", P);
+            return;
+         end if;
-            if Is_Overloaded (P) then
-               Set_Entity (P, Post_Id);
-               Set_Is_Overloaded (P, False);
-            end if;
+         --  Attribute 'Result appears within a postcondition-like pragma. Find
+         --  the related subprogram subject to the pragma.
-         --  Check the legality of attribute 'Result when it appears inside
-         --  pragma Refined_Post. These specialized checks are required only
-         --  when code generation is disabled. In the general case pragma
-         --  Refined_Post is transformed into pragma Check by Process_PPCs
-         --  which in turn is relocated to procedure _Postconditions. From
-         --  then on the legality of 'Result is determined as usual.
+         if Nkind (Prag) = N_Aspect_Specification then
+            Subp_Decl := Parent (Prag);
+         else
+            Subp_Decl := Find_Related_Subprogram_Or_Body (Prag);
+         end if;
-         elsif not Expander_Active and then In_Refined_Post then
+         --  The pragma where attribute 'Result appears is associated with a
+         --  subprogram declaration or a body.
-            --  Routine _Postconditions has not been generated yet, the nearest
-            --  enclosing subprogram is denoted by the current scope.
+         if Nkind_In (Subp_Decl, N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration,
+                                 N_Entry_Declaration,
+                                 N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration,
+                                 N_Subprogram_Body,
+                                 N_Subprogram_Body_Stub,
+                                 N_Subprogram_Declaration)
+         then
+            Subp_Id := Defining_Entity (Subp_Decl);
-            if Ekind (Post_Id) /= E_Procedure
-              or else Chars (Post_Id) /= Name_uPostconditions
-            then
-               Subp_Id := Current_Scope;
+            --  Attribute 'Result is part of the _Postconditions procedure of
+            --  the related subprogram. Retrieve the related subprogram.
+            if Chars (Subp_Id) = Name_uPostconditions then
+               In_Post   := True;
+               Subp_Decl := Parent (Subp_Decl);
+               Subp_Id   := Scope (Subp_Id);
             end if;
-            --  The prefix denotes the nearest enclosing function
+            --  Retrieve the entity of the spec (if any)
-            if Is_Entity_Name (P)
-              and then Ekind (Entity (P)) = E_Function
-              and then Entity (P) = Subp_Id
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body
+              and then Present (Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl))
-               null;
+               Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Subp_Decl);
-            --  Otherwise the use of 'Result is illegal
+            elsif Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
+              and then Present (Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl))
+            then
+               Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Subp_Decl);
-               Error_Msg_Name_2 := Chars (Subp_Id);
-               Error_Attr ("incorrect prefix for % attribute, expected %", P);
+               Spec_Id := Subp_Id;
             end if;
-            Set_Etype (N, Etype (Subp_Id));
+            --  When the subprogram is always inlined, the postcondition will
+            --  not be propagated to the expanded body.
-         --  Body case, where we must be inside a generated _Postconditions
-         --  procedure, and the prefix must be on the scope stack, or else the
-         --  attribute use is definitely misplaced. The postcondition itself
-         --  may have generated transient scopes, and is not necessarily the
-         --  current one.
+            if Warn_On_Redundant_Constructs
+              and then Has_Pragma_Inline_Always (Spec_Id)
+            then
+               Error_Msg_N
+                 ("postconditions on inlined functions not enforced?r?", P);
+            end if;
-         else
-            while Present (Post_Id)
-              and then Post_Id /= Standard_Standard
-            loop
-               if Chars (Post_Id) = Name_uPostconditions then
-                  exit;
-               else
-                  Post_Id := Scope (Post_Id);
+            --  Ensure that the prefix of attribute 'Result denotes the related
+            --  subprogram.
+            if Is_Entity_Name (P) then
+               Pref_Id := Entity (P);
+               --  When a subprogram with contract assertions is imported, it
+               --  is encapsulated in a wrapper. In this case the scope of the
+               --  wrapper denotes the original imported subprogram.
+               if Is_Imported (Pref_Id) then
+                  Pref_Id := Scope (Pref_Id);
                end if;
-            end loop;
-            Subp_Id := Scope (Post_Id);
+               if Ekind_In (Pref_Id, E_Function, E_Generic_Function) then
-            if Chars (Post_Id) = Name_uPostconditions
-              and then Ekind (Subp_Id) = E_Function
-            then
-               --  Check OK prefix
+                  --  The prefix of attribute 'Result denotes the entity of
+                  --  some other unrelated function.
-               if Nkind_In (P, N_Identifier, N_Operator_Symbol)
-                 and then Chars (P) = Chars (Subp_Id)
-               then
-                  null;
+                  if Pref_Id /= Spec_Id then
+                     Subp_Spec := Parent (Spec_Id);
-               --  Within an instance, the prefix designates the local renaming
-               --  of the original generic.
+                     --  Attribute 'Result appears in a postcondition of a
+                     --  generic function that acts as a compilation unit:
-               elsif Is_Entity_Name (P)
-                 and then Ekind (Entity (P)) = E_Function
-                 and then Present (Alias (Entity (P)))
-                 and then Chars (Alias (Entity (P))) = Chars (Subp_Id)
-               then
-                  null;
+                     --    generic
+                     --    function Gen_Func return ...
+                     --      with Post => Gen_Func'Result ...;
+                     --  When the function is instantiated, the Chars field of
+                     --  attribute 'Result's prefix still denotes the generic
+                     --  function. Note that any preemptive transformation is
+                     --  impossible without a proper analysis. The structure of
+                     --  the anonymous wrapper package is as follows:
+                     --    package Anon_Gen_Pack is
+                     --       <subtypes and renamings>
+                     --       function Subp_Decl return ...;
+                     --       pragma Postcondition (Gen_Func'Result ...);
+                     --       function Gen_Func ... renames Subp_Decl;
+                     --    end Anon_Gen_Pack;
+                     --  Recognize this case and do not flag it as illegal
+                     if Nkind (Subp_Spec) = N_Function_Specification
+                       and then Present (Generic_Parent (Subp_Spec))
+                     then
+                        if Generic_Parent (Subp_Spec) = Pref_Id then
+                           null;
+                        elsif Ekind (Pref_Id) = E_Function
+                          and then Present (Alias (Pref_Id))
+                          and then Alias (Pref_Id) = Spec_Id
+                        then
+                           null;
+                        else
+                           Error_Msg_Name_2 := Chars (Spec_Id);
+                           Error_Attr
+                             ("incorrect prefix for % attribute, expected %",
+                              P);
+                        end if;
+                     --  Otherwise the context is not a function instantiation
+                     --  and the prefix is illegal
+                     else
+                        Error_Msg_Name_2 := Chars (Spec_Id);
+                        Error_Attr
+                          ("incorrect prefix for % attribute, expected %", P);
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
+               --  Otherwise the attribute's prefix denotes some other form of
+               --  a non-function subprogram.
-                  Error_Msg_Name_2 := Chars (Subp_Id);
-                    ("incorrect prefix for % attribute, expected %", P);
+                    ("% attribute can only appear in postcondition of "
+                     & "function", P);
                end if;
-               Rewrite (N, Make_Identifier (Sloc (N), Name_uResult));
+            --  Otherwise the prefix is illegal
+            else
+               Error_Msg_Name_2 := Chars (Spec_Id);
+               Error_Attr ("incorrect prefix for % attribute, expected %", P);
+            end if;
+            --  Attribute 'Result is part of the _Postconditions procedure of
+            --  the related subprogram. Rewrite the attribute as a reference to
+            --  the _Result formal parameter of _Postconditions.
+            if In_Post then
+               Rewrite (N, Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uResult));
                Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Etype (Subp_Id));
+            --  Otherwise decorate the attribute
-               Error_Attr
-                 ("% attribute can only appear in postcondition of function",
-                  P);
+               Set_Etype (N, Etype (Subp_Id));
             end if;
          end if;
       end Result;
Index: exp_ch6.adb
--- exp_ch6.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ exp_ch6.adb	(working copy)
@@ -202,10 +202,9 @@ 
    --  secondary stack using 'reference.
    procedure Expand_Non_Function_Return (N : Node_Id);
-   --  Called by Expand_N_Simple_Return_Statement in case we're returning from
-   --  a procedure body, entry body, accept statement, or extended return
-   --  statement. Note that all non-function returns are simple return
-   --  statements.
+   --  Expand a simple return statement found in a procedure body, entry body,
+   --  accept statement, or an extended return statement. Note that all non-
+   --  function returns are simple return statements.
    function Expand_Protected_Object_Reference
      (N    : Node_Id;
@@ -4983,21 +4982,22 @@ 
       procedure Add_Return (S : List_Id) is
-         Last_Stm : Node_Id;
-         Loc      : Source_Ptr;
+         Last_Stmt : Node_Id;
+         Loc       : Source_Ptr;
+         Stmt      : Node_Id;
          --  Get last statement, ignoring any Pop_xxx_Label nodes, which are
          --  not relevant in this context since they are not executable.
-         Last_Stm := Last (S);
-         while Nkind (Last_Stm) in N_Pop_xxx_Label loop
-            Prev (Last_Stm);
+         Last_Stmt := Last (S);
+         while Nkind (Last_Stmt) in N_Pop_xxx_Label loop
+            Prev (Last_Stmt);
          end loop;
          --  Now insert return unless last statement is a transfer
-         if not Is_Transfer (Last_Stm) then
+         if not Is_Transfer (Last_Stmt) then
             --  The source location for the return is the end label of the
             --  procedure if present. Otherwise use the sloc of the last
@@ -5009,49 +5009,43 @@ 
             if Nkind (Parent (S)) = N_Exception_Handler
               and then not Comes_From_Source (Parent (S))
-               Loc := Sloc (Last_Stm);
+               Loc := Sloc (Last_Stmt);
             elsif Present (End_Label (H)) then
                Loc := Sloc (End_Label (H));
-               Loc := Sloc (Last_Stm);
+               Loc := Sloc (Last_Stmt);
             end if;
-            declare
-               Rtn : constant Node_Id := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc);
+            --  Append return statement, and set analyzed manually. We can't
+            --  call Analyze on this return since the scope is wrong.
-            begin
-               --  Append return statement, and set analyzed manually. We can't
-               --  call Analyze on this return since the scope is wrong.
+            --  Note: it almost works to push the scope and then do the Analyze
+            --  call, but something goes wrong in some weird cases and it is
+            --  not worth worrying about ???
-               --  Note: it almost works to push the scope and then do the
-               --  Analyze call, but something goes wrong in some weird cases
-               --  and it is not worth worrying about ???
+            Stmt := Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc);
-               --  The return statement is handled properly, and the call
-               --  to the postcondition, inserted below, does not require
-               --  information from the body either. However, that call is
-               --  analyzed in the enclosing scope, and an elaboration check
-               --  might improperly be added to it. A guard in Sem_Elab is
-               --  needed to prevent that spurious check, see Check_Elab_Call.
+            --  The return statement is handled properly, and the call to the
+            --  postcondition, inserted below, does not require information
+            --  from the body either. However, that call is analyzed in the
+            --  enclosing scope, and an elaboration check might improperly be
+            --  added to it. A guard in Sem_Elab is needed to prevent that
+            --  spurious check, see Check_Elab_Call.
-               Append_To (S, Rtn);
-               Set_Analyzed (Rtn);
+            Append_To (S, Stmt);
+            Set_Analyzed (Stmt);
-               --  Call _Postconditions procedure if appropriate. We need to
-               --  do this explicitly because we did not analyze the generated
-               --  return statement above, so the call did not get inserted.
+            --  Call the _Postconditions procedure if the related subprogram
+            --  has contract assertions that need to be verified on exit.
-               if Ekind (Spec_Id) = E_Procedure
-                 and then Has_Postconditions (Spec_Id)
-               then
-                  pragma Assert (Present (Postcondition_Proc (Spec_Id)));
-                  Insert_Action (Rtn,
-                    Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
-                      Name =>
-                        New_Occurrence_Of
-                          (Postcondition_Proc (Spec_Id), Loc)));
-               end if;
-            end;
+            if Ekind (Spec_Id) = E_Procedure
+              and then Present (Postconditions_Proc (Spec_Id))
+            then
+               Insert_Action (Stmt,
+                 Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+                   Name =>
+                     New_Occurrence_Of (Postconditions_Proc (Spec_Id), Loc)));
+            end if;
          end if;
       end Add_Return;
@@ -5206,7 +5200,8 @@ 
                   --  the initial value itself (which may well be invalid).
                   --  Predicate checks are disabled as well (RM 6.4.1 (13/3))
-                  A :=  Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
+                  A :=
+                    Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
                       Name       => New_Occurrence_Of (F, Loc),
                       Expression => Get_Simple_Init_Val (Etype (F), N));
                   Set_Suppress_Assignment_Checks (A);
@@ -5487,31 +5482,24 @@ 
    procedure Expand_Non_Function_Return (N : Node_Id) is
       pragma Assert (No (Expression (N)));
-      Loc         : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-      Scope_Id    : Entity_Id :=
-                      Return_Applies_To (Return_Statement_Entity (N));
-      Kind        : constant Entity_Kind := Ekind (Scope_Id);
-      Call        : Node_Id;
-      Acc_Stat    : Node_Id;
-      Goto_Stat   : Node_Id;
-      Lab_Node    : Node_Id;
+      Loc       : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+      Scope_Id  : Entity_Id := Return_Applies_To (Return_Statement_Entity (N));
+      Kind      : constant Entity_Kind := Ekind (Scope_Id);
+      Call      : Node_Id;
+      Acc_Stat  : Node_Id;
+      Goto_Stat : Node_Id;
+      Lab_Node  : Node_Id;
-      --  Call _Postconditions procedure if procedure with active
-      --  postconditions. Here, we use the Postcondition_Proc attribute,
-      --  which is needed for implicitly-generated returns. Functions
-      --  never have implicitly-generated returns, and there's no
-      --  room for Postcondition_Proc in E_Function, so we look up the
-      --  identifier Name_uPostconditions for function returns (see
-      --  Expand_Simple_Function_Return).
+      --  Call the _Postconditions procedure if the related subprogram has
+      --  contract assertions that need to be verified on exit.
-      if Ekind (Scope_Id) = E_Procedure
-        and then Has_Postconditions (Scope_Id)
+      if Ekind_In (Scope_Id, E_Entry, E_Entry_Family, E_Procedure)
+        and then Present (Postconditions_Proc (Scope_Id))
-         pragma Assert (Present (Postcondition_Proc (Scope_Id)));
          Insert_Action (N,
            Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
-             Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Postcondition_Proc (Scope_Id), Loc)));
+             Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Postconditions_Proc (Scope_Id), Loc)));
       end if;
       --  If it is a return from a procedure do no extra steps
@@ -6558,10 +6546,11 @@ 
       end if;
-      --  Generate call to postcondition checks if they are present
+      --  Call the _Postconditions procedure if the related function has
+      --  contract assertions that need to be verified on exit.
       if Ekind (Scope_Id) = E_Function
-        and then Has_Postconditions (Scope_Id)
+        and then Present (Postconditions_Proc (Scope_Id))
          --  We are going to reference the returned value twice in this case,
          --  once in the call to _Postconditions, and once in the actual return
@@ -6669,11 +6658,12 @@ 
          end if;
-         --  Generate call to _postconditions
+         --  Generate call to _Postconditions
          Insert_Action (Exp,
            Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
-             Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uPostconditions),
+             Name                   =>
+               New_Occurrence_Of (Postconditions_Proc (Scope_Id), Loc),
              Parameter_Associations => New_List (Duplicate_Subexpr (Exp))));
       end if;
@@ -6697,11 +6687,10 @@ 
    -- Expand_Subprogram_Contract --
-   procedure Expand_Subprogram_Contract
-     (N       : Node_Id;
-      Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
-      Body_Id : Entity_Id)
-   is
+   procedure Expand_Subprogram_Contract (N : Node_Id) is
+      Body_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Entity (N);
+      Spec_Id : constant Entity_Id := Corresponding_Spec (N);
       procedure Add_Invariant_And_Predicate_Checks
         (Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
          Stmts   : in out List_Id;
@@ -6735,30 +6724,18 @@ 
       --  the routine corrects the references of all formals of Inher_Id to
       --  point to the formals of Subp_Id.
-      procedure Collect_Body_Postconditions (Stmts : in out List_Id);
-      --  Process all postconditions found in the declarations of the body. The
-      --  routine appends the pragma Check equivalents to list Stmts.
+      procedure Process_Contract_Cases (Stmts : in out List_Id);
+      --  Process pragma Contract_Cases. This routine prepends items to the
+      --  body declarations and appends items to list Stmts.
-      procedure Collect_Spec_Postconditions
-        (Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-         Stmts   : in out List_Id);
-      --  Process all [inherited] postconditions of subprogram spec Subp_Id.
-      --  The routine appends the pragma Check equivalents to list Stmts.
+      procedure Process_Postconditions (Stmts : in out List_Id);
+      --  Collect all [inherited] spec and body postconditions and accumulate
+      --  their pragma Check equivalents in list Stmts.
-      procedure Collect_Spec_Preconditions (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
-      --  Process all [inherited] preconditions of subprogram spec Subp_Id. The
-      --  routine prepends the pragma Check equivalents to the declarations of
-      --  the body.
+      procedure Process_Preconditions;
+      --  Collect all [inherited] spec and body preconditions and prepend their
+      --  pragma Check equivalents to the declarations of the body.
-      procedure Prepend_To_Declarations (Item : Node_Id);
-      --  Prepend a single item to the declarations of the subprogram body
-      procedure Process_Contract_Cases
-        (Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-         Stmts   : in out List_Id);
-      --  Process pragma Contract_Cases of subprogram spec Subp_Id. The routine
-      --  appends the expanded code to list Stmts.
       -- Add_Invariant_And_Predicate_Checks --
@@ -6954,15 +6931,9 @@ 
          Result := Empty;
-         --  Do not generate any checks if no code is being generated
-         if not Expander_Active then
-            return;
-         end if;
          --  Process the result of a function
-         if Ekind_In (Subp_Id, E_Function, E_Generic_Function) then
+         if Ekind (Subp_Id) = E_Function then
             Typ := Etype (Subp_Id);
             --  Generate _Result which is used in procedure _Postconditions to
@@ -7103,25 +7074,23 @@ 
          --  Local variables
-         Loc     : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
-         Params  : List_Id := No_List;
-         Proc_Id : Entity_Id;
+         Loc      : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+         Params   : List_Id := No_List;
+         Proc_Bod : Node_Id;
+         Proc_Id  : Entity_Id;
       --  Start of processing for Build_Postconditions_Procedure
-         --  Do not create the routine if no code is being generated
-         if not Expander_Active then
-            return;
          --  Nothing to do if there are no actions to check on exit
-         elsif No (Stmts) then
+         if No (Stmts) then
          end if;
          Proc_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uPostconditions);
+         Set_Debug_Info_Needed   (Proc_Id);
+         Set_Postconditions_Proc (Subp_Id, Proc_Id);
          --  The related subprogram is a function, create the specification of
          --  parameter _Result.
@@ -7152,13 +7121,12 @@ 
          --  order reference. The body of _Postconditions must be placed after
          --  the declaration of Temp to preserve correct visibility.
-         --  Note that we set an explicit End_Label in order to override the
-         --  sloc of the implicit RETURN statement, and prevent it from
-         --  inheriting the sloc of one of the postconditions: this would cause
-         --  confusing debug info to be produced, interfering with coverage
-         --  analysis tools.
+         --  Set an explicit End_Lavel to override the sloc of the implicit
+         --  RETURN statement, and prevent it from inheriting the sloc of one
+         --  the postconditions: this would cause confusing debug into to be
+         --  produced, interfering with coverage analysis tools.
-         Insert_Before_First_Source_Declaration (
+         Proc_Bod :=
            Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
              Specification              =>
                Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc,
@@ -7169,16 +7137,10 @@ 
              Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
                Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
                  Statements => Stmts,
-                 End_Label  => Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Proc_Id)))));
+                 End_Label  => Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Proc_Id))));
-         --  Set the attributes of the related subprogram to capture the
-         --  generated procedure.
-         if Ekind_In (Subp_Id, E_Generic_Procedure, E_Procedure) then
-            Set_Postcondition_Proc (Subp_Id, Proc_Id);
-         end if;
-         Set_Has_Postconditions (Subp_Id);
+         Insert_Before_First_Source_Declaration (Proc_Bod);
+         Analyze (Proc_Bod);
       end Build_Postconditions_Procedure;
@@ -7238,14 +7200,6 @@ 
          Set_Comes_From_Source (Check_Prag, False);
          Set_Analyzed          (Check_Prag, False);
-         --  For a postcondition pragma within a generic, preserve the pragma
-         --  for later expansion. This is also used when an error was detected,
-         --  thus setting Expander_Active to False.
-         if Prag_Nam = Name_Postcondition and then not Expander_Active then
-            return Check_Prag;
-         end if;
          if Present (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)) then
             Nam := Chars (Identifier (Corresponding_Aspect (Prag)));
@@ -7282,61 +7236,105 @@ 
          return Check_Prag;
       end Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent;
-      ---------------------------------
-      -- Collect_Body_Postconditions --
-      ---------------------------------
+      ----------------------------
+      -- Process_Contract_Cases --
+      ----------------------------
-      procedure Collect_Body_Postconditions (Stmts : in out List_Id) is
-         procedure Collect_Body_Postconditions_Of_Kind (Post_Nam : Name_Id);
-         --  Process all postconditions of the kind denoted by Post_Nam
+      procedure Process_Contract_Cases (Stmts : in out List_Id) is
+         procedure Process_Contract_Cases_For (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+         --  Process pragma Contract_Cases for subprogram Subp_Id
-         -----------------------------------------
-         -- Collect_Body_Postconditions_Of_Kind --
-         -----------------------------------------
+         --------------------------------
+         -- Process_Contract_Cases_For --
+         --------------------------------
-         procedure Collect_Body_Postconditions_Of_Kind (Post_Nam : Name_Id) is
-            procedure Collect_Body_Postconditions_In_Decls
-              (First_Decl : Node_Id);
-            --  Process all postconditions found in a declarative list starting
-            --  with declaration First_Decl.
+         procedure Process_Contract_Cases_For (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+            Items : constant Node_Id := Contract (Subp_Id);
+            Prag  : Node_Id;
-            ------------------------------------------
-            -- Collect_Body_Postconditions_In_Decls --
-            ------------------------------------------
+         begin
+            if Present (Items) then
+               Prag := Contract_Test_Cases (Items);
+               while Present (Prag) loop
+                  if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Contract_Cases then
+                     Expand_Contract_Cases
+                       (CCs     => Prag,
+                        Subp_Id => Subp_Id,
+                        Decls   => Declarations (N),
+                        Stmts   => Stmts);
+                  end if;
-            procedure Collect_Body_Postconditions_In_Decls
-              (First_Decl : Node_Id)
-            is
-               Check_Prag : Node_Id;
-               Decl       : Node_Id;
+                  Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+               end loop;
+            end if;
+         end Process_Contract_Cases_For;
-            begin
-               --  Inspect the declarative list looking for a pragma that
-               --  matches the desired name.
+      --  Start of processing for Process_Contract_Cases
-               Decl := First_Decl;
+      begin
+         Process_Contract_Cases_For (Body_Id);
+         if Present (Spec_Id) then
+            Process_Contract_Cases_For (Spec_Id);
+         end if;
+      end Process_Contract_Cases;
+      ----------------------------
+      -- Process_Postconditions --
+      ----------------------------
+      procedure Process_Postconditions (Stmts : in out List_Id) is
+         procedure Process_Body_Postconditions (Post_Nam : Name_Id);
+         --  Collect all [refined] postconditions of a specific kind denoted
+         --  by Post_Nam that belong to the body and generate pragma Check
+         --  equivalents in list Stmts.
+         procedure Process_Spec_Postconditions;
+         --  Collect all [inherited] postconditions of the spec and generate
+         --  pragma Check equivalents in list Stmts.
+         ---------------------------------
+         -- Process_Body_Postconditions --
+         ---------------------------------
+         procedure Process_Body_Postconditions (Post_Nam : Name_Id) is
+            Items     : constant Node_Id := Contract (Body_Id);
+            Unit_Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (N);
+            Decl      : Node_Id;
+            Prag      : Node_Id;
+         begin
+            --  Process the contract
+            if Present (Items) then
+               Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+               while Present (Prag) loop
+                  if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Post_Nam then
+                     Append_Enabled_Item
+                       (Item => Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent (Prag),
+                        List => Stmts);
+                  end if;
+                  Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+               end loop;
+            end if;
+            --  The subprogram body being processed is actually the proper body
+            --  of a stub with a corresponding spec. The subprogram stub may
+            --  carry a postcondition pragma in which case it must be taken
+            --  into account. The pragma appears after the stub.
+            if Present (Spec_Id) and then Nkind (Unit_Decl) = N_Subunit then
+               Decl := Next (Corresponding_Stub (Unit_Decl));
                while Present (Decl) loop
                   --  Note that non-matching pragmas are skipped
                   if Nkind (Decl) = N_Pragma then
                      if Pragma_Name (Decl) = Post_Nam then
-                        if not Analyzed (Decl) then
-                           Analyze (Decl);
-                        end if;
-                        Check_Prag := Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent (Decl);
-                        if Expander_Active then
-                           Append_Enabled_Item
-                             (Item => Check_Prag,
-                              List => Stmts);
-                        --  If analyzing a generic unit, save pragma for later
-                        else
-                           Prepend_To_Declarations (Check_Prag);
-                        end if;
+                        Append_Enabled_Item
+                          (Item => Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent (Decl),
+                           List => Stmts);
                      end if;
                   --  Skip internally generated code
@@ -7353,157 +7351,118 @@ 
                   Next (Decl);
                end loop;
-            end Collect_Body_Postconditions_In_Decls;
+            end if;
+         end Process_Body_Postconditions;
-            --  Local variables
+         ---------------------------------
+         -- Process_Spec_Postconditions --
+         ---------------------------------
-            Unit_Decl : constant Node_Id := Parent (N);
+         procedure Process_Spec_Postconditions is
+            Subps   : constant Subprogram_List :=
+                        Inherited_Subprograms (Spec_Id);
+            Items   : Node_Id;
+            Prag    : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-         --  Start of processing for Collect_Body_Postconditions_Of_Kind
-            pragma Assert (Nam_In (Post_Nam, Name_Postcondition,
-                                             Name_Refined_Post));
+            --  Process the contract
-            --  Inspect the declarations of the subprogram body looking for a
-            --  pragma that matches the desired name.
+            Items := Contract (Spec_Id);
-            Collect_Body_Postconditions_In_Decls
-              (First_Decl => First (Declarations (N)));
+            if Present (Items) then
+               Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+               while Present (Prag) loop
+                  if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Postcondition then
+                     Append_Enabled_Item
+                       (Item => Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent (Prag),
+                        List => Stmts);
+                  end if;
-            --  The subprogram body being processed is actually the proper body
-            --  of a stub with a corresponding spec. The subprogram stub may
-            --  carry a postcondition pragma in which case it must be taken
-            --  into account. The pragma appears after the stub.
-            if Present (Spec_Id) and then Nkind (Unit_Decl) = N_Subunit then
-               Collect_Body_Postconditions_In_Decls
-                 (First_Decl => Next (Corresponding_Stub (Unit_Decl)));
+                  Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+               end loop;
             end if;
-         end Collect_Body_Postconditions_Of_Kind;
-      --  Start of processing for Collect_Body_Postconditions
+            --  Process the contracts of all inherited subprograms, looking for
+            --  class-wide postconditions.
-      begin
-         Collect_Body_Postconditions_Of_Kind (Name_Refined_Post);
-         Collect_Body_Postconditions_Of_Kind (Name_Postcondition);
-      end Collect_Body_Postconditions;
+            for Index in Subps'Range loop
+               Subp_Id := Subps (Index);
+               Items   := Contract (Subp_Id);
-      ---------------------------------
-      -- Collect_Spec_Postconditions --
-      ---------------------------------
+               if Present (Items) then
+                  Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+                  while Present (Prag) loop
+                     if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Postcondition
+                       and then Class_Present (Prag)
+                     then
+                        Append_Enabled_Item
+                          (Item =>
+                             Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent
+                               (Prag     => Prag,
+                                Subp_Id  => Spec_Id,
+                                Inher_Id => Subp_Id),
+                           List => Stmts);
+                     end if;
-      procedure Collect_Spec_Postconditions
-        (Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-         Stmts   : in out List_Id)
-      is
-         Inher_Subps   : constant Subprogram_List :=
-                           Inherited_Subprograms (Subp_Id);
-         Check_Prag    : Node_Id;
-         Prag          : Node_Id;
-         Inher_Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-      begin
-         --  Process the contract of the spec
-         Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Contract (Subp_Id));
-         while Present (Prag) loop
-            if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Postcondition then
-               Check_Prag := Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent (Prag);
-               if Expander_Active then
-                  Append_Enabled_Item
-                    (Item => Check_Prag,
-                     List => Stmts);
-               --  When analyzing a generic unit, save the pragma for later
-               else
-                  Prepend_To_Declarations (Check_Prag);
+                     Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+                  end loop;
                end if;
-            end if;
+            end loop;
+         end Process_Spec_Postconditions;
-            Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
-         end loop;
+      --  Start of processing for Process_Postconditions
-         --  Process the contracts of all inherited subprograms, looking for
-         --  class-wide postconditions.
+      begin
+         --  The processing of postconditions is done in reverse order (body
+         --  first) to ensure the following arrangement:
-         for Index in Inher_Subps'Range loop
-            Inher_Subp_Id := Inher_Subps (Index);
+         --    <refined postconditions from body>
+         --    <postconditions from body>
+         --    <postconditions from spec>
+         --    <inherited postconditions>
-            Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Contract (Inher_Subp_Id));
-            while Present (Prag) loop
-               if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Postcondition
-                 and then Class_Present (Prag)
-               then
-                  Check_Prag :=
-                    Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent
-                      (Prag     => Prag,
-                       Subp_Id  => Subp_Id,
-                       Inher_Id => Inher_Subp_Id);
+         Process_Body_Postconditions (Name_Refined_Post);
+         Process_Body_Postconditions (Name_Postcondition);
-                  if Expander_Active then
-                     Append_Enabled_Item
-                       (Item => Check_Prag,
-                        List => Stmts);
+         if Present (Spec_Id) then
+            Process_Spec_Postconditions;
+         end if;
+      end Process_Postconditions;
-                  --  When analyzing a generic unit, save the pragma for later
+      ---------------------------
+      -- Process_Preconditions --
+      ---------------------------
-                  else
-                     Prepend_To_Declarations (Check_Prag);
-                  end if;
-               end if;
-               Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
-            end loop;
-         end loop;
-      end Collect_Spec_Postconditions;
-      --------------------------------
-      -- Collect_Spec_Preconditions --
-      --------------------------------
-      procedure Collect_Spec_Preconditions (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+      procedure Process_Preconditions is
          Class_Pre : Node_Id := Empty;
-         --  The sole class-wide precondition pragma that applies to the
-         --  subprogram.
+         --  The sole [inherited] class-wide precondition pragma that applies
+         --  to the subprogram.
-         procedure Add_Or_Save_Precondition (Prag : Node_Id);
-         --  Save a class-wide precondition or add a regulat precondition to
-         --  the declarative list of the body.
+         Insert_Node : Node_Id := Empty;
+         --  The insertion node after which all pragma Check equivalents are
+         --  inserted.
          procedure Merge_Preconditions (From : Node_Id; Into : Node_Id);
          --  Merge two class-wide preconditions by "or else"-ing them. The
          --  changes are accumulated in parameter Into. Update the error
          --  message of Into.
-         ------------------------------
-         -- Add_Or_Save_Precondition --
-         ------------------------------
+         procedure Prepend_To_Decls (Item : Node_Id);
+         --  Prepend a single item to the declarations of the subprogram body
-         procedure Add_Or_Save_Precondition (Prag : Node_Id) is
-            Check_Prag : Node_Id;
+         procedure Prepend_To_Decls_Or_Save (Prag : Node_Id);
+         --  Save a class-wide precondition into Class_Pre or prepend a normal
+         --  precondition ot the declarations of the body and analyze it.
-         begin
-            Check_Prag := Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent (Prag);
+         procedure Process_Inherited_Preconditions;
+         --  Collect all inherited class-wide preconditions and merge them into
+         --  one big precondition to be evaluated as pragma Check.
-            --  Save the sole class-wide precondition (if any) for the next
-            --  step where it will be merged with inherited preconditions.
+         procedure Process_Preconditions_For (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+         --  Collect all preconditions of subprogram Subp_Id and prepend their
+         --  pragma Check equivalents to the declarations of the body.
-            if Class_Present (Prag) then
-               pragma Assert (No (Class_Pre));
-               Class_Pre := Check_Prag;
-            --  Accumulate the corresponding Check pragmas to the top of the
-            --  declarations. Prepending the items ensures that they will be
-            --  evaluated in their original order.
-            else
-               Prepend_To_Declarations (Check_Prag);
-            end if;
-         end Add_Or_Save_Precondition;
          -- Merge_Preconditions --
@@ -7576,189 +7535,291 @@ 
             end if;
          end Merge_Preconditions;
-         --  Local variables
+         ----------------------
+         -- Prepend_To_Decls --
+         ----------------------
-         Inher_Subps   : constant Subprogram_List :=
-                           Inherited_Subprograms (Subp_Id);
-         Subp_Decl     : constant Node_Id := Parent (Parent (Subp_Id));
-         Check_Prag    : Node_Id;
-         Decl          : Node_Id;
-         Inher_Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-         Prag          : Node_Id;
+         procedure Prepend_To_Decls (Item : Node_Id) is
+            Decls : List_Id := Declarations (N);
-      --  Start of processing for Collect_Spec_Preconditions
+         begin
+            --  Ensure that the body has a declarative list
-      begin
-         --  Process the contract of the spec
+            if No (Decls) then
+               Decls := New_List;
+               Set_Declarations (N, Decls);
+            end if;
-         Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Contract (Subp_Id));
-         while Present (Prag) loop
-            if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Precondition then
-               Add_Or_Save_Precondition (Prag);
+            Prepend_To (Decls, Item);
+         end Prepend_To_Decls;
+         ------------------------------
+         -- Prepend_To_Decls_Or_Save --
+         ------------------------------
+         procedure Prepend_To_Decls_Or_Save (Prag : Node_Id) is
+            Check_Prag : Node_Id;
+         begin
+            Check_Prag := Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent (Prag);
+            --  Save the sole class-wide precondition (if any) for the next
+            --  step where it will be merged with inherited preconditions.
+            if Class_Present (Prag) then
+               pragma Assert (No (Class_Pre));
+               Class_Pre := Check_Prag;
+            --  Accumulate the corresponding Check pragmas at the top of the
+            --  declarations. Prepending the items ensures that they will be
+            --  evaluated in their original order.
+            else
+               if Present (Insert_Node) then
+                  Insert_After (Insert_Node, Check_Prag);
+               else
+                  Prepend_To_Decls (Check_Prag);
+               end if;
+               Analyze (Check_Prag);
             end if;
+         end Prepend_To_Decls_Or_Save;
-            Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
-         end loop;
+         -------------------------------------
+         -- Process_Inherited_Preconditions --
+         -------------------------------------
-         --  The subprogram declaration being processed is actually a body
-         --  stub. The stub may carry a precondition pragma in which case it
-         --  must be taken into account. The pragma appears after the stub.
+         procedure Process_Inherited_Preconditions is
+            Subps      : constant Subprogram_List :=
+                           Inherited_Subprograms (Spec_Id);
+            Check_Prag : Node_Id;
+            Items      : Node_Id;
+            Prag       : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Id    : Entity_Id;
-         if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub then
+         begin
+            --  Process the contracts of all inherited subprograms, looking for
+            --  class-wide preconditions.
-            --  Inspect the declarations following the body stub
+            for Index in Subps'Range loop
+               Subp_Id := Subps (Index);
+               Items   := Contract (Subp_Id);
-            Decl := Next (Subp_Decl);
-            while Present (Decl) loop
+               if Present (Items) then
+                  Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+                  while Present (Prag) loop
+                     if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Precondition
+                       and then Class_Present (Prag)
+                     then
+                        Check_Prag :=
+                          Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent
+                            (Prag     => Prag,
+                             Subp_Id  => Spec_Id,
+                             Inher_Id => Subp_Id);
-               --  Note that non-matching pragmas are skipped
+                        --  The spec or an inherited subprogram already yielded
+                        --  a class-wide precondition. Merge the existing
+                        --  precondition with the current one using "or else".
-               if Nkind (Decl) = N_Pragma then
-                  if Pragma_Name (Decl) = Name_Precondition then
-                     if not Analyzed (Decl) then
-                        Analyze (Decl);
+                        if Present (Class_Pre) then
+                           Merge_Preconditions (Check_Prag, Class_Pre);
+                        else
+                           Class_Pre := Check_Prag;
+                        end if;
                      end if;
-                     Add_Or_Save_Precondition (Decl);
+                     Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+                  end loop;
+               end if;
+            end loop;
+            --  Add the merged class-wide preconditions
+            if Present (Class_Pre) then
+               Prepend_To_Decls (Class_Pre);
+               Analyze (Class_Pre);
+            end if;
+         end Process_Inherited_Preconditions;
+         -------------------------------
+         -- Process_Preconditions_For --
+         -------------------------------
+         procedure Process_Preconditions_For (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+            Items     : constant Node_Id := Contract (Subp_Id);
+            Decl      : Node_Id;
+            Prag      : Node_Id;
+            Subp_Decl : Node_Id;
+         begin
+            --  Process the contract
+            if Present (Items) then
+               Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+               while Present (Prag) loop
+                  if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Precondition then
+                     Prepend_To_Decls_Or_Save (Prag);
                   end if;
-               --  Skip internally generated code
+                  Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+               end loop;
+            end if;
-               elsif not Comes_From_Source (Decl) then
-                  null;
+            --  The subprogram declaration being processed is actually a body
+            --  stub. The stub may carry a precondition pragma in which case it
+            --  must be taken into account. The pragma appears after the stub.
-               --  Preconditions are usually grouped together. There is no need
-               --  to inspect the whole declarative list.
+            Subp_Decl := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp_Id);
-               else
-                  exit;
-               end if;
+            if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub then
-               Next (Decl);
-            end loop;
-         end if;
+               --  Inspect the declarations following the body stub
-         --  Process the contracts of all inherited subprograms, looking for
-         --  class-wide preconditions.
+               Decl := Next (Subp_Decl);
+               while Present (Decl) loop
-         for Index in Inher_Subps'Range loop
-            Inher_Subp_Id := Inher_Subps (Index);
+                  --  Note that non-matching pragmas are skipped
-            Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Contract (Inher_Subp_Id));
-            while Present (Prag) loop
-               if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Precondition
-                 and then Class_Present (Prag)
-               then
-                  Check_Prag :=
-                    Build_Pragma_Check_Equivalent
-                      (Prag     => Prag,
-                       Subp_Id  => Subp_Id,
-                       Inher_Id => Inher_Subp_Id);
+                  if Nkind (Decl) = N_Pragma then
+                     if Pragma_Name (Decl) = Name_Precondition then
+                        Prepend_To_Decls_Or_Save (Decl);
+                     end if;
-                  --  The spec or an inherited subprogram already yielded a
-                  --  class-wide precondition. Merge the existing precondition
-                  --  with the current one using "or else".
+                  --  Skip internally generated code
-                  if Present (Class_Pre) then
-                     Merge_Preconditions (Check_Prag, Class_Pre);
+                  elsif not Comes_From_Source (Decl) then
+                     null;
+                  --  Preconditions are usually grouped together. There is no
+                  --  need to inspect the whole declarative list.
-                     Class_Pre := Check_Prag;
+                     exit;
                   end if;
-               end if;
-               Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
-            end loop;
-         end loop;
+                  Next (Decl);
+               end loop;
+            end if;
+         end Process_Preconditions_For;
-         --  Add the merged class-wide preconditions (if any)
+         --  Local variables
-         if Present (Class_Pre) then
-            Prepend_To_Declarations (Class_Pre);
-         end if;
-      end Collect_Spec_Preconditions;
+         Decls : constant List_Id := Declarations (N);
+         Decl  : Node_Id;
-      -----------------------------
-      -- Prepend_To_Declarations --
-      -----------------------------
+      --  Start of processing for Process_Preconditions
-      procedure Prepend_To_Declarations (Item : Node_Id) is
-         Decls : List_Id := Declarations (N);
-         --  Ensure that the body has a declarative list
+         --  Find the last internally generate declaration starting from the
+         --  top of the body declarations. This ensures that discriminals and
+         --  subtypes are properly visible to the pragma Check equivalents.
-         if No (Decls) then
-            Decls := New_List;
-            Set_Declarations (N, Decls);
+         if Present (Decls) then
+            Decl := First (Decls);
+            while Present (Decl) loop
+               if not Comes_From_Source (Decl) then
+                  Insert_Node := Decl;
+                  exit;
+               end if;
+               Next (Decl);
+            end loop;
          end if;
-         Prepend_To (Decls, Item);
-      end Prepend_To_Declarations;
+         --  The processing of preconditions is done in reverse order (body
+         --  first) because each pragma Check equivalent is inserted at the
+         --  top of the declarations. This ensures that the final order is
+         --  consistent with following diagram:
-      ----------------------------
-      -- Process_Contract_Cases --
-      ----------------------------
+         --    <inherited preconditions>
+         --    <preconditions from spec>
+         --    <preconditions from body>
-      procedure Process_Contract_Cases
-        (Subp_Id : Entity_Id;
-         Stmts   : in out List_Id)
-      is
-         Prag : Node_Id;
+         Process_Preconditions_For (Body_Id);
-      begin
-         --  Do not build the Contract_Cases circuitry if no code is being
-         --  generated.
-         if not Expander_Active then
-            return;
+         if Present (Spec_Id) then
+            Process_Preconditions_For (Spec_Id);
+            Process_Inherited_Preconditions;
          end if;
+      end Process_Preconditions;
-         Prag := Contract_Test_Cases (Contract (Subp_Id));
-         while Present (Prag) loop
-            if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Contract_Cases then
-               Expand_Contract_Cases
-                 (CCs     => Prag,
-                  Subp_Id => Subp_Id,
-                  Decls   => Declarations (N),
-                  Stmts   => Stmts);
-            end if;
-            Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
-         end loop;
-      end Process_Contract_Cases;
       --  Local variables
-      Post_Stmts : List_Id := No_List;
-      Result     : Entity_Id;
-      Subp_Id    : Entity_Id;
+      Restore_Scope : Boolean := False;
+      Result        : Entity_Id;
+      Stmts         : List_Id := No_List;
+      Subp_Id       : Entity_Id;
    --  Start of processing for Expand_Subprogram_Contract
+      --  Obtain the entity of the initial declaration
       if Present (Spec_Id) then
          Subp_Id := Spec_Id;
          Subp_Id := Body_Id;
       end if;
-      --  Do not process a predicate function as its body will end up with a
-      --  recursive call to itself and blow up the stack.
+      --  Do not perform expansion activity when it is not needed
-      if Ekind (Subp_Id) = E_Function
-        and then Is_Predicate_Function (Subp_Id)
-      then
+      if not Expander_Active then
-      --  Do not process TSS subprograms
+      --  ASIS requires an unaltered tree
-      elsif Get_TSS_Name (Subp_Id) /= TSS_Null then
+      elsif ASIS_Mode then
+      --  GNATprove does not need the executable semantics of a contract
+      elsif GNATprove_Mode then
+         return;
+      --  The contract of a generic subprogram or one declared in a generic
+      --  context is not expanded as the corresponding instance will provide
+      --  the executable semantics of the contract.
+      elsif Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id) or else Inside_A_Generic then
+         return;
+      --  All subprograms carry a contract, but for some it is not significant
+      --  and should not be processed. This is a small optimization.
+      elsif not Has_Significant_Contract (Subp_Id) then
+         return;
       end if;
-      --  The expansion of a subprogram contract involves the relocation of
-      --  various contract assertions to the declarations of the body in a
+      --  Do not re-expand the same contract. This scenario occurs when a
+      --  construct is rewritten into something else during its analysis
+      --  (expression functions for instance).
+      if Has_Expanded_Contract (Subp_Id) then
+         return;
+      --  Otherwise mark the subprogram
+      else
+         Set_Has_Expanded_Contract (Subp_Id);
+      end if;
+      --  Ensure that the formal parameters are visible when expanding all
+      --  contract items.
+      if not In_Open_Scopes (Subp_Id) then
+         Restore_Scope := True;
+         Push_Scope (Subp_Id);
+         if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id) then
+            Install_Generic_Formals (Subp_Id);
+         else
+            Install_Formals (Subp_Id);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+      --  The expansion of a subprogram contract involves the creation of Check
+      --  pragmas to verify the contract assertions of the spec and body in a
       --  particular order. The order is as follows:
       --    function Example (...) return ... is
@@ -7769,14 +7830,13 @@ 
       --          <postconditions from spec>
       --          <inherited postconditions>
       --          <contract case consequences>
-      --          <invariant check of function result (if applicable)>
+      --          <invariant check of function result>
       --          <invariant and predicate checks of parameters>
       --       end _Postconditions;
       --       <inherited preconditions>
       --       <preconditions from spec>
       --       <preconditions from body>
-      --       <refined preconditions from body>
       --       <contract case conditions>
       --       <source declarations>
@@ -7788,41 +7848,38 @@ 
       --    end Example;
       --  Routine _Postconditions holds all contract assertions that must be
-      --  verified on exit from the related routine.
+      --  verified on exit from the related subprogram.
-      --  Collect all [inherited] preconditions from the spec, transform them
-      --  into Check pragmas and add them to the declarations of the body in
-      --  the order outlined above.
+      --  Step 1: Handle all preconditions. This action must come before the
+      --  processing of pragma Contract_Cases because the pragma prepends items
+      --  to the body declarations.
-      if Present (Spec_Id) then
-         Collect_Spec_Preconditions (Spec_Id);
-      end if;
+      Process_Preconditions;
-      --  Transform all [refined] postconditions of the body into Check
-      --  pragmas. The resulting pragmas are accumulated in list Post_Stmts.
+      --  Step 2: Handle all postconditions. This action must come before the
+      --  processing of pragma Contract_Cases because the pragma appends items
+      --  to list Stmts.
-      Collect_Body_Postconditions (Post_Stmts);
+      Process_Postconditions (Stmts);
-      --  Transform all [inherited] postconditions from the spec into Check
-      --  pragmas. The resulting pragmas are accumulated in list Post_Stmts.
+      --  Step 3: Handle pragma Contract_Cases. This action must come before
+      --  the processing of invariants and predicates because those append
+      --  items to list Smts.
-      if Present (Spec_Id) then
-         Collect_Spec_Postconditions (Spec_Id, Post_Stmts);
+      Process_Contract_Cases (Stmts);
-         --  Transform pragma Contract_Cases from the spec into its circuitry
+      --  Step 4: Apply invariant and predicate checks on a function result and
+      --  all formals. The resulting checks are accumulated in list Stmts.
-         Process_Contract_Cases (Spec_Id, Post_Stmts);
-      end if;
+      Add_Invariant_And_Predicate_Checks (Subp_Id, Stmts, Result);
-      --  Apply invariant and predicate checks on the result of a function (if
-      --  applicable) and all formals. The resulting checks are accumulated in
-      --  list Post_Stmts.
+      --  Step 5: Construct procedure _Postconditions
-      Add_Invariant_And_Predicate_Checks (Subp_Id, Post_Stmts, Result);
+      Build_Postconditions_Procedure (Subp_Id, Stmts, Result);
-      --  Construct procedure _Postconditions
-      Build_Postconditions_Procedure (Subp_Id, Post_Stmts, Result);
+      if Restore_Scope then
+         End_Scope;
+      end if;
    end Expand_Subprogram_Contract;
Index: exp_ch6.ads
--- exp_ch6.ads	(revision 221098)
+++ exp_ch6.ads	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -41,17 +41,11 @@ 
    --  This procedure contains common processing for Expand_N_Function_Call,
    --  Expand_N_Procedure_Statement, and Expand_N_Entry_Call.
-   procedure Expand_Subprogram_Contract
-     (N       : Node_Id;
-      Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
-      Body_Id : Entity_Id);
+   procedure Expand_Subprogram_Contract (N : Node_Id);
    --  Expand the contracts of a subprogram body and its correspoding spec (if
    --  any). This routine processes all [refined] pre- and postconditions as
-   --  well as Contract_Cases, invariants and predicates. N is the body of the
-   --  subprogram. Spec_Id denotes the entity of its specification. Body_Id
-   --  denotes the entity of the subprogram body. This routine is not a "pure"
-   --  expansion mechanism as it is invoked during analysis and may perform
-   --  actions for generic subprograms or set up contract assertions for ASIS.
+   --  well as Contract_Cases, invariants and predicates. N denotes the body of
+   --  the subprogram.
    procedure Freeze_Subprogram (N : Node_Id);
    --  generate the appropriate expansions related to Subprogram freeze
Index: sem_ch6.adb
--- sem_ch6.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch6.adb	(working copy)
@@ -104,6 +104,14 @@ 
    -- Local Subprograms --
+   procedure Analyze_Function_Return (N : Node_Id);
+   --  Subsidiary to Analyze_Return_Statement. Called when the return statement
+   --  applies to a [generic] function.
+   procedure Analyze_Generic_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id; Gen_Id : Entity_Id);
+   --  Analyze a generic subprogram body. N is the body to be analyzed, and
+   --  Gen_Id is the defining entity Id for the corresponding spec.
    procedure Analyze_Null_Procedure
      (N             : Node_Id;
       Is_Completion : out Boolean);
@@ -112,10 +120,6 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id);
    --  Common processing for simple and extended return statements
-   procedure Analyze_Function_Return (N : Node_Id);
-   --  Subsidiary to Analyze_Return_Statement. Called when the return statement
-   --  applies to a [generic] function.
    procedure Analyze_Return_Type (N : Node_Id);
    --  Subsidiary to Process_Formals: analyze subtype mark in function
    --  specification in a context where the formals are visible and hide
@@ -125,10 +129,6 @@ 
    --  Does all the real work of Analyze_Subprogram_Body. This is split out so
    --  that we can use RETURN but not skip the debug output at the end.
-   procedure Analyze_Generic_Subprogram_Body (N : Node_Id; Gen_Id : Entity_Id);
-   --  Analyze a generic subprogram body. N is the body to be analyzed, and
-   --  Gen_Id is the defining entity Id for the corresponding spec.
    function Can_Override_Operator (Subp : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
    --  Returns true if Subp can override a predefined operator.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ 
       Check_SPARK_05_Restriction ("abstract subprogram is not allowed", N);
       Generate_Definition (Designator);
-      Set_Contract (Designator, Make_Contract (Sloc (Designator)));
       Set_Is_Abstract_Subprogram (Designator);
       New_Overloaded_Entity (Designator);
       Check_Delayed_Subprogram (Designator);
@@ -1266,7 +1266,6 @@ 
          --  Visible generic entity is callable within its own body
          Set_Ekind          (Gen_Id,  Ekind (Body_Id));
-         Set_Contract       (Body_Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Body_Id)));
          Set_Ekind          (Body_Id, E_Subprogram_Body);
          Set_Convention     (Body_Id, Convention (Gen_Id));
          Set_Is_Obsolescent (Body_Id, Is_Obsolescent (Gen_Id));
@@ -1316,45 +1315,6 @@ 
          Set_Actual_Subtypes (N, Current_Scope);
-         --  Deal with [refined] preconditions, postconditions, Contract_Cases,
-         --  invariants and predicates associated with the body and its spec.
-         --  Note that this is not pure expansion as Expand_Subprogram_Contract
-         --  prepares the contract assertions for generic subprograms or for
-         --  ASIS. Do not generate contract checks in SPARK mode.
-         if not GNATprove_Mode then
-            Expand_Subprogram_Contract (N, Gen_Id, Body_Id);
-         end if;
-         --  If the generic unit carries pre- or post-conditions, copy them
-         --  to the original generic tree, so that they are properly added
-         --  to any instantiation.
-         declare
-            Orig : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (N);
-            Cond : Node_Id;
-         begin
-            Cond := First (Declarations (N));
-            while Present (Cond) loop
-               if Nkind (Cond) = N_Pragma
-                 and then Pragma_Name (Cond) = Name_Check
-               then
-                  Prepend (New_Copy_Tree (Cond), Declarations (Orig));
-               elsif Nkind (Cond) = N_Pragma
-                 and then Pragma_Name (Cond) = Name_Postcondition
-               then
-                  Set_Ekind (Defining_Entity (Orig), Ekind (Gen_Id));
-                  Prepend (New_Copy_Tree (Cond), Declarations (Orig));
-               else
-                  exit;
-               end if;
-               Next (Cond);
-            end loop;
-         end;
          Set_SPARK_Pragma (Body_Id, SPARK_Mode_Pragma);
          Set_SPARK_Pragma_Inherited (Body_Id, True);
@@ -1446,7 +1406,6 @@ 
       if Present (Prev) and then Is_Generic_Subprogram (Prev) then
          Insert_Before (N, Null_Body);
          Set_Ekind (Defining_Entity (N), Ekind (Prev));
-         Set_Contract (Defining_Entity (N), Make_Contract (Loc));
          Rewrite (N, Make_Null_Statement (Loc));
          Analyze_Generic_Subprogram_Body (Null_Body, Prev);
@@ -2191,95 +2150,143 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract (Body_Id : Entity_Id) is
-      Body_Decl   : constant Node_Id := Parent (Parent (Body_Id));
-      Mode        : SPARK_Mode_Type;
-      Prag        : Node_Id;
-      Ref_Depends : Node_Id := Empty;
-      Ref_Global  : Node_Id := Empty;
-      Spec_Id     : Entity_Id;
+      Body_Decl : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (Body_Id);
-   begin
-      --  Due to the timing of contract analysis, delayed pragmas may be
-      --  subject to the wrong SPARK_Mode, usually that of the enclosing
-      --  context. To remedy this, restore the original SPARK_Mode of the
-      --  related subprogram body.
+      procedure Analyze_Completion_Contract (Spec_Id : Entity_Id);
+      --  Analyze all delayed pragmas chained on the contract of subprogram
+      --  body Body_Id as if they appeared at the end of a declarative region.
+      --  Spec_Id denotes the corresponding spec. The aspects in question are:
+      --    Refined_Depends
+      --    Refined_Global
+      --  Note that pragma Refined_Post is analyzed immediately
-      Save_SPARK_Mode_And_Set (Body_Id, Mode);
+      ---------------------------------
+      -- Analyze_Completion_Contract --
+      ---------------------------------
-      --  When a subprogram body declaration is illegal, its defining entity is
-      --  left unanalyzed. There is nothing left to do in this case because the
-      --  body lacks a contract, or even a proper Ekind.
+      procedure Analyze_Completion_Contract (Spec_Id : Entity_Id) is
+         Items         : constant Node_Id := Contract (Body_Id);
+         Prag          : Node_Id;
+         Prag_Nam      : Name_Id;
+         Ref_Depends   : Node_Id := Empty;
+         Ref_Global    : Node_Id := Empty;
-      if Ekind (Body_Id) = E_Void then
-         return;
-      end if;
+      begin
+         --  All subprograms carry a contract, but for some it is not
+         --  significant and should not be processed.
-      if Nkind (Body_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub then
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Body_Decl);
-      else
-         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Body_Decl);
-      end if;
+         if not Has_Significant_Contract (Spec_Id) then
+            return;
-      --  Locate and store pragmas Refined_Depends and Refined_Global since
-      --  their order of analysis matters.
+         elsif Present (Items) then
-      Prag := Classifications (Contract (Body_Id));
-      while Present (Prag) loop
-         if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Refined_Depends then
-            Ref_Depends := Prag;
-         elsif Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Refined_Global then
-            Ref_Global := Prag;
+            --  Locate and store pragmas Refined_Depends and Refined_Global
+            --  since their order of analysis matters.
+            Prag := Classifications (Items);
+            while Present (Prag) loop
+               Prag_Nam := Pragma_Name (Prag);
+               if Prag_Nam = Name_Refined_Depends then
+                  Ref_Depends := Prag;
+               elsif Prag_Nam = Name_Refined_Global then
+                  Ref_Global := Prag;
+               end if;
+               Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+            end loop;
          end if;
-         Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
-      end loop;
+         --  Analyze Refined_Global first as Refined_Depends may mention items
+         --  classified in the global refinement.
-      --  Analyze Refined_Global first as Refined_Depends may mention items
-      --  classified in the global refinement.
+         if Present (Ref_Global) then
+            Analyze_Refined_Global_In_Decl_Part (Ref_Global);
-      if Present (Ref_Global) then
-         Analyze_Refined_Global_In_Decl_Part (Ref_Global);
+         --  When the corresponding Global pragma references a state with
+         --  visible refinement, the body requires Refined_Global. Such a
+         --  refinement is not required when SPARK checks are suppressed.
-      --  When the corresponding Global aspect/pragma references a state with
-      --  visible refinement, the body requires Refined_Global. Refinement is
-      --  not required when SPARK checks are suppressed.
+         else
+            Prag := Get_Pragma (Spec_Id, Pragma_Global);
-      elsif Present (Spec_Id) then
-         Prag := Get_Pragma (Spec_Id, Pragma_Global);
+            if SPARK_Mode /= Off
+              and then Present (Prag)
+              and then Contains_Refined_State (Prag)
+            then
+               Error_Msg_NE
+                 ("body of subprogram& requires global refinement",
+                  Body_Decl, Spec_Id);
+            end if;
+         end if;
-         if SPARK_Mode /= Off
-           and then Present (Prag)
-           and then Contains_Refined_State (Prag)
-         then
-            Error_Msg_NE
-              ("body of subprogram& requires global refinement",
-               Body_Decl, Spec_Id);
+         --  Refined_Depends must be analyzed after Refined_Global in order to
+         --  see the modes of all global refinements.
+         if Present (Ref_Depends) then
+            Analyze_Refined_Depends_In_Decl_Part (Ref_Depends);
+         --  When the corresponding Depends pragma references a state with
+         --  visible refinement, the body requires Refined_Depends. Such a
+         --  refinement is not required when SPARK checks are suppressed.
+         else
+            Prag := Get_Pragma (Spec_Id, Pragma_Depends);
+            if SPARK_Mode /= Off
+              and then Present (Prag)
+              and then Contains_Refined_State (Prag)
+            then
+               Error_Msg_NE
+                 ("body of subprogram& requires dependance refinement",
+                  Body_Decl, Spec_Id);
+            end if;
          end if;
+      end Analyze_Completion_Contract;
+      --  Local variables
+      Mode    : SPARK_Mode_Type;
+      Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
+   --  Start of processing for Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract
+   begin
+      --  When a subprogram body declaration is illegal, its defining entity is
+      --  left unanalyzed. There is nothing left to do in this case because the
+      --  body lacks a contract, or even a proper Ekind.
+      if Ekind (Body_Id) = E_Void then
+         return;
       end if;
-      --  Refined_Depends must be analyzed after Refined_Global in order to see
-      --  the modes of all global refinements.
+      --  Due to the timing of contract analysis, delayed pragmas may be
+      --  subject to the wrong SPARK_Mode, usually that of the enclosing
+      --  context. To remedy this, restore the original SPARK_Mode of the
+      --  related subprogram body.
-      if Present (Ref_Depends) then
-         Analyze_Refined_Depends_In_Decl_Part (Ref_Depends);
+      Save_SPARK_Mode_And_Set (Body_Id, Mode);
-      --  When the corresponding Depends aspect/pragma references a state with
-      --  visible refinement, the body requires Refined_Depends. Refinement is
-      --  not required when SPARK checks are suppressed.
+      if Nkind (Body_Decl) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub then
+         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec_Of_Stub (Body_Decl);
+      else
+         Spec_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Body_Decl);
+      end if;
-      elsif Present (Spec_Id) then
-         Prag := Get_Pragma (Spec_Id, Pragma_Depends);
+      --  The subprogram body is a completion, analyze all delayed pragmas that
+      --  apply. Note that when the body is stand alone, the pragmas are always
+      --  analyzed on the spot.
-         if SPARK_Mode /= Off
-           and then Present (Prag)
-           and then Contains_Refined_State (Prag)
-         then
-            Error_Msg_NE
-              ("body of subprogram& requires dependance refinement",
-               Body_Decl, Spec_Id);
-         end if;
+      if Present (Spec_Id) then
+         Analyze_Completion_Contract (Spec_Id);
       end if;
+      --  Ensure that the contract cases or postconditions mention 'Result or
+      --  define a post-state.
+      Check_Result_And_Post_State (Body_Id);
       --  Restore the SPARK_Mode of the enclosing context after all delayed
       --  pragmas have been analyzed.
@@ -3412,15 +3419,6 @@ 
          end if;
       end if;
-      --  Mark presence of postcondition procedure in current scope and mark
-      --  the procedure itself as needing debug info. The latter is important
-      --  when analyzing decision coverage (for example, for MC/DC coverage).
-      if Chars (Body_Id) = Name_uPostconditions then
-         Set_Has_Postconditions (Current_Scope);
-         Set_Debug_Info_Needed (Body_Id);
-      end if;
       --  Place subprogram on scope stack, and make formals visible. If there
       --  is a spec, the visible entity remains that of the spec.
@@ -3591,9 +3589,8 @@ 
          end if;
          Set_Corresponding_Body (Unit_Declaration_Node (Spec_Id), Body_Id);
-         Set_Contract (Body_Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Body_Id)));
-         Set_Scope (Body_Id, Scope (Spec_Id));
          Set_Is_Obsolescent (Body_Id, Is_Obsolescent (Spec_Id));
+         Set_Scope          (Body_Id, Scope (Spec_Id));
       --  Case of subprogram body with no previous spec
@@ -3624,7 +3621,6 @@ 
          if Nkind (N) /= N_Subprogram_Body_Stub then
             Set_Acts_As_Spec (N);
             Generate_Definition (Body_Id);
-            Set_Contract (Body_Id, Make_Contract (Sloc (Body_Id)));
               (Body_Id, Body_Id, 'b', Set_Ref => False, Force => True);
             Install_Formals (Body_Id);
@@ -3903,20 +3899,6 @@ 
       end if;
-      --  Deal with [refined] preconditions, postconditions, Contract_Cases,
-      --  invariants and predicates associated with the body and its spec.
-      --  Note that this is not pure expansion as Expand_Subprogram_Contract
-      --  prepares the contract assertions for generic subprograms or for ASIS.
-      --  Do not generate contract checks in SPARK mode.
-      if not GNATprove_Mode then
-         Expand_Subprogram_Contract (N, Spec_Id, Body_Id);
-      end if;
-      --  Analyze the declarations (this call will analyze the precondition
-      --  Check pragmas we prepended to the list, as well as the declaration
-      --  of the _Postconditions procedure).
       Analyze_Declarations (Declarations (N));
       --  Verify that the SPARK_Mode of the body agrees with that of its spec
@@ -3946,6 +3928,24 @@ 
          end if;
       end if;
+      --  When a subprogram body appears inside a package, its contract is
+      --  analyzed at the end of the package body declarations. This is due
+      --  to the delay with respect of the package contract upon which the
+      --  body contract may depend. When the subprogram body is stand alone
+      --  and acts as a compilation unit, this delay is not necessary.
+      if Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Compilation_Unit then
+         Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract (Body_Id);
+      end if;
+      --  Deal with preconditions, [refined] postconditions, Contract_Cases,
+      --  invariants and predicates associated with body and its spec. Since
+      --  there is no routine Expand_Declarations which would otherwise deal
+      --  with the contract expansion, generate all necessary mechanisms to
+      --  verify the contract assertions now.
+      Expand_Subprogram_Contract (N);
       --  If SPARK_Mode for body is not On, disable frontend inlining for this
       --  subprogram in GNATprove mode, as its body should not be analyzed.
@@ -4163,44 +4163,86 @@ 
    -- Analyze_Subprogram_Contract --
-   procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Subp : Entity_Id) is
-      Items        : constant Node_Id := Contract (Subp);
-      Case_Prag    : Node_Id := Empty;
-      Depends      : Node_Id := Empty;
-      Global       : Node_Id := Empty;
-      Mode         : SPARK_Mode_Type;
-      Nam          : Name_Id;
-      Post_Prag    : Node_Id := Empty;
-      Prag         : Node_Id;
-      Seen_In_Case : Boolean := False;
-      Seen_In_Post : Boolean := False;
+   procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Subp_Id : Entity_Id) is
+      procedure Save_Global_References_In_List (First_Prag : Node_Id);
+      --  Save all global references in contract-related source pragma found in
+      --  the list starting from pragma First_Prag.
+      ------------------------------------
+      -- Save_Global_References_In_List --
+      ------------------------------------
+      procedure Save_Global_References_In_List (First_Prag : Node_Id) is
+         Prag : Node_Id;
+      begin
+         Prag := First_Prag;
+         while Present (Prag) loop
+            if Comes_From_Source (Prag)
+              and then Nam_In (Pragma_Name (Prag), Name_Contract_Cases,
+                                                   Name_Depends,
+                                                   Name_Extensions_Visible,
+                                                   Name_Global,
+                                                   Name_Postcondition,
+                                                   Name_Precondition,
+                                                   Name_Test_Case)
+            then
+               Save_Global_References (Original_Node (Prag));
+            end if;
+            Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+         end loop;
+      end Save_Global_References_In_List;
+      --  Local variables
+      Items         : constant Node_Id := Contract (Subp_Id);
+      Subp_Decl     : constant Node_Id := Unit_Declaration_Node (Subp_Id);
+      Depends       : Node_Id := Empty;
+      Global        : Node_Id := Empty;
+      Mode          : SPARK_Mode_Type;
+      Prag          : Node_Id;
+      Prag_Nam      : Name_Id;
+      Restore_Scope : Boolean := False;
+   --  Start of processing for Analyze_Subprogram_Contract
+      --  All subprograms carry a contract, but for some it is not significant
+      --  and should not be processed.
+      if not Has_Significant_Contract (Subp_Id) then
+         return;
+      end if;
       --  Due to the timing of contract analysis, delayed pragmas may be
       --  subject to the wrong SPARK_Mode, usually that of the enclosing
       --  context. To remedy this, restore the original SPARK_Mode of the
       --  related subprogram body.
-      Save_SPARK_Mode_And_Set (Subp, Mode);
+      Save_SPARK_Mode_And_Set (Subp_Id, Mode);
+      --  Ensure that the formal parameters are visible when analyzing all
+      --  contract items.
+      if not In_Open_Scopes (Subp_Id) then
+         Restore_Scope := True;
+         Push_Scope (Subp_Id);
+         if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Subp_Id) then
+            Install_Generic_Formals (Subp_Id);
+         else
+            Install_Formals (Subp_Id);
+         end if;
+      end if;
       if Present (Items) then
          --  Analyze pre- and postconditions
          Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
          while Present (Prag) loop
-            Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part (Prag, Subp);
-            --  Verify whether a postcondition mentions attribute 'Result and
-            --  its expression introduces a post-state.
-            if Warn_On_Suspicious_Contract
-              and then Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Postcondition
-            then
-               Post_Prag := Prag;
-               Check_Result_And_Post_State (Prag, Seen_In_Post);
-            end if;
+            Analyze_Pre_Post_Condition_In_Decl_Part (Prag);
             Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
          end loop;
@@ -4208,25 +4250,13 @@ 
          Prag := Contract_Test_Cases (Items);
          while Present (Prag) loop
-            Nam := Pragma_Name (Prag);
+            Prag_Nam := Pragma_Name (Prag);
-            if Nam = Name_Contract_Cases then
+            if Prag_Nam = Name_Contract_Cases then
                Analyze_Contract_Cases_In_Decl_Part (Prag);
-               --  Verify whether contract-cases mention attribute 'Result and
-               --  its expression introduces a post-state. Perform the check
-               --  only when the pragma is legal.
-               if Warn_On_Suspicious_Contract
-                 and then not Error_Posted (Prag)
-               then
-                  Case_Prag := Prag;
-                  Check_Result_And_Post_State (Prag, Seen_In_Case);
-               end if;
-               pragma Assert (Nam = Name_Test_Case);
-               Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part (Prag, Subp);
+               pragma Assert (Prag_Nam = Name_Test_Case);
+               Analyze_Test_Case_In_Decl_Part (Prag);
             end if;
             Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
@@ -4236,12 +4266,12 @@ 
          Prag := Classifications (Items);
          while Present (Prag) loop
-            Nam := Pragma_Name (Prag);
+            Prag_Nam := Pragma_Name (Prag);
-            if Nam = Name_Depends then
+            if Prag_Nam = Name_Depends then
                Depends := Prag;
-            elsif Nam = Name_Global then
+            elsif Prag_Nam = Name_Global then
                Global := Prag;
             --  Note that pragma Extensions_Visible has already been analyzed
@@ -4264,51 +4294,42 @@ 
          if Present (Depends) then
             Analyze_Depends_In_Decl_Part (Depends);
          end if;
+         --  Ensure that the contract cases or postconditions mention 'Result
+         --  or define a post-state.
+         Check_Result_And_Post_State (Subp_Id);
       end if;
-      --  Emit an error when neither the postconditions nor the contract-cases
-      --  mention attribute 'Result in the context of a function.
+      --  The aspects and contract-related source pragmas associated with a
+      --  generic subprogram are treated separately from the declaration as
+      --  they need to be analyzed when the subprogram contract is analyzed.
+      --  Once this is done, global references can be successfully saved.
-      if Warn_On_Suspicious_Contract
-        and then Ekind_In (Subp, E_Function, E_Generic_Function)
-      then
-         if Present (Case_Prag)
-           and then not Seen_In_Case
-           and then Present (Post_Prag)
-           and then not Seen_In_Post
-         then
-            Error_Msg_N
-              ("neither function postcondition nor contract cases mention "
-               & "result?T?", Post_Prag);
+      if Nkind (Subp_Decl) = N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration then
-         elsif Present (Case_Prag) and then not Seen_In_Case then
-            Error_Msg_N
-              ("contract cases do not mention result?T?", Case_Prag);
+         --  Save all global references found in the aspect specifications of
+         --  the parameter profile of the generic subprogram.
-         --  OK if we have at least one IN OUT parameter
+         Save_Global_References_In_Aspects (Original_Node (Subp_Decl));
-         elsif Present (Post_Prag) and then not Seen_In_Post then
-            declare
-               F : Entity_Id;
-            begin
-               F := First_Formal (Subp);
-               while Present (F) loop
-                  if Ekind (F) = E_In_Out_Parameter then
-                     return;
-                  else
-                     Next_Formal (F);
-                  end if;
-               end loop;
-            end;
+         --  Save all global references found in contract-related source
+         --  pragmas. These pragmas usually appear after the declaration of
+         --  the generic subprogram, either in the same declarative part or
+         --  in the Pragmas_After list when the generic subprogram is a
+         --  compilation unit.
-            --  If no in-out parameters and no mention of Result, the contract
-            --  is certainly suspicious.
-            Error_Msg_N
-              ("function postcondition does not mention result?T?", Post_Prag);
+         if Present (Items) then
+            Save_Global_References_In_List (Pre_Post_Conditions (Items));
+            Save_Global_References_In_List (Contract_Test_Cases (Items));
+            Save_Global_References_In_List (Classifications     (Items));
          end if;
       end if;
+      if Restore_Scope then
+         End_Scope;
+      end if;
       --  Restore the SPARK_Mode of the enclosing context after all delayed
       --  pragmas have been analyzed.
@@ -4565,8 +4586,6 @@ 
          Generate_Definition (Designator);
       end if;
-      Set_Contract (Designator, Make_Contract (Sloc (Designator)));
       if Nkind (N) = N_Function_Specification then
          Set_Ekind (Designator, E_Function);
          Set_Mechanism (Designator, Default_Mechanism);
@@ -8624,27 +8643,36 @@ 
         and then Is_Subprogram_Or_Generic_Subprogram (E)
-            Inherited : constant Subprogram_List := Inherited_Subprograms (E);
-            P         : Node_Id;
+            Subps : constant Subprogram_List := Inherited_Subprograms (E);
+            Items : Node_Id;
+            Prag  : Node_Id;
-            for J in Inherited'Range loop
-               P := Pre_Post_Conditions (Contract (Inherited (J)));
-               while Present (P) loop
-                  Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (P);
+            for Index in Subps'Range loop
+               Items := Contract (Subps (Index));
-                  if Class_Present (P) and then not Split_PPC (P) then
-                     if Pragma_Name (P) = Name_Precondition then
-                        Error_Msg_N ("info: & inherits `Pre''Class` aspect "
-                                     & "from #?L?", E);
-                     else
-                        Error_Msg_N ("info: & inherits `Post''Class` aspect "
-                                     & "from #?L?", E);
+               if Present (Items) then
+                  Prag := Pre_Post_Conditions (Items);
+                  while Present (Prag) loop
+                     Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Prag);
+                     if Class_Present (Prag)
+                       and then not Split_PPC (Prag)
+                     then
+                        if Pragma_Name (Prag) = Name_Precondition then
+                           Error_Msg_N
+                             ("info: & inherits `Pre''Class` aspect from "
+                              & "#?L?", E);
+                        else
+                           Error_Msg_N
+                             ("info: & inherits `Post''Class` aspect from "
+                              & "#?L?", E);
+                        end if;
                      end if;
-                  end if;
-                  P := Next_Pragma (P);
-               end loop;
+                     Prag := Next_Pragma (Prag);
+                  end loop;
+               end if;
             end loop;
       end if;
Index: sem_ch6.ads
--- sem_ch6.ads	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch6.ads	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -47,15 +47,22 @@ 
    procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Body_Contract (Body_Id : Entity_Id);
    --  Analyze all delayed aspects chained on the contract of subprogram body
-   --  Body_Id as if they appeared at the end of a declarative region. The
-   --  aspects in question are:
+   --  Body_Id as if they appeared at the end of a declarative region. Aspects
+   --  in question are:
+   --    Contract_Cases   (stand alone body)
+   --    Depends          (stand alone body)
+   --    Global           (stand alone body)
+   --    Postcondition    (stand alone body)
+   --    Precondition     (stand alone body)
    --    Refined_Depends
    --    Refined_Global
+   --    Refined_Post
+   --    Test_Case        (stand alone body)
-   procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Subp : Entity_Id);
-   --  Analyze all delayed aspects chained on the contract of subprogram Subp
-   --  as if they appeared at the end of a declarative region. The aspects in
-   --  question are:
+   procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Contract (Subp_Id : Entity_Id);
+   --  Analyze all delayed aspects chained on the contract of subprogram
+   --  Subp_Id as if they appeared at the end of a declarative region. The
+   --  aspects in question are:
    --    Contract_Cases
    --    Depends
    --    Global
Index: sem_ch8.adb
--- sem_ch8.adb	(revision 221100)
+++ sem_ch8.adb	(working copy)
@@ -2871,7 +2871,6 @@ 
          --  constructed later at the freeze point, so indicate that the
          --  completion has not been seen yet.
-         Set_Contract (New_S, Empty);
          Set_Ekind (New_S, E_Subprogram_Body);
          New_S := Rename_Spec;
          Set_Has_Completion (Rename_Spec, False);
@@ -6459,7 +6458,8 @@ 
       --  is an array type we may already have a usable subtype for it, so we
       --  can use it rather than generating a new one, because the bounds
       --  will be the values of the discriminants and not discriminant refs.
-      --  This simplifies value tracing in GNATProve.
+      --  This simplifies value tracing in GNATProve. For consistency, both
+      --  the entity name and the subtype come from the constrained component.
       function Is_Reference_In_Subunit return Boolean;
       --  In a subunit, the scope depth is not a proper measure of hiding,
@@ -6474,12 +6474,14 @@ 
       function Available_Subtype return Boolean is
          Comp : Entity_Id;
          Comp := First_Entity (Etype (P));
          while Present (Comp) loop
             if Chars (Comp) = Chars (Selector_Name (N)) then
                Set_Etype (N, Etype (Comp));
-               Set_Etype (Selector_Name (N), Etype (Comp));
+               Set_Entity (Selector_Name (N), Comp);
+               Set_Etype  (Selector_Name (N), Etype (Comp));
                return True;
             end if;
Index: sem_warn.adb
--- sem_warn.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_warn.adb	(working copy)
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ 
 with Sem_Ch8;  use Sem_Ch8;
 with Sem_Aux;  use Sem_Aux;
 with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
+with Sem_Prag; use Sem_Prag;
 with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
 with Sinfo;    use Sinfo;
 with Sinput;   use Sinput;
@@ -1855,7 +1856,7 @@ 
                               if Nkind (P) = N_Pragma
                                 and then Pragma_Name (P) = Name_Test_Case
-                                and then Nod = Get_Ensures_From_CTC_Pragma (P)
+                                and then Nod = Test_Case_Arg (P, Name_Ensures)
                                  return True;
                               end if;
Index: sem_ch13.adb
--- sem_ch13.adb	(revision 221098)
+++ sem_ch13.adb	(working copy)
@@ -1257,22 +1257,7 @@ 
          Decl : Node_Id;
-         --  When the context is a library unit, the pragma is added to the
-         --  Pragmas_After list.
-         if Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Compilation_Unit then
-            Aux := Aux_Decls_Node (Parent (N));
-            if No (Pragmas_After (Aux)) then
-               Set_Pragmas_After (Aux, New_List);
-            end if;
-            Prepend (Prag, Pragmas_After (Aux));
-         --  Pragmas associated with subprogram bodies are inserted in the
-         --  declarative part.
-         elsif Nkind (N) = N_Subprogram_Body then
+         if Nkind (N) = N_Subprogram_Body then
             if Present (Declarations (N)) then
                --  Skip other internally generated pragmas from aspects to find
@@ -1308,6 +1293,18 @@ 
                Set_Declarations (N, New_List (Prag));
             end if;
+         --  When the context is a library unit, the pragma is added to the
+         --  Pragmas_After list.
+         elsif Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Compilation_Unit then
+            Aux := Aux_Decls_Node (Parent (N));
+            if No (Pragmas_After (Aux)) then
+               Set_Pragmas_After (Aux, New_List);
+            end if;
+            Prepend (Prag, Pragmas_After (Aux));
          --  Default
@@ -2929,7 +2926,7 @@ 
                   if not Opt.Exception_Locations_Suppressed then
                      Append_To (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Aitem),
                        Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Eloc,
-                         Chars     => Name_Message,
+                         Chars      => Name_Message,
                          Expression =>
                            Make_String_Literal (Eloc,
                              Strval => "failed "
@@ -2983,7 +2980,6 @@ 
                   Comp_Expr := First (Expressions (Expr));
                   while Present (Comp_Expr) loop
                      New_Expr := Relocate_Node (Comp_Expr);
-                     Set_Original_Node (New_Expr, Comp_Expr);
                      Append_To (Args,
                        Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Sloc (Comp_Expr),
                          Expression => New_Expr));
@@ -3002,12 +2998,11 @@ 
                         goto Continue;
                      end if;
-                     New_Expr := Relocate_Node (Expression (Comp_Assn));
-                     Set_Original_Node (New_Expr, Expression (Comp_Assn));
                      Append_To (Args,
                        Make_Pragma_Argument_Association (Sloc (Comp_Assn),
-                       Chars      => Chars (First (Choices (Comp_Assn))),
-                       Expression => New_Expr));
+                         Chars      => Chars (First (Choices (Comp_Assn))),
+                         Expression =>
+                           Relocate_Node (Expression (Comp_Assn))));
                      Next (Comp_Assn);
                   end loop;