diff mbox

[Ada] Illegal constituent in state refinement

Message ID 20131017135044.GA18155@adacore.com
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Commit Message

Arnaud Charlet Oct. 17, 2013, 1:50 p.m. UTC
This patch modifies the logic in the analysis of aspect/pragma Refined_State
to catch a case where a visible variable is used as a constituent in a state

-- Source --

--  pack.ads

package Pack
  with Abstract_State => State
   Var : Integer;

   procedure Proc (Formal : Integer)
     with Global => (Output => State);
end Pack;

--  pack.adb

package body Pack
  with Refined_State => (State => Var)
   procedure Proc (Formal : Integer)
     with Refined_Global => (Output => Var)
   is begin null; end Proc;
end Pack;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gcc -c -gnatd.V pack.adb
pack.adb:2:35: cannot use "Var" in refinement, constituent is not a hidden
  state of package "Pack"
pack.adb:5:11: useless refinement, subprogram "Proc" does not mention abstract
  state with visible refinement

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2013-10-17  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>

	* sem_prag.adb (Analyze_Constituent): Move the check
	concerning option Part_Of to routine Check_Matching_Constituent.
	(Check_Matching_Constituent): Verify that an abstract state
	that acts as a constituent has the prope Part_Op option in
	its aspect/pragma Abstract_State.  Account for the case when a
	constituent comes from a private child or private sibling.
	* sem_util.ads, sem_util.adb (Is_Child_Or_Sibling): New routine.
diff mbox


Index: sem_prag.adb
--- sem_prag.adb	(revision 203755)
+++ sem_prag.adb	(working copy)
@@ -21439,52 +21439,75 @@ 
                     ("duplicate use of constituent &", Constit, Constit_Id);
-               end if;
-               --  The related package has no hidden states, nothing to match.
-               --  This case arises when the constituents are states coming
-               --  from a private child.
+               --  A state can act as a constituent only when it is part of
+               --  another state. This relation is expressed by option Part_Of
+               --  of pragma Abstract_State.
-               if No (Hidden_States) then
-                  return;
+               elsif Ekind (Constit_Id) = E_Abstract_State then
+                  if not Is_Part_Of (Constit_Id, State_Id) then
+                     Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (State_Id);
+                     Error_Msg_NE
+                       ("state & is not a valid constituent of ancestor "
+                        & "state %", Constit, Constit_Id);
+                     return;
+                  --  The constituent has the proper Part_Of option, but may
+                  --  not appear in the immediate hidden state of the related
+                  --  package. This case arises when the constituent comes from
+                  --  a private child or a private sibling. Recognize these
+                  --  scenarios to avoid generating a bogus error message.
+                  elsif Is_Child_Or_Sibling
+                          (Pack_1        => Scope (State_Id),
+                           Pack_2        => Scope (Constit_Id),
+                           Private_Child => True)
+                  then
+                     return;
+                  end if;
                end if;
                --  Inspect the hidden states of the related package looking for
                --  a match.
-               State_Elmt := First_Elmt (Hidden_States);
-               while Present (State_Elmt) loop
+               if Present (Hidden_States) then
+                  State_Elmt := First_Elmt (Hidden_States);
+                  while Present (State_Elmt) loop
-                  --  A valid hidden state or variable participates in a
-                  --  refinement. Add the constituent to the list of processed
-                  --  items to aid with the detection of duplicate constituent
-                  --  use. Remove the constituent from Hidden_States to signal
-                  --  that it has already been used.
+                     --  A valid hidden state or variable acts as a constituent
-                  if Node (State_Elmt) = Constit_Id then
-                     Add_Item (Constit_Id, Constituents_Seen);
-                     Remove_Elmt (Hidden_States, State_Elmt);
+                     if Node (State_Elmt) = Constit_Id then
-                     --  Collect the constituent in the list of refinement
-                     --  items. Establish a relation between the refined state
-                     --  and its constituent.
+                        --  Add the constituent to the lis of processed items
+                        --  to aid with the detection of duplicates. Remove the
+                        --  constituent from Hidden_States to signal that it
+                        --  has already been matched.
-                     Append_Elmt
-                       (Constit_Id, Refinement_Constituents (State_Id));
-                     Set_Refined_State (Constit_Id, State_Id);
+                        Add_Item (Constit_Id, Constituents_Seen);
+                        Remove_Elmt (Hidden_States, State_Elmt);
-                     --  The state has at least one legal constituent, mark the
-                     --  start of the refinement region. The region ends when
-                     --  the body declarations end (see Analyze_Declarations).
+                        --  Collect the constituent in the list of refinement
+                        --  items. Establish a relation between the refined
+                        --  state and its constituent.
-                     Set_Has_Visible_Refinement (State_Id);
+                        Append_Elmt
+                          (Constit_Id, Refinement_Constituents (State_Id));
+                        Set_Refined_State (Constit_Id, State_Id);
-                     return;
-                  end if;
+                        --  The state has at least one legal constituent, mark
+                        --  the start of the refinement region. The region ends
+                        --  when the body declarations end (see routine
+                        --  Analyze_Declarations).
-                  Next_Elmt (State_Elmt);
-               end loop;
+                        Set_Has_Visible_Refinement (State_Id);
+                        return;
+                     end if;
+                     Next_Elmt (State_Elmt);
+                  end loop;
+               end if;
                --  If we get here, we are refining a state that is not hidden
                --  with respect to the related package.
@@ -21548,19 +21571,6 @@ 
                   if Ekind_In (Constit_Id, E_Abstract_State, E_Variable) then
                      Check_Matching_Constituent (Constit_Id);
-                     --  A state can act as a constituent only when it is part
-                     --  of another state. This relation is expressed by option
-                     --  "Part_Of" of pragma Abstract_State.
-                     if Ekind (Constit_Id) = E_Abstract_State
-                       and then not Is_Part_Of (Constit_Id, State_Id)
-                     then
-                        Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (State_Id);
-                        Error_Msg_NE
-                          ("state & is not a valid constituent of ancestor "
-                           & "state %", Constit, Constit_Id);
-                     end if;
                        ("constituent & must denote a variable or state",
Index: sem_util.adb
--- sem_util.adb	(revision 203755)
+++ sem_util.adb	(working copy)
@@ -8324,6 +8324,181 @@ 
                   Is_RTE (Root_Type (Under), RO_WW_Super_String));
    end Is_Bounded_String;
+   -------------------------
+   -- Is_Child_Or_Sibling --
+   -------------------------
+   function Is_Child_Or_Sibling
+     (Pack_1        : Entity_Id;
+      Pack_2        : Entity_Id;
+      Private_Child : Boolean) return Boolean
+   is
+      function Distance_From_Standard (Pack : Entity_Id) return Nat;
+      --  Given an arbitrary package, return the number of "climbs" necessary
+      --  to reach scope Standard_Standard.
+      procedure Equalize_Depths
+        (Pack           : in out Entity_Id;
+         Depth          : in out Nat;
+         Depth_To_Reach : Nat);
+      --  Given an arbitrary package, its depth and a target depth to reach,
+      --  climb the scope chain until the said depth is reached. The pointer
+      --  to the package and its depth a modified during the climb.
+      function Is_Child (Pack : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+      --  Given a package Pack, determine whether it is a child package that
+      --  satisfies the privacy requirement (if set).
+      ----------------------------
+      -- Distance_From_Standard --
+      ----------------------------
+      function Distance_From_Standard (Pack : Entity_Id) return Nat is
+         Dist : Nat;
+         Scop : Entity_Id;
+      begin
+         Dist := 0;
+         Scop := Pack;
+         while Present (Scop) and then Scop /= Standard_Standard loop
+            Dist := Dist + 1;
+            Scop := Scope (Scop);
+         end loop;
+         return Dist;
+      end Distance_From_Standard;
+      ---------------------
+      -- Equalize_Depths --
+      ---------------------
+      procedure Equalize_Depths
+        (Pack           : in out Entity_Id;
+         Depth          : in out Nat;
+         Depth_To_Reach : Nat)
+      is
+      begin
+         --  The package must be at a greater or equal depth
+         if Depth < Depth_To_Reach then
+            raise Program_Error;
+         end if;
+         --  Climb the scope chain until the desired depth is reached
+         while Present (Pack) and then Depth /= Depth_To_Reach loop
+            Pack  := Scope (Pack);
+            Depth := Depth - 1;
+         end loop;
+      end Equalize_Depths;
+      --------------
+      -- Is_Child --
+      --------------
+      function Is_Child (Pack : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+      begin
+         if Is_Child_Unit (Pack) then
+            if Private_Child then
+               return Is_Private_Descendant (Pack);
+            else
+               return True;
+            end if;
+         --  The package is nested, it cannot act a child or a sibling
+         else
+            return False;
+         end if;
+      end Is_Child;
+      --  Local variables
+      P_1       : Entity_Id := Pack_1;
+      P_1_Child : Boolean   := False;
+      P_1_Depth : Nat       := Distance_From_Standard (P_1);
+      P_2       : Entity_Id := Pack_2;
+      P_2_Child : Boolean   := False;
+      P_2_Depth : Nat       := Distance_From_Standard (P_2);
+   --  Start of processing for Is_Child_Or_Sibling
+   begin
+      pragma Assert
+        (Ekind (Pack_1) = E_Package and then Ekind (Pack_2) = E_Package);
+      --  Both packages denote the same entity, therefore they cannot be
+      --  children or siblings.
+      if P_1 = P_2 then
+         return False;
+      --  One of the packages is at a deeper level than the other. Note that
+      --  both may still come from differen hierarchies.
+      --        (root)           P_2
+      --        /    \            :
+      --       X     P_2    or    X
+      --       :                  :
+      --      P_1                P_1
+      elsif P_1_Depth > P_2_Depth then
+         Equalize_Depths (P_1, P_1_Depth, P_2_Depth);
+         P_1_Child := True;
+      --        (root)           P_1
+      --        /    \            :
+      --      P_1     X     or    X
+      --              :           :
+      --             P_2         P_2
+      elsif P_2_Depth > P_1_Depth then
+         Equalize_Depths (P_2, P_2_Depth, P_1_Depth);
+         P_2_Child := True;
+      end if;
+      --  At this stage the package pointers have been elevated to the same
+      --  depth. If the related entities are the same, then one package is a
+      --  potential child of the other:
+      --      P_1
+      --       :
+      --       X    became   P_1 P_2   or vica versa
+      --       :
+      --      P_2
+      if P_1 = P_2 then
+         if P_1_Child then
+            return Is_Child (Pack_1);
+         else pragma Assert (P_2_Child);
+            return Is_Child (Pack_2);
+         end if;
+      --  The packages may come from the same package chain or from entirely
+      --  different hierarcies. To determine this, climb the scope stack until
+      --  a common root is found.
+      --        (root)      (root 1)  (root 2)
+      --        /    \         |         |
+      --      P_1    P_2      P_1       P_2
+      else
+         while Present (P_1) and then Present (P_2) loop
+            --  The two packages may be siblings
+            if P_1 = P_2 then
+               return Is_Child (Pack_1) and then Is_Child (Pack_2);
+            end if;
+            P_1 := Scope (P_1);
+            P_2 := Scope (P_2);
+         end loop;
+      end if;
+      return False;
+   end Is_Child_Or_Sibling;
    -- Is_Concurrent_Interface --
Index: sem_util.ads
--- sem_util.ads	(revision 203568)
+++ sem_util.ads	(working copy)
@@ -945,6 +945,16 @@ 
    --  This is the RM definition, a type is a descendent of another type if it
    --  is the same type or is derived from a descendent of the other type.
+   function Is_Child_Or_Sibling
+     (Pack_1        : Entity_Id;
+      Pack_2        : Entity_Id;
+      Private_Child : Boolean) return Boolean;
+   --  Determine the following relations between two arbitrary packages:
+   --    1) One package is the parent of a child package
+   --    2) Both packages are siblings and share a common parent
+   --  If flag Private_Child is set, then the child in case 1) or both siblings
+   --  in case 2) must be private.
    function Is_Concurrent_Interface (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
    --  First determine whether type T is an interface and then check whether
    --  it is of protected, synchronized or task kind.